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Nitrosh escribió:No sabía de la existencia de éste hilo
Tal y cómo colgué en Forocoches, a mi SÍ QUE ME LLEGÓ LA CAMISETA. Fue hace 7 días o así, y la verdad, cuando vi el sobre no me lo creía.
Os dejo las fotos:![]()
El sobre ya lo he tirado, pero si hay algún incrédulo, puedo hacer una foto de la camiseta con cartelito de EOL o lo que queráis.
"Wednesday updates: 2) The Z-list restock event will be some time in Nov but we'll message Z-listers on the day of the event (not before) on the Lockerz Hallway and email; 3) General membership redemption will also be before end of November. Check daily on the Hallway for updates as we have them."
"6. When is the next "restock" happening? Due to huge traffic issues from our last redemption, we are no longer pre-announcing re-stock dates. However, we can say that the next redemption event will be limited to Z-list members and will occur in November. There will be a general membership redemption before the end of November as well. We will announce redemptions on the morning of the event on the Lockerz Hallway only."
Hey Z-Listers,
This is it! We're having the redemption for Z-Listers only at Lockerz.com. To accommodate our global audience in different time zones around the world, we are going to have two prize waves. Our first wave begins on Monday, November 23 at 7PM EST and we'll do our second wave on Tuesday, November 24 at 12:00PM EST.
Here's what you need to know before you go to PTZ Place for your redemption:
Open only to Z-list members who have earned their status according to Lockerz official terms and conditions.
To allow as many members as possible to redeem, members are only allowed one (1) item 50 PTZ or over per calendar day. If you violate this rule, your order will be canceled and your account will be subject to cancellation. You may redeem multiple prizes 49 PTZ or under.
We are restocking MANY of the prizes posted on October 15, and on these prizes, we have NOT raised the PTZ levels! However, we have also added some new prizes and assigned PTZ levels more in line with our future PTZ values in 2010.
Absolutely no exchanges, no returns, no cancellations and no PTZ refunds on any and all redeemed prizes. Please select very carefully.
All shipping is still free. Please allow 3 weeks from time of your redemption to the time you receive your prize.
Every package sent internationally will be labeled as a "gift." This should eliminate or significantly reduce any import duty or tax in the vast majority of countries. However, Lockerz cannot be responsible for paying any further fees or tariffs imposed by a recipient's local government.
Use of any bots, cheats or fraud will result in immediate order AND membership cancellation. However, your internet browser's autofill IS allowed.
Before you redeem, make sure your address is correct in your settings as well as in your shipping confirmation page so we can get the order to you as quickly as possible.
Last but NOT least, based on LAB and Z-list member input, we're testing a new part of our redemption process that allows you to reserve and guarantee a prize if the one you want is out of stock for a higher amount of PTZ. This is not meant to replace our existing system of lower PTZ values but to add another option for those members who have larger balances and would like to ensure their prizes each redemption. To take advantage of this new program please go to the "Lockerz Experiences" section. Here's how it will work:
Prizes priced at 0-250 PTZ can be guarantee reserved for 1,500 PTZ
Prizes priced at 251-500 PTZ can be guarantee reserved for 2,000 PTZ
Prizes priced at 501 - 750 PTZ can be guarantee reserved for 2,500 PTZ
Prizes priced at 751 - 1000 PTZ can be guarantee reserved for 3,500 PTZ
Prizes priced at 1000+ PTZ can be guarantee reserved for 4,500 PTZ
These items will all be shipped within six to eight weeks of your guaranteed redemption.
Congratulations on being a Z-Lister, good luck and as always, we want your feedback!
The Lockerz Crew
"4. Why is Lockerz giving away prizes at low levels on PTZ Place? We set PTZ very low to thank our earliest members for helping us build the site. Beginning December 1, PTZ values will increase by 4x on average although there will be many more ways to earn PTZ than ever before. Even with the PTZ increase, prizes will still be very attainable for the active Lockerz member."
Happy Wednesday members! A bunch of updates for you: 1) We have begun to process all of the orders from our largest redemption yet; 2) If you have a receipt that is missing an order number or has #0 on it, you are OK to get your prize. Please be patient with us as we process these particular orders as they will take a little longer to work through but do not worry.
We have begun to process all of the orders from our largest redemption yet.
If you have a receipt that is missing an order number or has #0 on it, you are
OK to get your prize. Please be patient with us as we process these particular
orders as they will take a little longer to work through but do not worry.
We realize that member accounts were not debited properly after redemption but
the confirmations still went through. We actually took the site down when some
had issues with missing data on receipts. The good news is that if you redeemed
a prize legit AND you got a confirmation, you'll get your prize!
If you received duplicate confirmations or ordered something else because you
thought you didn't get your first prize, then we will process your first order
and cancel your second if the prizes are both over 50 PTZ.
Keep it classy,
Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi there!
Since we've had an overwhelming response to this last redemption I'd like to try to immediately answer your questions with this auto response I've set up based on the inquiries coming into me personally, so here goes:
We took the site down yesterday when we realized that we had issues with missing data on receipts. The good news is that if you redeemed a prize legitimately and have a confirmation, you'll get your prize. At this time, I can not look into specific order accounts until we process all of the information.
Specific questions:
If you have an Order Confirmations with order #0:
IF you have received a confirmation with an order #0 on it, please forward the Lockerz confirmation to: teri@lockerz.com so we can process these orders over the next week and ensure that your prize is processed correctly. Make sure you email the confirmation, otherwise we won't be able to process your order.
Order Confirmations with wrong product:
IF you have received a confirmation with the wrong product number on it, we would also like you to forward the confirmation to teri@lockerz.com.
If PTZ are not debited from your account:
We also realize that member accounts were not debited properly after redemption which we will also be adjusting. This may have allowed members to redeem multiple prizes that you truly did not have the points for. With that said, we will allow your first item to go through and cancel the remaining prizes (over 50 points in one day) without any penalty to you.
If you received duplicate confirmations:
If you received duplicate confirmations or ordered something else because you thought you didn't get your first prize, then we will process your first order and cancel your second.
If you inserted incomplete address information in your order:
Please ensure that your address is correct in your Lockerz settings. That way, if you have an issue with your order address, we can reference your Lockerz settings to send your prize. Worst case secenario, we'll need to reach out to you if we feel the mistake will affect the prize getting to you.
If you are interested in timing of the prize shipping:
We will still try to get all of these orders out the door in the next 2 weeks. It may take us some extra time to process orders that are missing information - we thank you for your patience and membership in our beta site.
I hope I've answered all of your questions!
-aasepi: TEKKEN 6 y aun no se si MWF2 o FIFA10
-untouched: PS3 Slim
-Nitrosh: 100 libras Amazon.co.uk
-_xacobo_: Nintendo DSi
-People95: Call of Duty: Modem Warfare 2-PS3
-link1320: Nintendo Wii
-SnoK: Razer eXactMat y Ipod Nano 16Gb
-Manzanox:Ipod shuffle 4 Gigas 2 Generacion Gris
-nekuro25: New iPod 16 GB Nano- Black
-nuria145:Nintendo wii
-jorfer2: PSP - Rock Band Bundle
-Kradog: Ipod Shuffle (aunque me llego el correo del iPod Touch, estoy esperando a ver si no se dan cuenta)
-alvaropg92_2: Uncharted 2 PS3 + Pizza 2Gb + Hamburguesa 2Gb
-udonis:PSP- Rock band Bundle
-Pemiz: Ipod Touch 8GB
-edu_3: Nintendo Wii
-raqueel: ipod touch 8 gb
-KuroShad: PSP - Rock Band Bundle
-joshippuden:: PSP - Rock Band Bundle
-miguelmdiaz: PSP - Rock Band Bundle
-mechego: 50 libras amazon.co.uk
-Sergio_13: Nintendo Wii con Wii Sports
-Baktor: PSP Rock Band
-supermario: Ipod Itouch 8 Gb
-kenz: Nintendo Wii
-F3nrir: Nintendo Wii
-sfc9: Nintendo Wii.
-Betico88: PSP - Rock Band Bundle
-nono343: Ipod Touch 8GB
-blue_dragon: Ipod Touch 8GB
-cherooki: PSP Ratchet & Clank Bundle
-AkumajoX: Tekken 6
-Sobchak: Ipod Touch 8GB
-albertoleo: PSP - Rock Band Bundle
-inquisidorf: Xbox 360 elite!
-4lb3rt0123: Nintendo Wii
-Aggroboy: Ipod Touch 8GB
-kazuya3: PS3 Slim 120gb.
-migsolor: Ipod shuffle 4 Gigas 3ª generacion plateado (PTZ)
-PublicEnemy: Nintendo Wii
-Brais: Taza con el logotipo de Lockerz
-petico: amazon card de 50 libras
-negro92: amazon card de 50 libras
-Jinete_F:amazon card de 50 libras
-Ferryns: Uncharted 2 ps3. (Rellené para el iPod Touch 8 Gb i me llego la order # del Uncharted, quiero mi iPod!)
-Nare: PSP+Rockband Bundle
-vanzako: nintendo DSi + Pen hamburguesa 2gb
-Salman: Ipod Shuffle o PSP
-javitog16: Assassin's Creed 2 PS3
-Hyobe: Nintendo Wii
-Zeoroh: Ipod Touch 8 Gb
-AIRON86: PSP:Ratchet & Clank Bundle + iPod Touch 8 Gb
-JonyMx: Sport Bottle
-DarkGrey: ipod touch de 8gb
9. How many accounts can I have? Members are entitled to one account per person. Each person within a household can have their own account.
Can I Delete My Account? If you would like to delete your account, please email change@lockerz.com and put “Delete” in the subject. We will only honor delete requests if they come from the email address associated with the email address of the account inquestion.
guillermo2501 escribió:Hoja de calculos para lockerz
Hecho por mi(rellenad solo los campos en rojo)
Pones el "precio" en ptz,si eres zlister o no,tus ptz's actuales y el nombre de lo que quieres (opcional)
Te calcula los dias que quedan,cuantos ptz que quedan y ya...
Para la proxima ya pondre las cosas que hay en lockerz y asi no teneis que escribirlas vosotros
Ya posteada en pruebas
Campanilla escribió:Como alguien mencione lo de las invitaciones, chapamos e infracción al canto.
untouched escribió:No, es otro formulario diferente el que han mandado a los miembros internacionales, que te dirige a otra página.
Pues la verdad es que me interesaría saber sobre todas, pero en principio sobre la PSP, que es para que tendría puntos el día 15.
untouched escribió:Yo no me arrriesgaba, ya han eliminado bastantes cuentas por esto mismo. Además dicen en facebook que esta semana están de limpieza/manteniemiento, es probable que hagan criba de tramposos.
supertito escribió:Ahi no llego, quizas eso mejor preguntarlo en el foro de psp, fijo que lo saben y que esta más que contestado.
Nitrosh escribió:No sabía de la existencia de éste hilo
Tal y cómo colgué en Forocoches, a mi SÍ QUE ME LLEGÓ LA CAMISETA. Fue hace 7 días o así, y la verdad, cuando vi el sobre no me lo creía.
Os dejo las fotos:![]()
Asi que el de forocoches eres tu ? jajajaj
El sobre ya lo he tirado, pero si hay algún incrédulo, puedo hacer una foto de la camiseta con cartelito de EOL o lo que queráis.
Llevo 350 puntos, lo que pasa es que hoy va bastante mal y me salen menos PTZ de los que en realidad tengo.
Ahora queda ver si habrá que pagar envío
supertito escribió:
Asi que eras tu el de fc ? jajajaja
Por cierto, rellenastes algo especial para que te la enviaran ?
Carma_vlc escribió:no se suponia que a españa no mandaban?!
supertito escribió:Asi que eras tu el de fc ? jajajaja
Por cierto, rellenastes algo especial para que te la enviaran ?
untouched escribió:supertito escribió:
Asi que eras tu el de fc ? jajajaja
Por cierto, rellenastes algo especial para que te la enviaran ?
Eso eso, cuenta, cuenta.
Carma_vlc escribió:no se suponia que a españa no mandaban?!
Nitrosh escribió:Carma_vlc escribió:no se suponia que a españa no mandaban?!
No mandaban a España LOS REGALOS GORDOS.
Carma_vlc escribió:Nitrosh escribió:Carma_vlc escribió:no se suponia que a españa no mandaban?!
No mandaban a España LOS REGALOS GORDOS.
pero que co**** yo quiero el ipod!!!
Nitrosh escribió:precisamente es lo que tengo pensado pillar. justo el día 15 tendré 422 (a 3 del de 16 GB), pero me pillaré el de 8 y me guardo los puntos, por ejemplo, para una PSP
Carma_vlc escribió:Nitrosh escribió:precisamente es lo que tengo pensado pillar. justo el día 15 tendré 422 (a 3 del de 16 GB), pero me pillaré el de 8 y me guardo los puntos, por ejemplo, para una PSP
y como lo haras para que te lo envien a barna?
Nitrosh escribió:Carma_vlc escribió:Nitrosh escribió:precisamente es lo que tengo pensado pillar. justo el día 15 tendré 422 (a 3 del de 16 GB), pero me pillaré el de 8 y me guardo los puntos, por ejemplo, para una PSP
y como lo haras para que te lo envien a barna?
Pues te cuento
El día 15, abren los envíos a Europa. Por consecuencia, a España también. El día 12 en la web de Lockerz publicarán la información de los envíos, y la lista actualizada de los nuevos puntos necesarios para los regalos (que imagino incrementarán un poco, por ejemplo la PSP con un juego no serán 200 Petazetas, sinó 250 o así). Además, se está hablando de que a lo mejor cobran 20 Petazetas por envío, o PODRÍA SER (pero ojo, ésto no es seguro) que cobraran el envío (unos 8 € si pidieramos un iPod, por ejemplo)
El día 15 habrá que estar atento cuando repongan todo el stock (F5 todo el día) y cuando no salga Fresh Out.. a por él!
Carma_vlc escribió:has hecho que cuando empiece a leerte mi cara fuese un "" y ahora es un "
que no lo incrementen que yo solo tengo 70 puntacos, de todos modos gracias por la informacion no sabia que pensaban ampliarse a europa, estare atenta a ver si me entero ( aunque de aqui a que consiga el ipod.......)
Exoddus escribió:como vais a pedir los regalos si están sin stock???
supongo que lo rellenaran no?
Llevo 21 PTZ,el juego este es una vez por dia no?
jaumecgr escribió:... venga me callo si no se va a pedir informacion tu crees que el que ha creado el post no va a invitar a gente ni le van a pedir invitaciones?
zeltrix escribió:no sabia lo de las camisetas, llegue a mas de 20 amigos este verano, puedo reclamarla?
Nitrosh escribió:zeltrix escribió:no sabia lo de las camisetas, llegue a mas de 20 amigos este verano, puedo reclamarla?
hostia, y aún no te ha llegado?
mándales un correo, si eso.
zeltrix escribió:Nitrosh escribió:zeltrix escribió:no sabia lo de las camisetas, llegue a mas de 20 amigos este verano, puedo reclamarla?
hostia, y aún no te ha llegado?
mándales un correo, si eso.
Estoy mirando mi perfil y los datos estan correctamente, escepto STATE que no esta rellenado y no se que es
Campanilla escribió:Como alguien mencione lo de las invitaciones, chapamos e infracción al canto.
Campanilla escribió:Como alguien mencione lo de las invitaciones, chapamos e infracción al canto.
sociatashonrados escribió:Envian camisetas de publicidad, hay que bien esta tarde pediré un BMW
Nitrosh escribió:Por cierto untouched, está currado el hilo, con toda la información actualizada. Te felicito
Campanilla escribió:Como alguien mencione lo de las invitaciones, chapamos e infracción al canto.