a mi me han respondido con lo siguiente que no tiene nada que ver jejej: os ha pasado igual?
This is an automatically generated response. You will hear back froma real person with a real answer real soon (unless the answer to yourquestion is contained in this email). In the meantime, here is some information that might help you (we areaware that we are having site performance issues as we implementlong-term improvements): REDEMPTION ORDERS: We are aware that when some members redeemed theygot a receipt with the number zero, got the wrong receipt, or got thesame receipt twice. We are working through this and will be in touchby the end of the week. But don't worry, your prize is safe. PTZ COUNTS: Some members are seeing reductions in their PTZ. Thereare three reasons why this might be happening: 1) PTZ may not bedisplaying properly (but they are accurately captured in our database, so we know what the real PTZ value should be), 2) Membersconfessed to illegitimate PTZ during our recent amnesty and we haveremoved those PTZ, or 3) We discovered that the member cheated and didnot confess, and the PTZ were zeroed out. INVITE COUNTS: Invites counts have been reduced where we discoveredthat members had “friends” with email address domains that are notaccepted by Lockerz. Some members may have lost their Z-List statusbecause, after this reduction, they no longer had 20 legitimateinvited friends. These decisions are FINAL. We will not considerappeals. INVITES NOT WORKING: The link in Lockerz invitations is not workingproperly, so invitees can not get to the Lockerz site from theinvitation. We think this will be fixed later today. NEW MEMBERS: There are some instances in which NEW members who canaccept their invitations are not able to set up functioning accounts. Z-LIST T-SHIRTS: If you recently achieved Z-List status, we will emailyou within one week of the date you became a Z-Lister with an updateregarding your Z-List T-shirt. Thanks for being part of the Lockerz community. Keep visiting Lockerzto earn PTZ and learn about exciting new things that will be happeningat Lockerz between now and the end of the year. - The Lockerz Crew -- Lockerz SupportPittsburgh, PA 15222support@lockerz.comwww.lockerz.com