goldur escribió:Lo de reencarnacion, eso no lo entiendo, que ganas con eso? si ganas algo claro xD
goldur escribió:Otra pregunta, cuantas veces te has pasado el juego?... y cuando has dejado de lado el pasarte el juego, solo subias de lvl y te cepillabas a los del senado para que te admitieran cosas?o q mas cosas haces? porque esto me parece peor que pokemon para subir de nivel, aunque si es verdad que con un par de tios fuertes, lo repites varias veces y con el rango rival al maximo, subes rapido, pero para un inciado de unas 60 horas, que me aconsejarias
goldur escribió:Yo en lo que me tengo q centrar ahora mismo es en levear, reptir y pal mundo item, es lo unico q tengo en la cabeza xDD y asi todo el rato.
goldur escribió:Las armas legendarias son las que estan con un simbolito de oro, verdad?
goldur escribió:"Anadir un especialista a un objeto" ahi me he perdido xD, me lo podrías explicar, si no es mucha molestia(ya que devo ser muy pesado para ti con tanta preguntita xD)
2.04 Specialists and their Properties
- The most a single Specialist can achieve in one slot is a power of 19998.
This doesn't prevent you from adding onto that by using a second slot.
- Here are a list of Specialists that appear on an item, what they do, and
what their effective caps are.
Dietician - Increases HP - Caps = None
Master - Increases SP - Caps = None
Gladiator - Increases ATK - Caps = None
Sentry - Increases DEF - Caps = None
Teacher - Increases INT - Caps = None
Physician - Increases RES - Caps = None
Marksman - Increases HIT - Caps = None
Coach - Increases SPD - Caps = None
Firefighter - Raises Fire Resistance - Caps = 90% Resistance
Aeronaut - Raises Wind Resistance - Caps = 90% Resistance
Cryophile - Raises Ice Resistance - Caps = 90% Resistance
Alchemist - Adds chance of Poison to attacks - Caps =100
Hypnotist - Adds chance of Sleep to attacks - Caps =100
Witch Doctor - Adds chance of Paralyze to attacks - Caps =100
Gangster - Adds chance of Deprave to attacks - Caps =100
Amnesiac - Adds chance of Forget to attacks - Caps =100
Pharmacist - Increases Poison resistance - Caps = 998
Coffee Maker - Increases Sleep resistance - Caps = 998
Social Worker - Increases Paralyze resistance*- Caps = 998
Medicine Man - Increases Deprave resistance* - Caps = 998
Psychologist - Increases Forget resistance - Caps = 998
*Note: Due to an apparent reference error in the game (possibly because of
the text editing), Social Worker and Medicine Man effects are switched
around. Social Worker now affects PARALYZE, and Medicine Man affects
DEPRAVE. Logically Social Worker should be raising Deprave resistance,
because that's what they do; fight against depravity.
- Here is how status effects work:
(Resist / 10) / Power * 100 = %chance to resist a status each turn.
Resist, is the character's resistance stat to a status.
Power is the strength of the status causing specialist, or +1 to the Skill
Level of a status causing skill.
Chance to resist each turn is the chance that the status effect will wear
off or be blocked by the character.
The status effect will last no longer than the number of turns equal to its
power. A status causing skill that has a power of 5 will last a maximum of
5 full turns. The turn in which the status is inflicted is counted as Turn
0, so a status effect will wear off naturally after Turn 5 has ended.
For example a character has a resist of 1 to poison, and someone uses
Poison Arrow on that character and the skill is at Level 3, therefore:
(1 / 10) / 4 * 100 = 2.5% chance to block the status, and fight it off each
turn, for 4 full turns.
You CAN re-inflict a status on a target, this causes the max-turn limit
of the status to be reset based on the power of the status causing effect.
Note: Since many monsters have a 99 Resistance to all statuses, it seems
they are impervious, they are not. Getting a status causing
specialist or skill above 10 will start to have an effect on them.
At 20 they'll have a 50% chance to resist, and at 100 a 10% chance to
- At 999 Resist, the character will by the above formula have a 99% chance
to resist statuses regardless of the status effect's power.
- The max status effect power an enemy will ever use on you is a Lv 80
Skill. So 81 is as high as an enemy status effect power will get. A safe
Resist value to ward off that status effect is somewhere in the region of
610 or higher. 810 will give you complete immunity, so it's not really
necesary to get up to 999 Resistance.
Statistician - Increases Exp gained from enemies - Caps = 300%
Broker - Increases HL gained from enemies - Caps = 300%
Manager - Increases Mana gained from enemies - Caps = 300%
Armsmaster - Increases Weapon Mastery rate - Caps = 1900%*
*Note: I have tested this and can confirm undoubtedly that 1900% is the
actual cap of the Armsmaster. It was a relatively simple test to do,
which boggles my mind slightly as to why 2400 was accepted as the cap.
Anyways the test involves the Majin, which has an S rank for all weapons,
which makes it very easy to compare the fill rates for Weapon Mastery.
Before I started I had a 2114 Armsmaster on a weapon, used it once, then
switch weapons on the Majin and gave him a 2400 Armsmaster, and both filled
at the same rate. The extra 286 had NO EFFECT. I then gave the Majin another
weapon with a 2400 Armsmaster on it, and went to the practice map where I
used that weapon once. I noticed the gauge filled up 2 and a half levels.
Next I went to Fervant Melody in the Sea of Gehenna and gave the Majin a
different weapon, this time without the 2400 Armsmaster, and this is when
I discovered that it took EXACTLY 20 strikes with that weapon to reach the
same amount of weapon mastery with the other weapon. And just to prove it I
reset the game and this time did it backwards by giving the 2400 Armsmaster
to the weapon that took me 20 strikes with, and used the weapon that
originally had the 2400 Armsmaster 20 times to reach the same level of
mastery as before. Therefore the Armsmaster Cap is 1900 and not 2400.
2.05 Item Notes of Interest
- I discovered a very easy way of determining what rank an item is,
however it's a bit random. Since every Rank 1 item, if it has a "Bonus"
Specialist (Statistician, Broker and the like) residing in it, has a
power of 6, you can find the rank of any item by simply subtracting 5
from it's Power Value. This is only true if the Specialist is unsubdued.
- There is, I've recently discovered, a VERY rare possibility of an Item
having a Bonus Specialist 1 power value higher than it should. eg a
Mr. Gency's Exit I have, has a Broker of 9 on it, when it's a Rank 3
- If the above cannot be ascertained, as can be the case with one-time
only items, check to see what Level the monsters are at via the Item
World lady on the first floor, and compare it to an easily bought item
that produces monsters of the same level. If Monster Levels from both
items on the first floor match up, they are the same rank.
- Normal Items can contain at most 7 Specialists, and naturally come with
at most 4 Specialists. Getting a 7 Slot-4 Specialist item is *very*
rare, and they can only be found, but not bought. The Hospital gives
them out on very rare occasions.
- Rare Items can contain at most 10 Specialists and naturally come with
at most 5 Specialists. Again getting a 10 Slot-5 Specialist Rare item
is VERY rare. The Hospital gives these out exceedingly rarely.
- Legendary Items start with at most room for 13 specialists and naturally
come with at most 6 Specialists. These are super rare and hard to come
by. Despite the rumours, it is NOT possible to get Legendary Items from
the Hospital. I've tried well over 2500 times and have not got one
Legendary item. Considering the Rarity values are anywhere from 0-255
And that Legendary items have a Rarity of 0-7, which is round about
a 4-5% chance. I had much better luck stealing with 1% chance than
getting a Legendary Item from the hospital.
- An Item can hold a maximum of 16 Specialists. Defeating Item Kings
increases this capacity by 1, as well as defeating the Item God of a
Legendary Item. Therefore, a maximum of 2 Spaces may be added to a
Rare Item, and 4 to a Legendary Item.
- Certain weapons will ALWAYS have 1 particular Status Effect Specialist
on it. The Power of this Specialist is determined by the item rank.
These weapons are noted in the above item lists as a having status
effects on them.
- Certain item categories have a propensity for inherently carrying one
specialist over another. For instance, you will never ever see
a weapon inherently come with a Status Defense specialist. Also
there's a greater chance a certain specialist will appear on certain
accessories more than others. Glasses always seem to come packed with
Marksmen specialists, and Belts with Gladiators.
- An item's rank determines that max possible power of an unsubdued
specialist. This number dramatically increases when you get to a high
enough item rank. Rank 1 items will never ever have stat specialists
of a power greater than 2, Rank 2 items will never have stat
specialists with a power greater than 3 and so on. Looking into this
further to discover what the max values are for each rank.
- For each weapon mastery level a character obtains, they get 5% boost
to their respective weapon they have equipped. This 5% boost per
mastery level also applies to the stat boosting specialists on that
weapon. Example: you have a 100 Sentry on a Weapon, and have a
mastery level of 10 for that weapon you have equipped, you'll gain
150 DEF from the 100 Sentry.
- If you equip items with the same Rarity values to the same character
the character will get a stat boost. The stat boost is calculated by
taking 10% of all stats of the items and adding them together.
Decimals are truncated before the adding takes place. When 3 items
match up, the stat boost is doubled, and when all 4 items match is is
- Items that are at Rank 40 and above, will always be Legendary.
- There are 3 "Trophy" items in the game. They will flash Blue-Green
instead of the usual Gold. These items are the Yoshitsuna, Super Robo
Suit, and the Hyperdrive. The only thing different these items have
against others, is that their icons are unique and much larger.
Perdona mi retraso en contestar, he estado muy atareado.![]()
Sobre los especialistas, aunque me temo que con lo que he tardado ya lo habrás descubierto xD, son las bolitas grises que ves en los objetos, cuando entras en un objeto en el mundo ítem, puedes conseguirlos si los matas antes de que se los carguen los enemigos, hay varias clases de especialistas y cada uno sube alguna carácterística hasta un límite de 19998 (hay otros con otras cualidades y límites). Cuando los consigues las bolitas se vuelven naranjas. Los puedes mover de un objeto a otro, unirlos, etc...
Uno muy útil por ejemplo, es el estadístico (con un límite de 300), te aumenta la experiencia adquirida en un 300%, así es más fácil subir de nivel.
No, no lo había descubierto tadavía xDD. Ah! las bolitas?? vale, ya se a que te refieres xD. Entonces cada vez que subyagas a un experto te dan una bolita mas?
Etemenanki escribió:.....
La saga Disgaea tiene una complejidad interna verdaderamente sorprendente y eso que algunos dicen que los juegos japos son simples...![]()