Wow @ Borderlands
Hacía mucho que no se veía nada de este juego
Videos de la conferencia de Take 2: unas líneas sobre lo que se ve en los videos, por si alquien quiere traducir
* Each gun is procedurally generated, with statistics such as firepower, reload speed and magazine size also randomized.
* Weapon attributes are reflected in their appearance. A gun that glows green possesses face-melting poison.
* Chest drops are totally randomized, just like in Diablo. The producers were constantly looking for better drops.
* Skills are upgraded via software skill stations.
* Skill category examples are Gear and Physique. Some examples of talents were increasing the number of grenades you can carry, or increasing your reload speed.
* Proficiencies exist, such as "Assault Rifle proficiency," that are automatically upgraded in level.
* Vehicle driving looked exaggerated for fun; the dune buggy shown was making huge jumps in the fashion of Halo or Battlefield.
* All vehicles are designed with co-op in mind. Players can always trade places on the fly.
* Dynamic music system.
* Dismemberment is off the charts--limbs and torsos soar through the air, and explosions send enemies flying.
* There are no longer half a million guns in the game; there are, in fact, 653,000 guns.