Yes i plan to patch out the IOS trucha checks with gecko 2.0. Regarding screenshots, you can do that now with Gecko 1.07b and yes of course you still can in Gecko 2.0. You need a USB Gecko for screenshots though, as its the only way we know how to do it atm.
Pregunté por ello, y ya véis, que parece que tendremos trucha en 3.4 y 3.3v2 a través de GeckoOS 2.0, a través del Homebrew Channel, p. ej, y que para los screenshots necesitamos aún el USB Gecko. ¿Buena noticia, no?
A partir de aquí pongo los mails que he recibido de información acerca de GeckoOS 2.0 (por orden cronológico, pongo lo importante)
Desde USBGecko:
Gecko OS V2.0 and tools for USB Gecko alongwith the launch of the new website is just aroundthe corner which I'm really excited about releasing. Don't worry, no new hardware will be required forGecko 2.0, it is just all new revamped softwareand tools, which will be free for anyone to use.Of course None USB Gecko users will be limited from the new remote debugger stuff and the new client. I also have some very new and exciting new Wii products coming out in early 2009, which I'm lookingforward to telling you about very shortly. many thanks again, and speak soon.
Mi respuesta:
I have been received this message, and I am thinking... ¿GeckoOS 2.0 can run "trucha" games (patched) in Wiis 3.3v2 and 3.4? ¿GeckoOS 2.0 have an ScreenShots system?
La suya:
Yes i plan to patch out the IOS trucha checks with gecko 2.0. Regarding screenshots, you can do that now with Gecko 1.07b and yes of course you still can in Gecko 2.0. You need a USB Gecko for screenshots though, as its the only way we know how to do it atm.
He quitado los saludos, agradecimientos y tal para evitar ocupar más espacio. Son las respuestas personales que he recibido y que creo que interesan, así que creo que de momento no necesitamos más para conocer como va a ser... =D