Para todos esos que decís que debería funcionar bien, que no han avisado de nada, a ver si nos enteramos un poquito y buscamos antes de abrir la bocaza:
Blog de Rockstar Oficial señores, corto y pego:
GTA Community Feedback Needed from Day One
This is vital for the ongoing success of the game. The first few months of Grand Theft Auto Online will be critical as everyone enters this dynamic new world for the first time. Plenty of issues are bound to occur. Remember this interesting character?
One thing we are already aware of, and are trying to alleviate as fast as we can, is the unanticipated additional pressure on the servers due to a significantly higher number of players than we were anticipating at this point – we are working around the clock to buy and add more servers, but this increased scale is only going to make the first few days even more temperamental than such things usually are. This is part of the problem some of you have been experiencing with the iFruit App and some Social Club services – we apologize in advance for this and thank you for your patience in this area.
More than ever, we need your help to report your experiences, findings, likes, loves, dislikes and hates – and we will be looking at your feedback constantly to tune the game into its optimal shape and help guide how Grand Theft Auto Online will grow and evolve past this initial period. We will be checking out how people are playing and what they are not playing or not enjoying, while also monitoring feedback via two other new Rockstar channels: This email address will be active from launch day as a place to send your input and feedback direct to us relating to the game.
GTA Online Forums at Social Club: At some point this fall after the initial release of GTA Online, we are planning to launch Social Club Forums where players can chat with one another about their online experiences as well as access a GTA Online Suggestion board to post about any suggested features, tweaks and changes you want to see.
Here’s a rough overview of what you can expect on day one as well as initial details about how the GTA Online world will evolve from there.
Fuente: ... nline.htmlAsí que sí, los servers están petados, esperaban 16 millones de jugadores, así que es lo más normal del mundo. Retrasaron el lanzamiento del online para poder pulirlo, pero aún así con la cantidad de gente que hay, por muy tocha que sea R* os aseguro que pocos sabrían manejar un lanzamiento así.
Yo sólo con lo que he podido ver he flipado y no me siento para nada timado habiendo pagado 80€ por éste juego, es más, sería capaz de pagar hasta 100€ por él, porque sinceramente, me parece uno de los juegos más elaborados de la historia, aquí se ve el curro que se han pegado. Por cada 20 juegos 19 valen lo mismo y no le llega ni a la suela de los zapatos, eso sí me parece una estafa en comparación con éste título. Y mejor no hablo de las veces que lanzamientos han ido como el culo, por ejemplo Sim City de PC sin ir más lejos de la todopoderosa EA... así que...
Dicho ésto, paciencia, será que el modo single no da de sí... pffff...