Bueno, no sé si esto se ha hecho alguna vez (o ya hay un hilo, la búsqueda avanzada no me ha dado resultados, asi que si hay otro, cerramos y no pasa nada

). La idea es colocar aquí los juegos que nos hemos ido pasando este 2008, y actualizar en el primer post con todos ellos, poniendo el juego y al lado su plataforma. Empiezo yo:
stiffmeister- The Secret of Monkey Island - PC (ScummVM)
- Call of Duty 4 - PC
- Bioshock - PC
- Medal of Honor: Airborne - PC
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - PC
- Rayman Advance - GBA
- Final Fantasy VII - PSX
- SunsetRiders - MAME
- Bonanza Bros. - MAME
- Diet Go Go - MAME
- Track & Field - MAME
- Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars - MAME
- Hang-On - GBA
- Gears of War - PC
- Tales Of The Abyss - PS2
- Soul Calibur 3 - PS2
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - NDS
- Call Of Duty 2 - PC
- Guitar Hero: Legends of Rock - PS2
- Rock Band - PS2
- LocoRoco - PSP
- Metal Slug Advance - GBA
- New Super Mario Bros. - NDS
- Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - GBA
- Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - GBA
- Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance - GBA
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - PSX
redOn- COD4 - Xbox 360 (en PC el año pasado).
- DMC4 - Xbox 360
- Kameo - Xbox 360
- GOW - Xbox 360
- Project sylpheed - Xbox 360
- Stalker - PC
- Portal - PC
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga - PS2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 - PS2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES - PS2
- Maximo - PS2
- Children of Mana - NDS
- Dragon Quest Monster Joker - NDS
- SSBB - Wii
- Zack and Wiki - Wii
- No more heroes - Wii
- God of War: Chain of Olimpus - PSP
- Castlevania: Simphony of Night - Xbox 360 (live arcade)
- Castlevania: Dracula X - PSP
- Castlevania: Portrait of Ruins - NDS
- Advance wars: Dark Conflict - NDS
- Super Metroid - SNES
- Super Mario Land - GB
- Super Mario Land 2 - GB
- Zelda Oracle of Seasons - GBC
- Baten Kaitos - GameCube
- Baten Laitos Origins - GameCube
- Neverwinter Nights 2 - PC
- Mass Effect - Xbox 360
- Alex Kidd in the Miracle World - master system, emuladores...
- Lufia (falta poco) - SNES
- Valkirie profile 2 - PS2
- lufia II - SNES
- ninja Gaiden II- xbox360
- sega rally evo - xbox 360
- the world is enought whit you - NDS
- dragon quest monster joker - NDS
- toca race driver 3 - PSP
- outrun turbo- Megadrive
eolustre- Metal Gear Solid - PSX
- Metal Gear Solid 2 - PS2
- Sonic Rush - NDS
4nticristo-Gears of War
-Call of duty 4
-GTA 4
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Ninja Gaiden 2
- Bioshock
- Condemned 2
- Halo 3
- Army of two
- Uncharted
Eru-Shenmue II (DC)
-Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA)
-Sonic Adventure(DC)
-The House of the Dead 2(DC)
-Dragon Ball:Legacy of Goku(GBA)
-Golden Sun(GBA)
-Golden Sun: la edad perdida(GBA)
-Beyond Good and Evil(GC)
-Medal of Honor Frontline(GC)
-Resident Evil Remake(GC)
-The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)
-Kirby: Roedores al Ataque (NDS)
-Timesplitters: Futuro Perfecto (GC)
-Castlevania Portrait of Ruin (NDS)
-Contact (NDS)
-Starfox Adventure (GC)
-Resident Evil 2 (GC)
-24 horas de le Mans (DC)
RuneSworD-Assassin´s Creed (360)
-Mass Effect (360)
-Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)
-Farenheit (Xbox)
-Farenheit (Pc)
-A Moment Of Silent (Pc)
-Penumbra (Pc)
-Gears Of War (Pc)
-Lula 3D (Pc)
-Zelda Phantom Hour Glass (NDS)
-Silent Hill Origins (PSP)
-Metal Gear Portable Ops (PSP)
-Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
-Rock Band (360)
-Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)
-Splatterhouse (Virtual Console - Wii)
-Double Dragon (Bazar Xbox - 360)
-A Sangre Fría (Pc)
-Culpa Innata (Pc)
-Beowulf (360)
-God Of War Chains Of Olympus (PSP)
-Ghost Rider (PSP)
-Metal Slug Collection (PSP)
-Call Of Duty 4 (360)
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S (Pc)
-Uncharted (PS3)
-Soul Calibur IV (360)
-Scene It? Luces, Cámara, Acción
-GTA IV (360)
-Guitar Hero World Tour (360)
-Rock Band 2 (360)
-Art Of Murder: FBI Confidential (Pc)
-Mirror´s Edge (360)
-Gears Of War 2 (360)
-Call Of Duty World At war (360)
-Tomb Raider Underworld (360)
-Prince Of Persia (360)
-Fable II (360)
-Monster Hunter 2 (PSP)
-Buzz! Concurso de Bolsillo (PSP)
-Scen It? Grandes Éxitos de Taquílla
rage__wolf- MGS3 - PS2
- MGS4 - PS3
- GTA4 -PS3
- Warhawk
- SC parme el modo historia con unos cuantos personajes

- Beowulf
- GOW de PSP
Vicente14- Resident Evil 4 - GameCube
- Call of Duty - PC
- Windjammers - MAME
- Metal Gear Portable Ops - PSP
- Medievil Resurreccion - PSP
- Tekken Dark Resurrection - PSP
- Bioshock - PC
- God of War chain of olympus - PSP
- Mario Kart - NDS
- Lego Indiana Jones - NDS
- Castlevania portain of ruin - NDS
- Runaway - PC
The Orange Box
Call of Duty 4
Ninja Gaiden II
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword
Eternal Sonata
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
No More Heroes
Zack & Wiki
Persona 3
ZOE: The 2nd Runner (sí, no me lo había pasado todavía)
Chains of Olympus
FFXII: Revenant Wings
IssunMass Effect - 360
Lost Odyssey - 360
Devil May Cry 4 - 360
Bioshock - 360
Top Spin 3 - 360
Ace Combat 6 - 360
Persona 3 FES - PS2
Tales of the Abyss - PS2
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra - PS2
Crisis Core - PSP
Patapon - PSP
The World Ends With You - NDS
Final Fantasy IV - NDS
Phoenix Wright: Justice For All - NDS
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime - NDS
Drian-kunEternal Sonata
Ninja Gaiden II
Halo 3
Lost Planet
Soul Calibur IV
Blue Dragon
Hola-MenLost Planet -PS3
Sega Superstar Tennis - PS3
Doom III - Xbox
Klonoa 2 - PS2
Motor Storm - PS3
Gradius - PSP
TDK_16Cod4 - 360
Mass effect- 360
Mafia - PC
Gears of war - 360
Sonic the hedgehog - Megadrive
Sonic the hedgehog 2 - Megadrive
World in Conflict
Super Smash Bros Brawl
(Avisa cuando acabes los demás

jnybnGod of War - PSP
Manhunt 2 - PSP
maferio- Call Of Duty 4 - Xbox360
- Gears Of War - Xbox360
- Medal Of Honor: Airborne - Xbox360
- Rainbow Six Vegas 1 - Xbox360
- Locoroco - PSP
- Daxter - PSP
- Killzone: Liberation - PSP
- F.E.A.R - PC
- Metal Gear Solid - PSX
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty - PS2
- Bioshock - Xbox360
AmokRatchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction Ps3
CoD4 Ps3
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Ps3
Metal Gear Solid 4 Ps3
GTA IV 360
The Orange Box 360
Halo 3 360
Kameo: Elements of Power 360
Mass Effect 360
God of War I & II Ps2
God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP
Pursuit Force 2 PSP
Buzz PSP
Tetris DS NDS
manudolferasLost Planet - XboX 360
Call of Duty 4 - XboX 360
Devil May cry 4- XboX 360
ClydeMetal Gear Solid 4 (Ps3)
Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (PSP)
Army of Two
Soul Calibur IV
Call of Duty 4
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock
Rock Band
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Condemned 2 Bloodshot
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Devil May Cry 4
eR_XaViDevil May Cry 4
Smash Brosh
Lego Star Wars TCS
Metal Gear Solid 4
Lost Odyssey
Lost The Game
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Galaxy
The Orange Box
Elite Beat Agents
Phoenix Wrigth 3
-OLI-E4 - Wii
Mario Galaxy - Wii
Mario Kart - Wii
Smash brawl - Wii
SW Rogue squadron II - GC
viewtiful joe 1 - GC (Recien pasado de esta tarde!)
Zelda crossbow training -Wii
RE:UC - Wii
Excite truck - Wii
Metal Slug Antology - Wii
MOH Heroes 2 - Wii
Castlevania POR - NDS
Metal Slug 7 - NDS
Legend of Zelda PH - NDS
Super Metroid - SNES (Consola virtual de Wii)
Drew- COD4 - Xbox 360
- GOW - Xbox 360
- Halo 3 - Xbox 360
- Dragon Ball: Burst Limit - Xbox 360
- COD3 - Xbox 360
- Assassin´s Creed - Xbox 360
- Jade Empire - Xbox
- God of War: Chain of Olimpus - PSP
- Dragon Ball: Shin Budokai - PSP
- Dragon Ball: Shin Budokai 2 - PSP
- Buzz - PSP
Birkin- Super Mario Bros Deluxe (Gbc)
- Final Fight One (Gba)
- Mario Kart (NDS)
- Resident Evil (NDS)
- Super Mario Bros 3 (Gba)
ShawenResident Evil 1 PSX
Metal Gear Solid 2 PS2
Resistance Fall of men PS3
Heavenly Sword PS3
Guitar Hero III legens of rock PS3
Assassins creeds PS3
Uncharted PS3
Dinasty Warrior 6 PS3
Army of two PS3
DBZ Burst Limit PS3
Devil May Cry 4 PS3
God of War Chains of Olympus PSP
Folklore PS3
Soul Calibur IV PS3
Metal Slug anthology PSP
Kane & Lynch PS3
Resistance 2 PS3
ValtoForza Motorsport 2- 360
Project gotham 4- 360
Lost Oddissey - 360
Mass Effect - 360
N3 - 360
Dead Rising - 360
Halo 3 - 360
Devil May cry 4 - 360
Ninja Gaiden Black - 360
Earth Defense Force - 360
Ninja Gaiden 2- 360
REZ HD - 360
Persona 3- PS2
Valkyrie Profile Silmeria- PS2
Gears of War- PC
Race Driver GRD-PC
Assasin Creed- PC
Halo 2- PC
Bionic Commando Rearmed- PC
Super Robot Taisen MX Portable- PSP
God of war: chain of Olympus - PSP
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth- PS2
No More Heroes - Wii
Uncharted. Drake's Fortune - PS3
sutekPaper Mario Wii
Super Mario Galaxy Wii
Bioshock 360
Mario Kart Wii
RE4 Wii
God of War chain of olympus PSP
alben-GoW: Chain of Olympus (PSP)
-Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow (PSP)
-FFVII: Crisis Core (PSP)
-Halo 3 (360)
-Lost PLanet (360)
-Assasin's Creed (360)
-Dead Rising (360)
-Tales of Phantasia (PS1)
-Chrono Trigger (SNES)
-Zelda: PH (NDS)
-New Super Mario (NDS)
-Beyond Good & Evil (PC)
-Portal (PC)
ColenCOD4 - PS3
Folklore - PS3
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - PS3
Portal - PC
FF Crisis Core - PSP
Metal Gear Solid 4 - PS3
Army of Two - PS3
Uncharted - PS3
Assasin´s Creed - PS3
Soul Calibur - PS3
Devil May Cry 4 - PS3
kane & lynch - PS3
Final Fantasy XII - PS2
Havently Sword - PS3
Resistance Fall of men - PS3
Guitar Hero III legens of rock - PS3
Dinasty Warrior 6 - PS3
Monter Hunter freedom 2 - PSP
Resistance 2 - PS3
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - PSP
Guitar Hero III - PS3
Resistance - PS3
-umbrella chronicles
-metroid prime 3
-super paper mario
-mario galaxy
-gears of war
dead rising
-phoenix wright
-resident evil DS
-god of war
-FF crisis core
-RE code: veronica
-MGS 2 substance
y espero terminar antes de que acabe el año los siguientes:
-dino crisis (DC)
-alone in the dark IV (PSX)
-the twin snakes en extreme (GC)
-MGS 3 (PS2)
-phoenix wright 2 (DS)
-alone in the dark V (360)
sin contar con los de 360 sin salir aun como:
army of two
fable 2
banjo kazooie
o los dragon quests de DS
WishDe Wii:
Trauma Center: The second opinion
Mario Galaxy
Paper Mario
Smash Bros Brawl
Mario Kart
Mario y Sonic en los juegos olímpicos
Mario y Sonic en los juegos olímpicos
Taiko no Tatsujin 2
Dragon Quest Monsters Joker
Jigoku Shoujo
Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings
7 Wonders
Cooking Mama 2
Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan
Geometry Wars Galaxies
Final Fantasy VI
De PS2
Metal Slug Antohology
Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi 3
Crisis Core
Virtua Tennis 3
De Gamecube
Smash Bros Melee
De xbox360:
Virtua Tennis 3
Soul Calibur IV
God of War
FF Crisis Core
Metal gear Portable OPS
Silent Hill Origins
Uncharted (Platino)
Resistance Fall of Man
xurrascoBully (PS2)
Mortal Kombat Armageddon (PS2)
Shadow Of The Colossus (PS2)
Fahrenheit (PS2)
naruto82Gears of wars 2 (xbox360)
Dead space (ps3)
Rogue galasy (ps2)recomendadisimo si te gustan los rpgs
God of wars (psp)
Peter ParkerResident Evil 4 (GameCube)
Guitar Hero (PS2)
Guitar Hero II (PS2)
Yakuza (PS2)
chusfortuneLos Fallout 1,2,3.-PC
The Secret of Monkey Island - PC
Call of Duty 4 - PC
Bioshock - PC
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - PC
Final Fantasy VII - PSp
Crisis Core -PSP
Gears of War - PC
Portal, Half Life2, Ep1, ep2. -PC
Mass Effect-PC
Assassin´s Creed -pc
Silent Hill Origins -PSP
Metal Gear Portable Ops-PsP
God Of War Chains Of Olympus -PSP
Runaway2 - PC
Patapon - PSP
Rainbow Six Vegas 1 ,2-PC
NFS ProStreet-PC
Tomb raider legend-PC
Lego star wars 1,2-PC
World in Conflict-PC
Kotor 1,2-PC
Far Cry2-PC
KayruCall of Duty 4 - 360
Gears of War 2 - 360
BTF: Bad Company - 360
Assassins Creed - 360
Piratas del Caribe - 360
LEGO Indiana Jones - 360
Brawl - Wii
Hotel Dusk - NDS
Pokémon Ranger - NDS
Lara Croft: Legend - PS2
Lara Croft: Anniversary - PS2
Esteban_RpThe Darkness ( X360 )
Gears Of War ( X360 )
Dead Or Alive 4 ( X360 )
Feeding Frenzy ( X360 - Arcade ) xD
Katamari al 100 % ( PSP )
God Of War ( PSP )
Final Fantasy Crisis Core ( PSP )
GR SteveSteve-Uncharted (PS3)
-MotorStorm (PS3)
-GT 5 Prologue (PS3)
-Metal Slug (Neo Geo)
-Metal Slug 2 / Metal Slug X (Neo Geo)
-Metal Slug 3 (Neo Geo)
-Metal Slug 4 (Neo Geo)
-Resident Evil 4 (Ps2)
-Flat Out 2 (Ps2)
-Killzone (Ps2)
-Devil May Cry 3 (Ps2)
-Driver: Parallel Lines (Ps2)
-PainKiller (PC)
-Quake IV (PC)
-Carmageddon (PC)
-Carmageddon 2 (PC)
emube1985Xbox 360
- Gears Of wars
- Halo 3
- The Darkness
- Dead Rising
- NBA 2K8
PicardíasKingdom Hearts II
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
Yoshi´s Universal Gravitation
Zone of the Enders
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
SMB3: Yoshi´s Island
Advance Wars
SPMB Melee
Metroid Zero Mission
Metroid Prime
Another Code
Gears of War 2
Kasperskycall of duty 4(xbox 360)
gears of war(xbox 360)
gears of war 2(xbox 360)
call of duty 4(xbox 360)
gta 4(xbox 360)
lost odissey(xbox 360)
assasins creed(xbox 360)
KURONOGANTZPhoenix wright 1
Crisis core
Crash bandicoot 2
Lost oddyssey
Klarthkun-Assassin's Creed (PS3)
-Call of Duty 4 (PS3)
-Kane & Lynch (PS3)
-Ratchet & Clank: Armados hasta los dientes & En busca del tesoro. (PS3)
-Uncharted (PS3)
-Conan (PS3)
-Megaman 9 (PS3)
-Bionic Commando Rearmed (PS3)
-Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (PS3)
-Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
-Lost Planet (PS3)
-Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)
-Oni (por septima u octava vez xDDD) (PC)
-God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)
-Crisis Core: FFVII (PSP)
-Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (otro que por cuarta o quinta vez) (PSP)
-Little Big Planet (PS3)
-Mirror's Edge (PS3)
-Bioshock (PS3)
-Rhapsody: A musical adventure (NDS)
-Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (NDS)
-Scurge: Hive (NDS)
amiga500promario galaxy
no more heroes
mario kart
la conspiracion bourne
Gears of war 2
mirror's edge
mass effect
dead space
ninja gaiden 2
ninja gaiden rival swords
god of war
god of war 2
dark-keia kingdom for klefings
KrainMario Galaxy
No more Heroes
Mass Effect
Fire Emblem (Wii)
FFVII Crisis Core
SSB Brawl
Naruto Rise of a Ninja
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
Lost Odyssey
Chon27Neutopia (Turbografx) 8.0
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii) 9.3
Monster Rancher Explorer (GBC) 8.1
Soleil (Megadrive) 8.2
Zack & Wiki: En busca del Tesoro de Bárbaros (Wii) 9.1
The Guardian Legend (NES) 8.9
Doraemon Mittsu no Seireiseki (N64) 7.3
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GC) 9.1
Rocket: Robot on wheels (N64, 100%) 8.9
Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak (GBA) 8.2
Banjo-Tooie (N64) 9.4
Kid Icarus (NES) 8.1
Dynamite Headdy (Megadrive) 8.7
Kororinpa (Wii, 100%) 7.7
Castlevania (N64) 8.2
Mischief Makers (N64) 9.0
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (N64) 6.2
Pokémon Diamante (NDS) 7.5
Moai Kun (Famicom) 8.5
Secret of Evermore (SNES) 8.2
Super Monkey Ball Touch & Roll (NDS) 8.4
Earthworm Jim 3D (N64, 100%) 7.6
Metroid (NES) 8.3
Profesor Layton y la Villa Misteriosa (NDS) 8.6
Holy Magic Century (N64) 7.0
Starfox Assault (GC) 8.8
Devil may cry 4-PS3
Uncharted: el tesoro de drake
Devil may cry 4-360
God of war: chains of olympus
Pro evolution soccer 2008-360
Time crisis 4
Grand theft auto IV-PS3
Metal gear solid 4: guns of the patriots-PS3
Wolf of the battlefield: commando 3-PS3
Metal slug 7-DS
1942 joint strike-PS3
Ninja gaiden II-360
Call of duty 4-360
Guitar hero III-360
Gears of war 2
Call of duty world at war-360
Mirror's edge-360
Guitar hero II-360
Élite18GeoW 2.
Fifa 09 (xD).
MGS 4.
GT 5: Prologue.
DMC 3.