Homer J.Simpson escribió:TeM escribió:la verdad es que se podian currar, ya que estan los trofeos implementados, alguna web con la info de cada uno y poder sacar gamertags para los foros
y la hay.
De los creadores de xbox360achievements.org tienes:
http://www.ps3trophies.org/index.phpAqui tienes los trofeos para el Stardust HD
edit: aunque a mi personalmente me gusta mas esta:
http://www.ps3trophies.co.uk (hay que registrarse con tu ps3 ID)
Por cierto, en esta ultima, han puesto ya los trofeos del uncharted: (47 Trofeos, 1000 Puntitos del ala)
First Treasure
Pickup your first Treasure.
Beginner Fortune Hunter
Find 5 Treasures.
Novice Fortune Hunter
Find 10 Treasures.
Enthusiast Fortune Hunter
Find 15 Treasures.
Intermediate Fortune Hunter
Find 20 Treasures.
Skilled Fortune Hunter
Find 25 Treasures.
Proficient fortune Hunter
Find 30 Treasures.
Advanced Fortune Hunter
Find 35 Treasures.
Professional Fortune Hunter
Find 40 Treasures.
Senior Fortune Hunter
Find 45 Treasures.
Expert Fortune Hunter
Find 50 Treasures.
Crack Fortune Hunter
Find 55 Treasures.
Master Fortune Hunter
Find 60 Treasures.
Relic Finder
Locate the Strange Relic.
Brutal Brawler
Kill 5 Enemies using the Brutal Combo Technique.
Brutal Slugger
Kill 20 Enemies using the Brutal Combo Technique.
Brutal Expert
Kill 5 Enemies in a row using the Brutal Combo.
Stealth Attacker
Perform 20 Stealth Kills.
Steel Fist
Melee a Fatal Blow on 5 Enemies.
Steel Fist Expert
Melee a Fatal Blow on 5 Enemies in a row.
Headshot Expert
Kill 5 enemies in a row with Headshots.
10 Headshots
Kill 10 enemies with headshots.
30 Headshots
Kill 30 enemies with headshots.
100 Headshots
Kill 100 enemies with headshots.
Kill 3 Enemies with an Explosion.
Expert Dyno-Might!
Earn the Dyno-Might Medal five times.
Kill 20 Enemies without aiming.
Kill 10 Enemies whilst hanging from a Ledge.
Grenade Hangman
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades whilst hanging from a Ledge.
Kill 50 consecutive Enemies without dying.
50 kills: PM-9mm
Kill 50 enemies using the PM-9mm.
50 kills: 92fs-9mm
Kill 50 enemies using the 92fs-9mm.
50 kills: Micro-9mm
Kill 50 enemies using the Micro-9mm.
20 kills: Wes-44
Kill 20 enemies using the Wes-44.
20 kills: Desert-5
Kill 20 enemies using the Desert-5.
30 kills: MP40
Kill 30 enemies using the MP40.
50 kills: AK47
Kill 50 enemies using the AK47.
50 kills: M4
Kill 50 enemies using the M4.
30 kills: Dragon-Sniper
Kill 30 enemies using the Dragon Sniper.
50 kills: Moss-12
Kill 50 enemies using the Moss-12.
50 kills: SAS-12
Kill 50 enemies using the SAS-12.
30 kills: M79
Kill 30 enemies using the M79.
20 kills: Mk-ND1
Kill 20 enemies using the Mk-ND1.
Charted Easy!
Finish the game on the Easy difficulty.
Charted Normal!
Finish the game on the Normal difficulty.
Charted Hard!
Finish the game on the Hard difficulty.
Charted Crushing!
Finish the game on the Crushing difficulty.
sencillamente impresionante
![Babeando [babas]](/images/smilies/babas.gif)