8.5 Presentation
Whether it's the broadcast-like splash graphics to the smoother menu navigation, 2K10 delivers an enjoyable basketball experience across the entire game.
8.5 Graphics
Apart from the cloth physics and the strange technical hitches that can plague the on-court play, these are great animations and realistic character models that anchor 2K10.
9.0 Sound
While the 2K Insider can be annoying, the soundtrack is solid, and the trio of Harlan, Kellogg and Miller, supported by the NBA Today feature makes commentary the most natural yet.
8.5 Gameplay
Legacy issues, like missed shots and AI issues, hold the gameplay down, but the new playcalling and refined sprint mechanics definitely strengthen on-court play.
9.0 Lasting Appeal
Tying the ability to bring a created player to an online crew is a great bonus for players trying to get their athletes to the next level. Otherwise, it's the same solid play experience as before.
(out of 10 / not an average)
Me esperaba una mejor nota pero como quiera mañana mismo salgo a comprarlo soy de Puerto Rico aqui sale mañana
Deben mejorar ese tiro en transicion que cuando el jugador va en un fast breack y se para en seco a tirar [Fisher hace mucho eso] en el el juego el jugador se para hace el tiro con el cuerpo derecho cuando se supone que por fisica el cuerpo se mueve un poco hacia el frente eso es la unica cosa que tiene el live que me gustaria que tuviera el 2k