coyote escribió:jaxiffer escribió:Tengo un problemas con los Marcos con la última versión de Opera.
Pues me temo que solo queda reportar el fallo a Opera y esperar.
jaxiffer escribió:Ok.. la cuestión es q en versiones anteriores se veía así también pero podía desplazarlo con el ratón. Ahora no deja y tengo q hacer lo q comento.
En fin, gracias.
coyote escribió:Se de algunos que abre ventanas "temáticas" con su correspondientes pestañas, de esta forma la tienen mejor repartidas, aunque debo decir que algunos sois un poco "bestias" con tantas pestañas
Tony Skyrunner escribió:¿Alguien sabe cómo se desactiva el zoom out cuando una imagen es demasiado grande? Es una característica que siempre he odiado en otros navegadores, y ahora resulta que los de Opera la han copiado a estas alturas![]()
Lo que parece que ha mejorado son los gestos de ratón, que antes me hacían cosas raras incluso ajustando la configuración al máximo.
sufrirás la ira de la gran O de fuego por tu deserción
Wence-Kun escribió:Me he cambiado a chrome desde hace un par de semanas (cuando grooveshark volvió a fallar misteriosamente con Opera). Cómo era eso de hacer que la página identificara a Opera como otro navegador?, lo intentaré en cuanto sepa cómo hacerlo.
jaxiffer escribió:Wence-Kun escribió:Me he cambiado a chrome desde hace un par de semanas (cuando grooveshark volvió a fallar misteriosamente con Opera). Cómo era eso de hacer que la página identificara a Opera como otro navegador?, lo intentaré en cuanto sepa cómo hacerlo.
En la página que estés:
F12--> Editar opciones de sitio--> Redes: Identidad del navegador
Es curioso que algunas webs no se dejen ver bien con Opera pero si cambias la identificación sí q te deja (siendo el mismo Opera).
Me hace pensar q las webs "favorecen" otros navegadores, pq sino no lo entiendo.
jaxiffer escribió:Me hace pensar q las webs "favorecen" otros navegadores, pq sino no lo entiendo.
ZeusII escribió:es habitual que solo se pruebe el IE y el Firefox y los demas no se verifiquen y, para evitar problemas, capan la web por useragent.
ebsigma escribió:...
We're happy to present you the Alpha of Opera 11.5 aka Swordfish. There are 3 features in focus here:
1. Opera Next, basically a dev channel for snapshots
2. Password synchronization
3. Speed Dial extensions
Opera Next allows you to run the upcoming release of Opera alongside with your stable installation of Opera. It will always be automatically updated to the latest snapshot build. Opera Next is easily distinguishable by the Opera menu and the white icon. Read more here.
We've been continuously enhancing Opera Link with new synchronization options. Swordfish introduces the most requested feature for Link: password synchronization. You can enable it when you set up link for the first time or in the Synchronization Options dialog.
Swordfish brings your Speed Dial to life with Speed Dial extensions. Speed Dial extensions are like small web pages embedded in your Speed Dial, powered by Opera's extension framework. They allow developers to make live previews of web pages or other nice decorations for your Speed Dial. Find out how to make Speed Dial extensions here. On the Opera extensions page you can find some sample Speed Dial Extensions (requires Opera Swordfish
Added support for Speed Dial extensions
Added support for Opera Link password synchronization
Various minor skin bug fixes
Opera next packages now produced for all future snapshots
DSK-333190 Improve PGO instrumentation
DSK-333165 view-mode: minimized Speed Dial thumbnails send image requests on reloading
DSK-333276 Iframe ad misplaced on zoomed-in thumbnail
DSK-333295 URI fragment sent with Speed Dial GET requests
DSK-333037 Speed Dial uses wrong icon after restart
DSK-333433 Viewport:minimized thumbnails are blurry above 100%
DSK-333176 Context menu available from keyboard with Speed Dial State=2
DSK-333659 Mouse gesture translations missing
DSK-333549 Thumbnail gets distorted after restoring removed Speed Dial
DSK-335668 Logo finder improvements (logos on the right side look better now)
DSK-330458 Tweak to the animation when dragging Speed Dial thumbnail diagonally
DSK-329792 Speed Dial preview in thumbnails is not refreshed
DSK-333425 Speed Dial entries in Jumplist are not updated
DSK-333366 Impossible to drag messages to mail folders or labels
Comment by: ruario on Tue, 03 May 2011 08:32:19 +0000
Due to the fact that all snapshots are now Opera Next: I have decided to stop updating opera-devel and make and maintain an opera-next PKGBUILD instead: This seems like the right thing to do given that users will search for opera-next instead of opera-devel.
If you want to use your opera-devel profile move ~/.opera-devel to ~/.opera-next before installing Opera Next.
Jack6 escribió:Tony Skyrunner escribió:¿Alguien sabe cómo se desactiva el zoom out cuando una imagen es demasiado grande? Es una característica que siempre he odiado en otros navegadores, y ahora resulta que los de Opera la han copiado a estas alturas![]()
Lo que parece que ha mejorado son los gestos de ratón, que antes me hacían cosas raras incluso ajustando la configuración al máximo.
No he visto tu post.![]()
Instala esto.
Wence-Kun escribió:Perfecto, ahora tengo errores aleatorios con facebook y Opera 11.10
Notificaciones que no me aparecen (y en chrome sí..), mensajes viejos que aparecen como nuevos y nuevos que no aparecen, cambios que no se ven reflejados pero en otros navegadores sí.. pff.
Opera 11.11 (build 2109) has been released today. This is a security and stability update, for full details see the change log below.
Autoupdate might not check for updates frequently enough, so if you don't get the new build, please check for updates manually via "Help > Check for updates".
Tengo Opera:Información de la versión Versión 11.10
Compilación 2092
Plataforma Mac OS X
Sistema 10.6.7
Y el problema que tengo es que cuando abro tuenti (tras introducir mi usuario y contraseña y darle a entrar) se pone a cargar indefinidamente la página (no avanza). Pero, lo peor de todo, es que si me meto en el Monitor de Actividad veo que el uso de CPU se dispara al 99% y al minuto o así se ponen a bufar los ventiladores y la temperatura sube a los 80º fácilmente.
Qué puede ser? Hasta la versión anterior, si no recuerdo mal, todo iba bien. Ahora la opción es abrir Safari, pero me gustaría tener todo en Opera.
Un saludo.
Wence-Kun escribió:Instalaré esta última versión mañana, lo único que pido es que funcione decentemente Grooveshark
coyote escribió:¿Tienes alguna extensión instalada? Hace rato que instale una del tipo adblock y eran cuelgues continuos hasta que la desinstale.
También puedes probar con un perfil nuevo, en ocasiones de actualización en actualización puede llegar a corromperse.
trigeno escribió:Lo del perfil nuevo como se hace???
Password Sync
DSK-334103 (Crash when logging to Unite and link after changing a password on page)
DSK-333182 (Improve password strength checking algorithm)
DSK-331487 (Password strength indicator hardly noticeable for very weak passwords)
DSK-334317 (Improve the "Improve your password" dialog)
DSK-334479 (Password syncing disabled after deleting passwords with private data when Link is disabled)
DSK-335943 (Almost impossible to see the text below the password strength indicator)
DSK-332531 (Strings cut in Link dialogs)
DSK-336856 (When state of password strength widget changes, the long strings are clipped)
DSK-333084 (Create more sensible timeout values for master password)
DSK-333082 (Change default timeout for master password to Once per session)
DSK-333337 (Better strings for Password improvement dialog)
Opera Next
DSK-336427 (Opera Next should use the latest Dragonfly)
DSK-336415 (Windows: Can't set Opera Next as default)
DSK-336416 (Windows: The new Opera Next icon is not used in 'Add or Remove Programs')
DSK-335908 (Linux/FreeBSD: Installation path is "OperaNext" instead of "Opera Next")
DSK-336052 (Linux/FreeBSD: Opera Next's main window should have a WM_CLASS(STRING) = "opera", "OperaNext")
DSK-336053 (Linux/FreeBSD: The opera-next-browser.desktop should have StartupWMClass=OperaNext set)
DSK-336055 (Linux/FreeBSD: The icon in Opera Next's title bar is wrong)
DSK-336620 (Linux/FreeBSD: The Opera Next icon looks blurred in the Gnome 3 Dock)
DSK-336622 (Linux/FreeBSD: The Opera Next and Opera task switching icons look the same and are too small in Gnome 3)
Plugin installation wizard
DSK-336844 ("I have read and agree to terms and conditions" string is to high)
DSK-336847 (TAB navigation loops inside EULA)
DSK-336848 ("I have read and agree to terms and conditions" checkbox toggles Install button only when enabled with mouse button)
DSK-336850 (Plugin Install wizard: link to plugin EULA appears in browsing history)
DSK-336851 (Plugin Install Wizard: download progress bar is to close to window border)
Make the dialog bigger so that horizontal scroll needed to see the EULA is reduced to minimum: Dialog EULA change
DSK-328687 (Crash installing the widget)
DSK-331019 (Single-click creates empty text selection)
DSK-331926 (URLs in typed history address drop-down does not take the whole width)
DSK-334022 (Add "Double click to close tab" option to tab options dialog)
DSK-334507 (Cannot scroll down with mouse wheel over IFRAME with scrolling=no if smooth scrolling is enabled)
DSK-333410 (Voice plugin crash)
DSK-333832 (Address field and Search field icons squeeze in a default install on zh-cn Windows XP)
DSK-333858 (Bookmark context menu find the wrong bookmark item when menu overlaps)
DSK-306538 (Unable to type in the address field after activating plug-in)
DSK-326727 (Dialog tab skinning improvements for GTK+)
DSK-334056 (Opera crashes after hovering tabs in Windows panel)
DSK-334250 (Hard to distinguish the start of some text fields with certain KDE sytles)
DSK-334496 (KDE sliders do not look native)
DSK-336495 (Crash when waiting a few days before starting Opera when an autoupdate is ready)
DSK-336947 (Focused address bar always opens dropdown)
DSK-332333 (Unite Home application not downloaded if Link is already enabled)
DSK-330779 (Crash on startup)
DSK-313481 (Changes to toolbar style and alignment don't take effect immediately in other tabs)
DSK-325413 (Redraw corruption in resized HTTP auth dialog)
DSK-332816 (Specified background image in skin section [Hotlist Panel Skin] is no longer displayed)
DSK-325154 (Dialog warning about submitting to insecure site should not block program window)
Speed Dial
String changes
DSK-336657 (Crash when uninstalling/disabling updated Speed Dial extensions)
DSK-337147 (Extension update freezes Opera)
DSK-337092 (Crash when Opera is closed while Speed Dial edit dialog is open)
DSK-336955 (Crash on when autoupdating extension)
DSK-337088 (Adding extension through Add Speed Dial dialog doesn't replace synced placeholder)
DSK-337212 (Speed Dial extensions are merged on Desktop instead of Link server)
DSK-335590 (Duplicate entries for extensions on Link server)
DSK-336801 (Untrusted repository warning for removed extensions when checking for update)
DSK-336658 (Crash when closing tab/window while Add Speed Dial dialog is open)
DSK-337141 (Crash when opening Speed Dial after closing it with opened edit dialog)
DSK-335739 (Installation of same extension fails after uninstalling older version)
DSK-336513 (Update notification for removed Speed Dial extension)
DSK-336571 (Address field in Speed Dial add dialog is linked to address field from Document Toolbar)
DSK-336655 (Updating running Speed Dial extensions to regular ones doesn't remove duplicates)
DSK-336678 (Crash when installing Speed Dial Extension with Speed Dial disabled in opera:config)
DSK-336028 (Changing the name of a Speed Dial extension uninstalls it)
DSK-336659 (Wrong context menus for Speed Dial add/edit dialog edit field)
DSK-336815 (Editing Speed Dial with URL in typed history opens address drop-down menu)
DSK-335729 (Extension is displayed only once if installed in both developer and user mode)
DSK-333300 (Web fonts don't work on Windows under user with non-ascii letters in account name)
DSK-307152 (When Opera is minimized, systray options Compose, Read Mail and New Tab do not open the window)
DSK-333265 (Sogou IME closes unexpectedly)
DSK-333614 (Plugin crash)
DSK-333315 (Copying large image to clipboard and pasting the result into Gimp crashes Opera)
DSK-333320 (Crash on FreeBSD when using KDE integration with old version of Qt)
DSK-312796 (Improve --full-version report for UNIX)
Various crash fixes
DSK-285010 Site-specific override for plugins on demand
DSK-332240 Paste and Go can not perform searches
DSK-335650 Crash when changing certain settings in the Preferences dialog
DSK-334236 Turbo info page should be different from the first run page
DSK-325673 "Open JS Console on Error" opens on warnings
DSK-311796 The mail text input field's background color is not "edit background"
DSK-310853 Incorrect warning dialogue when changing Contacts file
DSK-328518 Ctrl+click should open links in the background
DSK-332808 Icon decoding issue triggers infinite sync
DSK-336509 The Speed Dial configure callout is movable
CORE-35105 Remove delay when closing sockets on Windows to increase performance
CORE-38461 Opera seems to send unnecessary Link updates (separators, passwords)
Speed Dial
Added animation when removing Speed Dials
DSK-334385 Allow Speed Dial zoom below 50%
DSK-333446 Auto reload timer reset when zooming
DSK-332489 Inline find shortcut ("/") works in Speed Dial
Changed the filename of the Windows installer
DSK-337155 The password indicator for synchronization is cut off on the right hand side
DSK-336605 Transfer manager crash
DSK-323603 Menu always appears on primary screen
DSK-337189 Link Setup dialog is not closed when Improve Password Strength dialog is opened
DSK-325789 GIF images are not possible to copy'n'paste
DSK-301506 Emacs-style keyboard shortcuts activate twice
DSK-329207 Hovering collapsed access point in mail panel while dragging should expand it
DSK-333694 "Bookmark page" gets disabled in the bookmarks menu
DSK-336689 Browser window disappears after switching tabs if thumbnail is shown
DSK-325822 Crash when drawing date picker at zoom level other than 100%
DSK-336048 Names of week days for last week always in English on Mac
DSK-291769 Checkmarks are rotated 180° when zoom is not 100%
DSK-334768 Transformed rotated web fonts are not read out correctly
DSK-329226 Wrong font and size for webforms
DSK-336503 Opera freeze when changing bookmarks file with Link enabled
DSK-333713 "Username and password" malplaced in the HTTP auth dialog when it's not overlaying the address bar
DSK-333486 Unclear status of the Japanese license in UNIX packages
DSK-324434 Replace kfmclient exec with kioclient exec
DSK-319677 Vertical space from deleted labels not reclaimed until mail panel is scrolled
DSK-335741 GTK+: Don't paint drop-down background because GTK+ doesn't
DSK-337755 (When typing in address Speed Dial edit field focus is moved to the end after each keyboard press)
DSK-335889 (Opera Next's user-agent string must not include extra "Opera")
Improved proxy preferences, with black and white listing of proxy usage per server.
Added preferences UI (User Interface) for SOCKS
Improvement in responsiveness during heavy disc access
Add thumbnails for page suggestions into add dialog of Speed Dial
Crash fixes
DSK-336687 (Opera Next - Wrong icon for mail authentication)
DSK-336410 (New Installer Graphics for Opera Next)
DSK-336642 (The tray icon is red in Opera Next builds)
DSK-337816 (Auto updates for Opera Next downloaded into the wrong cache folder)
DSK-336411 (New Installer Graphics for Opera Next)
DSK-337150 (The hole in the O cannot be clicked to select the icon)
DSK-336974 (Re-enable the Widget Manager desktop file in Opera Next)
DSK-336579 (Need to add support for the startup notification protocol)
DSK-336606 (The tray icon is red in Opera Next builds)
DSK-305310 (postinst script of the Debian package may remove Opera apt archive key)
DSK-335899 (Widgets installed from RPM/Deb Opera Next packages will only run if Opera is installed)
DSK-336573 (Each Opera Widgets should have its own WMClass)
DSK-325066 (Changes to window and tab handling)
DSK-336673 (Scale and save all favicons to 16x16 png internally)
DSK-337394 (Preferences for Speed Dial extensions now open in an overlay dialog)
DSK-264983 (Improvements to block content UI in Mail)
(Fixes to auto-update handling for Opera Next)
CORE-35429 (Start request for CSS resources during parsing)
CORE-25139 (HTML5 history extension API implementation)
CORE-32295 (HTML5 data-* attributes API implementation)
CORE-25130 (HTML5 Element.classList implementation)
CORE-25623 (HTML5 TimeElement.valueAsDate implementation)
CORE-25794 (matchesSelector API implementation)
CORE-34959 (Improve SVG load performance)
CORE-33314 (Improve the SVG animation engine)
CORE-36415 (Crash when using spelling check with a Korean dictionary)
CORE-19899 (Spatial navigation in an overflow:hidden box should scroll the box)
CORE-37992 (spatnav skips a large number of links in certain conditions)
CORE-37057 (Saved images from image viewer gets image size attached to name)
CORE-20483 (Hidden animated gif causing high CPU load in because of constant repaints)
CORE-30101 (Fixed positioned backgrounds jerky on scroll)
CORE-13925 (Redirected flash embed without type attribute sticks out of overflow: auto container)
CORE-36774 (Hardcoded key bindings in the image viewer need to consider modifier keys)
CORE-10055 (html or body elements with overflow:hidden reacts to mousewheel when they shouldn't)
CORE-29507 (Java applets loaded in new tabs)
CORE-37293 (Iframe content is not replaced with script on amazon page - IFRAME src="#" loads parent page, fails)
CORE-30529 (multipart/x-mixed-replace streaming mjpeg content but not showing)
CORE-36991 (Font weight and style changes during transition)
CORE-38023 (Update Spoof and Mask strings again to Firefox 4 and IE9)
CORE-36351 (EventSource 2xx handling changed)
CORE-34939 (EventSource will not connect if document.domain is set)
CORE-36350 (EventSource constructor should act as if there's a network error for non-http urls (instead of throwing))
CORE-36613 (EventSource sends the wrong Accept http header)
CORE-31191 (Updating an existing property with "!important" has no effect)
CORE-31157 (cssText does not show "!important" declarations)
CORE-36909 (Crash with contenteditable attribute on html)
CORE-37196 (Never stops loading when going forward after unfinished history navigation)
CORE-100 (Space followed by punctuation doesn't wrap)
CORE-35401 (Can't use opera to request e-faktura for Telenor (setting new HTML5/WF2 property to null has non-backward compatible behaviour))
CORE-37007 (Web workers: / should be empty)
CORE-36226 (Add atob() and btoa() in web workers)
CORE-37814 (Freeze on accessing xhr's getResponseHeader after XHR failed)
CORE-5218 (should throw HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR when inserting a rule at the wrong position)
CORE-37637 (media ignored for @import in user stylesheets)
CORE-37374 (Reading window.closed fails with browser.js enabled)
CORE-15418 (max-height in percentages of auto interpreted while it should be ignored)
CORE-35593 (backslash or space in username passed to throws SYNTAX_ERROR)
CORE-21228 (Pasting text/plain clipboard data from Notepad++ into text/plain body field inserts a newline at the top)
CORE-24970 (Canvas tank game freezes for >1sec at a time)
CORE-33095 (Add CSS props-changed flags for the svg properties)
CORE-37815 (Mixing SVG fonts and @font-face CSS fonts with the same font-family can cause the font to disappear)
CORE-8244 (Drawing artifacts (white lines) when running zoomed animation or scrolling zoomed SVG)
CORE-840 (Outline on empty element is not drawn around content)
CORE-57 (Incorrect characters used when 'open-quote'/'close-quote' nest deeper than 'quotes')
CORE-19052 (Erroneous close-quote is not ignored)
CORE-35460 (default margin on hr element different from other browsers)
CORE-36964 (Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar caused by position:absolute + right:0)
CORE-36534 (Layout does not update when appendMedium causes a stylesheet not to apply)
CORE-36535 (Layout does not update when is set to an empty string)
CORE-28633 (Orkut change profile picture link fails to open file chooser dialog (input type=file and form both styled with opacity, click ignored))
CORE-34940 (If height definition is left out, divs below start jumping)
CORE-34619 (Setting iframe source twice ignored)
CORE-37598 (Crash when removing container that has ::first-letter properties)
CORE-36681 (Viewport is too wide due to text-align: center)
CORE-36703 (Textarea redraw artifacts on scroll)
CORE-37758 (Hypothetically static positioned absolutely positioned block inside overflown and scrolled container not painted)
CORE-22490 (Poor painting performance on non-solid borders on big boxes)
CORE-34771 (Incorrect handling of percentage values in border-radius)
CORE-37409 (Unclear negative border-radius handling)
CORE-32075 (Crash on ease-in border-color transitions between non-color keywords and color values)
CORE-33417 (Element background not clipped when border-radius applied and background-clip has padding-box or content-box value)
CORE-35409 (Computed styles for border-*-*-radius not supported)
CORE-18580 (getComputedStyle() translates RGB to hex for colour values, makes AOL webmail believe you are in high contrast mode)
CORE-36814 (Memory leak when reloading documents connected to debugger)
CORE-38047 (Crash when gradient is set on body with zero height)
CORE-37954 (Base URL issues for CSS Stylesheets)
CORE-36906 (Too big reserved region in case of a transform in clipped content in overflow situation)
CORE-37731 (Memory usage improvements to ES cache)
CORE-37907 (Parser "eats" Unicode)
CORE-35667 (Unicode "PAW PRINTS" and word-wrap: break-word freeze on Twitter)
CORE-34598 (RegExp in Unicode range compilation problem)
CORE-37634 (focus() method is not always working)
CORE-38007 (Plugix' plug-in proxy crashes Opera)
CORE-37036 (widget access requests don't work in extensions)
CORE-36874 (Scrollbar appears in select tags which have background-color)
CORE-38339 (Crash on remove cssRule)
CORE-37442 (Crash on printing a page with frames and no body tags)
CORE-38220 (Crash in documentedit when removing the first line in body element)
CORE-37382 (Some problems with dirty Link sync)
CORE-38223 (Regexps no longer callable (along with Mozilla and WebKit))
CORE-30039 (Some Google Font Preview fonts don’t load (Droid Sans))
CORE-36400 (Handling for empty web font files)
CORE-37383 (Double download of some URLs)
CORE-33605 (opera:cache does not show the contents of IDN)
CORE-37379 (Cookies added to localhost via AddCookie are not returned by GetCookie)
CORE-37008 (onChange event doesn't fire on month or week input types)
CORE-27649 (input type=number ignores readonly)
CORE-33273 (The attribute "required" on select elements not supported)
CORE-37083 (input type=tel and type=search ignored pattern and maxlength when validating form)
CORE-38209 (Wrong pattern matching for input element: pattern="a|ab" doesn't match ab)
CORE-34081 ('in' operator testing for event handlers on window and document fails for onclick, onkeypress and other events)
CORE-30832 (Eval-ing arguments returns unhandledException)
CORE-29804 (An anonymous function doesn't eval in the specified scope)
CORE-37107 (GetCookie stopped working when using paths other than root)
CORE-36836 (stop on new script mode does not stop for HTML attribute scripts)
CORE-36015 (Can't step past new-statements for built-in constructors)
CORE-37035 (Scope function declaration placed inside generated block)
CORE-37109 (ES to JSON converter creates invalid JSON when inital elements in an array are NULL)
CORE-36405 (No urlload events triggered for XHR in some circumstances)
CORE-37345 (Crash after opening Dragonfly on page with insertRule and @import)
Welcome to the Swordfish (Opera 11.50) Beta!
Thanks to everyone who provided us with feedback and comments during the pre-beta testing of Swordfish. With this beta, Swordfish will be brought to an even wider audience. We will get an even better idea about issues that need to be ironed out before the final version is released.
There are several new things in the beta, and there should be something for everyone to enjoy.
First of all, we have new features like Speed Dial extensions, password synchronization through Opera Link, and the Opera Next development channel which allows you to keep your main Opera installation and your test installation separate.
We have of course continued to polish Speed Dial. For example, the screenshot on the right shows a new "Add Speed Dial" dialog which lets you choose between sites and extensions using thumbnails in the dialog itself.
There are also numerous other smaller and bigger fixes and enhancements, such as holding down Ctrl when clicking a link to open it in the background, tab handling improvements (that among other things allow you to stack tabs in the Windows panel), and so on.
In addition to all these (and more) desktop fixes and enhancement, Presto has received an upgrade as well. Not only are there numerous bug fixes, but our Core team has implemented a number of new HTML5 features, improved SVG performance, tweaked the memory usage of the EcmaScript cache, and more.
Take a look at the changelogs (linked below) for the full details on what's new in the Swordfish bet
Happy Monday! To celebrate how about a new build? We believe we have finally fixed the POST search problem and would love to have your feed back. Additionally, we have some nice fixes for all three platforms.
The problem of Speed Dials going missing still exists in this build, though we are looking at a potential fix internally. In the mean time if you hit this issue, remember that a work around is provided here.
DSK-337897 (POST request in Search engines doesn't work)
DSK-337079 (Opera crashes on printing certain pages)
DSK-335366 (Opera always crashes while saving images)
DSK-310363 (Navigating back to the parent in Menu Bar dropdowns, focus jumps back to previous top menu entry)
DSK-336981 (WebP images have an "Unknown" type)
DSK-333765 (Opera installer crashes as soon as installation wizard starts)
DSK-297345 (URLs and links not draggable to desktop in Windows 7 with rotating Aero themes)
DSK-337037 (Crash after closing page with plugin context menu open)
DSK-329406 (HTML5 forms error notification shown on wrong screen)
DSK-320489 (Accesskey menu doesn't disappear if parent tab is closed)
DSK-337374 (Can't open unknown file types with "Other Application")
DSK-337738 (Some plugins not detected on Mac)
DSK-336810 (Wrong size for webforms)
DSK-335759 (input type="submit" with left/right padding results in too small form buttons)
DSK-337215 (Associate new media formats with Opera (updates to Info.plist))
DSK-336698 (Crashlogging fails in recent Ubuntus)
DSK-333469 (Push buttons in HTTP auth dialog are clipped at the bottom for GTK toolkit)
dysoco escribió:Hay alguna guia de configuracion o algo ? Soy totalmente nuevo.
dysoco escribió:Por cierto, ¿ Sabeis como poner las pestañas que lleguen hasta arriba como en el Chrome ? Es costumbre de pinchar en la parte superior de la pestaña, pero en Opera, al ser mas bajitas, pues tengo que "apuntar mejor".
dysoco escribió:PD: como se llaman estas barritas
dysoco escribió:Por cierto, ¿ Sabeis como poner las pestañas que lleguen hasta arriba como en el Chrome ? Es costumbre de pinchar en la parte superior de la pestaña, pero en Opera, al ser mas bajitas, pues tengo que "apuntar mejor".
Hello all, after a long weekend in the Oslo office we are ready to present you with a new build.
This new build has a lot of interesting new stuff like some new core features:
- Indeterminate state for HTMLInputElement.indeterminate and checkboxes.
- EventSource is now enabled for Web Workers.
There are some performance and memory usage improvements in this build, the highlight here is a big speed up for parseInt.
DSK-292114 Tab Bar fails to redraw correctly after returning from hibernation
DSK-338103 Crashes when using the tab cycler to move between tabs while a modal dialog is open
DSK-323390 Alt+Up and Alt+Down don't scroll messages anymore
DSK-336210 Menu > Mail > Read Mail fails to show mail
DSK-337889 In private tabs, context menu search using keyboard modifiers not opened in private tabs
DSK-338097 "Suppress External Embeds" config setting doesn't work
DSK-338342 Saved sessions containing a Mail tab will not load in a profile without a mail account
DSK-338303 Dragging a sessions file to an Opera window does not open the session
DSK-276827 Trashed favorites still show up in the panel toolbar
DSK-336892 Another Opera not shut down issue casued by message flooding from flash plugin
CORE-1886 Cached HEAD requests (XMLHttpRequest) affect normal GET request
CORE-6596 Improve popup blocker (block more popups)
CORE-7874 Broken radial gradients
CORE-18313 Implement HTMLInputElement.indeterminate, and checkbox indeterminate state
CORE-20160 Asterisks (*) mistakenly escaped in form data
CORE-22453 Parsing of SVG <paint> fails in CSS for anything that has more than one value
CORE-29085 location.href="" doesn't reload page
CORE-29798 Make parseInt significantly faster
CORE-29903 Incorrect evaluation of RegExp: "aaa".match(/(a*){2}/)
CORE-30450 Uncaught DOMException does not show message in console, only [object DOMException]
CORE-30596 JS crash
CORE-31631 Variable becomes undefined within loop after assignment
CORE-31680 Array.prototype.join when separator is "this" doesn't work properly
CORE-32658 Document created by createHTMLDocument doesn't have a doctype
CORE-33787 RegExp.prototype.exec deviates from specification
CORE-34772 Videos on just show blank page - real document.write sometimes called even though script has overwritten it with a custom function
CORE-35531 SVGElement constructors and prototypes not exposed to scripts
CORE-36304 input type=email incorrectly rejects IDNs (non-ASCII domains)
CORE-36497 SVG crash when drawing a large number of characters on a path
CORE-36733 W3C Geolocation test suite conformance fixes
CORE-37054 Enable EventSource in Web Workers
CORE-37234 Background on a block child of a height/width-constrained multicol spills outside the multicol container
CORE-37284 Float in multicol prevents break
CORE-37315 Array.prototype.join doesn't comply to ES3/ES5 specification
CORE-37342 High memory usage caused by browser.js
CORE-37501 Better handling of Link entries with invalid date
CORE-37503 Crash when a direct child of the HTML element is being deleted with the Document Edit functionality
CORE-37655 Constants are not exposed on EventSource interface object
CORE-37662 Freeze at
CORE-37848 Sync does not write the disk queue on first start using sync
CORE-38010 NSL on first load of Web Fonts testcase
CORE-38045 High memory usage at
CORE-38091 Fix calculation of table-caption inside a CSS table element
CORE-38123 Form crash
CORE-38137 .text property not available in svg:script during BeforeScript event
CORE-38207 Freeze in designMode when two body elements which are both part of a selection are replaced with new text
CORE-38218 Form submit and reset fields values can't be updated through JS
CORE-38236 Crash related to text node selection and closed/removed popup windows or iframes
CORE-38244 The willValidate property is returning false when it should return true
CORE-38287 history.pushState and replaceState do not set the referrer correctly for subsequent requests
CORE-38309 AUDIO/VIDEO element moved between windows with a script causes crash
CORE-38315 Gradients with more than 32768 stops will cause a crash when applied (canvas, SVG, CSS)
CORE-38342 SVG animation crash
CORE-38343 Plugin fix (viewing videos at
CORE-38353 Save image option not available in context menu
CORE-38362 Form layout crash
CORE-38363 Web Worker crash
CORE-38408 OPTION background color doesn't work when initially off-screen
CORE-38431 Ensure that the server from the Link server is available to the sync UI
CORE-38441 contentEditable crash when typing
CORE-38523 Unable to close Flash dialog in the video recorder
CORE-38554 Incorrect text alignment (baseline) of text in canvas element
CORE-38564 Print previewing large table freezes browser
CORE-38588 Crash when replacing singleton prototype with another prototype singleton
CORE-38600 "javascript:alert(new RegExp(('^(?:\\d{7}(?:\\d{3})?)$')).test('1234567'));" should evaluate to true
CORE-38615 Array.prototype.join() crashing on non-array objects with initial holes
CORE-38621 Wrong duplication of content with multi-column container with column-fill:balance and block-level children
CORE-38631 Invalid read outside array of text when checking for surrogates in layout
CORE-38656 Don't throw for whitespace in atob()
CORE-38667 SVG BiDi crash/freeze
CORE-38688 Use less memory in representation of compiled ECMAScript code
CORE-38759 Cannot change inline styles of adopted node
CORE-38766 Should not consider <option> elements that are not children of <select> or <optgroup>
CORE-38767 Custom web fonts cause onload not to fire
CORE-38809 Crash when loading page with select box with many OPTIONs
DSK-286597 Starting Opera again to get new window in SDI mode doesn't work
DSK-337930 QuickTime plugin does not show up when loaded in background tab (or non-visible area of the page)
DSK-318787 Text with opacity is not painted when baseline is outside painting buffers
DSK-314922 Fix the Save dialog's dislike for extension preferences
DSK-337721 Selected (or active) push buttons do not look native under GTK toolkit