coyote escribió:Vancete escribió:los videos del youtube han dejado de verse, me dice que obtenga una version nueva de flash, teniendo la ultima, alguien tiene idea de qué pasa?
P.D.: Mensaje 1000
Jack6 escribió:Te estás volviendo muy negativo, eh.
coyote escribió:PD: deberíamos montarnos una sala en un servidor Jabber sobre el tema y dejar de floodear aquí
ZeusII escribió:Known Issues
Problems with some font settings < ""10.5x = Opera Vista""
Fixed DSK-292263 (Font antialiasing causes texts to render badly at different sizes)
Jarocaa escribió:Yo uso el mini mediante wifi y no me cobran nada.
ZeusII escribió:creo que el mini va directamente por la conexion gprs del movil, por eso te cobran aun teniendo wifi. el mobile es la version completa para dispositivos "algo mas potentes" los cuales generalmente tienen mas flexibilidad en la gestion de conexiones.
en cualquier caso, el mini de iphone va por wifi sin problemas.
Highlighted bug fixes since Opera 10.51
Fixed a crash on closing tab with PDF plugin
Fixed issues with pages never stop loading
Fixed issues with caching
Fixed an issue with opening email attachments
Fixed an issue with access to Unite administration pages
Fixed a crash with various third-party apps on Facebook
Fixed an issue were mails could be lost when upgrading from Opera 9.27
ZeusII escribió:coyote, ya sabemos que tu pc esta echo mierda, no hace falta que nos lo recuerdes cada vez![]()
A tooltip to the Opera O menu
After removing an option from a SELECT, the wrong option appears selected
Windowless QuickTime not working
Context menu search opening in a new tab, and not reusing current tab
Copy Link Address context menu item following redirects
Problem with MDI window size after maximizing an Opera window
Not being able to drag a bookmark into a tab with a page already loaded
Scrollbars not showing on transformed elements
Old tab content showing briefly when opening link in a new tab
Middleclick scrolling also scrolls fixed positioned content
Opening and closing an Opera Panel changes the position of a child window
Slow scrolling when using page search (when page is dimmed)
UI dropdowns should be closing when their parent button is clicked a second time
Crash dialog not defaulting to a restart of Opera
Warning dialog for configuration file download not disappearing
Problem occurring after customizing the Transfers Panel
"Copy Video Address" not working
"Exit" button in sync dialog not working
Flash videos flickering, disappearing, or being corrupted after scrolling
First Opera Link synchronization not properly syncing modified bookmarks
Not being able to copy an audio address in a context menu
"Rewind" and "Fast Forward" always being disabled/grayed out in a right-click context menu
"New Tab" from Dock or Jumplist creating a new window with two tabs
Printing dialog on blocks keyboard input
Check boxes not having a focus indication
Client being put in an endless synchronization loop
Problem closing a tab with customized search field or appearance dialog open
Problem occurring with the Westpac bank Web site
Gray out/disable "remove from toolbar" for the Opera O menu button
Edited Notes not being updated when using Opera Link
Filename missing from the image context menu
Freeze when importing a large bookmark file
Problem occurring after synchronization
"Reload Image" being ignored after an unfinished image load
Mouse gesture "Back | Close page" not working for the "Close page" action
Several problems related to accessibility
Problem causing immediate exit on a page with Silverlight
Clearing of clipboard data from private browsing on tab/window close
Open window in the background opens a link in a foreground window
A problem when typing any character in the Open dialog and pressing the Enter key
Mail, News, Chat
Mail lost when upgrading from Opera 9.27 to Opera 10.52
Display and scripting
Various aspects of the Carakan JavaScript engine
Several cache issues
An issue with the image onerror event
Enabling designmode removes event listeners
XMLHttpRequest response referrer being wrong when request initiated in call from another frame
Incorrect precision on negative numbers, setTimeout, and setInterval
Wrong accelerator key being used for CJK fonts
Incorrect font being used for UTF-8 pages without a language specified
Painting issues affecting page scrolling when part of the page is covered
Opera Dragonfly not selecting an active tab when opened
Problem when enumerating an object
Flash video continuing to download after the tab is closed
Arguments for "execute program" not being sent to the external program
Problem when changing the skin and color scheme
Links from external applications not opening in Opera
Problem when opening international fonts dialog
Painting issues scrolling page when part of the page is covered by dialog
Problem with SVG DOM
Problem with the Facebook website
Security information dialog entries
Waiting for DNS confirmation of cookie domain(s)
Network problem when using a proxy
Supporting any HTTP verb in XHR, with exceptions
Multiple connection attempts failing over a proxy
Incorrect location setting of an HTTPS iframe from different server
Opera Unite
Problem when accessing the admin pages
"Enable Unite" preference not working
Opera Widgets for Desktop
Removed security policy restrictions on widget.openURL and external links
Opera Unite Media Player application being maximized when hovering over the taskbar
Issue when clicking the right mouse button in the "Connect to Remote Debugger" dialog
Creating folders is not questioned if an installation path is simply typed
Widgets with sufficiently long non-ASCII names not always appearing as being installed
Widget in application mode position being stored incorrectly after a restart
Spellcheck not fixing words in widgets
Instance number not displaying on initial installer screen if installing another instance of the same widget
Widget with : and / in its name not being installed
Widget freezing when connecting to debugger
Better integration with Mac native systems
Cocoa Framework
"Growl" notification
"Growl" license included in opera:about
Opera Carakan JavaScript engine
Cross-platform bytecode interpreter for a new register-based instruction set
Internal object model with automatic classification and inline property caching
Machine code generation (JIT compiler)
Divided garbage collection heap: automatically traverses the memory of active heaps
Caching of compiled programs
Reduced memory usage
Further Carakan information (
Opera Presto 2.5 rendering engine
The Opera Presto 2.5 rendering engine includes the following additions and improvements.
CSS 2.1 visibility: collapse
CSS3 border-radius property (rounded corners)
CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders
CSS3 2D Transforms
CSS3 Transitions
HTML 5 <video> element DOM APIs to reflect changes in the specification
HTML 5 <param> element (child of the HTML 5 <object> element) support for controlling animations/scripts; see:
W3C testsuite (
W3C specification (
SVG buffered-rendering property; see the W3C reference (
Text search inside SVG
Animated raster images (APNG, GIF) in all the SVG elements that support raster graphics, i.e., <image>, <foreignObject>, and <feImage>
Opera Vega graphics library
Renders all graphics in Opera
Employs rounded corners, box shadow, animations, etc.
Improved support for SVG and the HTML 5 <canvas> element
Further Vega information (
Opera Widgets for Desktop
Although they run outside the browser, Opera Widgets have been treated as entities inside the browser in many respects. The new Opera Widgets for Desktop ends this dependency on the browser and moves Opera Widgets to the next level: that of first-class applications. Above all, Opera Widgets for Desktop gives widgets the potential to replace some native applications on the computer.
Opera Widgets for Desktop includes the following features:
A Widget menu located within the Mac menu bar. Menu options include:
Get Widgets
Manage Widgets... (opens the Widgets panel in the Opera user interface)
What are Opera Widgets?
Widget lifespans are separated from the Opera desktop browser.
Each widget runs in a separate process.
Integration with the operating system includes support for creating desktop and Dock-based application shortcuts.
Widgets are now visible in Mac Exposé
Widget control buttons organize important actions:
Support is provided for different widget modes such as "Application" and "Widget".
Notification pop-ups are supported.
Password manager is supported.
File I/O (Input/Output) access is supported.
The upgrading of installed widgets from current to new runtime is supported.
Improved support for Opera Dragonfly is provided.
Remote debugging is possible; configurable via a widget's context menu.
Non-modal notification messages
Notification message windows no longer interrupt workflow
JavaScript alerts, HTTP notifications, Password Manager, etc., now display as page overlays
Switching of tabs or windows while these dialogs are displayed is now allowed
Private browsing
Creating, browsing, and then closing private tabs and private windows removes all records of Web sites visited through them.
Using the traditional Mac Dock or File menu, go to:
File > New Private Tab
File > New Private Window
Web Storage
Support is established for:
Session storage: offers a temporary storage of data.
Local storage: stores data for a longer period until the user explicitly clears it.
The Address field autocomplete list now includes opera:webstorage.
Warning dialogs when exceeding storage quotas:
User option is available to increase, or set unlimited quotas for web storage.
See: Web Storage W3C Working Draft (
Web SQL Database
Support is established for:
Storage of data in a more structured manner.
Querying data using SQL.
Warning dialogs when exceeding storage quotas:
User option added to increase, or set unlimited quotas for web database.
The Address field autocomplete list now includes opera:webdatabases.
See: Web SQL Database W3C Working Draft (
Changes since Opera 10.52 beta 2 (with Opera Widgets for Desktop) for Mac
User interface
Translations of Opera Menu items
Keyboard shortcuts not working for some layouts
An issue when exiting Opera
Display and Scripting
PPC thread problems
Misaligned skin in visual tabs
Mac native tab cycler skin
Accent composition/IME not working
Freezing on ads from specificclick
Zip compressor working correctly with PPC
Opera Unite Media Player and eBook Reader capturing focus on onHover
Opening several preference/remote debug windows at once
System UI mode for kioskmode
Text in native form controls not painted when scrolling
Opera window not sticking to its designated space
Problem with SVG DOM
Widget freezing when connecting to debugger
Pinch gesture threshold preventing accidental use
Sheet repainting issues in address field, progress bar, and tab resizer
Problem occurring with popup notifications
Problem with IME
Problem when exiting Opera
Problem with the Flip4Mac plug-in
Tooltip being incorrectly positioned on a second monitor
Not being able to change the computer name in the Opera Unite setup
Parallel lookup of IPv4 and IPv6 to improve performance
Fixed a vulnerability in Renegotiation feature of the TLS protocol
See our advisory (
See the Opera Security blog article (
Fixed an issue where XSLT could be used to retrieve random contents of unrelated documents, as discovered by crazypops; see our advisory (
Fixed a moderately severe security issue; details will be disclosed at a later date.
Jack6 escribió:Aquí se puede ver (es la primera vez que lo hago) lo que tenían planeado para 10.5x. Lo que cuasi-confirma que la próxima versión para todos los SOs será la 11.
Version 10.53* Fixed CORE-29447 (Possible vulnerability (SA39590: Writing Uninitialised Memory Vulnerability))
* Fixed CORE-28262 (Fixed order of dialog.ini loading to make the one in the custom folder work)
* Fixed CARAKAN-1278 (Freeze on Google Maps)
coyote escribió:Opera 10.53 RC1 for Windows and Mac <- PQC! WTF!Changelog:
Version 10.53* Fixed CORE-29447 (Possible vulnerability (SA39590: Writing Uninitialised Memory Vulnerability))
* Fixed CORE-28262 (Fixed order of dialog.ini loading to make the one in the custom folder work)
* Fixed CARAKAN-1278 (Freeze on Google Maps)
Equipo Opera escribió:In order to ensure a consistently high quality browser across our most popular desktop platforms we have reluctantly decided to drop support for Solaris. This will allow our UNIX development team to focus all of their attention on bringing Opera for Linux and FreeBSD up to final release quality, meaning that a 10.5x release for these platforms will happen as soon as feasibly possible.
Please be assured that we have no plans to drop support for either Linux or FreeBSD. These are the preferred UNIX-like environments of our development team and hence fully supporting a browser on these Operating Systems is more straightforward.
As always, the Desktop team will continue to consider adding support for further environments and/or processor architectures in the future.
Tony Skyrunner escribió:Acabo de actualizar de 10.50 (que me iba perfecta) a 10.51 y algunas páginas no llegan a cargarse. He borrado la caché y cookies, he vuelto a iniciar Opera y me sigue ocurriendo; algunas cargan si lo vuelto a intentar y otras se quedan a mitad y actualizar no soluciona nada. Raaaaaro.
Re-enabled pubsuffix
CARAKAN-1277 (Crash fix)
CARAKAN-1278 (High CPU at Google Maps)
CARAKAN-1264 (JavaScript eval bug)
CARAKAN-1263 (Float produced where integer is expected)
CARAKAN-1249 (Array sort throws if argument is not function)
CARAKAN-1241 (Evaluating object causes crash)
CARAKAN-1176 (Native dispatcher update and nested ifs problem)
CARAKAN-1168 (Memory leak at
CORE-26948 (Download dialog when trying to access secure Microsoft Exchange server)
CORE-28201 (Find in page crashes if search string starts with space)
CORE-28842 (Fontswitching fails during printing)
CORE-29076 (Missing TLS 1.2 Client Auth support)
CORE-29452 (DOM crash affecting some Facebook games)
CORE-29503 (Can't access Google sites when TLS 1.1 is disabled)
DSK-296595 (New mail notification steals focus)
davish escribió:Cómo saco el trayicon en la 10.53!!? Ví que uno de los cambios fue que agregaron la opción en las configuraciones, para elegir si dejarlo o sacarlo, pero no encuentro la opciónY evidentemente la línea "-notrayicon" en el ejecutable no sirve.
coyote escribió:davish escribió:Cómo saco el trayicon en la 10.53!!? Ví que uno de los cambios fue que agregaron la opción en las configuraciones, para elegir si dejarlo o sacarlo, pero no encuentro la opciónY evidentemente la línea "-notrayicon" en el ejecutable no sirve.
Escribes opera:config en la barra de direcciones y busca tray icon.