[Hilo Oficial] Opera - adblocker nativo, VPN, ahorro batería

No me iba a pasar a la 10.60, pero hoy me dio por probarla y... madre mia, si la 10.50 ya iba rápida esta es la ostia [+risas] [+risas] Me gustan los cambios que han hecho en la interfaz.

Otra cosa que me gustaría que hicieran sería el uso de la GPU. En PCs potentes quizá no se notaría en exceso, pero de cara a netbooks/nettops con ION...
Probando la alpha en el PC-XP para las pruebas del curro XD



jiji, en la 10.60 han fixeado un bug eterno... ya perdí la cuenta del tiempo hace que salia mal...


el numerito al lado de "plugins" antes salia abajo, doblando el tamaño de la barra en cuestión... lastima que ahora han bugeado alguna que otra web xD


Con Gmail tengo el chat a la derecha, con esta alpha ahora sale fuera de cuadro, no se como explicarlo... no se ajusta a la ventana. Si acaso mañana os subo captura.

idraw, epic image fail! XD



Y recuerda, también, poner el bloq mayús en su sitio.



Aqui dos mas! espero os gusten!!!
idraw escribió:Imagen

Aqui dos mas! espero os gusten!!!

La O de la izquierda esta unos pixels mas bajo que la O de la derecha XD (me gustan las cosas simétricas)

De todas formas, /me se queda con la suya simple que mola mazo también XD
Bueno hoy me he afanado , si son una mierda decidmelo jaja,lo hago lo mejor que puedo [beer] [beer] aqui unas que ya no calen para firmas >



Pau Tantan escribió:BrowNser? <aquiibauniconohorrendo>

lolwut? xD epic fail.... BROWSER!

Pau Tantan, recuerdas lo que te dije por Jabber de esos horrendos iconos?
coyote escribió:
Pau Tantan, recuerdas lo que te dije por Jabber de esos horrendos iconos?

Tendré más cuidado... [fumeta]
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... -and-fixes


CORE-1209 (Google Earth links from web sites are not opened properly)
CORE-29664 (Cafeworld and potentially other Flash games Fails on facebook)
CORE-19025 (Objects sent with wrong mime-type are shown incorrectly)
CORE-19738 (application/pls+xml should not be treated as XML)
CORE-23977 (Performance improvement for plugins and animated content)

CORE-28214 (Opera freezes on loading altglyph testcase)
CORE-27506 (Clip-path should not be applied while painting source graphics for filter effect)
CORE-28230 (Incorrect handling of empty altGlyph element)
CORE-28231 (Incorrect handling of filter primitive 'in' attribute who match a prefix of a filter source)

CORE-29476 (Plugin window often initially located at 0,0 for a short while)

http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... e-bugfixes


CORE-30188 (Frequent Carakan crash)
CORE-30259 (Text selection removed on right clicking)
CORE-30317 (Excessive memory consumption (>1.5 GB))

DSK-281488 (Some custom shortcuts do not work)

Fixed memory leak on pages with dynamicaly updating content and SVG animations
DSK-283694 (Big SVG drawing performance regression)
DSK-300340 (Copy does not work in mail composer)
DSK-300471 (Various small startup performance improvements)
DSK-300476 (No representation of dragged GIF and crash on dropping)
DSK-300677 (Remove JEP license from opera:about)
DSK-300722 (Crash when dragging text from input field)

DSK-276417 (It is not possible to change the KDE style whilst Opera is running)
DSK-288576 (Right mouse button, copy image to clipboard doesn't work)
DSK-288597 (Nothing happens after clicking OK on missing flash prompt in widgets)
DSK-294940 (KDE file chooser often freezes after hovering folders)
DSK-296279 (Font rendering looks different to system when using slight or medium hinting)
DSK-297441 (Crash after changing KDE style and canceling save KDE dialog)
DSK-297453 (Crash in when canceling download dialog before clicking save)
DSK-299664 (kfmclient exec doesn't work)
DSK-299670 (Opening content via "Pass web address directly to application" doesn't work)
DSK-299995 (Medium hinting should be mapped to full hinting)
DSK-300004 (Slight hinting does not look good)
DSK-300026 (Font kerning is disabled)
DSK-300094 (Ctrl+Tab cycler can not be closed with mouse highlighting activated)
DSK-300206 (Wrong color on tooltips in X11 based version on UNIX)
DSK-300272 (Highlighted entry in drop downs is painted white on white in X11 mode)

Las fuentes siguen viéndose horrendas en KDE pero según comentan se ven suavizadas y bien en Gnome }:/
Estos chicos de Opera no dan una últimamente, en OS X la 10.60 es un cúmulo de bugs impresionantes, consumos de CPU de 150%, multiples relentizaciones, etc... etc... etc... al menos la 10.54 anda fina.
mientras sean alphas y betas no nos podemos quejar... la inestabilidad es algo asociado. otra cosa es que la version final mantenga los problemas.
Tengo un problema... no se si tendrá solución, lo que pasa es que con los motores de búsqueda cuando busco algo con caracteres chinos, rusos... o con acentos me cambia esos caracteres por ??? (signos de interrogación)
Este es el link que uso para el google.
No dices que Sistema Operativo usas. Si es Windows, tendrás que instalar el soporte para idiomas asiaticos y demás. Si es en GNU/Linux, es un problema conocido desde la 10.5x que aun esta pendiente.
Es Windows, probare con lo que comentas, gracias.
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... bug-fixing


Fixed DSK-297848 (Widgets with non-default start file will not install on Win/Nix and crash on startup on Mac)
Fixed DSK-300727 (Not possible to select items in dropdown menus using the mouse)
Fixed DSK-298554 (Unite apps not shown in panel after installation)
Fixed DSK-298488 (Opera crashes when hiding and showing bookmarks in the addressbar dropdown)
Fixed DSK-290305 (Launching previous session with two separate Opera windows causes a crash)
Fixed DSK-299048 (Mail messages not staying in focus)
Fixed DSK-298552 (Freeze on receiving mail)
Fixed DSK-265678 (Crash when dragging buttons to status bar)
Fixed DSK-274447 (Cycling tabs "without list" and "alternative page cycle mode = 0" adds focus to all cycled tabs)
Fixed DSK-295921 (Widgets are upgraded to default path only)
Fixed DSK-277917 (Advanced menu in download tab doesn't appear for files downloaded to non-ASCII folder)
Fixed DSK-289391 (Autoupdate does not close Opera when set to hide to system tray)
Fixed DSK-257454 (Impossible to change or install dictionary in dialog boxes)
Fixed DSK-180617 (Links opened in external applications close page if page is opened from a panel or mail)
Fixed DSK-287319 (Unable to accept self-signed certificate)
Fixed DSK-283179 (Find in page overlay does not disappear when clicking iframe)
Fixed DSK-280759 (Deleting private data does not remove closed windows)
Fixed DSK-299348 (Ghost close button appears when clicking top of trash button in Windows 7)
Fixed DSK-291817 (Opera does not prefetch icons for bookmarks from the custom/ folder)
Fixed DSK-299530 (Percent sign in encoded url from external application is encoded by Opera again)
Fixed DSK-298142 (Buttons often disabled in new non-modal dialogs)
Fixed DSK-288727 (Many user selected locales don't get a language even if possible)

Fixed a couple of DOM regressions (Facebook chat)
Fixed CORE-28120 (xhr.overrideMimeType() called before xhr.open throws)
Fixed CORE-30272 (Freeze on Youtube inbox, colspan and border with border-collapse:collapse)
Fixed CORE-30097 (Width of shrink-to-fit float with fixed-width parent and STF float grandparent not updated when content is added (Gmail))
Fixed DSK-286851 (Can't type in windowless Flash)

Fixed DSK-299467 ("Open with..." context menu passes incorrect URLs to other browsers)
Fixed DSK-297579 (Opera is activated, but Space does not change when opening link)
Fixed DSK-299028 (Crash when pressing Cmd-1 in start-up dialog)
Fixed DSK-295263 (Quick pref shortcut incorrectly requires you to hold Command)
Fixed DSK-298456 (Cannot customize the appearance of toolbars on Mac)
caturday snapshot... nyaa~~!

http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... y-snapshot

solo para ventanas y pinguinos.

Store list of confirmed intranet servers in prefs instead of relying on typed history
DSK-256795 (Add Opera Portal to "Subscribe to this feed using")
DSK-301250 (Mail account wizard isn't using port 587 for Hotmail as specified in mailproviders.xml)
DSK-300071 (UPnP crash)
DSK-301526 (Tab cycling order wrong after closing tab opened in background or with activate the next tab enabled)
DSK-290477 (More... in Widget Upgrade Wizard displays error page)
DSK-286850 (Opera starts when launching Widget installer)
DSK-301097 (Ctrl + Enter saves address to typed history even if in a private tab)
DSK-242013 (Radio buttons cause crashes with accessibility software)
DSK-300258 (Opera crashes on exit when a state button (Unite or Link) has been added and the appearance dialog is still open)
DSK-290788 (It is possible to open multiple "Downloads" tabs when one is already open in another Opera window)
DSK-283680 (Illegal URL when clicking to receive file over DCC (chat))
DSK-300297 (Tweaking of O-menu padding, and issues with O-menu text and tab bar position)
DSK-300254 (Panel order wrong after restart)
DSK-299333 (DNS query fails when the response contains more than 24 addresses)
DSK-300281 ('More...' button in 'Why do I need to upgrade?' in Widget Upgrade Wizard has no effect)
DSK-298655 (New windows open slowly with a large global_history.dat)
DSK-286272 (No usable interface when tab bar is set to "show only when needed")
DSK-301236 (Pressing Ctrl or Shift key combination on startup dialogs causes opera to crash)
DSK-301307 (Crash when navigating back and forth with a limited cache size)
DSK-301514 (Crash when UI animations disabled, hovering a tab, and closing Opera)
DSK-300184 (Right-click > Validate does not work)
DSK-300848 (Inline address completion disappears after typing www.x)
DSK-276853 (Auto-completion sees http://www.foo.com and www.foo.com as different)
DSK-300637 (Delay tooltip on tab bar when moving the cursor between thumbnails)
DSK-276491 (Checkboxes have no focus indication when tabbed to)

CORE-30452 (Google Docs spreadsheet scrolls to top when typing)
CORE-30416 (400 Bad Request on The Register because empty cookie value doesn't include "=")
CORE-30388 (HttpOnly cookies should not be accepted through NPAPI (BankID))
CORE-29243 (Opera crashes when printing a page where the body has a background color and negative margins)
CORE-22911 (Layouting a long word takes forever)
CORE-11619 (Spatnav highlight does not respect overflow:hidden on parent element)
CORE-28158 (Double clicking target _blank link opens home)
CORE-22136 (Missing new-script event in case of scripts in HTML attributes)
CORE-27601 (Port DOM attribute should return the empty string for the default port of the scheme)
CORE-28277 (Focusing empty RTL textarea cause caret to be shown to the left)
CORE-26889 (widget.openURL does not work with data: URIs)
CORE-24853 (Opera crashes on <feTile /> filter primitives with 'SourceGraphic' as implicit 'in')
CORE-27520 (Multi-line selection of BiDi text in RTL textarea is broken)
CORE-27513 (Cannot select the last character of cursive text (e.g. Persian) in textbox using mouse)
CORE-27933 (Can't scroll to the bottom when pasting large texts into textareas)
CORE-27657 (RTL textbox forgets the caret state after clearing the first letter of the cursive text with backspace)
CORE-27177 (Repaint problem when scrolling element that has border of another element positioned on top of it)
CORE-27868 (MHTML crash)
CORE-24952 (Downloading from HTTPS URL with port specified is very erratic)
CORE-24771 (createDocument with XMLNS namespace and QName without a colon which isn't "xmlns" crashes Opera)
CORE-26347 (Crash on cache-full cleanup)
CORE-27312 (Crash on calling JSON.parse with null reviver (Opera crashes when loading newegg.com))
CORE-6187 (When both Basic and Digest authentication are support, Opera chooses first)
CORE-25216 (Dragonfly crash)
CORE-25984 (IPAPMincho discarded as a web font even though Windows think it's ok)
DSK-280923 (Feed article mixup)
CORE-25449 (Encoding problem when STP/1 host replies to STP/0 request)
CORE-26442 (Page search hits go missing when problematic search hit is visible)

DSK-273213 (Not possible to install Voice plugin)
DSK-277666 (Middle-click works for 'middle-click', not on 'autoscroll' action with mouse drivers)
DSK-281398 (Logitech mouse tilt function for horizontal scrolling doesnt work)
DSK-300766 (Black tooltips for tabs when using Windows Native skin and "Show thumbnails when hovering tabs" is disabled)

Java support on Unix
DSK-239430 (Pressing Enter to select an item in a dropdown box submits a form)
Nice XD pero.... han arreglado el tema de las tipografías en su versión Tux?


Seguimos con la 10.10 :Ð
coyote escribió:Nice XD pero.... han arreglado el tema de las tipografías en su versión Tux?


Seguimos con la 10.10 :Ð

Pfff... Imagen
Este programa es de los mejores que hay.
Menuda cantidad de relases que están sacando cada 2 x 3, se nota que salió sin estar del todo pulida la versión 10.50, por suerte ahora me va bastante bien, ya no me peta ni me hace cosas raras.
Pq habéis puesto 10.60 lanzada????por más que miro oficialmente todavía no hay nada :-? :-? :cool:
quimico2008 escribió:Pq habéis puesto 10.60 lanzada????por más que miro oficialmente todavía no hay nada :-? :-? :cool:

A ver, en el título pone que es la alfa, no hay nada de versión final aún.
Eso es una alpha???? pensé que era una a ;) Ok aclarado :cool:
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... -then-some


Desktop and Core
Bing is the new Speed Dial search engine
WebM, Geolocation, Web Workers, Offline Web Applications, Cross-Document Messaging
Added sets of default fonts per language
DSK-301799 (Crash on exit after visiting page with Flash)
CORE-30617 (Crashes when closing tabs)

DSK-267262 (Support Clipboard Managers)
DSK-300970 (First typed letter disappears when adding a web page to Speed Dial)
DSK-298548 (Access keys (Shift+Esc) do not work)
DSK-295563 (Opera should not fail to start if only Core fonts are installed)
DSK-301410 (Tooltip not cancelled when mouse moves away from Opera)
DSK-301128 (Problems with colors in certain themes)
DSK-301633 (Tooltip text color is hardcoded)
DSK-301651 (Goto Page (F2) dialog can not show a dropdown if compositing is not available)
DSK-300106 (Crash when launching widget or Dragonfly with 16-bit color depth)
DSK-292110 ("Installed-Size" of a Debian package should be measured in KB)
DSK-292282 (Can't install on Centos because of missing symbol FT_Library_SetLcdFilter)
DSK-299246 (Problems copying text containing Unicode characters)
DSK-300824 (X11 based color picker dialog missing)
DSK-288814 (Opera does not respond to GTK theme changes while running)
DSK-293797 (Polyester style has wrong unchecked state image)
DSK-297194 (Ctrl+Tab window can not be opened if previously canceled)
DSK-301305 (Zoom Slider missing in X11 version)
DSK-301340 (Printer dialog should not fail silently if CUPS can not be loaded)
DSK-300739 (Add support for X11 based printer dialog)
DSK-284289 (Implement color selector)
El tema de las tipografías en KDE (que se ven sin antialiasing, feas y dentadas, lo cual daña la vista) se esta haciendo desear... :/

Impressive, en esta build han hecho lo que ya se esperaba, no es tan perfecto como en Opera 10.10 pero ya no duelen los "hoghos" con las fuentes web... nice work XD

PD: de momento dejo el pkg.tar.xz de la 10.10 por ahí guardado.

PD2: los menús se siguen viendo "like GTK1" pero es el menor de los problemas.
coyote escribió:El tema de las tipografías en KDE (que se ven sin antialiasing, feas y dentadas, lo cual daña la vista) se esta haciendo desear... :/

Impressive, en esta build han hecho lo que ya se esperaba, no es tan perfecto como en Opera 10.10 pero ya no duelen los "hoghos" con las fuentes web... nice work XD

PD: de momento dejo el pkg.tar.xz de la 10.10 por ahí guardado.

PD2: los menús se siguen viendo "like GTK1" pero es el menor de los problemas.

Ahora estoy en WinFails viendo el E3 (he tenido un par de problemas para verlo en Arch) pero en cuando acabe...... [babas]

Estoy ansioso por probarlo :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... 60-beta-rc


Updated opera:about with libvpx license
DSK-302026 (Can't edit documents on docs.google.com)
DSK-302179 (onerror events not sent for application caches when enabling "Work Offline")

DSK-301531 (Open in background tab from context menu opens in foreground)
DSK-301782 (Unite applications are gone after second start-up)
PKGBUILDeada y probando... XD

A ver si ponen de una puñ*** vez una buena integración con KDE en los menús y submenús que se ven de pena, like GTK1... por lo demás bien. Quizás necesite mas trabajito en el tema de las fuentes, se ven bien pero no llega a la nitidez de Opera 10.10.
Pues yo ya me he pasado a Opera 10.60 en GNU/Linux, así como se ven las fuentes ya me conformo y la verdad es que es una delicia y una bala. [360º]
Ya no es RC:

We today released the new beta of 10.6.
The focus on this version has been performance and core updates.
We have added some nice web technologies :

WebM, Geolocation, Web Workers, Offline Web Applications, Cross-Document Messaging update etc

We do appreciate the help you guys give us with your testing.
Now lets continue making sure Opera 10.6 gets solid.
Let the bugfixing continue

Jack6 escribió:
Ya no es RC:

We today released the new beta of 10.6.
The focus on this version has been performance and core updates.
We have added some nice web technologies :

WebM, Geolocation, Web Workers, Offline Web Applications, Cross-Document Messaging update etc

We do appreciate the help you guys give us with your testing.
Now lets continue making sure Opera 10.6 gets solid.
Let the bugfixing continue


la beta es la misma build que el ultimo snapshot, 3422.
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... core-fixes


DSK-302028 (Serif fonts used as default in form elements (input/text fields and buttons))
DSK-302194 (Crash on Mozilla Web Workers demo)
DSK-302276 (Fixed App Cache issue when enabling "Work Offline")

CORE-25742 (Implemented validation of certificates used in widget signature using OCSP)
CORE-10748 (Documents where documentedit has been enabled stays in memory forever and so does every later document in the tab)
CORE-18646 (Expose current rendering mode in the opera object (opera.renderingMode))
CORE-19210 (No load event for not-yet-visible images (hp.com slideshow))
CORE-20517 (IMG x/y not supported (date picker in wrong location))
CORE-22697 (innerHTML doesn't strip quotes on attributes / innerHTML isn't lowercase)
CORE-22758 (Image upload to blogger.com appears to fail - attributes.removeNamedItem() called with ns:localname string throws only in Opera)
CORE-22936 (Page loads blank)
CORE-24156 (Rich text editing page crashes Opera)
CORE-24170 (Meta refresh without URL reload the page)
CORE-24679 (Crash on shutdown)
CORE-27590 (Print(preview)ing emails is broken)
CORE-27604 (Crash at kempinski.com)
CORE-27614 (New Java plug-in can't find applet on local pages because it doesn't understand "file://localhost/")
CORE-27766 (Large images only appear up to 5-10%, then nothing until fully loaded)
CORE-27795 (Y!Mail chat truncates output sent from Opera - ignore script setting ForeColor if same colour as current)
CORE-27825 (Crash after inspecting element with background attribute)
CORE-27932 (Fixed background corrupted on scroll (large negative text-indent))
CORE-28181 (Applet is not loaded when the codebase is #)
CORE-28236 (Not all param values are displayed)
CORE-28246 (Page scroll by dragging the scrollbar in print preview quits scrolling the document halfway through)
CORE-28275 (Range header not sent for redirected (301) URL)
CORE-28327 (Improvements to prevent broken searches in mail)
CORE-28430 (Broken comment form at heraldsun.com.au)
CORE-28441 (Crash in cookie dialog)
CORE-28488 (A large amount of overflow in vertical direction disables scrollbars.)
CORE-28563 (XHR custom headers not re-sent when redirected)
CORE-28656 (Unclosed absolutely positioned span freezes Opera if ancestors are relatively positioned, and one of them is inline-block)
CORE-28824 (Authentication info not propagated to Java)
CORE-28829 (MHTML file with "Content-Encoding:gzip" header make Opera crash)
CORE-28912 (Circumvents the popup blocker using JS URL and fake click)
CORE-28936 (IFRAME height property ignored in MSR mode if scrolling=no)
CORE-29079 (Setting same JS URL as src of script element twice halts loading)
CORE-29178 (active-window event is not sent after a dialog is closed and focus switches back to opener)
CORE-29413 (Crash on inline search)
CORE-29702 (Quake Live (and friends) plugin not working)
CORE-29769 (Renego-used flag not carried over when renegotiating a connection with a zero-length (non-resumable) TLS Session ID)
CORE-30675 (Offline cache size wrongly reported)
CORE-30706 (The list of application caches don't contain unvisited caches after shutdown/restart)

Generally improved plug-in scripting robustness (CORE-28411)
Voddler plugin scripting issues
CORE-29063 (Swedish BankID crashes Opera (pensionsmyndigheten.se))
CORE-27722 (Can't click links at dramaten.se - script resume after inserting non-plugin object)
CORE-26469 (Flash doesn't always paint initially until forced (YouTube channels))
CORE-24287 (Modifying OuterHTML on nested objects with document.onmouseover disables page interaction)
DSK-284103 (DivX Webplayer plugin crashes/shows plugin failed dialog)
CORE-28385 (Netflix streaming video does not work in Opera)
DSK-298158 (Opera crashes on hosting the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in)
DSK-271760 (Crash in unsigned_npgoogletalk.dll)
De estas últimas versiones no me gusta nada que al dar botón derecho encima de una palabra y seleccionarla la primera opción sea el buscar y no el copiar como toda la vida, me cuesta horrores acostumbrarme.
y seguimos con la versionitis...

http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... kend-fixes

Fixed version number
CORE-29799 (Crash on rightjs.org/fx-demo)
CORE-30739 (Crash fix for DNS lookup on Linux and Mac)
DSK-297625 (Widget showNotification() callback is not executed in 10.5x+)
DSK-302046 (Nothing happens when clicking new mail or blocked JS popup notification)
DSK-302025 (Crash in Local Storage Settings dialog)
DSK-301236 (Pressing Ctrl or Shift key combination on startup dialogs causes opera to crash)
DSK-300765 (Can't drag tab to the leftmost position when the Opera window is restored)
DSK-301526 (Tab cycling order wrong after closing tab opened in background or with activate next tab enabled)
DSK-301672 ("Show only when needed" not greyed out when tab bar moved from other position to top)
DSK-302205 (user.js loaded even when "User Javascript" is disabled)
DSK-302739 (Opera eats memory when reloading gmail.com)

DSK-277917 (Advanced menu in download tab doesn't appear for files downloaded to non-ASCII folder)

CORE-30757 (Possible freeze fix)
DSK-295979 (Font related crash)
DSK-300468 (Control-Click mouse gestures does not work on trakcpads/single-button mice)
DSK-300470 (Crash on page load after Carbon removal)
DSK-301094 (Dragging favicon or tab to desktop creates an image)
DSK-301531 (Open in background tab from context menu opens in foreground)
DSK-302554 (Auto-update sometimes fails to properly replace the old installation)
Como diríamos en la sala jabber:

te puede el ansiaaaaaaaaaa de versionitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis Imagen

CORE-30757 (Possible freeze fix)

yum... eso si que pasaba de vez en cuando, ya probaremos XD



(...) we're currently testing a large batch of fixes on Linux, including further font work

Jack6 escribió:(...) we're currently testing a large batch of fixes on Linux, including further font work

yum... no me fije en eso, suena bien, a ver si es verdad XD
seguimos con versionitis...

http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... s-and-more

Changed UA Opera version back to Opera/9.80
Cleaned up opera:about
CORE-30815 (End key puts cursor at beginning of next line instead of end of the current line)
CORE-30805 (Opera reloads images when going back with History Navigation Mode 3)
CORE-30795 (Make file choosers editable in native UI)
CORE-30607 (Gmail checkboxes look odd)
CORE-29201 (Add support for enabling/disabling nettype, leaving it to enabled by default)
CORE-30747 (Block level elements do not create newlines in pasted text)
CORE-30600 (Application cache quota strategy doesn't work properly)
DSK-302048 (Web Workers demo at html5demos.com not working right away)

CORE-30422 (Second fix for YouTube resizing button, and some Flash click-through issues)

DSK-300910 (Action field focus lost after typing two characters in shortcut preferences)
DSK-296056 (Address dropdown appears 'cut' sometimes in compositing WMs)
DSK-302079 (Opera doesn't always exit after opening the file chooser)
DSK-301029 (I cannot attach files to emails with drag and drop)
DSK-273325 (Window size not retained on restart)
DSK-288686 (HTTPS info in address bar is dancing)
DSK-298894 (Dragged tabs are not released on drop)
DSK-301127 (Panning doesn't update scrollbar/scroll position in mail)
DSK-301335 (More information should be displayed in 'opera --full-version')
DSK-270884 (Widget in application looks very untidy and is nearly unusable)
DSK-295967 (Opera often doesn't realize that the mouse pointer is hovering above menu items)
DSK-301786 (Let Speed Dial dialogs run on top of Opera if composite is enabled)
DSK-301865 (There is no close button on the menu bar even when they are turned off on the tabs)
DSK-288162 (Alt key pops up menu even if it is used in combinations/shortcuts)
DSK-298239 (GTK tooltip colors not obeyed)
DSK-302184 (Clicking the tray icon twice breaks address bar dropdown)
DSK-302201 (GTK error on exit)
DSK-302314 (System tooltip text color is used in thumbnail text)
DSK-302350 (It is possible to close opera while a modal dialog is open)
DSK-301343 (Problem with font hinting (fat fonts))
ZeusII escribió:DSK-301343 (Problem with font hinting (fat fonts))

Sera en Gnome porque en KDE el problema que tenemos es el de "very thin fonts" :Ð

Ya probaremos...
Editado por #1302#. Razón: malditos fails! xD
Actualizado. Probando y tal... Imagen
Al fin se puede quitar las letras de "menu" del boton de arriba XD


Si no lo hacen lo mismo reciben ataques y todo. XD Se les echaron todos encima.

¿Has cambiado el favicon a Pruebas? Imagen
Al actualizar Arch me encuentro con esto:

==> Software upgrade (new version) :
aur/opera-qt4 10.10-3 -> 10.11-1

Fixed an issue where Data URIs could be used to allow cross-site scripting; see our advisory (http://www.opera.com/support/search/view/955/).

PD: Si, he vuelto a la 10.10 (10.11 ahora) hasta que no mejoren mas las tipografías, en EOL se siguen viendo raras.
Uh, has retrocedido! A mi se me ven bastante bien pues... Imagen

Aunque no tanto como en la 10.11 Imagen

Esperaremos con opera-devel hasta que saquen una versión definitiva [360º]

http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... ility-work

CORE-30820 (Can not revisit cached URL)
CORE-30786 (Page cache deletes application cache URLs)
CORE-30292 (Cross-network warning misfires)
CORE-28951 (Hangup caused by img/float/iframe in width-restricted element)
CORE-28308 (CSS crash)

Crash fixes related to fonts, and more

XIM support that works with input methods such as ibus and scim

edit. y mas versionitis!!

http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... ility-work

New fraud warning design
CORE-28841 (Spatial Navigation crash when two scrollable containers positioned near each other)
CORE-28766 (Cache related crash when reloading pages)
DSK-301896 (Unicode freeze (Wikipedia))

(solo un +1 de build number)
2352 respuestas
18, 9, 10, 11, 1248