We just released 10.61. Changelog can be found: http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/windows/1061/
Thanks for your testing effort. We will likely continue with a double set of "snapshots" here on the desktop team.
Continuing with 10.7 (or whatever it will eventually be called) and 10.62
The bugfixing continues
MrkHateGuiris escribió:A y otra cosa, a mi no me va el Login del opera link, se queda la pagina a medio cargar, a vostros tambien?
MrkHateGuiris escribió:Hoy me ha dado por probar el Opera Link, aun que aun no entiendo muy bien de que va (bueno que me guardara marcadores, notas...En otros PC con mi cuenta) Pero me preguntao que si tambien guarda las pestañas, es decir, dejar abiertas unas para seguir trabajando despues![]()
A y otra cosa, a mi no me va el Login del opera link, se queda la pagina a medio cargar, a vostros tambien?
kkxbox escribió:no veo nada de cambios por ahora, el mayor cambio por ahora es "Opera has reached an even higher performance score with security and stability updates."
coyote escribió:http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2010/08/12/opera-10-61-releasedWe just released 10.61. Changelog can be found: http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/windows/1061/
Thanks for your testing effort. We will likely continue with a double set of "snapshots" here on the desktop team.
Continuing with 10.7 (or whatever it will eventually be called) and 10.62
The bugfixing continues
blackmasquerade escribió:Disculpe Su Señoría.
A few fixes for private tabs/windows
DSK-215066 (Unable to set custom Reload Every value for pages and Speed Dial using enter key)
DSK-274482 (Cannot use Esc to escape out of address field in Speed Dial/blank tab)
DSK-281647 (View toolbox should get keyboard focus when clicking View button)
DSK-287319 (Unable to accept self-signed certificate)
DSK-300568 (Extender menu not accessible with tab bar placed on the sides)
DSK-307788 (Relative paths in Filename setting for Speed Dial background don't work)
DSK-307763 (Fixed a couple of memory issues)
DSK-309497 (Crash on using Application cache (Opening Dragonfly causes crash))
DSK-306885 (Font related crash)
DSK-283144 (Menu bar not updated when enabling features)
DSK-293909 (Compose and New Tab from Dock menu doesn't give Opera focus)
DSK-294094 (Cannot drag files from Finder or Desktop if file name contains space)
DSK-296003 (Hover effects don't trigger in fullscreen mode)
DSK-296234 (Scrollbar color with non-active Opera is not gray)
DSK-298773 (Include OS X version in User-Agent)
DSK-300752 (Clicking the zoom button can make the window disappear)
DSK-305840 (Mouse is locked after dragging tab to Speed Dial)
Added sychronization of the URL filter (content blocker)
DSK-304462 (Personal bar only shows its content in one window)
DSK-307161 (The shortcut dialog shows platform information in front of the shortcut values)
DSK-308602 (Popup menus background is plain color instead of pixmap/gradient breaks some GTK Themes)
DSK-309032 (Slow UI with progress bar set to pop up at bottom and GTK Native used)
DSK-309213 (Widgets: Upgrade wizard, "more" leads to wrong location)
DSK-309799 (Geolocation memory fix)
Added sychronization of the URL filter (content blocker)
DSK-304462 (Personal bar only shows its content in one window)
DSK-273343 (JavaScript dialogs do not disappear when you reload, and are confusingly stacked on top of each other)
DSK-274131 (Tab-modal dialog stays after changing URL)
DSK-286456 (Speed dial thumnails are created incorrectly if "fit to width" option is enabled in general settings)
DSK-290463 (Scrollbars not shown on transformed elements)
DSK-293862 (Desktop window gets into weird non-drawing state)
DSK-297746 (Make the Accept Cookies preferences work as expected)
DSK-299567 (Reloading pages give multiple unclosable download dialogs)
DSK-300950 (Not clickable/selectable links/text)
DSK-301469 (It is possible to open multiple "Customize Mail Header" dialogs in M2)
DSK-302161 (It is possible to open multiple "Site Preferences" dialogs on one site)
DSK-303370 (Messenger Unite app doesn't load)
DSK-304642 (Nicknamed bookmark URL not updated until restart when changed and using the nickname in the Address Bar)
DSK-305707 (Crash during tab animations)
DSK-307008 (Hangs when leaving canvas/audio/javascript game)
DSK-308046 (Bookmark URLs truncated to 128 characters when pasted)
DSK-311237 (Crash with Opera Link synchronization of the blocked content list)
DSK-217065 (Tooltip appears in front of another applications)
DSK-256001 (Opera doesn't work with Windows NT4 SP6a)
DSK-305562 (Opera 10.6x no longer runs under Windows 98)
DSK-293238 (Invisible text in Personal bar and Main bar when switching from classic to aero theme)
DSK-281398 (Logitech Tilt-wheel mouse tilt function horizontal scrolling doesnt work in opera 10.5 and above)
DSK-305419 (Cannot open pages in IE mode using Neptune plug-in)
DSK-297836 (HTML5 sliders don't take CSS transform on Mac)
DSK-293925 (Dragonfly disables Quick Preferences)
DSK-305756 (Growl crashes when displaying blocked pop-up notification on PPC)
ZeusII escribió:por mi parte, ignoraré este build (y supongo que tu tambien coyote) hasta que resuelvan esas dos regressions... yo por mis mouse navigation buttons MA-TO xD
Known regressions
DSK-307161 (Mouse navigation buttons not working)
DSK-311417 (Crash on expanding items in the mail panel)
DSK-301469 (It is possible to open multiple "Customize Mail Header" dialogs in M2)
DSK-256001 (Opera doesn't work with Windows NT4 SP6a)
DSK-305562 (Opera 10.6x no longer runs under Windows 98)
Known regressions
DSK-311905 [Mac] (Text input can be slow with a large number of bookmarks)
DSK-311564 [Windows] (The MSI installer may fail when upgrading an existing installation)
CORE-30829 (Overlayed dialogs can be covered by plug-ins)
DSK-311417 (Crash on expanding items in the mail panel)
DSK-305751 (More precise and faster menu updates)
DSK-309866 (Visual tab pop-ups are displayed on hover even when not in foreground)
DSK-309871 (Can become unresponsive when minimizing windows blocked by dialogs)
DSK-309875 (Active dialogs is sometime sent to background)
DSK-309897 (Speed dial configuration overlay does not always hide)
DSK-310513 (Security dialog is missing tab edges)
DSK-310906 (Blocking mail dialogs can block other blocking dialogs)
DSK-311417 (Crash on expanding items in the mail panel)
CORE-27623 (Fallback not displayed for Java types when plug-ins disabled)
CORE-30184 (Selection jumps while backspacing in rich text editor)
CORE-31963 (Opera crashes when searching on hotels.com)
CORE-32419 (More MIME file types and suffixes for compressed tar files)
DSK-300950 (Not clickable/selectable links/text)
DSK-307008 (Opera hung when leaving canvas/audio/javascript game)
DSK-308559 (hotmail.co.uk should be added to mailproviders.xml)
DSK-308722 (FastMail domains missing from mailproviders.xml)
DSK-310281 (Missing images in feed preview (media rss))
DSK-311008 (Missing plugin dialog might cause a crash)
DSK-311558 (Crash after leaving a page with a flash with wmode="transparent")
DSK-311689 (Items disappearing from cache)
DSK-311738 (Bodyless documents crash in accessibility mode)
Fixed some crashes gathered from the automated crashlogging
DSK-305751 (Entering text is very slow on OSX 10.4 Tiger)
DSK-311676 (Enable on on demand plugins as default for Mac 10.4 and PPC)
DSK-298758 (Drag and drop can hang after a drop (normally on a speed dial page)): additional fix
DSK-304220 (Dead keys and cyrillic fail if XMODIFIERS is set but an IME is not used)
DSK-307669 (Canceling a widget drag under Openbox crashes the WM causing the user to be logged out)
DSK-309799 (Memory leak in *nix geolocation)
DSK-304377 (Crash when downloading files in link panel)
DSK-312101 (Opera crashes when closing a tab with flash)
Pierce_34 escribió:Hola, alguien me podria decir si existe un adblock efectivo para Opera?? (aparte de la función de "Bloquear contenidos")
Se que ya lo habreis dicho antes, pero entended que son muchas paginas y muchos mensajes en este hilo.
Gracias y saludos!
ZeusII escribió:Pierce_34 escribió:Hola, alguien me podria decir si existe un adblock efectivo para Opera?? (aparte de la función de "Bloquear contenidos")
Se que ya lo habreis dicho antes, pero entended que son muchas paginas y muchos mensajes en este hilo.
Gracias y saludos!
Si, facil y rapido.
Descarga un urlfilter.ini y reemplaza el que tiene opera en documents and settings:
https://secure.fanboy.co.nz/opera/compl ... filter.ini
CORE-29054 (Don't load streaming plug-in in turbo)
Fixed a new crash related to previous 10.62 updates
DSK-311905 (Typing is slow when there are many bookmarks)
Mail panel work, see above
DSK-268103 (Mail Compose toolbar is not customizable, changes lost after closing the Compose tab)
DSK-308395 (In All Messages/Sent, threaded mode hides initial sent messages that started a thread)
DSK-299649 (Unable to subscribe to RSS feed)
DSK-288813 (Can't close 'font' dialog in mail compose window)
DSK-309979 (Unread count out of sync in mail)
DSK-308591 (Crash on selecting mail account in Mail Compose)
Fixed errors with plain text signature editing
DSK-266308 (Crash related to Master Password dialog on startup)
DSK-270935 (Context menu translation ru-en and en-ru is missed in russian version of Opera)
DSK-274371 (Mouse gestures don't always work on application background unless UI is activated)
DSK-281118 (Not sending referrer when using anything but Left Mouse Button)
DSK-283782 (Widgets menu open links in active tab)
DSK-286253 (Password manager toolbar blank/empty/white when opera:config#UserPrefs|SpeedDialState=3)
DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab)
DSK-304368 (Opera might crash on dragging bookmarks)
DSK-307157 (Crash with "Custom Bookmark Merge File" in operaprefs.ini)
DSK-307793 (Middle-click panning does not work in frames)
DSK-307888 (Crash with action "Show search")
DSK-308939 (Bookmarks and Notes are sent on first sync even when disabled)
DSK-309075 (Offline mode doesn't work)
DSK-309308 (Forward is not working on frame content)
DSK-310379 (Private tabs and using F2 "Go to page" address field results in stored url)
DSK-310749 (Bookmark menu is as wide as the longest title)
DSK-310987 (Opera freezes when you try to import a very large bookmark file)
DSK-311317 (Default mouse configuration is a mess)
DSK-311558 (Crash after leaving a page with a flash with wmode="transparent")
DSK-311738 (Bodyless documents crash in accessibility mode)
DSK-284640 (Status Bar becomes black in a not maximized window on restart after enabling the Menu Bar (Aero))
DSK-304850 (installing opera 10.60 windows over-writes saved search preferences)
DSK-307434 (Using Full Screen from the context menu mangles the status bar and tab bar when coming out of full screen)
DSK-311564 (The MSI installer may fail when upgrading an existing installation)
DSK-248015 (Cannot upload or send Mac file bundles (should compress to .zip)
DSK-264158 (Include system wide option Special Characters ... in Edit menu)
DSK-276004 (Support for printing forms)
DSK-293917 (Modal dialog hides below browser if opera is clicked)
DSK-296183 (Cannot paste in Save dialog)
DSK-296978 (Entire widget UI is in English only) (still a problem on first run)
DSK-298450 (Will not quit without mouse events)
DSK-298918 (Cmd + Shift + { or } Shortcut Inconcistency)
DSK-300561 (Pushed buttons should get pressed status (blue background) not selection (focus ring))
DSK-301506 (UNIX editing keys on Mac works twice as expected)
DSK-303469 (HTML5 video, animated gif animations and downloads stop playing when context menu is open)
DSK-304194 (-help crashes Opera)
DSK-309371 (Should fallback to image icon and not attempt to display large images when dragging)
DSK-309450 (Can't create new window by dragging tab in Windows panel)
DSK-309751 (Wrong select option selected when using optgroup)
DSK-309832 (Hidden mouse cursor over plug-in area remains hidden when moving mouse out of plug-in area (also leaks though tabs))
DSK-309849 ("Back" mouse gesture (right hold + left click) causes an extra click)
DSK-310006 (Paints plug-in on UI when overflowing available view)
DSK-310637 (padding breaks vertical slider)
DSK-310874 (IRC "new message" icon on O in dock shows up when the IRC tab is in focus)
DSK-310892 (Address and search field drop-down scrollbars are always inactive)
DSK-311491 (Widgets in widget mode are hidden when they loose focus)
DSK-311598 (Change the definition of the Incomplete Message Toolbar)
DSK-311597 (Make the Mail Header Toolbar darker)
DSK-311905 (Typing is slow when there are many bookmarks)
DSK-312028 (Feeds menu does not update after deleting a feed)
DSK-312009 (Opening and closing color picker leaves all menus disabled)
DSK-275860 (Add XZ compressed tarballs to Opera Linux packages)
DSK-275916 (The new Opera Linux install script should have a '--prefix' option)
DSK-279779 (Add a --repackage option to make repackaging on FreeBSD, Slackware, Arch, Gentoo, etc. easier)
DSK-289099 (Opera deb packages should use LZMA)
DSK-289213 (Should provide a Debian menu file)
DSK-289655 (Call gtk-update-icon-cache if available after install)
DSK-290423 (Gnome menus are not updated after a tarball install until DE restart)
DSK-292953 (Resolve problems caused by hard linking)
DSK-295486 (Opera package is shown incorrectly in high-level GUI package managers on Debian based distros)
DSK-295610 (Linux Debian packages should depend on good fonts)
DSK-301124 (Upgrading via the shell script complains about moving files)
DSK-306923 (Replace README.txt or LGPL.txt (from lib/opera/gstreamer) with share/doc/opera/README.gstreamer)
DSK-312507 ('share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/opera-widget.*' icons should be symlinks)
DSK-302362 (Crash when opening Unite app installation links in background)
DSK-303370 (Messenger unite app doesn't load the first time)
Several crash fixes, some discovered from the submitted crashlogs
CORE-2145 (Filter, combined with opacity affects event detection)
CORE-8983 (document.cloneNode fires not_supported_err)
CORE-9143 (navigator.plugins.length > 0 even with no plug-ins used)
CORE-13767 (NaN, Infinity, -Infinity should be ignored)
CORE-15154 (Text alignment with text-anchor failing on bidi text)
CORE-16871 (Allow XML pretty formatting to be turned off, opera:config#UserPrefs|FormatUnstyledXML)
CORE-21280 (UserJS not visible to debugger)
CORE-21764 (Adds methods to enable/disable spellcheck and determine if the current spellcheck state has been set by the user.)
CORE-21769 (Make documentedit aware of the spellcheck attribute.)
CORE-21878 (navigator.plugins.refresh(true) should reload current document)
CORE-23517 (White screen is displayed instead of Yahoo if we repeated "history back" and "history forward".)
CORE-24244 (Performance regression on local ibench in Core 2.4)
CORE-24819 (Patch for never stop loading bug if favicon is last inline to load and times out)
CORE-25024 (<text> element in SVG does not default to ltr when directionality is unspecified)
CORE-25615 (reading location.hash just after setting gives wrong result in body-less document)
CORE-26286 (Plugin windows don't get removed from the PlugixManager when deleted)
CORE-26766 (SELECT inherits style from initially selected OPTION)
CORE-27560 (triple writing HTML of an IFRAME with source that contains script tag freezes JS (TinyMCE))
CORE-28461 (Memory leak in XMLHttpRequest)
CORE-28499 (Glyph cache settings as a tweak)
CORE-28917 (Page auto-scrolls to top when "new" graphics are incorporated)
CORE-29058 (Painting artifacts with absolute element inside fixed element on scrolling zoomed in page)
CORE-29090 (Fixed off-by-one bug that caused unnecessary scrolling on areas covered by fixed positioned elements. Related to CORE-29058.)
CORE-29535 (Ignore reviver argument to JSON.parse if not callable)
CORE-29829 (Accessing stack before Error is thrown causes it to always be empty)
CORE-29863 (RegExp matching both alternations when it starts to match both)
CORE-29887 (crash on qq.com)
CORE-30053 (Carakan JIT crash)
CORE-30217 (Crash when opening space.com)
CORE-30248 (Backtracking fails with . in regexp)
CORE-30309 (percentage widths on a fixed layout nested table computed incorrectly if there are overflowing descendants)
CORE-30333 (weird OpenLayers console error when JIT kicks in)
CORE-30515 ([Crash] Browser is crashed while loading webpage)
CORE-30523 (Blocked URL should display error page, like when host is not found)
CORE-30542 (video/audio controls get partially invisible when applying a css transform)
CORE-30558 (Search for spaces in page matches seemingly random pieces of text)
CORE-30772 (sina.com.cn crashes when using spatial navigation)
CORE-30785 (Incorrect handling of writes to alias registers in native loop dispatchers)
CORE-30909 (Crash after visiting plugin site)
CORE-30935 (Rounded corners broken when using fix point in libvega)
CORE-30954 (Implement DOM 3 Core isEqualNode)
CORE-30958 (lookupPrefix and isDefaultNamespace bugs in IE's dom testsuite)
CORE-30961 (Implement Event.defaultPrevented from DOM3Events)
CORE-30963 (Implement CustomEvent from DOM3Events)
CORE-30967 (Regexp incorrectly work with non-English symbols)
CORE-30968 (String.concat(): incorrect handling of results of length 1)
CORE-31031 (Improvements for opera:plugins page)
CORE-31032 (Disable specific plugins)
CORE-31081 (-o-content-size regression)
CORE-31082 (100% height, relatively pos child not expanding on increasing absolutely positioned parent)
CORE-31128 (Native code crash on interactive map (tre.it))
CORE-31131 (Crash on http://www.ernstings-family.de, visibility: collapse row)
CORE-31142 (When loading an animated png, CPU usage goes high and the browser doesn't respond)
CORE-31169 (strokeRect() does not accept negative values for width/height)
CORE-31197 (Runtimes not GC:ed during sunspider run causing too high memory usage)
CORE-31238 (Opera crashes on a page when voice is enabled.)
CORE-31295 (Sequential alerts fail, only the first is shown correctly)
CORE-31441 ("Do you want to run UserJS on secure page" dialog triggers on each reload)
CORE-31460 (Rounded rectangles in SVG are not rounded)
CORE-31515 (Page does not respond to input after clicking transparent flash)
CORE-31638 (the error message "Unable to complete secure transaction" is changed)
CORE-31651 (Crash on exit)
The Mail Panel
With this new Mail panel, you can decide for yourself what items to show, and in what order. Not using the 'Attachments'? Just hide it. Want your IMAP account on top? Just drag it up. Etc. Furthermore, you can now create folders to organize your mailing list and newsfeeds, which is great for users who have many of them. It is also possible to select in each category (like Attachments, Labels, Feeds, etc) which individual items to show and which items to hide.
Speaking about feeds, you now will get the Mail panel for easy switching between feeds, without having to set up any mail accounts. As long as you don't set up a mail account, the panel will only contain your feeds with a dedicated toolbar and context menu
Other changes are the automatic appearance of the Mail panel whenever you switch to a mail tab - and automatically returning to the previous state of the panels when moving back to a not-mail tab. Also, POP accounts have gained Inbox and Sent views for themselves.
This is phase one of the mail panel work. Phase two is now being worked on, and will see a better UI for Filters/Labels/Searches, support for feed folders in OPML import/export, a nicer look especially for Mac, and a better way to deal with multiple mail accounts (which can currently take up a lot of vertical space). So stay tuned, and tell us what you think of phase one!
More news
A big Core update. This means that the Presto version number is now updated to 2.6.34. Apart from various fixes, there is also a improved opera:plugins page.
MSI upgrades should now work again!
The Unix people worked on the packaging for Unix builds (including smaller deb and tar packages, better integration with desktop environments and window managers after initial install and new --prefix and --repackaging options for the tar packages).
Start bar blankness should be cured.
Mac fixes
And a bunch of other fixes.
Known regressions
DSK-311692 (Crash when opening from download dialog directly into Opera)
DSK-312506 (Cannot modify the spam filter)
DSK-312575 (Dragging parent feed folder into third level child causes a freeze)
DSK-312014 [Mac] (Mail panel heading flicker on hover)
DSK-311692 (Crash when opening from download dialog directly into Opera)
Start bar blankness should be cured.<- mentira
DSK-308591 (Crash on selecting mail account in Mail Compose)
Robert90 # 8. September 2010, 14:47
(Regression?) instant crash when trying to drag an image, reported as DSK-312710 (forgot to add my email address though ) Running Arch Linux and KDE 4.5.
coyote escribió:(...)
El bug del arrastrar una imagen = opera crash me esta tocando los webs y a la usabilidad, volviendo a la build anterior hasta que lo arreglen, ya que con solo usar un 'mouse gesture' en una imagen = crash
Jack6 escribió:we've got some nice things coming up on the 10.70 branch in the coming weeks and months.
Known regressions
page resizing is broken
* DSK-312728 (Text selection visually wrong)
* DSK-311692 (Crash when opening from download dialog directly into Opera)
* DSK-312506 (Cannot modify the spam filter)
* DSK-312575 (Dragging parent feed folder into third level child causes a freeze)
* DSK-312788 [Mac] (New windows opened from keyboard opens with empty workspace)
* DSK-312014 [Mac] (Mail panel heading flicker on hover)
* DSK-312713 [*nix] (Crash on Dragging) <-![]()
[DoodoM] escribió:¿Por qué no me bloquea todas las huellas de terceros sitios? ¿Por qué, si por ejemplo entro a Genbeta, además de la cookie de genbeta.com me mete una de irmworldwide.com, por dar un ejemplo?
coyote escribió:[DoodoM] escribió:¿Por qué no me bloquea todas las huellas de terceros sitios? ¿Por qué, si por ejemplo entro a Genbeta, además de la cookie de genbeta.com me mete una de irmworldwide.com, por dar un ejemplo?
Es un bug "milenario" que introdujeron en la 10.50 y que he reportado hasta reventar (y otros muchos también) pero aun sigue ahí, incluso en las versiones de desarrollo, simplemente pasan de arreglarlo.
coyote escribió:acabo de probar y "parece" que lo han arreglado, parece...
[DoodoM] escribió:¿Cómo puede ser que no lo hayan arreglado todavía? Ahí es donde se ve que se les resbala la cuota de mercado... mientras sigan dominando en los terminales móviles.
* DSK-312713 [*nix] (Crash on Dragging)
[DoodoM] escribió:Pero lo que clama al cielo es que no arreglen el bug de las cookies. Lo siento mucho, porque es un buenísimo navegador, pero hasta que no lo solucionen ese fallo el uso que le daré a Opera seguirá siendo meramente anecdótico.
DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab)
DSK-312713 (Crash when dragging images or mails)
Added support for multicast video streams
CORE-26565 (Update Big5-HKSCS support for HKSCS-2008)
CORE-19086 (Empty tab after mouse gesture)
CORE-30068 (Gmail availability check layout problem for certain error messages)
CORE-30566 (Missing form fields on studentloans.gov)
CORE-30955 (Form input fields with border-radius use page background, causes invisible fields in case with no border)
CORE-31209 (Wrong wrapping at benchmark.pl)
CORE-31304 (Cannot select the last symbol inside a scrolled box)
CORE-31330 (Nested STF with 0 width expands parent)
CORE-31370 (Text-indent on button input elements)
CORE-31417 (Crash on IMG with 64k+ ALT attribute)
CORE-31449 (Align attribute on input maps to float (AT&T U-verse))
CORE-31458 (Nowrap ignored on a cell with 100% wide sibling cell)
CORE-31496 (Positioned image with usemap attribute only shows content when cached (societegenerale.fr))
CORE-31610 (Content disappears when adding more inline-block displayed elements)
CORE-31662 (Table cell not redrawn correctly when changing its height)
CORE-31697 (Crash on anonymous table-cell and mixed generated content)
CORE-32536 (Regression with painting windowed plugins (reverts part of CORE-30829))
DSK-309329 (INPUTs with negative margin loses styling)
DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab) <- a ver si es verdad esta vez...
DSK-312713 (Crash when dragging images or mails) <-
Szőts Ákos # 13. September 2010, 19:46
Hope that the cookie bug is finally fixed. Edit: no, it is not... It's a regression from about four builds ago where you indicated you fixed that [DSK-312105].
Move Personal Bar below the Address Bar, and rename to Bookmarks Bar
Improved keyboard navigation on Bookmarks Bar (using Tab to jump between items)
"Toolbars" menu moved to the top level of the "O-menu"
DSK-266440 (Default skin size for checkbox radio buttons should be 13x13px)
CORE-30558 (Search for spaces in page matches seemingly random pieces of text)
coyote escribió:(...) ya podrían haber arreglado el bug crash comentado antes y reportado(...)
DSK-309591 (Opera crashes when running windowless plugins)
DSK-298758 (Drag and drop can hang after a drop (normally on a speed dial page))
DSK-307702 (Importing Firefox bookmarks freezes Opera )
DSK-303190 (Mouse selection doesn't copy to clipboard)
DSK-309128 (window.print() doesn't work in evenes)
DSK-306361 (Popup menus are poorly styled in GTK)
DSK-281352 (Import Firefox bookmarks file filter is broken in KDE)
DSK-310754 (Opera has no title in the ctwm window manager)
DSK-310375 (Opera has no icon in the twm or ctwm window managers)
DSK-309980 (X11 toolkit mode popup menu items should have a solid background color when selected)
DSK-309777 (Native skin elements aren't freed)
DSK-309984 (Focus cleanup)
DSK-309985 (Chat room subscription dialog opens underneath parent dialog)
DSK-311015 (Font configuration dialog is not activated properly)
DSK-309241 (Menus are as high as the screen and nearly empty in Gnome < 2.10)
DSK-308373 (Use xdg-open as handler for unknown files when not running in Gnome or KDE)
coyote@Miyuki Opera-Dev$ ls -lh
total 87M
drwxr-xr-x 2 coyote users 4,0K sep 16 16:14 OLDs
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 1,7K sep 16 16:10 PKGBUILD
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M sep 8 11:57 opera-10.70-9044.x86_64.linux.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M sep 13 18:33 opera-10.70-9046.x86_64.linux.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M sep 15 12:10 opera-10.70-9047.x86_64.linux.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M sep 16 14:33 opera-10.70-9048.x86_64.linux.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M ago 31 15:45 opera-devel-10.70_9036-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M sep 14 14:29 opera-devel-10.70_9046-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M sep 15 15:59 opera-devel-10.70_9047-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
-rw-r--r-- 1 coyote users 11M sep 16 16:12 opera-devel-10.70_9048-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 coyote users 415 ago 18 17:05 opera-devel.install