[Hilo Oficial] Opera - adblocker nativo, VPN, ahorro batería

En esta última build algo a escondidas han hecho con la integración ya que los menús y submenús se ven algo mas majetes que antes, aunque no llega al nivel de vistosidad de Opera 10.1x Imagen
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... /seventeen


DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab)
DSK-312764 (Crash when closing newsfeed tab)
DSK-311444 (Renaming IMAP folders creates ghost folders)
DSK-311554 (Overlay dialogs disappear for no reason, making the tab unusable)
DSK-311692 (Crash when opening a file with Content-Disposition: attachment directly)
DSK-287134 (Bookmarks dragged out of Mini folder are recreated)
DSK-277635 (Clicking on the mail notification when minimized does not activate the program window)
DSK-310875 (Focus lost from Facebook chat box when the text is updated)
DSK-312868 (F2 does not respect Reuse Current Tab)
DSK-312114 (Update mail providers list to new Opera Web Mail username)
DSK-270950 (Opening Dragonfly after switching to different window inspects tab from previous window)
DSK-299014 (Google Earth plug-in pops up in front even when in background tab)
DSK-308092 (Opera Link can cause 100% CPU use on start-up)
DSK-304034 (Start-up crash when deleting certain files in the profile)

DSK-312477 (Windows 7 crash)

DSK-278663 (Cannot find executable for printer plug-in)
DSK-312247 (Lose the extra spyglass but keep a color corrected clear button around)

DSK-312764 (Crash when closing newsfeed tab) <- Imagen
Nadie lo ha puesto, así que...

Startup and shutdown profiling - link

This snapshot introduces our new startup and shutdown profiling. This is a tool for us to get an overview on what is causing slow startup and shutdowns for some users. We hope this tool will let us gather some data on where we should focus our efforts on further improving startup performance.


Startup and shutdown profiling through "-profilinglog" argument

DSK-313808 (Some dialogs hides the main window when loosing focus)

Paso para comentar lo "enfadao" que aun ando con la cutre integración KDEeriana.

http://imgur.com/qxq2A.png <- Opera
http://imgur.com/9X8Lq.png <- Konqueror
Ah, sí. Es más una herramienta que una build. Yo, por el momento, no tengo problemas con su ejecución. De hecho, lo hace más rápido que nunca: no tarda más de diez segundos.

Repecto a la integración con KDE, he aquí el mío:


Haven’t you heard‽ Stability is the word‼ (-link-)

The highlights in this snapshot include:
* Frequent “premature shutdowns” fixed
* On demand plug-ins option now in the Preference dialog <- nice XD


DSK-299046 (Overlapping lines in address field dropdown)
DSK-312986 (Crash when saving file while page redirects)
DSK-313717 (Add opera:config#UserPrefs|EnableOnDemandPlugin to the Preference dialog)
DSK-295433 (100% CPU when Links panel search finds more than 1 result)

DSK-311379 (Mouse panning not always working)
DSK-311558 (Crash after leaving a tab with a flash with wmode="transparent")
DSK-312213 (Random crash on Window systems with Aero disabled)
DSK-314321 (“Use Opera as default browser” installer option causes a crash)

DSK-313323 (Standalone widgets crash on exit) (tested)
DSK-312794 (Remove the separator between the address and search field, but keep some empty space as the resizer)
DSK-313321 (Tools: Dragonfly menu entry incorrectly disabled)
DSK-313248 (Edit commands not working in Content Blocker)

Opera prepara una "avalancha", volvemos a las novedades misteriosas <- ._O
yo mientras se dignen a arreglar los botones del raton de una vez me conformo [buuuaaaa]

Me he instalado la ultima version de Opera y me esta gustando mucho.
Pero hay un par de cosas que no consigo.

- Una es que me recuerde las contraseñas de entrada en algunas paginas. Cada vez que entro me las vuelve a pedir, y eso que le digo que me la recuerde (tanto al Opera como en la pagina web marcando la casilla para ello)

- la otra es que normalmente quiero ver las paginas con un zoom un poco mayor (usando el Ctrl+). Eso me lo hace bien, pero en cuanto voy a otra pagina, me vuelve a su resolucion original. Esto por ejemplo, si que me lo hace bien el Chrome,

Si algun@ puede echarme un cablecillo con mis dudas, se lo agrdeceria.


me ha surgido un problema que me ha parecido curioso, allá voy :

Al bajar con la rueda central del mouse al visualizar una web , se me escucha un ruido, como un rshh. He probado con otro navegador y no me sucede. No tengo ni idea de donde puede venir el problema.
Alguna idea?

Opera 10.63 Release Candidate <<CLICK>>


DSK-304034 (Crash on startup when removing custom settings folders)
DSK-298346 (Start Bar blanked out after opening background tab)
DSK-303370 (Messenger Unite app doesn't load)
DSK-312986 (Crash when saving file while page redirects)
DSK-311558 (Crash after leaving a page with a flash with wmode="transparent")
DSK-287134 (Bookmarks dragged out of Mini folder are recreated when sent as added in the mini folder again)
DSK-308092 (Opera Link startup freeze)
DSK-307769 (Search suggestions from Baidu)
DSK-313800 (Fallback to second address is very slow)
DSK-294521 (Doesn't fall back to IPv4 if IPv6 connection fails (Mac, *nix))
DSK-299567 (Reloading pages give multiple unclosable download dialogs)

CORE-32656 (Regex crash)
CORE-32191 (Regex crash)
CORE-31343 (JavaScript crash at Yahoo Mail Classic)
CORE-15711 (JavaScript crash)
CORE-32195 (Handling of Content-Disposition extended parameters)
CORE-31929 (Crash on exit)

CORE-32842 (Mouse focus related plugin crasher)

DSK-313323 (Standalone widgets crash on exit)
DSK-313321 (Dragonfly menu entry is disabled)

DSK-310055 (External links can't be opened from widgets)
DSK-307702 (Importing Firefox bookmarks freezes Opera)
DSK-313596 (Disable sync protocol support to improve resizing of windows)
DSK-272180 (Problems with launching default browser in different *nix desktop environments)
DSK-303190 (Mouse selection doesn't copy to clipboard)
DSK-281352 (Import Firefox bookmarks file filter is broken in KDE)
DSK-309241 (Menus are as high as the screen and nearly empty)
DSK-308536 (Korean IME doesn't work on Ubuntu 10.04)
DSK-304408 (iBus: Only the first typed Chinese character is committed)
DSK-312622 (Crash when viewing bookmark menu)
buena noticia gracias!
85154665 escribió:- Una es que me recuerde las contraseñas de entrada en algunas paginas. Cada vez que entro me las vuelve a pedir, y eso que le digo que me la recuerde (tanto al Opera como en la pagina web marcando la casilla para ello)

Si te rellena los campos es que te la recuerda, ¿no? XD a mi me pasa con algunas webs, no todas.

anne kinoko escribió:Al bajar con la rueda central del mouse al visualizar una web , se me escucha un ruido, como un rshh. He probado con otro navegador y no me sucede. No tengo ni idea de donde puede venir el problema.

Cosa mas rara, mira si tienes en las opciones activados los sonidos, si es así, prueba deshabilitandolos.
anne kinoko escribió:buenas

me ha surgido un problema que me ha parecido curioso, allá voy :

Al bajar con la rueda central del mouse al visualizar una web , se me escucha un ruido, como un rshh. He probado con otro navegador y no me sucede. No tengo ni idea de donde puede venir el problema.
Alguna idea?


También me pasaba a mi usándolo en windows, ahora en Ubuntu por ahora no me lo hace.

Tengo un problema que ya me viene pasando de hace un tiempo, y siempre he querido postearlo pero nunca encuentro el momento, y ahora me dispongo a ello...

A veces cuando cierro el opera, y luego (inmediatamente o no) lo vuelvo a abrir, me sale esto

Nada, grave. Administrador de tareas, y finalizar proceso de opera.exe. Y ya me lo abre perfectamente, pero es un coñazo. No me pasa el 100% de las veces, pero lo suficiente como para que me toque los webs!

Finalmente, comentar que me pasa en los dos ordenadores que tengo:
Portátil con Windows 7 y Opera 10.62
El de sobremesa, con Windows XP y Opera 10.70

Algún caso similar¿ Alguna solución?

Gracias, un saludo!
Lo mejor para esos casos es reportar el fallo: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/

Decir que en mi caso jamas me ha pasado eso pero si he leído algo en el pasado.
Web Sockets enter the Opera House

God morgen from Oslo. Here is a new snapshot with a Core update featuring our first implementation of Web Sockets, and an improved Unite and Widgets implementation. (No UI changes.) Watch out for Unite and Widgets regressions.

Changelog (enorme)

DSK-314279 (New note created when clicking empty area of notes list)
DSK-295578 (Wrong temporary download file used when opening files from download dialog in external editor more than once)

DSK-313628 (Doesn't run on Windows 2000)
DSK-245127 (Hebrew (RTL) text with negative letter-spacing hard to read)

DSK-312788 (New windows opened from keyboard shortcut opens with empty workspace)
DSK-314900 (Animations stop when opening menus)
DSK-298447 (Widget have two application menus on Mac OS 10.5)
DSK-296097 (Interrupted scrolling in address bar drop-down)
DSK-314886 (View: Toolbars disabled after enabling one toolbar)
DSK-314917 (Redesigned Close tab button)
DSK-313510 (White background behind form controls)
DSK-298558 (Cannot clear file chooser to unset option/restore default on Mac)
DSK-314033 (Does not always react on mouse-clicks after right-click on context menus)

DSK-313761 (Middle-click in edit fields searches on Google as well as pasting)

Unite and Widgets
DSK-313755 (Crash when trying to install widget)
CORE-21618 (Added preference to enable Unite)
CORE-29516 (Upgrade Unite preferences)
CORE-31309 (Unite service announcement contains invalid XML)
CORE-31431 (Support dir attribute on widget, name, description, author and license elements in config.xml)
CORE-27980 (Support for multiple icon sizes in widgets)
CORE-27682 (Control geolocation access by feature element define in widgets)
CORE-30009 (Empty content element or when set to incorrect namespace crash on loading widget)
CORE-29377 (Unzip sometimes fails for files with upper case)
CORE-30216 (Clicking links relative to widget documents opens them in browser)
CORE-31426 (Widgets don't always have access to network after restart)
CORE-32161 (Crash when stopping a Unite service twice from service page)

CORE-26063 (Add support for Web Sockets)
CORE-29054 (Don’t Turbo compression servers when loading plug-ins)
CORE-31885 (Wrong error message when accessing non-existent property of object)
CORE-301 (Setting document.title has no effect if document doesn't have a title element)
CORE-22867 (Navigating to an OGG file should play the video inline)
CORE-21639 (Add box-decoration-break and update background shorthand)
CORE-31134 (Password manager loosing passwords after setting and later changing master password)
CORE-31518 (Windows Media Player plug-in does not load stream when data attribute set but not src attribute)
CORE-24808 (Header info for plug-in lost after restart)
CORE-31299 (Label element does not focus select elements)
CORE-31585 (Clicking a visible label should fire onclick on invisible input)
CORE-30197 (Using spatial navigation after writing image map to document causes crash)
CORE-31929 (Random crash on exit)
CORE-31670 (Layout performance regression)
CORE-31350 (Can't access page through SSL by direct link)
CORE-31443 (Ignores the header UserJS with BOM)
CORE-27927 (Does not show server sent error page for 504 and 417 HTTP error codes)
CORE-32365 (Too strict same origin rule for cached resources in application cache)
CORE-31661 (Background of favicon changes on hover)
CORE-29111 (Scrolled iframe doesn't repaint)
CORE-503 (Onload for sub-frame documents is not triggered until whole frameset is loaded)
CORE-28496 (100 iframes pointing to themselves causes 6^100 documents, which makes opera freeze)
CORE-11754 (Erasing with Control–Backspace can be trigger happy)
CORE-31569 (SVG color attributes get the wrong string value after changing with RGB Color)
CORE-31456 (Overflow:hidden hides background image in a transformed (rotated) element)
CORE-31939 (CSS transform rotate with overflow:hidden clips image)
CORE-31269 (Crash on canvas)
CORE-20408 (Drop-down list doesn't have border around it when collapsed)
CORE-31448 (Wrong position of Shockwave Director inside iframes)
CORE-31619 (Sends garbage when plugin ask for URL property)
CORE-30971 (XML document served as text/html can break font switch-writing system)
CORE-30452 (Google Docs spreadsheet scroll when typing)
CORE-28972 (mail.qq.com can not finish sending a mail)
CORE-24224 Acid3 test fails on browserscope.org (reflow during script thread only propagates into 1 level of framed documents)
CORE-28700 (Appending video element fails after cloneNode)
CORE-29664 (Second call to xhr.setRequestHeader() throws error. Facebook games fix.)
CORE-15299 (Missing onload events on images loaded in parallel (non connected images getting garbage collected))
CORE-30416 (400 Bad Request on The Register because empty cookie value doesn't include an equals sign)
CORE-28121 (Form input fields with border-radius and no border are invisible)
CORE-30185 (Popup blocker enhancements)
CORE-30531 (Google Maps overlay layers not displaying)
CORE-30824 (NSL on some javascript iframe elements)
CORE-30872 (DOM 2 Style methods don't work properly on SVG elements
CORE-30253 (Selection should survive parent DOM update)
CORE-28037 (Empty wrap attribute ignored on pre element)
CORE-30058 (selectedIndex wrong after inserting options)
CORE-30064 (Adding select options at options.length+2 should not insert empty entry)
CORE-17989 (Should allow cookie mode override in ua.ini)
CORE-32912 (Value with invalid/unrecognized function doesn't get dropped)

ATPC he mandado el BetterEOL que me hace cosas raras como la del doble post involuntario.

EDIT: en esta build se han cargado los userscripts, no funcionan y los uso a saco asi que vuelvo a la anterior snapshot
(mensaje borrado)
@ wieder:

Creo que es un problema del archivo lock. Salva marcadores, filtro o lo que consideres y prueba con un perfil nuevo.

coyote escribió:ATPC he mandado el BetterEOL que me hace cosas raras como la del doble post involuntario.

Eso me ocurría hace ya un tiempo... Y también lo dejé. :o
Parece y digo *parece* que han arreglado silenciosamente el problema que tenia con en ansia de la memoria, ahora lo normal es verlo "ansiando" entre 150-180 MiB de RAM, con la snapshot anterior era unos 500 y 600 MiB [mad]
mentira! ya me parecía a mi...

Tendré que fastidiarme un poco con que no ME funcionen los userscripts, por los comentarios en la web de Opera dicen que a algunos le funciona según que userscript... en fin... de todas formas, me he quejado al respecto XD

ya podrían liberar el código y hacerlo OpenSource, coñe XD

EDIT: Opera 10.63 released

Changelogs: Windows - OS X - *NIX
coyote escribió:
85154665 escribió:- Una es que me recuerde las contraseñas de entrada en algunas paginas. Cada vez que entro me las vuelve a pedir, y eso que le digo que me la recuerde (tanto al Opera como en la pagina web marcando la casilla para ello)

Si te rellena los campos es que te la recuerda, ¿no? XD a mi me pasa con algunas webs, no todas.

anne kinoko escribió:Al bajar con la rueda central del mouse al visualizar una web , se me escucha un ruido, como un rshh. He probado con otro navegador y no me sucede. No tengo ni idea de donde puede venir el problema.

Cosa mas rara, mira si tienes en las opciones activados los sonidos, si es así, prueba deshabilitandolos.

pues no, ni así. Esperaré una versión nueva haber si lo arregla. En la otra partición tengo Xp, y nada, funciona perfecto.

Pregunta: Se ha reparado ya el fallo de que lo cierras, intentas abrirlo y dice que ya lo tienes abierto y te obliga a cerrarlo mediante el administrador de tareas?

Pues sí. Y como dice uno en los comentarios, esto principalmente servirá para aumentar la popularidad de Opera, entre otras cosas marginado por carecer de extensiones.

Alguna que otra será interesante, desde luego, pero Opera lleva infinidad de características "de serie"...

Bueno, pocas excusas van a quedar para no encumbrar a Opera como mejor/más completo navegador. Imagen
ya era hora... aunque sigo usando opera con extensiones se pueden hacer cosas muy interesantes y utiles. sin duda era un paso necesario que, todo hay que decir, deberian haber tomado hace tiempo.
Jack6 escribió:Bueno, pocas excusas van a quedar para no encumbrar a Opera como mejor/más completo navegador. Imagen[/align]

Que mi amigo informático me ha dicho que me ponga "el Mocila", porque por el otro entran muchos virus.

Las extensiones son una maravilla, pero no creo que sean la principal razón por la que Firefox se merienda la cuota de Opera, porque la mayoría de la gente o no sabe lo que son o apenas las usan, y navegan con Firefox a pelo (solo de pensarlo me estremezco) [mad] . Yo lo de Opera nunca lo he entendido, y menos con la publicidad que han obtenido con Mini y Mobile, de modo que supongo que esto de las extensiones no tendrá un efecto espectacular sobre su número de usuarios. De todas formas, en principio es una buenísima noticia.
Yo tuve mi pequeño cabreo con Opera hace no mucho, y me dije que hasta la 11 no volvía. Y ahora me enseñan cosas de estas... ya me veo bajando la alpha, si es que son malvados... nah, se agradece lo de las extensiones. Realmente no las echaba en falta, pero con Chromium y usando Felicious y TinyEye Reverse estoy encantado. Grandes cosas espero de Opera :)
Muy buena explicación acerca del follón de fuentes que padecen/generan los navegadores en Linux:

Getting nice fonts on Linux and FreeBSD isn't easy, for both application authors, such as Opera, and its users alike. The problem with getting this right comes mainly from the diversity of mechanisms for configuring and drawing fonts. Browsers like Opera, Chrome and Firefox all do it in different ways. Desktop environments like KDE4 and Gnome also do it in different ways. So which way is the right way?

KDE4, Konqueror and Firefox primarily use fontconfig to figure out how the fonts should be drawn, and apply this to both the UI and webpages. Chrome uses Gnome settings for the UI, and fontconfig for webpages - but not quite: It ignores the lcdfilter setting. Epiphany seems to have the same duality with regard to the UI and webpages. Opera was until this build using xresources exclusively.

So here we have Firefox, mainly a GTK (Gnome) browser, not using the settings of the Gnome environment, but instead using fontconfig. And then we have Chrome and Epiphany which use a mix, and Opera using xresources. Seems like we're asking for trouble.

In addition to there being many configuration systems, there are several properties you can configure within each system, such as anti-aliasing on/off, which amount of hinting you want, or whether you want subpixel smoothing.

We looked long and hard at how to do this properly. We encountered some problems and we discussed and we tested and we fixed some more. After many days of doing this, we decided to do it like the desktop environment does it - all the way, the same for both webpages and the UI. This gives the user uniform font preferences everywhere, and Opera now looks beautiful in Gnome, KDE4 and XFCE. But if you don't use these environments, fear not. Opera also supports fontconfig without KDE4 running, and has support for xresources/xrdb, so that it will also look at home in environments like OpenBox.

But, how can we do it like all of them at once? That doesn't seem to make any sense. The answer is that Opera detects the environment it is running in, and automatically switches rendering method accordingly. If you really, really want to use just fontconfig, you can enable the "Prefer Fontconfig Settings" option in opera:config.

Desktop Team Bog

Al poco lanzan la que supone la última build 10.70 (la URL es muy descriptiva [carcajad] ) que se centra prinicpalmente en eso:


Speed up startup of Opera on Linux and FreeBSD
Get font properties from the native environment: Countless small fixes that were difficult and time consuming!
Add a preference for setting Opera to prefer fontconfig over UI toolkit settings

Yeah! nice build, y si es cierto que las tipografías se ven mejor que en la anterior build! good work [oki]

Ahora solo le falta integración total con KDE (los menús y tal) y que use knotify en vez de las "cutre" notificaciones que usa por defecto

Por cierto: Opera Link abre su API, primer paso para la sincronización entre todos los navegadores

PD: mejor enlaza a esto: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/20 ... 0-70-build en vez de a la zona de descargas :D
Opera cometió el horrible pecado de pretender cobrar por el navegador en su día, e incluía un banner de publicidad. Y por si fuera poco, ¡herejía!, sigue sin ser open source.

Honestamente, para hacerle popular debieron aprovechar la debilidad de IE6 y haberlo hecho totalmente gratuito antes. Se les adelantó Mozilla.
El equipo de Opera está contestando preguntas de la gente en Reddit. Impresionante cómo se lo curran y el buen rollo que hay; si esto no es la mejor publicidad, yo no sé qué será: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/d ... am_for_an/

Han hablado prácticamente de todo, desde las extensiones y los esfuerzos que hacen por contactar con páginas que funcionan mal en Opera hasta la posibilidad de pasarse a open source en el futuro. Muy interesante todo, aunque la pregunta que más me ha gustado es qué les parece que sus innovaciones sean copiadas una y otra vez por otros navegadores XD
Acabo de instalar el Opera 11 alpha. De momento parece que funciona correctamente :o

uffff yo con una versión alpha paso mucho.

A mi si me quitan el error este de que a veces no se cierra correctamente y para volver a abrirlo tengo que finalizar el proceso desde el administrador de tareas... a mi con arreglar eso ya me vale.

Extensiones... bueno, yo realmente quiero un navegador liviano, no creo que meta extensiones al navegador...
Llevo un par de horas sin cerrarlo y de momento bien. El tema de las extensiones a mi ni fu ni fa, pero si pueden hacer cosas tan interesantes como con Unite, pues quizá le saque provecho.

Lo de cerrarlo... ¿No será por el tema del Opera link? ¿Has probado a desactivarlo en el caso de que lo tengas activo?
Probando en Winbugs y parece que tira bien, solo esta en Inglés por el momento...
Lo tengo en ejecución desde ayer cuando lo descargué. De momento totalmente estable. Eso si, extensiones ni una. Solo probé una por curiosidad (para ver como era el sistema de extensiones).
yo tengo la de descargar videos de youtube... comodisima comodisima...
Muy guapo!

-La extensiones me han encantado (una chulada las de youtube y la de mantener presionado un link)

-el stylesheet no recuerdo si admtia css independientes antes, si era asi, que bien

-esta más rapido que chrome

-la dualidad wigets-extensions, me ha hecho equivocarme un par de veces, pero nada que moleste (nota: se necesita una extension de google translate)

-Hasta el momento Estable
The new Opera Installer

No, no hay snapshots nuevas, solo explican el nuevo instalador usado para Windows, se ve que se han deshecho del MicroShit Installer (msi) XD
Sacado del interesante AmA en Reddit:

shwetank (Opera Software) escribió:If a site isnt working properly, then is either the browsers fault or the sites fault (sometimes both, but very very rare ... it's usually the site's fault more often than not).

We have a site compatiblity in the core team which takes care of the former. We specifically look for issues in which websites are not displaying and functioning well, and see whether its our fault or the sites bad coding. If our fault, then this group tries to fix the issue for then next build.

If the problem is from the site's end, then the issue goes to a different team. We have a whole department dedicated to it, called 'Open the Web' which deals with these issues. Their job is to contact various websites and ask them to fix these issues. Its kinda a thankless job in the sense that if a website works well, you dont notice it (because, well, its supposed to display/behave that way!)...but if it doesn't, then you really do. So people don't notice all the sites we have worked with in resolving issues,...but do notice when something slips through the cracks as we only have a few people in the team and the web is huge!. We email poeple, call them and sometimes even meet them face to face to discuss compatibility issues. I'm part of the Open the Web team, and Developer Relations Team in Opera.

We also have something called browser.js.

Also, see this http://my.opera.com/ODIN/blog/2009/11/0 ... site-fixed

The main problem is that sometimes we cant actually contact the site...for example a bank or something. Sometimes they just wont listen to us, even if we tell them that 'just fix line number such and such something.js from this to this and the issue will be fixed'. I have contacted some shopping and banking sites sites saying that we're one of the more secure browsers available, with automatic 256-bit encryption, ....and they say, sorry, we just support firefox and ie5.5 and above :(

There are also many people out there who code using webkit (or at most moz) only vendor prefixes, which leaves out Opera.

Having said that, there are tons of great people with whom we have relationships with who do care about opera (like fellow redditor and duckduckgo founder yegg), and whenever there is something wrong, we contact them, and they fix the issue straight away.

The best thing would be for developers to test in Opera as part of their webdev work, and we're trying to make sure Opera Dragonfly, our developer tool, improves on and on. With the addition of extensions, we hope more opera fans will create more web dev related tools. We're also trying to make sure our JS engine is super fast, so that the latest JS heavy web applications run quickly. And also working on adding more and more on CSS3 and HTML5 and other upcoming standards like geolocation, web storage, websql, web wockets, etc

Having said all of that, I think the amount of such issues are much less than what he had a few years ago. We can see it in the number of bug reports we get as well as when i generally browser the web myself. Things are improving in this department, and it would be even better if we get more developers (especially in the US) to care more about testing in Opera. Yeah, its one more browser to test on, but you did it for chrome, and doing it for opera wont be the end of the world :) Plus, if you're facing any particularly issues you can contact me personally and I'll reply back with feedback like a fix or a workaround.

Éste es uno de los grandes problemas que padece Opera, hoy en día en gran medida solucionados gracias al esfuerzo que hacen para que páginas hechas sin tener en cuenta su navegador se vean bien en él.

No obstante, todavía quedan casos de discriminación *ejem* Google *ejem*; y está bien puntualizar la palabra. Porque suele ser eso, se ignora/margina/no se tiene en cuenta a Opera y por ello algo de la web en cuestión se ve/funciona mal (o directamente no funciona).

Hay que tenerlo en cuenta.

Eso me recuerda al caso Tuenti, que decía que Opera era un navegador obsoleto o algo así pero si que funcionaba con IE6... para partirse, vaya... ya se podrían haber buscado una excusa menos cutre.
Acabo de descubrir que en las aplicaciones flash (10.1) el teclado cuando uso Opera (10.63) se pone en inglés, en cambio en IE8 está en español (más bien esto último ha sido lo que he descubierto).

Alguien sabe alguna solución para que el flash en Opera use la configuración de teclado en español? Es un incordio por el puñetero interrogante cerrado.
New Opera 11 snapshot: Extensions fixes, smaller winstaller, and *nix work

Known issues
DSK-317511 (DEP information displayed during Opera startup on Windows)
DSK-316707 (Opera crashes when sufing pages while Ubiquity extension is installed when Open All Popups is enabled)
DSK-317493 (Opera process isn't closed after running Web Storage quota extension and shutting down browser)
DSK-316682 (Ensure that the extension toolbar is visible)
DSK-315418 (Not possible to move extension button)
DSK-315232 (Extensions pop-up windows are transparent when loading)
DSK-316102 (User JS not loaded when page loads too fast)
CORE-33382 (User JS code not run in extensions if page does not include a script tag)
CORE-33775 (User JS extensions don't run on HTTPS sites)

Changelog so biiiiiiig!!
Initial framework for widget based app autoupdate, and download on demand for Unite apps (Unite apps removed from installer)

DSK-316449 (Changed window type of Extension Popup)
DSK-317295 (Crash when enabling/disabling extension repeatedly)
DSK-315400 (Extension pop-up covers Password toolbar)
DSK-316777 (Extension button crash)
DSK-315076 (Showing/hiding extension buttons results in log on stdout)
DSK-315857 (D'n'd of config.xml onto Opera doesn't install extension)
DSK-316558 (Crash on exit after installing Remco's tab count)
DSK-316547 (Instalation of broken oex from local disk doesn't display failure warning)
DSK-316554 (Opera crashes when installing mini feed extension twice)
DSK-316663 (Crash on nk.pl when watching new photos of friends)
CORE-33697 (Windows.onblur: add missing call to register for platform window events)
CORE-33669 (Disabling of UserCSS; disable is temporary in nature, hence)
CORE-33462 (UserJS only supported for non-extension gadgets if compiled in 'lax security')
CORE-33576 (DOM_ExtensionWindow: perform a OnQueryWindow() for up-to-date information on focused state)
CORE-33813 (Crash when enabling JavaScript on a page when JavaScript is globally disabled)
CORE-33958 (Opera crashes with the longclick extension on #links)
White list for untrusted repositories support for extensions installation

CORE-4308 (innerHTML doesn't serialize the nbsp character as an entity)
CORE-31557 (JavaScript crash at MediaFire and Google Docs)
CORE-32190 (Crash when calling aliased back, forward functions)
CORE-32461 (Master password no longer working)
CORE-32728 (Missing graphics in Canvas based HTML5 games)
CORE-16380 (Can not inspect closures and scopes)
CORE-32778 (Unable to change display property on <audio> (with controls))
CORE-32515 (Blocked URL page not displayed when URL is redirected)
CORE-24632 (JPEG encoder adds a magenta line on the right edge of the image if its width is not a multiple of 2)
CORE-32458 (XHR regressions)
CORE-32457 (DOM crash on digi.no)
CORE-31577 (JS memory leak)
CORE-32548 (Area focus issue)
CORE-32549 (data: image only produces onload every two reloads)
CORE-32550 (document onload fails with DSE if bad markup and window.onload exists)
CORE-26294 (Opera disallows "fragment identifier channel" communication across frames from different servers on https)
CORE-29840 (document.constructor===Object returns true)
CORE-30700 (Have to click back several times on hotels.com)
CORE-31618 (Calling cloneNode(true) on a form creates a form with an empty "elements" array)
CORE-31841 (Image load event regressions)
CORE-27565 (window.focus() should focus a contentEditable=true BODY)
CORE-32281 (focus() related regressions)
CORE-32287 (Feed crash)
CORE-32827 (focus() fails with delayed stylesheet loading)
CORE-31277 (Non-empty block with height explicitly set to 0 does not prevent from margin collapsing)
CORE-28976 (Constructor for text node is not Text)
CORE-29690 (DFDS calendar not working)
CORE-29663 (Support document.head (HTML5))
CORE-30510 (focus() on display:none textarea blurs active textarea (lost focus when Twitter loads))
CORE-18721 (Margin collapsing)
CORE-31290 (Element's bottom margin is calculated incorrectly when its last child is an empty box with height explicitly set to 0)
CORE-18579 (Contact list at Hotmail/live.com fails to display names in Opera (getComputedStyle() height/width when parent is display:none))
CORE-31957 (Crash when modifying white space text node between table-cells)
CORE-30091 (Input in inline-block with non-visible overflow is duplicated and causes freeze)
CORE-26267 (Media queries not applied correctly when widening screen)
CORE-32266 (Update problem with fixed positioned descendant of abs/fixed box)
CORE-31858 (Crash on delayed CSS transition chain)
CORE-32116 (Crash on Gmail)
CORE-31778 (Adding new STYLE via JavaScript + :first-letter causes match on bogus CSS selector)
CORE-13758 (getComputedStyle wrong for top/left/bottom/right styles, breaks YUI)
CORE-31361 (Table row background image not repainted across all cells initially)
CORE-32044 (Float container does not stretch to fit a child text node and sibling min-width inline-block (Facebook PM))
CORE-31420 (Top offset on a relatively positioned floated sibling of inline-block miscalculated)
CORE-32028 (Table cells separated by LF CR in the source code adds an extra table cell in the row)
CORE-31772 (Missing clean-up of generated content inside layout-generated table elements)
CORE-31221 (Crash with top.location = javascript:this)
CORE-32651 (SVG crash with feBlend and discard)
CORE-32695 (Web Workers do not work in widgets)
CORE-32835 (Dragonfly: Setting event breakpoint 'load' crashes Opera)
CORE-31236 (3rd party cookies not set)
CORE-27133 (Opera is unusable if autoproxy script contains an infinite loop)
CORE-32824 (array.indexOf(event.target) differs from array.indexOf(window))
CORE-30659 (Enable-background example from SVG 1.1 spec rendered incorrectly)
CORE-31258 (SVG filter feMerge / feMergeNode doesn't render correctly)
CORE-32673 (Fail to import some root CA certs in the pem format)
CORE-32876 (SVG color parsing seems to apply some HTML quirks)
CORE-32067 (A mask with zero opacity should not affect pointer-events)
CORE-33459 (Favicon repainting regression)
CORE-32904 (Posix host resolver crashes on dagbladet.no)
CORE-33712 (Crash on destroying plugin from script running by other plugin instance (Google maps street view))
CORE-30815 (End key puts cursor at begin of next line instead of end of the current line)

CORE-22539 (Typing Japanese is extremely slow in contentEditable / designMode fields)

CORE-32349 (Crash when someone connects to Unite)
CORE-32146 (Flash inside overflowed container still visible with USE_PLUGIN_EVENT_API (windowed mode))
DSK-307669 (Canceling a widget drag under Openbox crashes the Window manager)
DSK-304220 (Dead keys and cyrillic fail if XMODIFIERS is set but an IME is not used)
DSK-310055 (External links can't be opened from widgets on Linux)
DSK-310684 (Save/Open file chooser doesn't have "browse" controls on Old Redhat and Ubuntu (KDE3))
DSK-313016 (Improve X11 UI presentation (also used when running KDE3))
DSK-310646 (Dragging UI elements use the Opera icon)
DSK-308318 (Using window resize handle while maximised corrupts screen)
DSK-301652 (HTML5 input type=range buggy on Linux when styled to be vertical)
DSK-300205 (Right-click + scroll wheel gestures trigger context menu when "cycle without showing list" is enabled)
DSK-311921 (Not all colors are changed when changing color setting under KDE)
DSK-297966 (Personal bar text color doesn't change when changing theme)
DSK-308942 (Can't drop multiple files as attachment)
DSK-311284 (Tooltip thumbnails can be clipped in when there is no composition manager running)
DSK-311481 (Font selector dialog returns wrong color)
DSK-311648 (Print selection does not work)
DSK-312102 (Rightclick popup menu no longer show image file name)
DSK-311994 (The zoom popup window does not open in the correct vertical position)
DSK-312000 (Embedded popup can not always be closed)
DSK-312211 (Popup menus using KDE style do not have borders)
DSK-313596 (Disable Window Manager sync protocol support to improve window resize speed)
DSK-313761 (Middle-click in edit fields searches on Google as well as pasting)
DSK-311870 (Zoom slider knob doesn't follow mouse movement)
Editado por #1302#. Razón: spolier+urltag fail fix
Esta ultima build crashea según que hilos en EOL y eso ya para mi si que es grave:

Ejemplos: hilo_sera-muy-ruidoso-esta-caja-atx-con-4-ventiladores_1513229 y hilo_cuantos-sistemas-operativos-teneis-usais-encuesta_1513135 revientan Opera de forma casi instantánea.
Hola a todos.

El caso es que por defecto opera no trae la aplicacion del wmp por ejemplo para escuchar la cadenaser pero encontre un plugin que lo activa pero queria saber ¿si hay alguna manera de hacerlo directamente desde el navegador?

PD: Por si alguien le interesa el plugin http://port25.technet.com/pages/windows ... nload.aspx (Este plugin se hizo para firefox pero sirve igualmente para opera.)

PD2: Queria saber si podian darme tambien una solucion por que opera a veces cuando lo cierro me deja el proceso abierto y tengo que cerrarlo manualmente por que si no lo cierro al abrirlo me tira un error (esto me pasa desde siempre).¿alguna manera de que no quede activo el proceso? Muchas gracias.

SyTo escribió:PD2: Queria saber si podian darme tambien una solucion por que opera a veces cuando lo cierro me deja el proceso abierto y tengo que cerrarlo manualmente por que si no lo cierro al abrirlo me tira un error (esto me pasa desde siempre).¿alguna manera de que no quede activo el proceso? Muchas gracias.

Se supone que eso fue arreglado en una de las snapshots de la 10.70, hubo un debate sobre ello en el blog de los desarrolladores. Si usas la estable y quieres estabilidad, tendrás que esperar a la 11.00, actualmente en alpha.
Editado por #1302#. Razón: malditas manias de el > en y en > el
coyote escribió:
SyTo escribió:PD2: Queria saber si podian darme tambien una solucion por que opera a veces cuando lo cierro me deja el proceso abierto y tengo que cerrarlo manualmente por que si no lo cierro al abrirlo me tira un error (esto me pasa desde siempre).¿alguna manera de que no quede activo el proceso? Muchas gracias.

Se supone que eso fue arreglado en una de las snapshots de la 10.70, hubo un debate sobre ello en el blog de los desarrolladores. Si usas la estable y quieres estabilidad, tendrás que esperar a la 11.00, actualmente el alpha.

Gracias coyote, esperare a la version 11.

Opera 11 snapshot, Core, UNIX and Extensions fixes

Changelog (enorme, otra vez)

CORE-33558 & DSK-317319 to fix common crashers
DSK-317389 (Insecure Third Party Module warning when starting Opera (DEP/Data Execution Prevention))

Separate list for developer extensions plus 'Reload' and 'Open containing folder' buttons
Start extension installed via d'n'd of config.xml right away (unix)
'Open error console' button
DSK-315232 (Extension pop-up windows are transparent when loading)
DSK-316771 (Untrusted repo dialog for extensions auto update from non opera servers)
DSK-317907 (Extensions should not be aware of private windows)
DSK-317908 (Extension opens non-private tab in private window)
DSK-317888 (Extensions are disabled if Opera is restarted automatically after a crash)
PGDSK-546 (Extensions installer updates)
PGDSK-584 (Core strings adjustments)
PGDSK-584 (Extension installed or updated from 3rd party location)

CORE-1419 (Text boxes and Unicode combining characters)
CORE-8336 (opera:historysearch can't find a word containing )
CORE-33472 (Crash at digg.com)
CORE-33452 (Crash with hidden input in frames document)
CORE-27828 (JS .focus() and autofocus attribute should not be respected during history navigation)
CORE-27152 (Unintuitive auto-completion of IDN addresses)
CORE-28984 (Garbage when going back in history to images with wrong mime-type in disk cache)
CORE-31004 (URL crash)
CORE-33240 (Get rid of opera:illegal-url-xx)
CORE-30649 (AIA certificate handling allow content specific decoding to Unicode, leading to certificate decode failure)
CORE-33335 (Incorrect property value transfer optimization when first instruction is jump target)
CORE-32722 (Incorrect cascading of properties on SVG root element)
CORE-33057 (Scope connection might not send handshake)
CORE-33948 (Memory usage on Flickr)
CORE-33062 (Canvas shadowBlur with clipping causes artefacts (and crash))
CORE-33076 (Stylesheet loaded via redirected URL uses wrong base URL for resolving relative URLs)
CORE-31379 (Printing from print preview results in either a freeze or corrupted page)
CORE-32328 (Removing both scrollbars from a scrollable container at the same time doesn't work)
CORE-30891 (Freeze when scrolling on clutter-project.org)
CORE-32626 (Using same stylesheet as normal and alternate breaks styling)
CORE-32565 (Page search highlights too much text, including next line)
CORE-32360 (Online-HTML-Editor.org toolbar wraps)
CORE-16556 (Outline on table is misapplied to cell children in some cases)
CORE-17453 (getComputedStyle().getPropertyValue("border-style") should return "none")
CORE-32839 (*:first-letter wrongly applies to HTML element)
CORE-32372 (Crash when going back on a page with iframes and JavaScript)

DSK-313253 (Crash when configuring Speed Dial and checking "Hide Speed Dial")
DSK-314344 (Crash when double clicking install unite from web page)
DSK-314820 (Crash on setting language file path through the ui)
DSK-294521 (Doesn't fall back to IPv4 if IPv6 connection fails)
DSK-313800 (Fallback to second address is very slow)
DSK-303654 (IME: Committed segment is temporarily duplicated)
DSK-304408 (IME: Only the first typed Chinese character is committed in iBus)
DSK-308536 (IME: Korean doesn't work on Ubuntu 10.04)
DSK-314406 (IME: When input switches away from opera, opera should release the IM)
DSK-314419 (IME: Opera should only enable the input method when actually receiving text input)
DSK-315596 (IME: Overwrite all characters after cursor when inputting Chinese chars >1 before any char or word)
DSK-314863 (File selector opens with wrong path)
DSK-314869 (File selector (X11 based) does not properly display media and filter strings with a non latin1 translation)
DSK-315029 (Path error when loading language file on startup)
DSK-313828 (Dialogs create a separate task bar button when they should not)
DSK-313823 (WM_CLASS property is not correct for dialogs (regression))
DSK-314610 (Opera is not positioned correctly when using a virtual root window)
DSK-314430 (Apply correct skinning for the Bookmarks bar)
DSK-314899 (Popup menu layout does not match the selected toolkit layout)
DSK-315228 (Can not apply color scheme on non-skinned X11 based browser UI)
DSK-315020 (Empty workspace background is hardcoded)

A ver si han arreglado los PAFs en EOL que si no....

EDIT: aparentemente parece arreglado, pero aun no canto victoria...
Editado por #1302#. Razón: se me olvido "spoilear"
Qué son los PAFs?, porque uno de los 2 grandes problemas que tengo con Opera es que al leer el último mensaje no leído... a parte de que me pone en un mensaje que ya había leído... no se pone en el post indicado hasta que termine de cargar toooda la página, y si le pongo a ''primer mensaje sin leer'' y hay una página nueva me pasa a la siguiente página .__.
PAF = Crash

Lo de tu problema, pues no consigo reproducirlo (o bien no consigo entender exactamente el que), ni con la estable 10.63 ni con la 11.00 alpha.
Habemus versionitis

A bunch of extension and fresh UNIX fixes

Changelog (de los tochetes)
DSK-283362 Menu entry for Java console should be removed
DSK-283842 Keyboard shortcut missing for Dragonfly in the developer menu
DSK-296732 Panel opens when Opera is loaded
DSK-308709 Opening a bookmarks file from Manage Bookmarks overwrites the profile bookmarks file
DSK-310631 Tab cycle order wrong if 'When cycling through tabs with Ctrl+Tab' is set to 'cycle without showing list'
DSK-310760 Shift+F4 doesn't show or expand the panels
DSK-311439 Saving multiple items in link panel only saves the first entry
DSK-312121 Don't force autoupdate when the user has opted-out
DSK-312801 Missing repaint of Content area after resizing windows
DSK-313358 Progress bar broken
DSK-314374 Window should be called back when opening new tab while minimized
DSK-315330 Crash when opening a file with Content-Disposition: attachment directly in Opera: further fix
DSK-315504 JavaScript alerts that open shortly after page load close instantly
DSK-316696 Opening short url through address bar crashes Opera or causes memory leak

DSK-315647 Popup doesn't point on button after resize
DSK-317513 Popup window visible after going full screen mode
DSK-317857 UserJS is not loaded while installing extension by d'n'd of config.xml
DSK-317879 Crash after extensions tries to access web in offline mode
DSK-317965 Extension popup isn't closed on second mouse click
DSK-318146 Right click on extension's popup window should not show context menu
DSK-318163 Clipstring on untrusted repository modal dialog while updating extension
DSK-318170 Popup closed when hitting enter while inside input field
DSK-318328 Dialogs opened through popup freeze opera
DSK-318506 Extension buttons disappear after closing popup
Further work on the Extension manager update and install dialog
Made the extension badge font smaller on Mac (90%)
Skinnable color and weight of font in extension badge
Uninstall dialog for extensions
Add icon for 'Open error console' button
Updates for browser crash dialog

CORE-33473 New Facebook Chat is jumpy
CORE-33150 Crash when navigating on deviantart with extensions installed
CORE-33382 UserJS code not run in extensions if page does not include a script tag

DSK-301751 No search field in the Opera help menu: OS 10.6 non-English only

DSK-264634 Opera sometimes crashes when a plugin crashes
DSK-296004 Scrolling corruption when a window covers Opera
DSK-297249 Crash on exit on FreeBSD with GTK in a non-gnome environment
DSK-304431 Maximized application mode widget uses a lot of CPU when compositing is off
DSK-305118 Cannot full screen in Openbox
DSK-308151 Input type=text has no borders in KDE 4.5.x and the Oxygen theme
DSK-310952 Define default keyboard shortcut to insert PRIMARY content under X11: Alt+Ctrl+R
DSK-314272 Opera crashes when detach and close a tab
DSK-314424 Opera crashes when detaching a tab with a plugin
DSK-314580 --geometry argument doesn't have any effect: Further fix needed for previously maximised state
DSK-314625 Opera icon in notification area disappears in Gnome
DSK-314724 Implement 'paste mouse selection' and go
DSK-315553 Empty popup menu in document still creates a widget blocking input
DSK-316497 Using DejaVu Serif Condensed instead of DejaVu Serif: and other incorrect font choices
DSK-316665 X11 based print dialog does not print with correct size
DSK-316789 X11 File dialog does not initialize with a correct path and extension list
DSK-316790 Many CSS3 cursors don't display on UNIX
DSK-316828 <input>s are rendered with shine-through background
DSK-317404 Dragged bitmaps are not initialized to a solid color
DSK-317411 Back/Forward button on address toolbar is dragged without an image and can open a popup menu while drag-n-drop is taking place
DSK-317417 Notifications show up in fullscreen mode
DSK-317427 Fix issues in X11 File dialog
DSK-317436 It is not possible to remotely open a tab in a given window in Opera: See -windowname argument
DSK-317741 Opera crashes when detaching a restored tab
2352 respuestas