coyote escribió:ZeusII escribió:pd2. quiero navegador por threads como chrome YA!
melkhior escribió:pero Chrome avanza muchísimo más rápido.
coyote escribió:melkhior escribió:pero Chrome avanza muchísimo más rápido.
Si, en nº de versión. Para el 2012 tendremos Chromium 24.0 pero en realidad avances lo que se dice avances....
Paboh escribió:(...) ¿Alguien lo ha localizado?
Address, Search, Extensions, and Installer
It's not Christmas yet, but we're back with another excellent set of improvements to the address and search fields to correct faulty animations, more accurately display security information, and generally make things a lot more pretty.
We have also fixed a bug that have appeared in the last half a dozen snapshots where secure negotiation (HTTPS) would end prematurely, leaving the page blank until you restarted Opera and tried a second time, along with a very common crash on exit.
Extensions get a few updates, particularly on the UI side.
Finally, on Windows there are numerous improvements to our installer.
Known issues
The preference to disable the mouse gestures popup is missing. It will return laterChangelog
DSK-309222 (Display "Malware site" in the security button when a site is blocked because it contains malware)
DSK-318100 (Focusing and unfocusing address field with keyboard shortcuts does not animate the badge)
DSK-318293 (Wrong padding in address field)
DSK-318300 (No security indication for Web pages when Turbo is on)
DSK-318301 (Overlaid page information window incorrectly displayed on blank pages)
DSK-318303 (Blank badge when enabling Turbo after typing in address field and focusing page)
DSK-318309 (Turbo badge is shown on intranet and ftp pages)
DSK-318315 (Wrong label highlighting with IDN)
DSK-318491 (Badge and popup are displayed on certain error pages)
DSK-318539 (No badge after expanding the collapsed address bar in
DSK-318567 (Badge text gone when quickly focusing and unfocusing the address field)
DSK-318568 (Turbo message in private tab is wrong)
DSK-318602 (When going from speed dial to page and then back, the address field badge stays wide but blank)
DSK-318603 (Turbo info confusing when loading https site with certificate problems)
DSK-318840 (Path not greyed out with local domain name)
DSK-318926 (New Address Bar lacks "extension" badge)
DSK-319240 (Query string hiding breaks "Go" button)
DSK-319437 (Add Show Full URL which minimizes the badge and shows the full url)
DSK-159442 (Incorrect sample text for Chinese simplified and Chinese traditional in International fonts dialog)
DSK-278181 (Searchbox on another toolbar makes Opera freeze on startup)
DSK-282415 (Windows Native skin: No blue text for Page Bar attention state)
DSK-303850 (Opera opens multiple download dialogs with same content when "Open windows instead of tabs" is enabled)
DSK-304227 (Yandex maps widget crash on exit)
DSK-309531 ("Zero Width Non-Joiner" character is not rendered correctly in Right To Left languages)
DSK-311826 (Web Panel height does not grow when starting with a restored window and switching to maximized)
DSK-316438 (BitTorrent download text is clipped)
DSK-317749 (Add Web Panel doesn't work, when done through "Appearances")
DSK-317998 (Download dialog disappears on redirect)
DSK-318257 (Change of bookmark folder using properties dialog lost after restart)
DSK-318504 (Panels button disabled after getting more security information (or open other dialogs such as Preferences))
DSK-318766 (WebSocket error messages in error console do not appear in desktop)
DSK-319171 (Shift+Enter and Ctrl+Shift+Enter doesn't work in the address bar)
DSK-270617 (Can't remove multi-search field from address bar)
DSK-277981 (Typing in search box doesn't always enable search button)
DSK-278253 (Making the search field small doesn't stick)
DSK-282293 (Search field gets narrower when certain buttons are put to the left of it)
DSK-284481 (old-style search field dropdown uses the whole horizontal space of window when added as search button from Appearance > Search)
DSK-290895 (Search box icon still looks active after unfocusing search field)
DSK-319167 (Crash on changing to Amazon and performing search)
DSK-320528 (google search icon in Zoom menu)
Add a tooltip to the search field
Change default search icon/shortcut back to the favicon/shortcut of the default search provider
Visual enhancements of the search drop down
Increase the number of search suggestions in speed dial search
Do not show "Previous searches" header when there are no previous searches
DSK-318154 (No notification displayed if one of extensions' update failed)
DSK-319448 (Whitelist for trusted repositories is un-upgradable file)
DSK-320035 (Gadget installation fails when triggered after download)
DSK-320039 (Always below does not work for application mode widgets)
DSK-320829 (Options page opened from popup has address bar wich is inaccessible)
DSK-321101 (Autoupdate crash when triggereing update of unite)
New Extension Installer UI
Fixes for popup skin, size and arrow positioning
CORE-20172 (offsets of inline or inline-block sibling of absolutely positioned block child of inline-block miscalculated)
CORE-34223 (Gmail Video Chat Plug-In does not work)
CORE-34437 (Occasional crash when auth dialogs are up)
CORE-34899 (Crash after 5 minutes with Dragonfly open)
CORE-34954 (Problems connecting to some https sites)
CORE-31929 (Common crash on exit)
DSK-246452 (Installer: Can't associate widgets extension)
DSK-298112 (External links are opened in private tabs)
DSK-314907 (Cancelling the Admin password pop-up shuts down the installer)
DSK-315213 (Installer: Make the progressbar progress evenly)
DSK-315500 (Disabled "Shortcuts: in Quick Launch Toolbar" option on Windows 7)
DSK-315966 (file type associations in Opera's programs -> details dialog won't stay checked when trying to reassociate types another Opera is associated with)
DSK-316087 (Opera doesn't install when you try to install opera in a more than one level of non existent folders)
DSK-316231 (Text in uninstaller says "Thank you for downloading Opera")
DSK-316565 (Use a different icon for the installer)
DSK-316677 (Install for all users does not create a shortcut in the Quick launch bar for other users)
DSK-318396 (Clicking close in the warning dialog for "missing write permission" closes the installer)
DSK-318517 (Opera's profile from the VirtualStore should not be merged if UAC is disabled)
DSK-318601 (Wrong text in uninstaller locked files dialog)
DSK-318611 ("Thank you for downloading" text too close to "Opera 11.00" text in installer)
DSK-318625 (Installer: It's possible to click the "Accept and Install" button multiple times on a slow computer if UAC is enabled)
DSK-319293 (Install path not updated when upgrading Opera)
DSK-319969 (Installer: Quick Launch is spelled incorrectly)
Installer: More feedback when files are locked
Changed the command line parameters of the installer so that they can express a change from default behavior
DSK-313555 (Pop-ups open in foreground even though "Open in background is set")
DSK-319412 (Crash in overflowed scrollable areas)
DSK-301671 (Selection jumps from suggestion when changing search term)
DSK-319239 (Fix UI font sizes)
DSK-313555 (Pop-ups open in foreground even though "Open in background is set")
micsk escribió:(I think that there are different teams/groups working on Opera beta, so sometimes we see an UI update, sometimes installer etc.; I suppose that's why there's another build so soon.)
Ok then! Here is a new snapshot. Highlights include: Crash fixes, improved memory usage, mail panel improvements, extension fixes, a font-family settings fix, the preference to disable visual mouse gestures is back, prettier inline dropdown toolbars button styles, and a whole load of *nix fixes.
DSK-202992 ("Bookmark all open pages" puts bookmarks in wrong folder or root folder in Manage Bookmarks view)
DSK-280303 (Opera uses wrong color for tooltips)
DSK-308593 (Opera 10.60 ignores font-family settings for some locales)
DSK-319279 (Need a pref to disable the mouse gestures popup)
Fixed all the inline dropdown toolbars button styles
DSK-316846 (Icons in extension manager scaled to 60x60 size instead of 64x64)
DSK-318528 (Small icon shouldn't be resized in install dialog)
DSK-319432 (Extensions isn't updated from untrusted repository)
DSK-319703 (Pages with http auth in the background do not show the auth dialog on restart)
DSK-320723 (Links from popup .html always opened as non private tab)
DSK-321285 (Notification about installed extensions contains wrong text)
DSK-321287 (Extension Manager content font sizes incorrect)
DSK-321293 (Make sure that generic extension icon is deployed where needed)
DSK-321436 (Remove references from browser)
DSK-321482 (Security policy is not tracked during extensions update)
Make a generic extension icon Opera add-ons
Fix to regression in size of statusbar
New Extension Update dialog plus some minor fixes of install dialog
New privacy dialog for extensions
Some minor memory leaks fixed
DSK-309588 (Make category headers and their context menu keyboard accessible)
DSK-309599 (Add support for Feed folders in in- and export of OPML files)
DSK-309628 (can only create subfolders for feeds when top level folder is focused)
DSK-311695 (Pretty scrollbar in mail panel for Mac)
DSK-312575 (Dragging parent feed folder into third level child causes a freeze)
DSK-312975 (Make it easier to find out how to hide categories)
DSK-317692 ('New Label' from Label section header context menu creates sub-labels)
DSK-318045 (Make unread count labels clickable)
DSK-318387 (Non existing filter view says "OK")
DSK-318389 (Feed is added to panel even when cancelling dialog)
DSK-318392 (Super scrollbar doesn't move when tabbing into out-of-view expanded section)
DSK-318536 (Can't collapse sections which are taller than the panel)
DSK-318665 (When drag and dropping an accordion item treeview items are highlighted as if it could be dropped in there)
DSK-319077 (Make 'remove from view' apply to label)
DSK-319241 (Resizing the mail panel freezes Opera)
DSK-319248 (Crash when importing feeds or mail)
DSK-319257 (Mail tabs display tooltip as From last selected message)
DSK-319296 (Label icon not displaying in the Labels column)
DSK-319440 (Removing a message label has no immediate visual feedback)
DSK-319458 (Odd animation when opening the mail panel)
DSK-319492 (There's no shortcut to apply labels)
DSK-319538 (Too much scrolling when clicking views in really long treeviews in the accordion)
DSK-319558 (No message count for trash)
DSK-319686 (Crash using an own button for accessing mail folders without a mail account)
DSK-319784 (Dropdown toolbars like geolocation and plugin wizard look corrupted while page reloads)
DSK-319795 (Fix "Show Messages From" not hiding other account sections)
DSK-320419 (Wrong default mail signature)
DSK-320670 (Sections in mail panel moved to the bottom disappear after restart)
DSK-320694 (Removed 'followed contact' still counted for section unread count)
DSK-320881 (Clicking on a partially visible section header on the bottom should collapse it, not scroll to it)
DSK-321160 (Opera doesn't check newsfeeds after importing)
CORE-35052 (Disable WebSockets by default due to security problems)
CORE-34903 (Crash when adding pages to "Read later" extension)
CORE-27718 (Fix to help with memory usage)
CORE-32166 (Crash in flash when going in and out of print preview)
CORE-32755 (Can't sent email from gmail on private mode)
CORE-33235 (Opera not compatible with Lufthansa Austria and Sweden booking website)
Plugin improvements
Fixed several other common crashers
DSK-250396 (By changing selected characters with Microsoft IME/IME 2007, the background color of selected characters goes transparent)
Installer renamed
DSK-320204 (Fix cmd+n and cmd+q when Opera is minimized)
DSK-320274 (UI is unclickable after using visual mousegestures)
DSK-293790 (Comboboxes lack hover and pressed styling)
DSK-295272 (Opera with KDE4 toolkit blocks input to X11 when saving a file for the first time in a non KDE4 environment)
DSK-295615 (Tabs in dialogs are not GTK native): possibly further improvements in the future
DSK-311301 (Color of webpage input fields don't update when changing theme)
DSK-311302 (Crash Opera when the pop-up menu loops)
DSK-318043 (The geometry argument doesn't have any effect if Opera was maximised in the previous session)
DSK-319664 (Pressing enter in open dropdown does not select the highlighted item)
DSK-320293 (Opera on *nix fails to distinguish between Serif and San Serif fonts for Japanese)
DSK-320331 (Command-line argument -newprivatetab opens regular tab in Unix)
DSK-320592 (Shift key events abort Input Method processing causing Korean to break)
DSK-320595 (Crash on exit if XIM is active with a pre-edit string)
DSK-320733 (Wrong text color when hovering over Push and Header buttons for some dark themes under GTK)
DSK-320808 (Right-clicking on flash content with wmode=transparent blocks user clicks)
DSK-320898 (Menu bar does not behave natively in KDE): further fixes also needed
DSK-321112 (Crash after dragging a tab outside Opera window)
DSK-321189 (Midclick paste and drag-n-drop does not work on an empty workspace)
Las auto-stacks me matan >_< menos mal que solo se activan por dominio
coyote escribió:Las auto-stacks me matan >_< menos mal que solo se activan por dominio
melkhior escribió:¿Seguro? A mí me pasa con cualquier link al que pulso con la rueda xD
A mi personalmente no me desagrada el "tab stacking", pero debería ser opcional.
Address field
DSK-313751 (Two unicode hearts messes with the font highlighting)
DSK-317784 (New address bar: Ctrl+Tab to switch tabs does not work while callout is open)
DSK-318296 (Removed the username and password from display in URLs)
DSK-318591 (Badge and callout text/icon for private browsing)
DSK-318678 (Address field on other toolbar gets gray, empty badge)
DSK-319267 (Address bar popup hidden behind tab bar)
DSK-319268 (Text in the address bar call info gets cut of if you use a bigger font for the dialogs)
DSK-319321 (Unreadable (white on white) domain in the addressbar with dark themes)
DSK-319460 (Holding Shift selects the text before the cursor rather than behind it)
DSK-320043 (Expose UserPrefs|ShowFullURL in the UI): you can now right click on the badge
DSK-320297 (Writing https:/// in the addressfield makes Opera crash on the next URL entered in the addressfield)
DSK-320494 (HTTP Authentication skin elements to match Addressfield badge)
DSK-320545 (Fragment identifier not showing up when viewing full URL)
DSK-321324 (No icon for malware warnings)
DSK-319129 (Only application-level gestures are working, not for mail or for collapsing tree views)
DSK-319130 (Gesture UI should not visible on right click + mousewheel)
DSK-319186 (Right click context menu does not work if mouse guestures are disabled)
DSK-319430 (Gesture actions not localised)
DSK-319854 (Right click on Flash should not show the Gestures UI)
DSK-319937 (Multiple Gesture UI on screen at once)
DSK-320007 (Crash when performing gesture)
DSK-319057 (Hidden extension name or Non-optimal extension card layout)
DSK-321115 (Extension Manager is not resized)
DSK-321415 (Extension popup window size can't be changed while popup window is opened)
DSK-321482 (Security policy is not tracked during extensions update)
DSK-321528 (Author is moved too much right if there is no version defined)
DSK-321555 (Extension update notification shows "Opera Unite application update")
Core-12422 (Disabled plugin won't let actions get through to the content)
Core-12813 (Cleared element's sibling with top margin resets the margin to 0 on reflow)
Core-32000 (Form action URL with ":" become invalid URL)
Core-34080 (Occasionaly very high CPU usage on Gmail)
Core-35097 (Connections with STP/1 remote hosts can fail when socket callbacks are unordered)
Core-35110 (Crash on
Fixed a Crash with certain Flash content
melkhior escribió:No se por que pensé que te referias a que solo te "stackeaba" si era del mismo dominio xD.
ZeusII escribió:a ver, tengo un problema y estoy totalmente perdido... no le encuentro solucion![]()
cuando abro un enlace desde el cliente de correo, un acceso directo o desde cualquier programa se me abre en una pestaña nueva PRIVADA... no consigo que se abra en una pestaña normal T_T
alguna idea? he probado con un perfil nuevo y con la 10.7 y nada oO
alguna opcion debe haber por ahi perdida
edit. fixed... yendo al panel de contró: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Default Programs\Set Associations y volviendo a asociar el HTTP con Opera![]()
DSK-285118 Tab chrome is missing for restored tab when new tab is opened in background
DSK-319143 Opera crashes when closing certificate dialog
DSK-319515 Selecting Start with Speed Dial in crash dialog after crash on exit, opera:config#UserPrefs|StartupType is set to 4
DSK-317769 Chinese fonts on en_US locale is wrongly rendered
DSK-312495 Mouse thumb buttons for back/forward history navigation not working
DSK-320940 Underline when hovering placed at wrong position in bookmark panel
DSK-320554 "Go to Page" dialog does not honor Speed Dial shortcuts
DSK-321099 Default fonts for "unknown" language has mixed up monospace and cursive
DSK-321635 Autoupdate can start two instances of Opera
DSK-321609 Address field skin tweaks
DSK-318613 Add Speed Dial badge
DSK-321891 Selection in address field doesn't start from where you click
DSK-321725 OK/Cancel buttons missing in an enlarged save dialog
DSK-311558 Crash after leaving a page with a flash with wmode="transparent"
Tab stacking
No automatic stacking
Improvements to dragging tabs in and out of stacks
Only the active tab in collapsed stacks are part of the tab order
Fixed various tab order bugs
Various other fixes and tweaks
DSK-320806 Extension manager not keyboard navigable
DSK-315918 Not possible to scroll extension manager when cursor is hovering over disabled extension entry
DSK-321138 JS alert on extensions preferences doesn't show extension title
DSK-321943 Update of running extension does not respect the privacy settings and applies default ones (default for update = disallow everything)
DSK-321659 Support for multi line in update notification
CORE-34390 Content-Type header erased from plug-in upload requests
CORE-34799 Keyboard input related crash
CORE-35048 TLS version status for servers not saved on shutdown
CORE-27718 Cache related memory fix
CORE-34004 Improve reliability of aborting pre-flight XHR requests
Windows installer
DSK-315474 Error dialog and empty locked screen dialog when trying to upgrade Opera while in use by another Windows user
DSK-320922 Text in "Install for" help bubble is cut off at the bottom
DSK-315407 Not all running widgets are closed during upgrade
DSK-320724 New installer no longer notices that widgets are running when upgrading
DSK-318966 More space needed for localized strings in new installer
DSK-316264 No Locked File window (and error message) when trying to upgrade Opera when files in the installation folder are locked by other programs on Windows Vista
DSK-314657 Change name of international installer from "in" to "int"
DSK-321500 Unix PGO fixes
DSK-321082 Wrong typeface picked when choosing default fonts from collections
DSK-321571 Crash possibly related to Geolocation
DSK-321240 Improvement to DSK-316550 (ATOK automatically turns off)
coyote escribió:Stability, extensions, and tab stacking fixes
Changelog (no tan grande como los últimos)Desktop/cross-platform
DSK-285118 Tab chrome is missing for restored tab when new tab is opened in background
DSK-319143 Opera crashes when closing certificate dialog
DSK-319515 Selecting Start with Speed Dial in crash dialog after crash on exit, opera:config#UserPrefs|StartupType is set to 4
DSK-317769 Chinese fonts on en_US locale is wrongly rendered
DSK-312495 Mouse thumb buttons for back/forward history navigation not working
DSK-320940 Underline when hovering placed at wrong position in bookmark panel
DSK-320554 "Go to Page" dialog does not honor Speed Dial shortcuts
DSK-321099 Default fonts for "unknown" language has mixed up monospace and cursive
DSK-321635 Autoupdate can start two instances of Opera
DSK-321609 Address field skin tweaks
DSK-318613 Add Speed Dial badge
DSK-321891 Selection in address field doesn't start from where you click
DSK-321725 OK/Cancel buttons missing in an enlarged save dialog
DSK-311558 Crash after leaving a page with a flash with wmode="transparent"
Tab stacking
No automatic stacking
Improvements to dragging tabs in and out of stacks
Only the active tab in collapsed stacks are part of the tab order
Fixed various tab order bugs
Various other fixes and tweaks
DSK-320806 Extension manager not keyboard navigable
DSK-315918 Not possible to scroll extension manager when cursor is hovering over disabled extension entry
DSK-321138 JS alert on extensions preferences doesn't show extension title
DSK-321943 Update of running extension does not respect the privacy settings and applies default ones (default for update = disallow everything)
DSK-321659 Support for multi line in update notification
CORE-34390 Content-Type header erased from plug-in upload requests
CORE-34799 Keyboard input related crash
CORE-35048 TLS version status for servers not saved on shutdown
CORE-27718 Cache related memory fix
CORE-34004 Improve reliability of aborting pre-flight XHR requests
Windows installer
DSK-315474 Error dialog and empty locked screen dialog when trying to upgrade Opera while in use by another Windows user
DSK-320922 Text in "Install for" help bubble is cut off at the bottom
DSK-315407 Not all running widgets are closed during upgrade
DSK-320724 New installer no longer notices that widgets are running when upgrading
DSK-318966 More space needed for localized strings in new installer
DSK-316264 No Locked File window (and error message) when trying to upgrade Opera when files in the installation folder are locked by other programs on Windows Vista
DSK-314657 Change name of international installer from "in" to "int"
DSK-321500 Unix PGO fixes
DSK-321082 Wrong typeface picked when choosing default fonts from collections
DSK-321571 Crash possibly related to Geolocation
DSK-321240 Improvement to DSK-316550 (ATOK automatically turns off)
Tab stacking
No automatic stacking
Paboh escribió:se sabe para cuando estará lista?
More detailed output for "-profilinglog": those affected by slow startup should use this to generate a new log
Updated Speed Dial background
Added background image to the find text toolbar, geolocation, and friends and another background image to the bookmarksbar
Translations strings updated
Tab stacking
DSK-321939 (With vertical Tab Bar, stacks animate out of the Tab Bar)
DSK-321956 (Repainting issue when stacking tabs)
DSK-321965 (Opera freezes when UI animations are disabled and tab is moved)
DSK-321971 (Cannot move tabs in the middle of a stack to another tab to create a second stack)
DSK-321990 (Dragging and rearranging stacks can make tabs disappear from UI)
DSK-321993 (Can not move rightmost tab stack to the left)
DSK-322020 (Dragging tab into stack can produce two expander arrows)
Fixed order of tabs dropped when you drop more than one from the window list into and stack or into normal tabs
Fixed some crashes
CORE-35166 (Documentedit crash when clearing the undo/redo stack after typing in Hebrew)
DSK-317885 (Filter icons: need to clear the alpha before painting into the bitmap)
DSK-320674 (Quick reply messes up body's HTML source when replying to an HTML message when you have "prefer HTML formatting" set)
DSK-321243 (Mail panel scrollbar doesn't always move when tabbing to out-of-view sections)
DSK-321295 (Clicking on collapsed section header at bottom of panel doesn't scroll section into view)
DSK-321296 (Clicking inside long section scrolls other sections out of view)
DSK-321458 (Gray out 'limit filter to messages in parent' for top-level labels (and rename to 'label'))
DSK-321556 (Grey out hide feeds when only feeds added to the panel)
DSK-321623 ([Infobar Button Skin.hover] needs image, not color)
DSK-321638 (Fix [Yes] in Go to Intranet toolbar)
DSK-321945 (Content blocker toolbar should be set to 'wrap')
DSK-322029 (Feed selector in mail view tab toolbar doesn't work with feeds only)
DSK-322030 ('Label as' list missing in feeds-only installation)
DSK-322048 (Problems with keyboard navigation in Mailing list panel section)
Added mail label menu shortcut to the 9.2 Compat keyboard shortcuts
Fix for broken context menu when using keyboard on accordion section headers
Fixed an issue with the mailto dialog missing favicons
Fix for .oex file icon on Windows
Fixed an issue with the translation of "Extensions" in the O-Menu
Numerous small tweaks and fixes to the Windows installer
Possible fix for recreation of 'desktop.ini': we are interested to hear if this works for affected users
So when public builds have seemed crashy, that has usually been the result of unstable/experimental feature and/or bug fix branches being added separately to form a snapshot (informally referred to as Frankenstein Builds or Frankenbuilds in the team), rather than making the main release branch unstable.
DSK-321517 (Some action labels do not fit in visual mouse gesture UI)
Tab stacking
DSK-321946 (Tab dragging bug)
DSK-321974 (Trying to merge stacks can cause them to split)
DSK-322060 (scrambled address field)
DSK-322105 (some reproducible tab stacking issues)
DSK-322179 (Crash when dragging and dropping an item to the last position on the tab bar)
Correction of drop position for drag & drop of links
Fixed dragging collapsed group out of expanded group at the left end and right end of tab bar
Set the top button of collapsed group dropped into expanded group as the active for the group
Fixed setting of the active and hidden tabs in groups when the mouse up occurs
Further fix to DSK-317885 (filter icons: need to clear the alpha before painting into the bitmap)
DSK-321902 (After removing an item from a treeview, key down to next section doesn't work)
DSK-315824 (Contacts panel not counted as mail related panel)
Further fix to CORE-31929 (Crash on exit)
More crash fixes
DSK-322230 (Speed dial numbers cropped)
DSK-322060 (Occasional small address field)
DSK-322195 (Crash when clicking undo in some online HTML editors)
Increased padding on Address field badge skin
Tab Stacking
DSK-322240 (Tab stacks look wrong when wrapping to multiple lines)
DSK-322054 (Crash when dragging out stacked page thumbnail with shift-key)
DSK-322192 (Strings are cut in Extension installer in some languages)
DSK-322206 (Clicking on notification about Extension's installation doesn't open manager)
DSK-322204 (Wide spaces between some characters in dialogs)
DSK-322193 (Crash when installing or uninstalling Opera)
DSK-322207 (Windows installer Terms of service title does not update after changing language)
New installer graphics
Added expand / collapse buttons to the OS X
Fixed positioning of the arrows
Skin fixes and tweaks
DSK-322045 (Crash related to fonts)
MrkHateGuiris escribió:Alguien sabe porque me pasa esto??![]()
Desde hace poco no se porque al abrir Opera no paran de salirme mensajes de alerta...Y no se porque...Con lo que me gusta el Opera ahora tengo que andar con otros navegadores...
ZeusII escribió:MrkHateGuiris escribió:Alguien sabe porque me pasa esto??![]()
Desde hace poco no se porque al abrir Opera no paran de salirme mensajes de alerta...Y no se porque...Con lo que me gusta el Opera ahora tengo que andar con otros navegadores...
eso es tu antivirus.
pues tu antivirus se piensa que esa web tiene un iframe con malware o algo asi. puede ser verdad o un falso positivo, pero seguramente solo te afecte si usas internet explorer.
neobeto86 escribió:Expertos de Opera, estoy empezando a probar la versión 10.63, y hasta el momento me ha gustado mucho (más que Chrome, y éso es decir bastante), ahora si hay algo que extraño es el ADBlock Plus... hay algo similar para Opera o trae incluida alguna función que haga éso? Gracias de antemano
melkhior escribió:EDITO: Versión final de Opera 11![]()
elneocs escribió:A nadie le "crashea" cuando quieres guardar una pagina en marcadores?
eolpxw escribió:No para de cerrarse en todo momento, no puedo navegar. :\
melkhior escribió:neobeto86 escribió:Expertos de Opera, estoy empezando a probar la versión 10.63, y hasta el momento me ha gustado mucho (más que Chrome, y éso es decir bastante), ahora si hay algo que extraño es el ADBlock Plus... hay algo similar para Opera o trae incluida alguna función que haga éso? Gracias de antemano
Para mi lo más fácil es instalar esto:
Lo pones en la carpeta que te dice en la web y te olvidas de la publicidad. De todas maneras, a partir de la versión 11 se pueden usar plugins, así que en breve se podrá usar un plugin para ello.
EDITO: Versión final de Opera 11![]()
neobeto86 escribió:melkhior escribió:neobeto86 escribió:Expertos de Opera, estoy empezando a probar la versión 10.63, y hasta el momento me ha gustado mucho (más que Chrome, y éso es decir bastante), ahora si hay algo que extraño es el ADBlock Plus... hay algo similar para Opera o trae incluida alguna función que haga éso? Gracias de antemano
Para mi lo más fácil es instalar esto:
Lo pones en la carpeta que te dice en la web y te olvidas de la publicidad. De todas maneras, a partir de la versión 11 se pueden usar plugins, así que en breve se podrá usar un plugin para ello.
EDITO: Versión final de Opera 11![]()
Gracias, ya me actualizé a la 11, ya le instalé la extensión de ADBLOCK + y aún así no se bloquea nada, y no abre el menú de preferencias/configuración :/
coyote escribió:eolpxw escribió:No para de cerrarse en todo momento, no puedo navegar. :\
¿En que sitios?
eolpxw escribió:Al principio solo lo probé metiéndome en EOL (y sigue haciéndolo) pero parece que con el resto de webs sí funciona.
cayu14 escribió:neobeto86 escribió:Gracias, ya me actualizé a la 11, ya le instalé la extensión de ADBLOCK + y aún así no se bloquea nada, y no abre el menú de preferencias/configuración :/
Instala la extension AdSweep esa me funciona bien y fuera publi.
Ruron escribió:El tema de consumo de memoria que tal va en esta versión?
Tony Skyrunner escribió:No me gusta nada el recorrido tan largo que tengo que hacer para los gestos de ratón. Me acostumbraré, pero llevo desde Opera 6 o 7 haciéndolo de una forma y ahora me lo han cambiado
coyote escribió:Tony Skyrunner escribió:No me gusta nada el recorrido tan largo que tengo que hacer para los gestos de ratón. Me acostumbraré, pero llevo desde Opera 6 o 7 haciéndolo de una forma y ahora me lo han cambiado
Fue un tema bastante discutido en el blog de Opera. No se si le meterán mano para la próxima versión.