Gromber escribió:Yo tengo uno... aunque me da miedo decirlo jajaja, ahora mismo de juego indie busco el juego Cognition entero que esta tirado en oferta, pero se que esta dificil el cambio.
* Codigo uplay del Prince of Persia: Las Arenas Olvidadas
Broken Age
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
- Medal of Honor
- Mirror's Edge
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
- Crysis 2 Maximun Edition
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 3
- Millennium - A New Hope
- Laxius Force
- Survivor Squad
- 8 Bit Commando
- Chester
- Miner Warfare
- Doom and Destiny
- Splatter
- Particulars
- Chompy Chomp Chomp
- Dark Souls
- Deathspank 1 y 2
-Dead Rising 2 OFTR
- Blades of Time: Limited edition
- System Shock 2
- Cognition Episodios 2,3 y 4 para Steam
- Aventura de Daelic que no tenga
- Quantum Conundrum
- Mortal Kombat Komplete
Fallout Classic Collection
Fallout 3: GOTY
YS Origin
Ys I & II Chronicles+
YS The Oath in Felghana
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Clive Barkers Jericho
Red Alert 3
Fable The Lost Chapters
Just Cause 2
La Mulana
Alpha Protcol
Dungeon Defenders
Killing Floor + Defence Alliance 2
A New Beginning - Final Cut
A Virus Named TOM
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
Age Of Wonders
Age Of Wonders: Shadow Magic
Airship Dragoon
Alpha Kimori 1
Alpha Prime
Anomaly 2
Anomaly Korea
AquaNox 2: Revelation
Arma: Gold Edition
Arma Tactics
Arma II
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Bad Hotel
Beast Boxing Turbo
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Beyond Divinity
Bionic Dues
BioShock 2
Black Mirror
Bridge Constructor
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Broken Sword 2
Cave Story+
Cities XL Platinum, Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, Divinity II: Developer's Cut, R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War, Game of Thrones, and Confrontation
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Crusader Kings II + DLC
Deadly Sin 2
DeathSpank, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, and On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One
Divine Divinity
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
Eets Munchies
English Country Tune
Europa Universalis 3 Complete
eXceed - Gun Bullet Children
Faerie Solitaire
Fish Fillets 2
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Garry's Mod
Gemini Rue
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit
Go Go Nippon! - My First Trip to Japan
Guardians of Middle-earth + DLC
Halo: Spartan Assault
Hero Academy + DLC
Interstellar Marines
Intrusion 2
Jack Lumber
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Journey of a Roach
Legend of Grimrock
Legend of Dungeon
Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm
Little Inferno
Major Mayhem
Mafia II
Mechanic Escape
Mortal Kombat Kollection
Multimedia Fusion 2
Natural Selection 2
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
One Finger Death Punch
Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack
Papo & Yo
Party Of Sin
PixelJunk Eden
Puzzle Bots
RPG Maker VX Ace + DLC
Ravensword: Shadowlands
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny + DLC
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
Sanctum: Collection
Sanctum 2
Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux and Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
Shattered Haven
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
Suguri Collection
Solar 2
Space Pirates and Zombies
Starseed Pilgrim
SteamWorld Dig
Steel & Steam
Stronghold HD
Superfrog HD
Supreme Commander, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, The Guild 2, and Red Faction: Armageddon
Sweet Lily Dreams
Syberia I & II
Take On Helicopters
The Bard's Tale
The Dark Eye - Chains of Satinav
The Darkness II
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete Pack
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North
The Swapper
The Whispered World
Thomas Was Alone
Ticket to Ride + DLC
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
To the Moon
Tropico 3, Sine Mora, SkyDrift, and Anna
UFO: Afterlight
Vanguard Princess
Waking Mars
War of the Roses: Kingmaker
Where Angels Cry
Worms Armageddon
Worms Blast
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms Reloaded
Worms Ultimate Mayhem
X-COM: Apocalypse
X-COM: Enforcer
X-COM: Interceptor
X-COM: Terror from the Deep
X-COM: UFO Defense
Zeno Clash
Zeno Clash 2
Nosgoth Veteran Pack:
Laxious Force
Porradaria Upgrade
- Alien Breed 1
- Alien Breed 2
- Alien Breed 3
- Another World
- Back to the Future: The Game
- Beyond Good & Evil
- Dead Space 2
- Deponia (cualquiera)
- Don't Starve
- Gemini Rue
- Limbo
- Mass Effect
- Nights
- Pacific Storm: Allies
- Reus
- Sam & Max (cualquiera)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1
- Space Channel 5
- Sleeping Dogs
- State Of Decay
- System Shock 2
- The Dream Machine (Cualquiera)
- The Stanley Parable
- The Walking Dead
- The Witcher 2
- The Wolf Among Us
- Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures
salinger escribió:En lunes, ¡alegria!Canyon Capers - QZIQE-X5CWY-KKTJQ
Soldado-Patoso escribió:Buenas tengo una key de X3 : Reunion , lo cambio por alguna otra key.
Soldado-Patoso escribió:Que tranquilo esta el hilo....
-Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
-Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition
-Alien Shooter
-Alpha Prime
-ARMA Cold war assault
-ARMA Tactics
-ARMA: Gold Edition
-Beat Hazard Ultra
-Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
-Depths of peril
-Dino D-Day
-Ether Vapor Remastered
-Fairy Bloom Fressia
-Fish fillets 2
-Frozen Heart
-Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit
-Guardians of Middle-earth Smaug's Treasure
-Gun monkeys
-Jet Gunner
-Journey of a roach
-Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack
-Naval War: Artic Circle
-Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
-Pixel Hunter
-Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
-Puzzle Kingdoms
-Razor2: Hidden Skies
-Really Big Sky
-Reprisal Universe
-Rocketbirds: Hardboiled
-Space Hack
-Snuggle Truck
-Sonic Generations Casino Night DLC
-Starseed Pilgrim
-Super sanctum td
-Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold
-Tales of Adventure 2
-Tiny & Big in: Grandpa's Leftovers Sountrack Edition x2
-Tiny and Big
-Tiny and Big
-UFO: Afterlight
-Zombie Shooter
-Zombie Shooter 2
-Burnout Paradise City
-Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
-Crysis 2
-Dead Space
-Dead Space 3
-Medal of Honor
-Mirrors Edge
aleriver94 escribió:Dejo esto por aquí:
inigo.27 escribió:Tengo keys de Shadow of Mordor.
Podesi cambiar por cualquie cosa que esta a su nivel, ser rapidos, tendreis que decirme, tambien como se tradea aqui.
Para que confieis en mi dejo este de regalo:CDHY2-5FQPG-XVHHF
inigo.27 escribió:Tengo keys de Shadow of Mordor.
Podesi cambiar por cualquie cosa que esta a su nivel, ser rapidos, tendreis que decirme, tambien como se tradea aqui.
Para que confieis en mi dejo este de regalo:CDHY2-5FQPG-XVHHF
JyL escribió:inigo.27 escribió:Tengo keys de Shadow of Mordor.
Podesi cambiar por cualquie cosa que esta a su nivel, ser rapidos, tendreis que decirme, tambien como se tradea aqui.
Para que confieis en mi dejo este de regalo:CDHY2-5FQPG-XVHHF
¿En serio? se me acaban de caer los cojones al suelo, gracias machodios te lo pague
JyL escribió:inigo.27 escribió:Tengo keys de Shadow of Mordor.
Podesi cambiar por cualquie cosa que esta a su nivel, ser rapidos, tendreis que decirme, tambien como se tradea aqui.
Para que confieis en mi dejo este de regalo:CDHY2-5FQPG-XVHHF
¿En serio? se me acaban de caer los cojones al suelo, gracias machodios te lo pague
gollumfrodo escribió:JyL escribió:inigo.27 escribió:Tengo keys de Shadow of Mordor.
Podesi cambiar por cualquie cosa que esta a su nivel, ser rapidos, tendreis que decirme, tambien como se tradea aqui.
Para que confieis en mi dejo este de regalo:CDHY2-5FQPG-XVHHF
¿En serio? se me acaban de caer los cojones al suelo, gracias machodios te lo pague
todos los tontos tienen suerte jeje
inigo.27 escribió:Me quedan 16
inigo.27 escribió:Mira, te digo la verdad, me los ha enviado por error en el chat en gamekeys4all, yo encantado.
inigo.27 escribió:Tengo keys de Shadow of Mordor.
Podesi cambiar por cualquie cosa que esta a su nivel, ser rapidos, tendreis que decirme, tambien como se tradea aqui.
Para que confieis en mi dejo este de regalo:CDHY2-5FQPG-XVHHF
-Humble SEGA (Alpha Protocol, Company of Heroes, Rome Total War y Hell Yeah Wrath of the Dead Rabbit)*
-Humble Deep Silver BTA (Dead Island GOTY + Saints Row The Third The Full DLC Package)*
-Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition (Gift-link)*
-Alpha Prime (Gift)
-Anachronox (Gift-link)
-Analogue: A Hate Story (Key)
-Anomaly: Warzone Earth (Key)*
-Arena Wars II (Gift)
-Awesomenauts (Gift)*
-Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY (Gift-link)*
-BioShock (Gift-link)
-BioShock 2 (Gift-link)
-Borderlands 2 (Gift)*
-Canyon Capers (Gift-link)*
-Chaos Domain (Gift-link)
-Cobi Treasure Deluxe (Key)
-Conquest of Champions Deluxe Pack (Key)
-Contagion (Gift)*
-Cosmic DJ (Gift-link)
-Crash Time 2 (Key)
-Crusader Kings II: African Unit Pack (Gift-link)
-Daikatana (Gift-link)
-Darksiders II Fletcher's Crow Hammer DLC (Gift)
-Darksiders II Van Der Schmash DLC (Key)
-Dead Island: Epidemic (Gift)
-Dear Esther (Gift-link)
-Deus Ex: Invisible War (Gift-link)
-Deus Ex: The Fall (Gift-link)
-Dino D-Day (Key)*
-DUNGEONS Steam Special Edition (Key)
-El Matador (Gift-link)
-Enclave (Key)
-Evolve (key)
-Final Slam 2 (Key)*
-Frozen Hearth (Gift-link)
-Frozen Synapse (Gift-link)*
-Galactic Arms Race (Key)
-Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug's Treasure DLC (Gift-link)
-Gun Monkeys (Gift)*
-Hacker Evolution Duality (Key)
-Half-Life 2: Episode One (Gift)
-Hitman: Absolution (Gift-link)*
-Huntsman: The Orphanage (Key)
-Imperial Glory (Gift)
-Ionball 2: Ionstorm (Gift-link)
-Iron Grip: Warlord Scorched Earth DLC (Key)
-Just Cause (Gift-link)
-Just Cause 2 (Gift-link)
-Killing Floor (Gift-link)*
-Kingdom Elemental (Key)
-Kung-Fu Strike Warriors Rise (Key)
-Kung Fu Strike Warriors Rise Master Level DLC (Key)
-Magicka Wizard Wars (Key)*
-Magicka Wizard Wars: Daft Robe DLC (Key)
-Magicka Wizard Wars: Exclusive Skin DLC (Key)
-Magicka Wizard Wars: Holy Knights Robe DLC (Gift-link)
-Mars: War Logs (Gift)*
-Murder Miners (Gift)
-Nosgoth (Key)
-Nosgoth Veteran Pack (Gift-link)
-Numba Deluxe (Key)
-Painkiller Redemption (Key)
-Penny Arcade's On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 (Key)
-PixelJunk Monsters (key)*
-Pressured (Gift-link)
-Postal (Key)*
-Puzzle Bots (Gift-link)
-Q.U.B.E. (Gift-link)
-RACE 07 + GTR Evolution + Race Room Racing Experience + DLC's (Key)
-Ravensword: Shadowlands (Gift-link)
-Really Big Sky (Key)*
-Realms Of The Haunting (Gift-link)
-Red Faction Guerrilla (Gift)
-Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (Key)*
-Reus (Key)*
-Rise of Flight: Channel Battles Edition (Key)
-Royal Quest: Welcome Pack (Key)
-Rush Bros (Key)*
-STORM: Frontline Nation (Key)
-Sacraboar (Key)
-Sanctum (Key)*
-Shattered Horizon (Key)
-ShootMania Storm: Exclusive Skin DLC (key)
-Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 (Key)
-Space Hack (Key)
-Spec Ops: The Line (Gift-link)
-Speedball 2 HD (Key)*
-Super Hexagon (Gift)
-Super MNC pack (Gift)
-Super Sanctum TD (Key)*
-SpaceChem (Key)
-Takedown: Red Sabre (Gift)*
-Tales of Maj'Eyal (Key)
-Teleglitch: Die More Edition (Gift-link)*
-Terraria (Gift-link)*
-The Book of Legends (Gift-link)*
-The Book of Unwritten Tales Deluxe Edition (Key)
-The Cursed Crusade (Key)
-The Darkness II (Gift-link)
-The Journey Down Chapter One (Key)
-The Last Remant (Gift-link)
-The Ship Complete (Gift)
-The Swapper (Gift-link)*
-Thief: Gold Edition (Key)
-Thomas Was Alone (Gift-link)
-Trine 2: Goblin Menace DLC (Gift)
-Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle (Gift)*
-Uriel's Chasm (key)*
-Velocity Ultra (Gift-link)*
-Victim of Xen (key)*
-War Inc. Arsenal Bundle pack DLC (Key)
-Warface Starter Pack (Key)*
-Wakfu (Key)
-Waves (Key)
-Woodle Tree Adventures (Gift-link)*
-World War III: Black Gold (Gift)
-XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Key)*
-X-COM: Apocalypse (Gift-link)
-Xotic + DLC's (Key)
-Zero Gear (Key)*
-Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising (Origin)
-Dead Space (Origin)
-Populous (Origin)
-Unos 50 juegos de Desura (preguntar)
-Sets completos (insignias)
(*Con cromos)
-Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardiansintercambiado con alfageorge
-Dust: An Elysian Tailintercambiado con anarkowars
-Darksiders IIintercambiado con putokill
-Bioshockintercambiado con unreal lee
-Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Boxintercambiado con landrico
-Overlord 2 + Dirt 3 + Dirt Showdownintercambiado con undertow10
-Monaco: What's your is mineintercambiado con choquimin
-- Type: Riderintercambiado con trow
-Mirror's Edge
Zhaelx escribió:Zhaelx escribió:Tengo:
-The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete Pack
-Pixeljunk Eden
-Orc's Must Die 2 Complete
***** BUSCO:
-Teleglitch Die More Edition
-Algún otro que me pueda gustar o de mi wishlist (aunque de aquí creo que tengo pocos que hayan salido en bundles)
Agregarme a steam si quereis
inigo.27 escribió:Fifa 15
Algun cod
Battlefield 4
Pido alguno de esos, ya he vendido uno
Me quedan bastantes.