aboreal escribió:Me está dando el error C2-12828-1 cuando acciono el cartel que pongo en la casa...
¿Alguien más le ocurre esto? Este error es del juego o de la consola?
PutuMoT escribió:Madre de Dios!!!!!!!
Me lo pillé ayer por la tarde aprovechando las ofertas de Semana Santa y me fuy a dormir a las 2 de la mañana!!!!!!!!!!!!
Recomendable 100%, puro vicio pierdevidas!!!!!!!
Ya ire preguntando algunas cosas que no vaya entendiendo porque por lo que parece el juego tiene tela tela!!!!
dornop escribió:
Pues espérate mañana, que tendrá tela, tela, tela, tela.
Es un juego impresionante.
PutuMoT escribió:dornop escribió:
Pues espérate mañana, que tendrá tela, tela, tela, tela.
Es un juego impresionante.
La actualización 1.2, verdad?. He visto algo sobre ella mientras investigaba sobre el juego, pero estoy tan saturado ahora mismo de información que no me enterado de mucho.
Impresionante es poco.... y pensar que lo ha hecho una sola persona!!!!. Para mi es otra confirmación de que en un juego, en el fondo lo que menos importa son los graficos, sino el concepto del juego, el que te pique y no puedas parar y las horas que le acabas hechando, al final.
Sera que ya soy viejuno en los juegos y en general, y no me asustan los pixeles, pero os lo digo en serio: Hasta hace medio año o asi me miraba de reojo el tema de los "Indies", en plan seran jueguecitos para pasar el rato en plan chorra..... pues no veais la serie de guantazos en la cara que me vengo llevando!!!!.
Asi que..... Viva los Indies!!!!
dornop escribió:
Si, la 1.2, aunque no traerá todo, es una 1.2 especial consolas. ¿Los pixeles? Si este juego es precioso, son tan monos con su pico...
El tutorial de los controles es el mismo tutorial del juego, el truco está en pillarle la marcha a los modos automático y manual. Para construir, siempre manual. Al principio cuesta un poco, pero conforme van pasando las horas, te vas haciendo al control.
Console versions do not have 10 additional inventory slots
The Coin Gun is not (yet) implemented due to a different currency handling in the console versions causing the Coin Gun to randomly shoot coins of any value.
Some of the console exclusive music has stayed the same
Bug Fixes
You can no longer craft items or money by placing items in the trash
You can no longer sell your gold to NPCs
Music box/chest duping no longer works
Bunnies/Goldfish spawned from statues no longer drop money during a Bloodmoon
Active blocks will no longer become inactive with a chest on them
Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable
Crash bug where using Queen Statue would crash the game is fixed
Crash bug where reading a sign or tombstone would crash the game is fixed
Using Auto-Fill no longer puts coins in your chest
Fixed vines not growing in underground jungle biomes
Fixed highlight bugs for music boxes and timers
Fixed Dirt Rod bug
Fixed Fairy Bell timer bug where timer would display 59 seconds
Fixed Death Messages bug where it would only show the player name
You can no longer create unlimited boxes by creating ice blocks
Fixed a bug where Stained Glass would not count as a valid wall for NPC housing
Fixed a bug with Ocram’s hit box
Ocram’s Souls of Blight no longer fall to the floor
Fixed the “hidden” inventory slot bug (Vita only)
Touch controls are now disabled when using the Magic Mirror (Vita only)
Fixed a bug where NPC flags would not reposition when zooming (Vita only)
Fixed a bug with the “Back for Seconds” Trophy/Achievement
Fixed a bug where 1.2 armors would not count towards a trophy
Fixed a bug where you could obtain a trophy during the tutorial
Players now have an option to choose how the Gravitation Potion behaves: Flip the world, or flip the character.
Players now have an option to turn off back touch (Vita only)
Map data is now saved locally for visited Multiplayer worlds
Multiplayer packet size has been further optimized
Multiplayer stability has been improved
Texture compression has been improved
Mechanics and Gameplay
Some items now stack to 999 or to 99 including ores and buckets (as per PC 1.2.3.)
The starting female clothes have been modified
There are several new hairstyles
Chest sizes have been doubled
You no longer need to jump to ascend single blocks
The hammer is now used for creating slopes, halftiles, and breaking walls only
The axe is now only used for chopping down trees and giant mushrooms
Pickaxes will now remove blocks, placeable objects, and items such as Life Crystals and chests
You can now paint any solid tile or item
Dye slots have been added
You will now start with 10 mana
You can now craft early game magic robes and staves
Bricks, wood, stone and glass all now blend together
Mana Crystals only require 5 fallen stars to craft, down from 10
If water touches a halftile it will create a waterfall
Your world has a chance to get alternative ore as a replacement for copper, iron, silver, and gold
Your world has a chance to have a replacement for the Corruption
Your world has a chance to get alternative ores as a replacement for Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite
Your world has a rare chance to have a pyramid or living tree spawn during world generation each containing their own loot table
There is a new hardmode jungle temple
There are now beehives that can be found in the jungle
There are now several new backgrounds and tree variations your world has a chance to generate
Water will now change color based on the biome you are in and depth underground
Ropes are now found early game and can be used to craft rope coils for traversing the world
Chains can now be placed and used as a rope mechanism
Mushroom grass/seeds can now grow and spread above ground
There are now 3 colors for wires
Actuators can be used to make any solid tile active and inactive
There is 1 new liquid type that can be found in the Jungle
There are several new fountains that will change the color of water when they are placed nearby
Pearlstone bricks no longer spread hallow
Rain and blizzards have been added
There is a new snow biome with unique treasures and items for normal and hardmode
Enemies no longer trigger underground pressure plates
There are new pressure plates that can only be triggered by certain things such as the player, enemies, or both
Clowns will no longer blow up tiles
There are several new buffs and debuffs
There are now mini Capture the Gem addition to the game. You can craft large gems that draw a gem icon above the player holding the gem and if the player is killed the gem will be dropped next to their corpse
There are 2 new hardmode events
Werewolf form has been buffed and can take place every night
Broken armor debuff only lasts 2 minutes, down from 5
You now use a pickaxe to remove armor from a mannequin
Players no longer take double damage in pvp
Items of the same type will now stack when next to each other
You can no longer become invincible when touching fire blocks
Increased speed at which you can buy stacks of things
The Halloween seasonal event has been added
The Pumkin Moon event has been added
Certain weapon damage stats have been adjusted to match the PC 1.2.3. update
Certain drop rates have been adjusted to match the PC 1.2.3. update (like Keymolds)
Cost for reforging has been adjusted to match the PC 1.2.3. update (cheaper prices)
Graphical Changes
The sun is now brighter
Midnight is now darker
The sky has a smooth gradient
There are several items that have had graphical upgrades such as gems, colored torches, Minishark, Muramasa, Aqua Scepter, Starfury, etc...
There are now stalagmites, icicles, moss, plants, rocks, and other "piles" added to enhance the environment
There are several new mini caves that can be found with unique backgrounds
Each biome will now have chests and pots with unique graphics
The dungeon now has 3 unique textures/colors and furniture
Hell houses have been remodeled
Floating islands have been remodeled
Each biome will now have unique textures and wood types:
Corruption: Ebonwood
Jungle: Rich Mahogany
Crimson: Shadewood
Hallow: Pearlwood
Each brick now has its own unique texture
Each brick wall now has its own unique texture
Torches are now animated and can be placed on walls
There are several new tombstones
Titan, Spectral and Dragon armors now have unique sprites
Most console-exclusive enemies now have unique sprites
Tizona and Tonbogiri now have unique sprites
In total there are over 1,000 new items
There are 10 new ores
There are 4 new wood types
There are 31 new brick types
You can now imbue melee weapons
There are several new arrow and bullet types
There are several new crafting stations
There are several new wands used for crafting new bricks and brick walls
You can now craft bricks, walls, and furniture out of several new materials:
Slime, Bone, Mushroom, Living wood, Flesh, Silt, and many more!
You can now craft Jester Arrows
There are 12 new wing types
There are several new vanity sets
There are a lot of new rare drops added to enemies
There is an item in hardmode that allows you to change biomes
There is an item in hardmode that allows you to increase your max health
There are 29 new tinker combinations
Several new items have been added to the game that are used for crafting dyes
Starfury now acts as a melee weapon and has had its damaged increased
Aqua Scepter has been redesigned and does slightly more damage for less mana
Water bolt has been redesigned and does slightly more damage
Vilethorn does more damage and uses less mana
Magic Daggers have been buffed
All of the old classic armors can be found as rare drops and have the same stats as their current counterparts and count towards set bonuses
Items that were called dyes previously for crafting have been changed to thread
Chests now have larger loot tables
You can now make picks instead of drills and axes instead of chainsaws in late game tiers
Increased the drop rate of souls
Ocram now drops more souls
There are over 50 paintings that can be collected randomly throughout the world
Jungle armor no longer requires gems
Ocram’s spawn item’s recipe requires fewer ingredients
Titan, Spectral and Dragon armor require fewer ingredients
Sparkly Wings are now much easier to craft
The amount of meteorite required for crafting has been decreased
Meteorite armor has more defense and does more damage
Silt and slush can be extracted into useful materials, items, and money
Each boss has a rare chance to drop a placeable boss trophy
Hooks can now be crafted out of gems
Depth meter is no longer craftable
Stars can now be crafted with bottles to make a new light source
Floating island chests no longer require a key
Gems and bars can be placed
Items made from hellstone now require less hellstone
Almost all enemies (including console-exclusive enemies) have a chance to drop a banner
Console-exclusive Pet items now drop off enemies
There are 8 new friendly NPCs
There are 4 new bosses
There are over 100 new enemies
Friendly NPCs will sell different items depending on certain conditions such as time of day or biome they are living in
Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game
Current hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased
There is a rare spawn mini boss that can be found during blizzards in the above ground ice biome
There are over 15 new pets that can be found in chests and dropped rarely off enemies
Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense.
Skeletron can now be summoned and has a small loot table
Console versions do not have 10 additional inventory slots
The Coin Gun is not (yet) implemented due to a different currency handling in the console versions causing the Coin Gun to randomly shoot coins of any value.
Some of the console exclusive music has stayed the same
Lord Duke escribió:dornop escribió:
Si, la 1.2, aunque no traerá todo, es una 1.2 especial consolas. ¿Los pixeles? Si este juego es precioso, son tan monos con su pico...
El tutorial de los controles es el mismo tutorial del juego, el truco está en pillarle la marcha a los modos automático y manual. Para construir, siempre manual. Al principio cuesta un poco, pero conforme van pasando las horas, te vas haciendo al control.
Se supone que si trae todo lo que salio en la 1.2, es mas si no me equivoco trae el evento de la "Pumkin Moon" que en pc salio con la 1.2.1. Ahora mismo lo "único" que le falta a la versión de consolas para ser igual que la de PC es el evento "Frost Moon" del parche 1.2.2 y creo que algunas mejoras de gameplay que salieron en la 1.2.3, algunas de las mejoras de la 1.2.3 estan ya implementadas en el juego pero otras no... a ver si con suerte cambiaron el tema de la distancia para usar los cables pero me da que va a seguir capado.
Ademas en las notas de parche ya pone las diferencias que hay con la 1.2 que salio en pc:Differences
Console versions do not have 10 additional inventory slots
The Coin Gun is not (yet) implemented due to a different currency handling in the console versions causing the Coin Gun to randomly shoot coins of any value.
Some of the console exclusive music has stayed the same
Dejo aqui las notas de parche de la 1.2:Bug Fixes
You can no longer craft items or money by placing items in the trash
You can no longer sell your gold to NPCs
Music box/chest duping no longer works
Bunnies/Goldfish spawned from statues no longer drop money during a Bloodmoon
Active blocks will no longer become inactive with a chest on them
Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable
Crash bug where using Queen Statue would crash the game is fixed
Crash bug where reading a sign or tombstone would crash the game is fixed
Using Auto-Fill no longer puts coins in your chest
Fixed vines not growing in underground jungle biomes
Fixed highlight bugs for music boxes and timers
Fixed Dirt Rod bug
Fixed Fairy Bell timer bug where timer would display 59 seconds
Fixed Death Messages bug where it would only show the player name
You can no longer create unlimited boxes by creating ice blocks
Fixed a bug where Stained Glass would not count as a valid wall for NPC housing
Fixed a bug with Ocram’s hit box
Ocram’s Souls of Blight no longer fall to the floor
Fixed the “hidden” inventory slot bug (Vita only)
Touch controls are now disabled when using the Magic Mirror (Vita only)
Fixed a bug where NPC flags would not reposition when zooming (Vita only)
Fixed a bug with the “Back for Seconds” Trophy/Achievement
Fixed a bug where 1.2 armors would not count towards a trophy
Fixed a bug where you could obtain a trophy during the tutorial
Players now have an option to choose how the Gravitation Potion behaves: Flip the world, or flip the character.
Players now have an option to turn off back touch (Vita only)
Map data is now saved locally for visited Multiplayer worlds
Multiplayer packet size has been further optimized
Multiplayer stability has been improved
Texture compression has been improved
Mechanics and Gameplay
Some items now stack to 999 or to 99 including ores and buckets (as per PC 1.2.3.)
The starting female clothes have been modified
There are several new hairstyles
Chest sizes have been doubled
You no longer need to jump to ascend single blocks
The hammer is now used for creating slopes, halftiles, and breaking walls only
The axe is now only used for chopping down trees and giant mushrooms
Pickaxes will now remove blocks, placeable objects, and items such as Life Crystals and chests
You can now paint any solid tile or item
Dye slots have been added
You will now start with 10 mana
You can now craft early game magic robes and staves
Bricks, wood, stone and glass all now blend together
Mana Crystals only require 5 fallen stars to craft, down from 10
If water touches a halftile it will create a waterfall
Your world has a chance to get alternative ore as a replacement for copper, iron, silver, and gold
Your world has a chance to have a replacement for the Corruption
Your world has a chance to get alternative ores as a replacement for Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite
Your world has a rare chance to have a pyramid or living tree spawn during world generation each containing their own loot table
There is a new hardmode jungle temple
There are now beehives that can be found in the jungle
There are now several new backgrounds and tree variations your world has a chance to generate
Water will now change color based on the biome you are in and depth underground
Ropes are now found early game and can be used to craft rope coils for traversing the world
Chains can now be placed and used as a rope mechanism
Mushroom grass/seeds can now grow and spread above ground
There are now 3 colors for wires
Actuators can be used to make any solid tile active and inactive
There is 1 new liquid type that can be found in the Jungle
There are several new fountains that will change the color of water when they are placed nearby
Pearlstone bricks no longer spread hallow
Rain and blizzards have been added
There is a new snow biome with unique treasures and items for normal and hardmode
Enemies no longer trigger underground pressure plates
There are new pressure plates that can only be triggered by certain things such as the player, enemies, or both
Clowns will no longer blow up tiles
There are several new buffs and debuffs
There are now mini Capture the Gem addition to the game. You can craft large gems that draw a gem icon above the player holding the gem and if the player is killed the gem will be dropped next to their corpse
There are 2 new hardmode events
Werewolf form has been buffed and can take place every night
Broken armor debuff only lasts 2 minutes, down from 5
You now use a pickaxe to remove armor from a mannequin
Players no longer take double damage in pvp
Items of the same type will now stack when next to each other
You can no longer become invincible when touching fire blocks
Increased speed at which you can buy stacks of things
The Halloween seasonal event has been added
The Pumkin Moon event has been added
Certain weapon damage stats have been adjusted to match the PC 1.2.3. update
Certain drop rates have been adjusted to match the PC 1.2.3. update (like Keymolds)
Cost for reforging has been adjusted to match the PC 1.2.3. update (cheaper prices)
Graphical Changes
The sun is now brighter
Midnight is now darker
The sky has a smooth gradient
There are several items that have had graphical upgrades such as gems, colored torches, Minishark, Muramasa, Aqua Scepter, Starfury, etc...
There are now stalagmites, icicles, moss, plants, rocks, and other "piles" added to enhance the environment
There are several new mini caves that can be found with unique backgrounds
Each biome will now have chests and pots with unique graphics
The dungeon now has 3 unique textures/colors and furniture
Hell houses have been remodeled
Floating islands have been remodeled
Each biome will now have unique textures and wood types:
Corruption: Ebonwood
Jungle: Rich Mahogany
Crimson: Shadewood
Hallow: Pearlwood
Each brick now has its own unique texture
Each brick wall now has its own unique texture
Torches are now animated and can be placed on walls
There are several new tombstones
Titan, Spectral and Dragon armors now have unique sprites
Most console-exclusive enemies now have unique sprites
Tizona and Tonbogiri now have unique sprites
In total there are over 1,000 new items
There are 10 new ores
There are 4 new wood types
There are 31 new brick types
You can now imbue melee weapons
There are several new arrow and bullet types
There are several new crafting stations
There are several new wands used for crafting new bricks and brick walls
You can now craft bricks, walls, and furniture out of several new materials:
Slime, Bone, Mushroom, Living wood, Flesh, Silt, and many more!
You can now craft Jester Arrows
There are 12 new wing types
There are several new vanity sets
There are a lot of new rare drops added to enemies
There is an item in hardmode that allows you to change biomes
There is an item in hardmode that allows you to increase your max health
There are 29 new tinker combinations
Several new items have been added to the game that are used for crafting dyes
Starfury now acts as a melee weapon and has had its damaged increased
Aqua Scepter has been redesigned and does slightly more damage for less mana
Water bolt has been redesigned and does slightly more damage
Vilethorn does more damage and uses less mana
Magic Daggers have been buffed
All of the old classic armors can be found as rare drops and have the same stats as their current counterparts and count towards set bonuses
Items that were called dyes previously for crafting have been changed to thread
Chests now have larger loot tables
You can now make picks instead of drills and axes instead of chainsaws in late game tiers
Increased the drop rate of souls
Ocram now drops more souls
There are over 50 paintings that can be collected randomly throughout the world
Jungle armor no longer requires gems
Ocram’s spawn item’s recipe requires fewer ingredients
Titan, Spectral and Dragon armor require fewer ingredients
Sparkly Wings are now much easier to craft
The amount of meteorite required for crafting has been decreased
Meteorite armor has more defense and does more damage
Silt and slush can be extracted into useful materials, items, and money
Each boss has a rare chance to drop a placeable boss trophy
Hooks can now be crafted out of gems
Depth meter is no longer craftable
Stars can now be crafted with bottles to make a new light source
Floating island chests no longer require a key
Gems and bars can be placed
Items made from hellstone now require less hellstone
Almost all enemies (including console-exclusive enemies) have a chance to drop a banner
Console-exclusive Pet items now drop off enemies
There are 8 new friendly NPCs
There are 4 new bosses
There are over 100 new enemies
Friendly NPCs will sell different items depending on certain conditions such as time of day or biome they are living in
Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game
Current hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased
There is a rare spawn mini boss that can be found during blizzards in the above ground ice biome
There are over 15 new pets that can be found in chests and dropped rarely off enemies
Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense.
Skeletron can now be summoned and has a small loot table
Console versions do not have 10 additional inventory slots
The Coin Gun is not (yet) implemented due to a different currency handling in the console versions causing the Coin Gun to randomly shoot coins of any value.
Some of the console exclusive music has stayed the same
Yo no se si empezar un mundo nuevo o continuar el actual
Misantropo escribió:Buenas,
Lo compré hace un ratejo, la oferta es irresistible, y al descargarlo primero me bajó un archivo de 32MB y luego una actualización de 27MB. ¿Es ésa la nueva?
Lord Duke escribió:Misantropo escribió:Buenas,
Lo compré hace un ratejo, la oferta es irresistible, y al descargarlo primero me bajó un archivo de 32MB y luego una actualización de 27MB. ¿Es ésa la nueva?
No creo que sea la nueva xD. Supongo que lo primero seria el juego y los 27 algún update viejo
dornop escribió:PutuMoT escribió:dornop escribió:
Pues espérate mañana, que tendrá tela, tela, tela, tela.
Es un juego impresionante.
La actualización 1.2, verdad?. He visto algo sobre ella mientras investigaba sobre el juego, pero estoy tan saturado ahora mismo de información que no me enterado de mucho.
Impresionante es poco.... y pensar que lo ha hecho una sola persona!!!!. Para mi es otra confirmación de que en un juego, en el fondo lo que menos importa son los graficos, sino el concepto del juego, el que te pique y no puedas parar y las horas que le acabas hechando, al final.
Sera que ya soy viejuno en los juegos y en general, y no me asustan los pixeles, pero os lo digo en serio: Hasta hace medio año o asi me miraba de reojo el tema de los "Indies", en plan seran jueguecitos para pasar el rato en plan chorra..... pues no veais la serie de guantazos en la cara que me vengo llevando!!!!.
Asi que..... Viva los Indies!!!!
Si, la 1.2, aunque no traerá todo, es una 1.2 especial consolas. ¿Los pixeles? Si este juego es precioso, son tan monos con su pico...
El tutorial de los controles es el mismo tutorial del juego, el truco está en pillarle la marcha a los modos automático y manual. Para construir, siempre manual. Al principio cuesta un poco, pero conforme van pasando las horas, te vas haciendo al control.
aboreal escribió:Alguien sabe en qué web o foro podemos enterarnos cuando ya esté dispnible el parche?
Lord Duke escribió:aboreal escribió:Alguien sabe en qué web o foro podemos enterarnos cuando ya esté dispnible el parche?
Si, aquí xD
dornop escribió:La desarrolladora a dicho esta mañana a las 8 en Twitter que la actualización podría tardar hasta 24 horas dependiendo de la plataforma.
gogmaghog escribió:A mi ya me aparece para descargar 48 Mb
XpartaN escribió:Ya estaaa. Ya estaa!!!!
A darle durooo!!
Por cierto, para ver los efectos de esta actu hay que crear un nuevo world??
Lord Duke escribió:Dios que gusto tener los cofres grandes y no tener que dar el puto saltito para subir un escalón xD. Por cierto no se si le habrá pasado a mas gente pero al menos a mi se me a "jodido" el mapa que tenia. En la parte donde tenia la jungla se a abierto un boquete gigante hasta el fondo xD me imagino que al intentar generar la nueva jungla con el templo a petado algo y se lo a cepillado todo xD ademas tengo parte del inframundo que sale a la superficie hasta el cielo xD
Lord Duke escribió:Dios que gusto tener los cofres grandes y no tener que dar el puto saltito para subir un escalón xD. Por cierto no se si le habrá pasado a mas gente pero al menos a mi se me a "jodido" el mapa que tenia. En la parte donde tenia la jungla se a abierto un boquete gigante hasta el fondo xD me imagino que al intentar generar la nueva jungla con el templo a petado algo y se lo a cepillado todo xD ademas tengo parte del inframundo que sale a la superficie hasta el cielo xD
dornop escribió:Lord Duke escribió:Dios que gusto tener los cofres grandes y no tener que dar el puto saltito para subir un escalón xD. Por cierto no se si le habrá pasado a mas gente pero al menos a mi se me a "jodido" el mapa que tenia. En la parte donde tenia la jungla se a abierto un boquete gigante hasta el fondo xD me imagino que al intentar generar la nueva jungla con el templo a petado algo y se lo a cepillado todo xD ademas tengo parte del inframundo que sale a la superficie hasta el cielo xD
Buff, espero que me mantenga los cofres y lo que tengo dentro.
dornop escribió:Putada, no me deja acceder al mundo. Pues nada, me toca empezar desde cero, menos mal que el personaje lo llevaba muy equipado.
Lord Duke escribió:dornop escribió:Putada, no me deja acceder al mundo. Pues nada, me toca empezar desde cero, menos mal que el personaje lo llevaba muy equipado.
Dejar hecha una copia del mundo por si acaso, que seguro que sacan un hotfix en un par de días para poder arreglar los mapas viejos.
lain20 escribió:Al cargar el mundo da error.Dan alguna solución?
If you run into any issues with today's #Terraria update, please contact our support team: http://www.505games.com/contact
hannëman escribió:2014-04-18-014702.jpg2014-04-18-014538.jpgvale me he creado un nuevo mundo para esta version y para no empezar de cero pues cogi la hucha y la llene de cosas y al poner la hucha en el mundo nuevo se ha bugeado xD me han salido objetos que no tenia y numeros xD voy a intentar poner fotos, sorry por si hay mala ortografia pero estoy desde la vita xD por cierto no se si habeis probado a jugar psvia y ps3 pero es que a mi me va fatal,no encuentra el mundo, me da error al entrar, dentro me dice que se ha perdido la conexion con el anfitrion... :/ ya no se que hacer la verdad.
Lord Duke escribió:hannëman escribió:2014-04-18-014702.jpg2014-04-18-014538.jpgvale me he creado un nuevo mundo para esta version y para no empezar de cero pues cogi la hucha y la llene de cosas y al poner la hucha en el mundo nuevo se ha bugeado xD me han salido objetos que no tenia y numeros xD voy a intentar poner fotos, sorry por si hay mala ortografia pero estoy desde la vita xD por cierto no se si habeis probado a jugar psvia y ps3 pero es que a mi me va fatal,no encuentra el mundo, me da error al entrar, dentro me dice que se ha perdido la conexion con el anfitrion... :/ ya no se que hacer la verdad.
Se te a bugeado en ambos mundos el contenido? Estaría bien que lo reportaras para que tengan constancia del bug xD.
hannëman escribió:pues es solo en el mundo nuevo,cosas raras del terraria... como reporto el bug?
Lord Duke escribió:hannëman escribió:pues es solo en el mundo nuevo,cosas raras del terraria... como reporto el bug?
En su twitter habían puesto un link creo.
Edit: Vaya acabo de fijarme que en la corrupción Crimson si destruyes los corazones sangrientos (el equivalente al orbe negro) en vez de invocar al Cerebro de Cthulu sigue saliendo el devoramundos.. otro bug mas a la lista xD. Por ahora me parece que la única forma de invocar al Cerebro de Cthulu es fabricando el item en los altares.
ShinKarasu escribió:Lord Duke escribió:hannëman escribió:pues es solo en el mundo nuevo,cosas raras del terraria... como reporto el bug?
En su twitter habían puesto un link creo.
Edit: Vaya acabo de fijarme que en la corrupción Crimson si destruyes los corazones sangrientos (el equivalente al orbe negro) en vez de invocar al Cerebro de Cthulu sigue saliendo el devoramundos.. otro bug mas a la lista xD. Por ahora me parece que la única forma de invocar al Cerebro de Cthulu es fabricando el item en los altares.
Es que una de las formas de invocar al gusano es esa xD. Para el cerebro tendrás que recoger 15 vértebras(como para el de corrupción, que eran 15 carnes podridas) y crear el item en un altar demoniaco del crimson.
Por lo demás, mi mundo de la primera versión de Terraria está perfecto, el citado bug de la hucha/caja fuerte es aleatorio, a veces corrompe cosas, pero si sales y entras, suele arreglarse.
En mi mundo 2.0, ya he recogido algunas cosas nuevas, barras de piedra crimson, algunas cosas recicladas en el taller de chapuzas, y bastantes piezas de ropa que "dropean" los enemigos(ese traje de faraon). Me falta empezar a buscar bosses nuevos(salvo la abeja), y descubrir templos y nuevos materiales.
Por cierto, quiero destacar algo sobre los demás, el arbol gigante. Estoy haciendo mi casa en la copa, y usando sus ramas para hacer los pisos de los NPC. Me encanta.
860raiden escribió:Alguien sabe como hacer la cadena?
Porque se supone que es con mineral de hierro pero he encontrado hasta diamante y del hierro ni una sola pieza.
Es un bug o algo?
860raiden escribió:El problema es que no encuentro hierro por ningún lado
Ya no se donde picar...