Pagafantas está baneado por "clon para saltarse baneo"
for airmail shipping,some times is liek that
if you insist that i need refund you money,no problem,i do it for you,do not make any paypal discopute,that is not good.but as you know,my old paypal account have problem
so now i use another new account to sent you money,so say me your accunt,and how much i need do that,then i pay you money as gift,so you do not need pay fees and i can not make dispute for thsi payment
and for this,i do not like this business with you for any more
Juas juas que me devuelva el dinero porque mis amigos ya no quieren las cmaisetas, y tranquilo que no voy a volver a hacer mas negocios con el, que para tela de papel de fumar ya tengo OCB