› Foros › Xbox 360 › Exploits y homebrew
kasparov escribió:ojala y ya hallan acavado con la traduccion del juego SHENMUE de DREAMCAST llevan mas de 10 años en eso no sabes nada al respecto ???
alexkyori escribió:faltaria el de Onechanbara Z Kagura q ya esta traducido al ingles-español gracias a padajuan
PD: No tengo pensado en meterme en ninguna a corto plazo.
Gromber escribió:Nada de poner, el primer post es solo para recopilar tradus, no el tales no esta traducido, yo no lo he añadido a la lista... pero esta casi apunto (Ojala salga este año), solo la gente que ha colaborado en la misma lo tiene actualmente.
Se me olvida comentar que nada de peticiones para que los demás las hagan, toca investigar primero dar info ver los archivos disponibles... proponer pero con investigaciones antes, nada de venga hacerme el trabajo duro y que os den.
Infinite Undiscovery conseguí extraer los paquetes y el orange box igual y decodificar el audio, pues no tiene subtitulos, pero toca mucha investigación.
Please gente seria, estoy pensando que me he equivocado al crear este hilo...
Gromber escribió:Pues mirate este post, por si puedes sacar algo en claro, usando el QuickBMS, se puede sacar los paquetes: hilo_proyecto-infinite-undiscovery_1848464
Tiene pinta de que me va a encantar el juego, pero tambien que va a tener bastante texto, por lo que toca esperar a verano por mi parte, aunque estoy algo oxidado con el Ingles, tengo que reconocerlo jejeje
Otro que esta "más" fácil encarrilar es el Encharted Arms.
noidroid escribió:Que tal compañeros. Como todos saben salio No more heroes paradise hace algunos años para PS3 y XBOX, pero el problema consiste en que el de xbox no salio de Japón, pero para todos aquellos que tenemos RGH/JTAG, podemos intentar hacer una traducción, que bueno yo sin saber ni una pizca de japones, pude jugarlo casi sin problemas, porque el juego esta doblado al ingles y me va bastante bien en ello. Pero sin duda seria mas cómodo, entender los menús, para mejorar la experiencia en el juego. Lo que no se es donde se encuentra el archivo donde están los subtitulos, para que ese sea el que se comience a modificar, o como dijo un compañero en el otro post, importar los subs del ps3 ¿alguien puede aportarme algo o un poco de ayuda
Hay que mirar que tal funciona esto http://translate.google.com/toolkit/lis ... ons/active
xaivyer escribió:Hola gente
Tenia justamente hoy la idea de abrir un hilo con esta propuesta pero por surte creaste este![]()
bueno como saben ya esta el Hitman trilogi en la xbox 360 incluyendo el:
1-Hitman 2 silent assassin
2-Hitman 3 contracts
3-Hitman 4 blood Money
Pero el blood Money es el mismo de años atrás así que la traducción actual la probé y sirve de maravilla solo faltaría traducir el 2 y el 3, asi estará disponible toda la saga (menos el 1 exclusivo de pc) en la 360 en español.
Para la traducción tengo disponibles las versiones en español del hitman 2 y 3 en PS2 y Xbox 1 (el 2 esta traducido en esta de hecho) si fueran necesarias las de PC también las conseguiría.
Sobre editar archivos no tengo conocimientos pero si el tiempo y la intención si me explican yo realizo el proceso.
loca_key_foo;Value is Bar
menu_continue;Resume Game
menu_new;New Game
menu_new_game_na;Not Available
menu_new_episode_1;Chapter 1
menu_new_episode_2;Chapter 2
menu_new_episode_3;Chapter 3
episode_1_tooltip;Choose chapter 1
episode_2_tooltip;Choose chapter 2
episode_3_tooltip;Choose chapter 3
episode_end_episode_1;That was chapter 1!
episode_end_episode_2;That was chapter 2!
episode_end_episode_3;That was chapter 3!
menu_load;Load Game
menu_bonus_title;Bonus Material
menu_bonus_points;Bonus Points:
menu_bonus_item_concept;Concept Art,gallery
menu_bonus_item_model;3D models,gallery
menu_bonus_item_inconcert;The Raven, in Concert
menu_bonus_item_concept_tooltip;Concept art gallery
menu_bonus_item_artwork_tooltip;Artwork gallery
menu_bonus_item_model_tooltip;3D models gallery
menu_bonus_item_inconcert_tooltip;The Raven in Concert
menu_bonus_gallery_concept_art_gallery;Concept art
menu_bonus_gallery_artworks;Artwork gallery
menu_bonus_gallery_3d_model_gallery;3D models
menu_bonus_gallery_next;Next page >
menu_bonus_gallery_previous;< Previous page
bonus_audio_main_theme;The Raven Main Theme
bonus_audio_zellner_im_zug;Adventure in the Alps
bonus_audio_ueberfall_im_museum;Burglary in the Museum
bonus_audio_zellner_schiff_aussen;Sunny Day on the Open Sea
bonus_audio_oehi_action;Constable in Action
bonus_audio_fahrender_zug;Runaway Train
bonus_audio_humpelnde_leiber;Limp Bodies
bonus_audio_salonmusik_tag;Saloon Tune
bonus_audio_er_ist_zurueck;He’s back
bonus_audio_oehi_schiff_innen;Hunting for Clues
bonus_audio_araber_action;At full Speed
bonus_audio_bedrohung_butler;Lurking Menace
bonus_audio_the_raven_overture;The Raven Overture
menu_settings_input;Controls :
input_tooltip;Choose an input device
input_next_tooltip;Change to the next input device
input_previous_tooltip;Change to the previous input device
menu_settings_resolution;Screen resolution :
resolution_tooltip;Adjust the screen resolution
resolution_next_tooltip;Change to the next resolution
resolution_previous_tooltip;Change to the previous resolution
menu_settings_quality;Graphics quality :
quality_tooltip;Adjust the graphics quality
quality_next_tooltip;Change to the next quality level
quality_previous_tooltip;Change to the previous quality level
menu_settings_speach;Speech volume :
speach_tooltip;Adjust the speech volume
speach_next_tooltip;Raise the volume of speech
speach_previous_tooltip;Lower the volume of speech
menu_settings_sound;Sound effects volume :
sound_tooltip;Adjust the sound effects volume
sound_next_tooltip;Raise the volume of sound effects
sound_previous_tooltip;Lower the volume of sound effects
menu_settings_music;Music volume :
music_tooltip;Adjust the music volume
music_next_tooltip;Raise the volume of music
music_previous_tooltip;Lower the volume of music
menu_settings_subtitles;Subtitles language:
subtitles_tooltip;Choose a language for the subtitles
subtitles_next_tooltip;Change to the next language
subtitles_previous_tooltip;Change to the previous language
menu_settings_spoken;Audio language :
spoken_tooltip;Choose a language for the spoken text
spoken_next_tooltip;Change to the next language
spoken_previous_tooltip;Change to the previous language
menu_settings_input_classic; Classic
menu_settings_input_controller; Gamepad
menu_settings_save;Save settings
menu_resume;Resume Game
menu_save;Save Game
menu_mainmenu;Main Menu
menu_quit;Exit Game
menu_dialog_overwrite;Do you really want to overwrite this savegame?
menu_dialog_load;Do you really want to load a saved game?\nThe current game state will be lost.
menu_dialog_mainmenu;Do you really want to exit the game?\nUnsaved progress will be lost in the process.
menu_dialog_start_new_game;Starting a new game will result in the\nautosave file being overwritten. Continue?
menu_dialog_quit;Do you really want to exit the game?
ButtonPrev_tooltip;Previous picture
ButtonNext_tooltip;Next picture
menu_start;Start game
menu_continue_tooltip;The game will be continued from the point where you left it last time.
menu_new_tooltip;Start a new game.
menu_load_tooltip;Load a previous savegame.
menu_settings_tooltip;Change the game's settings here.
menu_quit_tooltip;Exits the game. Unsaved progress will be lost.
menu_bonus_tooltip;Here you can unlock bonus material.
menu_back_tooltip;Back to the menu
menu_settings_save_tooltip;Save game settings
menu_start_tooltip;Start a new chapter
menu_resume_tooltip; Closes the menu and brings you back to the game.
menu_save_tooltip; Save your progress in the game here.
menu_savegame_newgame;New savegame
menu_savegame_abschnitt_00;A train in the Alps
menu_savegame_abschnitt_01;A train in the Alps
menu_savegame_abschnitt_02;Trapped in stone
menu_savegame_abschnitt_03;Fire, steel and steam
menu_savegame_abschnitt_05;Ah, Venice!
menu_savegame_abschnitt_06;A suspicious trunk
menu_savegame_abschnitt_07;Murder on the Mediterranean
menu_savegame_abschnitt_09;The Raven’s confession
menu_savegame_abschnitt_10;The eye of the Sphinx
menu_savegame_abschnitt_11;Into the dark
menu_savegame_abschnitt_12;Zurich, main station
menu_savegame_abschnitt_13;The train robbery
menu_savegame_abschnitt_14;The stowaway
menu_savegame_abschnitt_15;The stowaway
menu_savegame_abschnitt_16;A thief and a murder
menu_savegame_abschnitt_17;Under pressure
menu_savegame_abschnitt_18;Ghost of the past
menu_savegame_abschnitt_19;A simple plan
menu_savegame_abschnitt_20;A nasty surprise
menu_savegame_abschnitt_21;A plan comes together
menu_savegame_abschnitt_22;The return of the Raven
menu_savegame_abschnitt_23;The return of the Raven
menu_savegame_abschnitt_25;The return of the Raven
menu_mainmenu_tooltip; End the current game and open the main menu.
menu_episode_end_continue_tooltip;Continue the game.
edgemenu_menu_tooltip;Open the ingame-menu.
edgemenu_notebook_tooltip;Open the notebook.
edgemenu_hotspot_tooltip;Highlight all current hot spots. You have to pay adventure points to do so.
notebook_next_page;Next page
notebook_prev_page;Previous page
unlock_photo;New pictures unlocked
unlock_music;New music unlocked
unlock_movie;New Video unlocked
messagebox_ok; OK
message_resolution_changed;Do you want to maintain the selected resolution?
episode_end_stats_secrets;Secrets solved:
episode_end_stats_achievements;Achievements unlocked:
episode_end_stats_help;Hint function used:
episode_end_stats_hotspot;Hot spot highlight used:
episode_end_stats_sum;Adventure Points
todo_get_award_key;"Master Stroke"
loading_tip_1;Always take a look at every available object.
loading_tip_2;There are some objects you have to look at more than once to learn all their secrets.
loading_tip_3;To examine an item in your inventory, right-click it.
loading_tip_4;Press the spacebar to highlight all objects in the current scene.
loading_tip_5;If you're stuck, try talking to all characters.
loading_tip_6;When you're stuck, you can get some hints in the notebook.
loading_tip_7;If you're not making any progress, take a break and relax.
loading_tip_3_controller;To examine an item in the inventory, select it and press $secondary.
loading_tip_4_controller;Press $space to highlight all the objects in a scene.
infoscreen_start_1;You are Anton Jakob Zellner, a Swiss policeman, that gets involved in an affair that\nessentially is to big for him. Three days ago a jewel, one of the two legendary\n"Eyes of the Sphinx" was stolen in London. The second Eye is on its way from Zurich to Cairo.
infoscreen_start_2;Aboard the train in the Swiss Alps a critical incident occured. The Raven, a master thief\nwanted by the police all around the globe, planted a bomb and it was Constable Zellner's\nvaliant intervention that prevented the worst. Now the Eye is on a ship on the Mediterranean.
infoscreen_start_3;Zellner, encouraged by his feat in the train, wants to supervise the jewels passage to Cairo.\nHowever, Nicholas Legrand, a French inspector leading the hunt for the Raven, doesn't\nwant Zellner to interfere. Zellner has a look around the ship and is knocked unconscious by\na shadowy figure...
infoscreen_end_1;This was the PR-Demo of "The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief".
infoscreen_end_2;The Demo contains about 20% of the full game. We hope you enjoyed playing it!
error_savegame_save_memory;The savegame could not be saved. There is not enough free memory.
error_savegame_save_other;The savegame could not be saved.
error_config_save_memory;Your game settings could not be saved. There is not enough free memory left.
error_config_save_other;Your game settings could not be saved.
error_savegame_load_corrupted;The savegame is damaged and could not be loaded.
error_savegame_load_other;The savegame could not be loaded.
error_savegame_load_dlc;The downloadable content required for this savegame is not available.
error_config_load_corrupted;Your game settings and unlocked bonus content is corrupted. To continue you can reset the settings, but your unlocked bonus content will be lost in the process.
error_config_load_other;Your game settings could not be loaded. Your settings and unlocked extras were reset.
error_config_load;Your game settings and unlocked bonus content is corrupted. To continue you can reset the settings, but your unlocked bonus content will be lost in the process.
achievements_tooltip;Here you can take a look at your Achievements.
menu_unlock;Unlock Full Game
menu_unlock_tooltip;Here you can unlock the full game.
menu_download;Download Content
menu_download_tooltip;Here you can download additional chapters.
info_live;You need to be signed into Xbox Live to access this feature.
info_login;There is no profile logged in. To play ‘The Raven’ you have to be logged in.
action_login;Log in now
action_quit;Leave game
info_storage;No storage device has been selected or the selected storage device has been removed. Please select a storage device in order to save your progress.
action_select;Select device
action_continue;Continue without
info_storage_2;If you continue without a storage device, you won't be able to save any progress. Do you want to continue?
action_continue_2;Yes, continue
info_episode_lost;A storage device containing downloadable content was removed.
startscreen_message;Press START
episode_end_award_1;Simply perfect!
episode_end_award_4;Very good!
episode_end_award_5;Good job!
episode_end_award_6;Not bad!
config_title;game settings & unlocked extras
info_episode_removed;A storage device containing downloadable content was removed.
info_episode_damaged;The chapter you selected is corrupted. Please download it again.
steam_init_error;Connection to Steam failed. Achievements and cloud storage of savegames won’t be available. Do you still want to continue?
steam_choice_quit;Exit game
mg_junge_direction_controller;Press the $primary to start the game.
El Crash Time V, se traduce como el IV, avisar a Jackic para averiguar si estaba en él, en caso contrario no tiene misterio, mismo método que el IV, para alguien con ganas.