BSTCloud escribió:Las imágenes son petación absoluta, pero habría que añadirle algo de dientes de sierra para que no quedase tan falsuno xDDDDDD
Q: What anti-aliasing modes are supported in PowerVR architecture and what are the associated performance costs? Can we expect high IQ (4x MSAA) on PowerVR SGX543 MP4 as being commonplace at a 960x540 resolution?
IMG: As mentioned before anti-aliasing (AA) was one of the key focus areas for Series5XT and the impact on performance is as low as possible without sacrificing image quality. We fully expect that AA will be enabled for the majority of content going forward due its low impact as can be seen on where the difference between AA on/off is just small performance fluctuations due to background tasks.
Q: Stereoscopic 3D is swiftly being embraced by many different types of media, with games taking the spearhead. Does PowerVR architecture offer any specific advantages that makes 3D easier to work with?
Anti-aliasing was one of the key focus areas for Series5XT and the impact on performance is as low as possible without sacrificing image quality.
IMG: The additional workload required for S3D places significant additional demands on the graphics processor - and PowerVR SGX is more than up to the task. PowerVR SGX graphics acceleration cores are ideally suited to S3D graphics, either using single or multi-processor cores for resolutions up to full 1080p HD, and are capable of supporting all commonly used S3D formats such as frame sequential, side-by-side, top-bottom and interlaced.
Using SGX it is possible to quickly upgrade existing 3D content to deliver full S3D, bringing new realism to 3D games and navigation, and exciting new possibilities for user interfaces in a wide range of applications. The PowerVR SGX tile-based deferred rendering architecture is ideally suited to deal with the increased demands of S3D - which include twice the geometry processing workload and commensurate increases in fill/texturing workload. The scalable nature of the SGX architecture and its ability to efficiently support multiple contexts ensure that the best possible S3D user experience can be achieved using SGX powered devices while maintaining SGX's unique low power, high performance credentials.
Q: Bearing in mind the importance of battery life, what kind of correlation is there between the clock speed of your GPUs and the fabrication process? Any real life examples you can talk about where die-shrinking the tech has allowed for faster clock speeds with the same power draw?
IMG: As Imagination delivers soft IP it can be targeted at any process technologies and this is very much an area where our customers have a lot of knowledge and unique benefits allowing them to differentiate their solutions even when based on the same GPU core.
Just as a reference, over time we have seen implementations of the same SGX core going initially from 110MHz to 200MHz and today designs are beyond 400MHz in silicon. Clock frequencies versus higher-end cores is a key choice for our partners and this is often impacted by their silicon process capabilities and benefits and as a result we have seen some customers doubling performance via clock frequency and others have doubled performance by going to a higher end core.
Q: Imagination Technologies have experimented with some novel texture formats before. What has happened to this line of technology, and where is it headed?
IMG: Imagination has always recognised the need for high quality but low memory footprint and bandwidth textures and images and in the old days we offered Vector Quantization approach for Dreamcast which offered on average 5:1 compression ratio.
With PowerVR MBX and SGX we offer PVRTC texture compression down to 4 bits per pixel (8:1) and 2 bits per pixel (16:1) compression for both RGB and RGBA formats. These PVRTC formats are very popular with developers since they offer a much better compression ratio than using PC formats such as DXTC which requires 8 bits per pixel for RGBA formats meaning POWERVR based products can have up to 4 times lower memory footprint and bandwidth usage (= power usage) compared to competing products. Without a doubt this is an area where Imagination will continue to make investments and announcements will be made in due course.
Q: Out of interest, Sony says that it has a PowerVR SGX543 MP4+ inside Sony NGP... what does the plus stand for?
IMG: That's to indicate the work Sony has done to implement the graphics. What they licensed is a SGX543 MP4.
Q: You have other multi-core projects in the pipeline for the series five hardware. What advantages do they have over the SGX543?
IMG: In addition to SGX543 we have also announced SGX544 which offers the same performance characteristics but enables fully compliant DX9 Feature Level 9_3 capabilities so basically an extra bump in feature set to meet Microsoft requirements. Also available is the SGX554 which is our first 8 pipeline part (SGX543/544 have 4 processing pipelines) which offers improved compute density for customers focused on GP-GPU and shader processing since a single SGX554 would offer the same compute capability as an SGX543 MP2 but not the same geometry or pixel throughput.
This means that SGX554 offers more GFLOPS per mm2 since the design avoid overscaling the geometry and pixel capabilities of the design versus customer requirements - basically we do not believe in "one size fits all" solutions and we thus offer our customers various options.
Q: The future of the SGX tech is in your series six "Rogue" platform. What are your overall objectives for this architecture and what kinds of products are you targeting it for?
IMG: Imagination's next generation PowerVR Series6 architecture, codenamed "Rogue", has now being licensed by multiple lead partners. Rogue delivers unrivalled GFLOPS per mm2 and per mW for all APIs. We see it crossing a very wide range of markets.
ST-Ericsson has announced that its new Nova application processors will include Imagination's next-generation PowerVR Series6 Rogue architecture but we've not really announced much detail of Rogue yet - I'm afraid it's "wait and see".
Q: Finally, we see Apple talking about a 9x performance increase from iPad 1 to iPad 2 and benchmarking of the devices sees at least a 4x "real world" boost in GPU performance. With SGX535 as the baseline, what are your performance targets for your hardware going forward. I'm sure I read somewhere you were looking at a 100x increase within five years...
Uncharted Golden Abyss Delivers a Home Console Experience
Brian Crecente — Uncharted Golden Abyss is the best reason, but certainly not the only one, to buy Sony's still-codenamed Next Generation Portable
It is a game that delivers what you'd expect from a console, it cuts no corners, offers no excuses. This is gaming on the go without the need to make do. This is the reason you'd want to carry around something that is made for gaming, rather than something that is merely able to play games.
My first moments with Sony's NGP at a press event last month wasn't spent playing Uncharted Golden Abyss, but it was Golden Abyss that made me a true believer in the importance of dual-thumbstick portable gaming.
Back when Uncharted was shown to Brian Ashcraft in Japan, following the unveiling of the NGP, the already impressive game was just a tech demo, Sony Worldwide Studios VP Scott Rohde told a gathering of press last week. Much has been added and changed since that early look.
Golden Abyss is a brand new Uncharted game, he said, that takes place before Drake's Fortune. It is not a prequel, he said, it is a stand alone story, one that takes more than two hours to tell.
The game was created using the same motion capture techniques used on Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3, Rohde said. The NGP even allows for real-time lighting and advanced shaders. While the graphics are impressive, stunning even, developers Bend Studio were sure to put in as much work on the story and gameplay as they did the graphics.
That's because the NGP has some interesting ways to play games. It has those two glorious thumbsticks, a touch screen on the front and a touchpad on the back and can detect motion.
We watch as Drake approaches a guard standing by a cliff in a lush jungle near the remains of the Temple of Serpents. An icon bar pops up on the screen close to the thumbsticks showing buttons and swipe symbols. Touching one knocks the guard from his roost. It also allows Drake to quickly change weapons and pick items up.
Later we see Drake climbing across a cliff face, when he gets to a crevice. Tilting the NGP causes Drake to lean and reach out toward the opposing cliff. Tapping that cliff causes Drake to jump. When Drake arrives at a set of wooden posts jutting from the side of the cliff, sliding your finger across the posts causes Drake to monkey-bar his way along cliff.
The good news? You don't have to use the touchscreen to play, it's an option. The better news? You'll still probably want to because it works.
As Rohde explains this we watch Drake climb under a guard, a tap of the screen has him pull the enemy from the cliff. A few minutes later Drake sneaks up behind another guard, tapping the guard causes Drake to kill him silently.
Later I get a chance to play the game. The NGP feels slightly big in my hands, thicker then I expected. But I seen forget that as I stare into the crisp 5-inch OLED screen. Rohde told us that the game has four times the resolution of the Playstation Portable, that the game displays 260,000 polygons per a frame. None of that registers though as I sink into the familiar experience of guiding Drake through another jungle, on an adventure for some unknown prize.
In the distance I see man walking across the remains of a temple. I crouch Drake behind a low wall and then use the thumbsticks to position him and pop off some headshots. The controls are solid, not just reminiscent of a Playstation 3 controller, but seemingly matching one.
Moving and firing, too, is effortless. I shift between cover, run to new hiding spots, all while firing off shots at enemies who are now returning fire. None of it is a struggle. None of it frustrates my aim, or intent. And then there are the improvements. Using the touchscreen to toss the grenade is a joy. I just switch to a grenade, and then touch and drag to the exact spot I want Drake to toss the explosive.
Sniping is a bit of a challenge, requiring players to use the motion sensing of the NGP when zoomed in to aim, but the balance between effort and reward seems just right.
Uncharted Golden Abyss certainly isn't the sort of first-person shooter experience that will completely stress test the abilities of the NGP's dual thumbsticks, that will have to wait for a Battlefield or Call of Duty, but it requires enough shooting and moving to prove what gamers have been saying for years: Shooters just don't work with a single thumbstick.
BSTCloud escribió:Lo de la imagen de la derecha es demasiado bonito para que sea cierto.
Algo malo tiene que tener, aparte de dientes de sierra. Me niego a creer que un juego se va a ver tan bruto en una portátil xDDDDDD
Screen (Touch screen)
5 inches (16:9), 960 x 544, Approx. 16 million colors, OLED
Multi touch screen (capacitive type)
NGP Previews: Let’s Talk Games (Starting with UNCHARTED)
Until very recently, only a handful of people outside of PlayStation had ever laid their hands on an NGP unit. People would ask me what I thought about the upcoming handheld, and I’d have to reply with: “It looks really good.” I hadn’t had the chance to play it either.
That’s why we invited the cream of the gaming press crop onto a Sony Pictures soundstage in LA, where they (and we) could finally spend hours experiencing some of the titles that will comprise the NGP’s diverse launch lineup. Straight off, Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, made it clear what the day was all about:
“We’ll talk more about social connectivity features down the line – today is about showing off the core games and getting you hands-on time. I’m sure you have burning questions on launch date, pricing, 3G data plans, and we’ll be very happy to share all those with you moving forward.”
We first spoke with John Garvin and Chris Reese of Sony Bend Studio, who are developing the highest profile launch title, UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss. Their team was responsible for the PSP’s best shooters, Resistance Retribution and a pair of Syphon Filter titles, so I wondered what they make of the new hardware.
"Cuando comenzamos a diseñar NGP no teníamos ni la más remota idea de lo que estaba haciendo Nintendo. Más allá del 3D, parece que están manteniendo lo mismo que hicieron con DS. Me parece más una actualización de DS que otra cosa"
"No existe un claro competidor en lo que NGP puede ofrecer. NGP se va a establecer como un sistema único que el público querrá tener. No puede colocarse contra los smartphones. No puedes hacer llamadas con ella y es demasiado grandes para llevarla en el bolsillo".
"Uncover the dark secret behind the 400-year-old massacre of a Spanish expedition as Nathan Drake follows the murderous trail of an ancient and secret Spanish sect. Caught in the middle of a rivalry between Jason Dante - his old friend - and Marisa Chase - the granddaughter of an archeologist who has mysteriously vanished without a trace - Nathan Drake races into the treacherous river basins, undiscovered temple ruins and karst caverns of Central America in search of a legendary lost city, only to find himself pushed to the edge of the Golden Abyss."
"Uncharted: Golden Abyss" se desarrollará en Centro América, basando sus escenarios en grandes y abundantes selvas tropicales, antiguos templos en ruinas, grandes cascadas, etc.
Nathan Drake se verá envuelto, una vez más, en una aventura llena de acción y misterio. Ahora nuestro héroe deberá descubrir el oscuro secreto que hay detrás de una antigua masacre hace 400 años a una expedición española en las profundidades de Centroamérica. Nathan seguirá la pista de una antigua y secreta secta española que durante la conquista de América dejó huella en la zona.
Drake no estará sólo y se encontrará con un antiguo amigo de fatigas. Contará con la colaboración de Jason Dante, que le meterá de lleno en una lucha por resolver el misterio junto a Chase Marina, nieta de un arqueólogo desaparecido reciente y misteriosamente en la zona.
Sabemos que "Uncharted: Golden Abyss" se desarrolla antes de los hechos ocurridos en "Uncharted: El Tesoro de Drake", por lo que se sobreentiende que Elena Fisher no hará acto de presencia (puesto que Drake y Fisher se conocen en el primer juego de PS3).
abarth escribió:Gracias por los gif's.
Espero que el juego de la opción de tener los controles táctiles y los de toda la vida simultaneos, es decir, que si quiero lanzar una granada con el stick y luego con el dedo, pueda hacerlo sin tener que quitar uno para poner el otro. Lo digo porque hay cosas, como los saltos, que no me gusta nada que sea táctil, pero cosas como las granadas o atacar a alguien sigilosamente que sí.
"El Drake que veremos en este Uncharted no esque vaya a ser parecido al de sus entregas mayores, sino que sera esxactamente igual, en su forma de andar, su humor, etc..."
AurosGamma escribió:Diablos!! Este anio no se que comprarme, estoy entre en NGP, Varios juegos de PS3, un celular nuevo....Aghhhh!!! Y solo puedo comprar uno...
Joanastic escribió:
Gran nivel de detalle con boñiga de vaca incluida
hispano90 escribió:Si ya se dijo que saldria por lo menos en un continente como minimo (casi seguro Japon) para finales de este año, y segun fuentes mias una vez que pase el E3 y sea anunciada ya de forma oficial la portatil, se podra reservar en tiendas la consola (algo logico tambien hay que decirlo) y el otro dato que me han dado que no se si sera cierto es que una semana despues de que sea puesta a la venta en Japon se pondra aqui a la venta (esto no se si sera cierto) ya digo la fuente que me lo ha dicho es un amigo con bastante afiliacion con el mundo de los videojuegos y que me ha acertado la mayoria de las cosas que me a dicho por no decir todas.
Por cierto todavia seguis creyendo que habra dientes de sierra en PS Vita? se que la pantalla no llega al HD pero esta cerca y la pantalla es OLED y tiene una pasada de resolucion tanta que me extrañaria poder ver dientes de sierra.
hispano90 escribió:Si ya se dijo que saldria por lo menos en un continente como minimo (casi seguro Japon) para finales de este año, y segun fuentes mias una vez que pase el E3 y sea anunciada ya de forma oficial la portatil, se podra reservar en tiendas la consola (algo logico tambien hay que decirlo) y el otro dato que me han dado que no se si sera cierto es que una semana despues de que sea puesta a la venta en Japon se pondra aqui a la venta (esto no se si sera cierto) ya digo la fuente que me lo ha dicho es un amigo con bastante afiliacion con el mundo de los videojuegos y que me ha acertado la mayoria de las cosas que me a dicho por no decir todas.
Por cierto todavia seguis creyendo que habra dientes de sierra en PS Vita? se que la pantalla no llega al HD pero esta cerca y la pantalla es OLED y tiene una pasada de resolucion tanta que me extrañaria poder ver dientes de sierra.
dshadow21 escribió:hispano90 escribió:Si ya se dijo que saldria por lo menos en un continente como minimo (casi seguro Japon) para finales de este año, y segun fuentes mias una vez que pase el E3 y sea anunciada ya de forma oficial la portatil, se podra reservar en tiendas la consola (algo logico tambien hay que decirlo) y el otro dato que me han dado que no se si sera cierto es que una semana despues de que sea puesta a la venta en Japon se pondra aqui a la venta (esto no se si sera cierto) ya digo la fuente que me lo ha dicho es un amigo con bastante afiliacion con el mundo de los videojuegos y que me ha acertado la mayoria de las cosas que me a dicho por no decir todas.
Por cierto todavia seguis creyendo que habra dientes de sierra en PS Vita? se que la pantalla no llega al HD pero esta cerca y la pantalla es OLED y tiene una pasada de resolucion tanta que me extrañaria poder ver dientes de sierra.
Y los creadores de la gpu ya dijeron que tendrá coste Cero en términos de programación, es decir muy leves o ningún diente de sierra...
hispano90 escribió:Yo solo digo la maquinita me ha producido un hype en esta ultima semana que no tenia desde hace años.
StrayWolf16 escribió:Estaría genial que confirmaran un modo online como el de Uncharted2, ya coronarían la máquina y el juego.
Sony Computer Entertainment registra en Europa y USA "PS Vita" y "Playstation Vita"
hispano90 escribió:dshadow21 escribió:hispano90 escribió:Si ya se dijo que saldria por lo menos en un continente como minimo (casi seguro Japon) para finales de este año, y segun fuentes mias una vez que pase el E3 y sea anunciada ya de forma oficial la portatil, se podra reservar en tiendas la consola (algo logico tambien hay que decirlo) y el otro dato que me han dado que no se si sera cierto es que una semana despues de que sea puesta a la venta en Japon se pondra aqui a la venta (esto no se si sera cierto) ya digo la fuente que me lo ha dicho es un amigo con bastante afiliacion con el mundo de los videojuegos y que me ha acertado la mayoria de las cosas que me a dicho por no decir todas.
Por cierto todavia seguis creyendo que habra dientes de sierra en PS Vita? se que la pantalla no llega al HD pero esta cerca y la pantalla es OLED y tiene una pasada de resolucion tanta que me extrañaria poder ver dientes de sierra.
Y los creadores de la gpu ya dijeron que tendrá coste Cero en términos de programación, es decir muy leves o ningún diente de sierra...
Si, a eso me refiero, esque e leido comentarios que ponia falta añadirle a las imagenes los dientes de sierra, eso ya no estara en PS Vita, y ademas aparte de eso para que os hagais una idea los graficos de PS2 a PS3 son mas que notables, pero los graficos de PSP a NGP (PS Vita) van a ser aun mas notables que los de PS2 a PS3, la diferencia va a ser tremenda, ya que dicho por Sony y desarrolladoras (y tambien se ve en las imagenes) "NGP estara mas cerca de PS3 que de PSP" esas han sido las palabras de los desarrolladores y de Sony.
Yo solo digo la maquinita me ha producido un hype en esta ultima semana que no tenia desde hace años.
Joanastic escribió:Mas gameplay y en HD
Gameplay Conferencia E3
Gameplay directo (no offscreen)
IGN demo (Parte 1)
IGN demo (Parte 2)
Marcotic-Track escribió:krl1995 escribió:Y tendrá online?
Creo que dijeron que no.
gatito20 escribió:buenas soy fan de la saga y me deja algo de curiosidad que dicen que se entrelazan la psvita y la ps3,¿quiere decir que se podra entrelazar este uncharted y la tercera entrega?
Joanastic escribió:gatito20 escribió:buenas soy fan de la saga y me deja algo de curiosidad que dicen que se entrelazan la psvita y la ps3,¿quiere decir que se podra entrelazar este uncharted y la tercera entrega?
Habrá relación pero no argumental. Quizá si conectamos U3 con UGA se nos desbloquea algún arma o una cantidad X de dinero (como ya pasaba al relacionar U1 y U2 en PS3)