Nintendo Hacking 2016Game Over

This talk will give a unique insight of what happens when consoles have been hacked already, but not all secrets are busted yet.
This time we will not only focus on the Nintendo 3DS but also on the Wii U, talking about our experiences wrapping up the end of an era.
We will show how we managed to exploit them in novel ways and discuss why we think that Nintendo has lost the game.
As Nintendo's latest game consoles, the 3DS and Wii U were built with security in mind.
While both have since been the targets of many successful attacks, certain aspects have so far remained uncompromised, including critical hardware secrets.
During this talk, we will present our latest research, which includes exploits for achieving persistent code execution capabilities and the extraction of secrets from both Wii U and 3DS.
Basic knowledge of embedded systems, CPU architectures and cryptography is recommended, though we will do our best to make this talk accessible and enjoyable to all.
We also recommend watching the recording of last year's C3 talk called "
Console Hacking - Breaking the 3DS".