Estimados, sigo batallando con mi Jasper de 256 cb 6753 no hay caso que me arranque el xell, volvia programar coolrunner este glichea, cambie longitud de cables y ahora realize la creacion del xell manual dando estos resultados a ver si alguien me hecha un cable para ver si el resultado esta correcto...
C:\RGH2\RGH2Xell>PATH C:\Python27;%PATH%
C:\RGH2\RGH2Xell>python NAND.bin
Team Xecuter RGH2.0 XELL ECC Builder
* found flash image, unpacking...
ECC'ed - will unecc.
Found 2BL (build 6753) at 00008000
Found 2BL (build 6753) at 00009fc0
Found 4BL (build 6753) at 00013680
Found 5BL (build 1888) at 00018700
* we found the following parts:
SMC: 2.3
CB_A: 6753
CB_B: 6753
CD (image): 6753
CD (decrypted): missing
* checking for proper 1BL key... ok
* decrypting...
* checking if all files decrypted properly... ok
* checking required versions...
** Decrypted CD not found! Loading xell CD from common\CDxell\CD
** Xell binary not found! Loading xell from common\xell\xell-gggggg.bin
* found XeLL binary, must be linked to 1c000000
* patching SMC...
Patching Jasper version 2.3 SMC at offset 0x12ba
* Replacing CD...
* patching CB_B 6752...
patchset for 6752 found, 4 patch(es)
* Applying XOR Hack to CB_B 6753
* Replacing CB_A 6753 with 6752
* constructing new image...
* base size: 70000
* No separate recovery Xell available!
* Jasper Image Flash Layout:
0x00000000..0x000001ff (0x00000200 bytes) Header
0x00000200..0x00000fff (0x00000e00 bytes) Padding
0x00001000..0x00003fff (0x00003000 bytes) SMC
0x00004000..0x00007fff (0x00004000 bytes) Keyvault
0x00008000..0x00009abf (0x00001ac0 bytes) CB_A 6752
0x00009ac0..0x0001317f (0x000096c0 bytes) CB_B 6752
0x00013180..0x0001917f (0x00006000 bytes) CD 9452
0x00019180..0x000bffff (0x000a6e80 bytes) Padding
0x000c0000..0x000fffff (0x00040000 bytes) Xell (backup)
0x00100000..0x0013ffff (0x00040000 bytes) Xell (main)
* Encoding ECC...
------------- Written into output/tx_rgh2_image.ecc
y al escribir en la nand
C:\NandPro>nandpro lpt: +w64 image_00000000.ecc
NandPro v3.0a by Tiros
Testing LPT device address:0378
Using LPT device at address:0378
Flash Config: 0x00AA3020
Block Size: 128KB Block Limits: 0x000000..0x000FFF
File: image_00000000.ecc
Opt: Spare data will be initialized
Opt: Block markers will be initialized
Opt: Ecc will be re-calculated
Les agradeceria cualquier comentario ya que estoy a punto de volverme loco