› Foros › Xbox 360 › Exploits y homebrew
JUANKXBOX escribió:No entiendo por que en el proceso de actualizacion por Lan hace todo el proceso bien de leer y escribir la nand; Pero cuando le doy actualizar de los avatar supuestamente inyecta,pero en la pantalla del del tv sale un aviso que "el juego no se a podido instalar" o jugar no me acuerdo bien.
cosladaxbox escribió:Me podeis ayudar a aztualizar mi xbox ke soy mas torpe que leo y leo pero no consigo sacar nadaxd
No tego ni nand ni nada si me podeis poner un tutorial para downs os doy mil gracias
blaKCat escribió:gagant escribió:Gracias por el programa...
con la ultina version por LAN es compatible con JTAG ?
Alguien por aqui que use nand-x?
nick1706 escribió:Hola; tengo un problema con las V4 con RGH, a veces arrancan bien y a veces despues de 5 Glitcheos ya no sigue glitcheando y ahi se queda;
Alguien prodria decirme que pasa
blaKCat escribió:JUANKXBOX escribió:No entiendo por que en el proceso de actualizacion por Lan hace todo el proceso bien de leer y escribir la nand; Pero cuando le doy actualizar de los avatar supuestamente inyecta,pero en la pantalla del del tv sale un aviso que "el juego no se a podido instalar" o jugar no me acuerdo bien.
Usa el modo Usb
JUANKXBOX escribió:blaKCat escribió:JUANKXBOX escribió:No entiendo por que en el proceso de actualizacion por Lan hace todo el proceso bien de leer y escribir la nand; Pero cuando le doy actualizar de los avatar supuestamente inyecta,pero en la pantalla del del tv sale un aviso que "el juego no se a podido instalar" o jugar no me acuerdo bien.
Usa el modo Usb
gracias blaKCat, eso es lo que yo hago por usb ; pero aque se debe este fallo para repararlo o es normal, el deberia resibir la actualizacion y le hecho a 3 xbox slim y una fat pero todo igual los avatar no actualizan
blaKCat escribió:
Por cierto la 16203 no trae cambios en los bootloaders, se hacen como las 16202 con Dgx , eso si generando xebuild 16202 hasta que no salga xebuild nuevo.
davidfml escribió:¿Dónde está el tuto para actualizar el dash? Yo tengo la version 2.0.16202.0 y el avatar me sale en gris.
davidfml escribió:¿Dónde está el tuto para actualizar el dash? Yo tengo la version 2.0.16202.0 y el avatar me sale en gris.
menglenn escribió:blaKCat escribió:
Por cierto la 16203 no trae cambios en los bootloaders, se hacen como las 16202 con Dgx , eso si generando xebuild 16202 hasta que no salga xebuild nuevo.
BlackCat yo ayer añadi el dash 16203 en JR y cree xexbuilt 16203 de echo tube que descargar el dash oficial para actualizar avatares desde el udatecenter de M$
blaKCat escribió:menglenn escribió:blaKCat escribió:
Por cierto la 16203 no trae cambios en los bootloaders, se hacen como las 16202 con Dgx , eso si generando xebuild 16202 hasta que no salga xebuild nuevo.
BlackCat yo ayer añadi el dash 16203 en JR y cree xexbuilt 16203 de echo tube que descargar el dash oficial para actualizar avatares desde el udatecenter de M$
Si pero no funciona el dashlaunch.
Prefiero al nuevo dashlaunch de cOz para sacar una update.
blaKCat escribió:menglenn escribió:blaKCat escribió:
Por cierto la 16203 no trae cambios en los bootloaders, se hacen como las 16202 con Dgx , eso si generando xebuild 16202 hasta que no salga xebuild nuevo.
BlackCat yo ayer añadi el dash 16203 en JR y cree xexbuilt 16203 de echo tube que descargar el dash oficial para actualizar avatares desde el udatecenter de M$
Si pero no funciona el dashlaunch.
Prefiero al nuevo dashlaunch de cOz para sacar una update.
blaKCat escribió:Lo tengo todo listo y compilado a la espera del dashlaunch.
Funcionar funciona pero al no ser compatible con dashlaunch 3.06 no arranca el fsd directo y se va al Dash original.
Y para sacar chapuzas ya estan otros.
Prefiero respetar y esperar a las releases de los Teams oficiales (Xebuild y Dashlaunch)
blaKCat escribió:Lo tengo todo listo y compilado a la espera del dashlaunch.
Funcionar funciona pero al no ser compatible con dashlaunch 3.06 no arranca el fsd directo y se va al Dash original.
Y para sacar chapuzas ya estan otros.
Prefiero respetar y esperar a las releases de los Teams oficiales (Xebuild y Dashlaunch)
Burger escribió:blakCat, tengo una duda y no se si se haya tratado ya, porque el hilo es literalmente un "Monstruo"!!!
Desde que actualice el AutoGG a la version 0.8.7 ya no me va el Nand-X! El cacharro funciona perfecto con J-Runner, tanto para leer la nand, como para programar los chips. En AutoGG puedo programar los chips, pero nada de nada para leer las nands! He seleccionado la version 3 del Nandpro antes de empezar a trabajar, he reiniciado el programa, he conectado y desconectado el Nand-X en varias ocasiones a ver si me lo reconoce y nada! Siempre me sale el mismo mensaje de:
"Modelo no detectado..."
Y aunque seleccione el modelo de la placa, todo lo que hace es abrir la ventana del Nandpro y se cierra inmediatamente!
Alguna solucion para ese problema? Es que la verdad no me gusta hacer nada con J-Runner!
Burger escribió:blakCat, tengo una duda y no se si se haya tratado ya, porque el hilo es literalmente un "Monstruo"!!!
Desde que actualice el AutoGG a la version 0.8.7 ya no me va el Nand-X! El cacharro funciona perfecto con J-Runner, tanto para leer la nand, como para programar los chips. En AutoGG puedo programar los chips, pero nada de nada para leer las nands! He seleccionado la version 3 del Nandpro antes de empezar a trabajar, he reiniciado el programa, he conectado y desconectado el Nand-X en varias ocasiones a ver si me lo reconoce y nada! Siempre me sale el mismo mensaje de:
"Modelo no detectado..."
Y aunque seleccione el modelo de la placa, todo lo que hace es abrir la ventana del Nandpro y se cierra inmediatamente!
Alguna solucion para ese problema? Es que la verdad no me gusta hacer nada con J-Runner!
blaKCat escribió:Burger escribió:blakCat, tengo una duda y no se si se haya tratado ya, porque el hilo es literalmente un "Monstruo"!!!
Desde que actualice el AutoGG a la version 0.8.7 ya no me va el Nand-X! El cacharro funciona perfecto con J-Runner, tanto para leer la nand, como para programar los chips. En AutoGG puedo programar los chips, pero nada de nada para leer las nands! He seleccionado la version 3 del Nandpro antes de empezar a trabajar, he reiniciado el programa, he conectado y desconectado el Nand-X en varias ocasiones a ver si me lo reconoce y nada! Siempre me sale el mismo mensaje de:
"Modelo no detectado..."
Y aunque seleccione el modelo de la placa, todo lo que hace es abrir la ventana del Nandpro y se cierra inmediatamente!
Alguna solucion para ese problema? Es que la verdad no me gusta hacer nada con J-Runner!
Ya sois varios los que decis esto, y la verdad no tiene ningun sentido porque no cambie nada al respecto. Ayer estuve con el user Mac1512 que tiene 2 nand-x uno antiguo Armv2 y otro nuevo Armv3 probando en su Trinity y un Autogg 0.8.7 recien descargado de la portada y le iba perfecto. Eso si con sus compatibilidades conocidas:
Nandx-Armv2: Funcionan todos los Nandpro
Nandx-Armv3: Solo funciona Nandpro3
Recuerden que corona solo es compatible con Nandpro2b por lo tanto con los nuevos Nandx en corona solo pueden usar el querido JR. No es culpa de AutoGG sino de el Tx que le interesa bloquear sus productos.
blaKCat escribió:Videotutoriales by draqen:
Nuevo Modo AutoUpdate-Lan-Fsd
Leer la nand y la cpukey (2.0) (Nuevo metodo Lan+Fsd3)
Actualizar los avatares por usb
Gracias Draqen por sus tutos. Esperamos alguno del proceso completo desde 0. Leer nand >> nandxell >> xebuild >> FtpApps![]()
davidfml escribió:blaKCat escribió:Videotutoriales by draqen:
Nuevo Modo AutoUpdate-Lan-Fsd
Leer la nand y la cpukey (2.0) (Nuevo metodo Lan+Fsd3)
Actualizar los avatares por usb
Gracias Draqen por sus tutos. Esperamos alguno del proceso completo desde 0. Leer nand >> nandxell >> xebuild >> FtpApps![]()
Sí, ya me los bajé ayer también, pero me decidí primero a probar el otro método.
Otra cosilla que he buscado pero no he encontrado, ¿hay algún tuto para conectar la xbox por ftp al pc?
He encontrado una forma de conectarla a través de FSD, pero cuando estoy pasando un juego cuando va por la mitad se cuelga el FSD y se interrumpe la copia.
Viral Doom escribió:Que pasa si se formatea una NAND de una Corona V4? un amigo me va a traer una a la cual por "error" formateo. Alguien sabe?
menglenn escribió:Viral Doom escribió:Que pasa si se formatea una NAND de una Corona V4? un amigo me va a traer una a la cual por "error" formateo. Alguien sabe?
DGX + Nand donada
blaKCat escribió:Burger escribió:blakCat, tengo una duda y no se si se haya tratado ya, porque el hilo es literalmente un "Monstruo"!!!
Desde que actualice el AutoGG a la version 0.8.7 ya no me va el Nand-X! El cacharro funciona perfecto con J-Runner, tanto para leer la nand, como para programar los chips. En AutoGG puedo programar los chips, pero nada de nada para leer las nands! He seleccionado la version 3 del Nandpro antes de empezar a trabajar, he reiniciado el programa, he conectado y desconectado el Nand-X en varias ocasiones a ver si me lo reconoce y nada! Siempre me sale el mismo mensaje de:
"Modelo no detectado..."
Y aunque seleccione el modelo de la placa, todo lo que hace es abrir la ventana del Nandpro y se cierra inmediatamente!
Alguna solucion para ese problema? Es que la verdad no me gusta hacer nada con J-Runner!
Ya sois varios los que decis esto, y la verdad no tiene ningun sentido porque no cambie nada al respecto. Ayer estuve con el user Mac1512 que tiene 2 nand-x uno antiguo Armv2 y otro nuevo Armv3 probando en su Trinity y un Autogg 0.8.7 recien descargado de la portada y le iba perfecto. Eso si con sus compatibilidades conocidas:
Nandx-Armv2: Funcionan todos los Nandpro
Nandx-Armv3: Solo funciona Nandpro3
Recuerden que corona solo es compatible con Nandpro2b por lo tanto con los nuevos Nandx en corona solo pueden usar el querido JR. No es culpa de AutoGG sino de el Tx que le interesa bloquear sus productos.
blaKCat escribió:Gracias Mac1512
xeBuild 1.07
xeBuild is a command line system image builder for JTAG, glitch, and clean images.
Run the xeBuild program with no (or incorrect) args to see it's useage info.
What's New:
- minor bug fixes
- add 16203
Current Limitations:
- STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.
How To Use:
- See individual folders for lists of files to provide
- if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files
- open a command window in the xeBuild directory
- on the command line type, for example:
example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files
xeBuild.exe -t glitch -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin
-t glitch = build a glitch type image
-c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set
-d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files, this uses it
myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced
- type xeBuild.exe -? for command line info
-take original console dump, put it in mytrinity folder as nanddump.bin
-set CPU key and 1BL key in ini file, verify LDV from nanddump.bin matches console fuses
if not set cfldv in ini file
-build (xeBuild.exe -t glitch -d mytrinity -f 13599), flash and hopefully life is good
.ini files:
Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need
to be plain ASCII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are
not acceptable (they get removed).
Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be
placed anywhere else.
Optional Patches:
Various optional patches are included for use with the -a option, they are:
nofcrt - removes fcrt.bin requirement on some drives
nohdd - disables detection of internal SATA HDD
nohdmiwait - HDMI consoles will no longer wait or EXX screen when video is not ready
nomu - disables detection of jasper big block NAND mu
notrinmu - disables detection of trinity 4G internal USB module
controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)
If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added
'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block
controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small
block controller (config 01198010.)
Multi build/options example:
when you specify -f 13599 on the command line:
is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini
Also the bin directory is used from
instead of
allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or
rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.
The example provided is the last version of 13599 patch set from dash launch and
other files to build freeboot 13599
example use:
xeBuild -f 13599 -d myfalcon x13599out.bin
-f 13599 : use .\13599\filelist.ini, and .\13599\ for firmware files, .\13599\bin\ for patches
-d myfalcon : use .\myfalcon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files, ini etc.)
x13599out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x13599out.bin as the final NAND image
note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs
Devkit image building:
This feature is currently considered Beta/Work In Progess.
A new image target type was added, "-t devkit" which builds 64M flash images for devkits. Currently untested,
building with a 00 filled CPU key will create a zeropaired devkit image that may allow one to boot a software
bricked devkit that one does not know the CPU key for and recover it to an operational state. By powering on
the console with such an image present, with a recovery DVD in the drive, the recovery software should be able
to create a new keyvault, re-pair the DVD drive to the new keyvault, and allow normal operation once complete.
Normal devkit image building when one does know their CPU key and thus has security files and keyvault should
work as expected.
Building devkit for glitch/jtag is also possible using the standard -t glitch/jtag methods. Sample ini
have been provided with this release, but will not work unless patches and files are supplied. Note that devkit
is not our focus, but was relatively easy and straight forward option to supply for those that wish to make
use of it.
Those who use large block NAND are now able to nearly double the size of the system file area
with this option with no apparent ill effects. Normally this option wouldn't be needed, but if one
wanted to experiment with more files in flash, or one was building a devkit image for a devkit with
a big block flash, this option is required.
If you've found a bug or have a suggestion, please comment at
http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/forum/15-xebuild/ (english)
http://homebrew-connection.org/forum/index.php?board=8.0 (english/french)
Without ikari this would not have been possible, thanks!
__ ____ ___ ___ _____
/ _|_ __ ___ ___| __ ) / _ \ / _ \_ _|
| |_| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ \| | | | | | || |
| _| | | __/ __/ |_) | |_| | |_| || |
|_| |_| \___|\___|____/ \___/ \___/ |_|
[v0.08 - inspired by ikari]
No this isn't freeboot, it is a clone and has always been since the last
release of ibuild.
Thanks and greetz to everyone who has contributed to hacking this
wonderful machine. Thanks to the engineers and countless others who made
the machine what it is... we only wish they had listened and RROD was
not a problem. If we were to list everyone here, there would be no time
left to play on the machine!
Thanks Team Xecuter for the Corona 4G! Thanks to JuggaHax, dayton360mods,
glitch360team and all other contributors for helping find a way to make Corona 4G golden!
Thanks to Free60, LibXenon.org, Redline99 and Tuxuser for providing xell builds <3
Thanks to Swizzy for making the official GUI front end for xeBuild, for always
adding the new stuff we shovel at him and never once complaining.
Big thanks to the folks at #freeboot on efnet for the tireless
hours of help you all give freely. Thanks to the testers who tirelessly
made sure stuff worked. Thanks to rgloader for doing the work yourselves,
there *is* no spoon, just a glitch in the matrix.
Don't believe what random people *cough* write on forums ..
- trinitybigffs added (big block devkit sized file system for trinity)
- -s option added to create a .sha1 file along with the final image
if no arg is provided, the final image name will be used with .sha1 appended as extension
- change behavior of patchsmc
- add 16203
- fix an issue with identifying FCRT console from keyvault (thanks stefanou!)
- corrected some status message typos
- added sanity check to bl patcher
- added (starting with 16197) fcrt signature check patch (supports swapping drive + kv/dvdkey + fcrt on drives/consoles where nofcrt does not enable game disks)
- added 16202
- correct 16197/16202 nohdd patch to disable only the hdd, not every SATA device
- tidy ini_creator output a little
- colons were not being removed from macid string in ini file, fixed
- added corona4g build target and dump parsing, nanddump.bin should be minimum 0x3000000 bytes from corona mmc machines (no spare data)
- Xstress.settings will now be kept along with other mobile data
- added flash header sanity checks
- adjust dump loader to allow for 64bit file sizes
- build process will no longer complete a retail image if smc is patched or a jtag image if smc is unpatched. Apparently a big fat error warning isn't enough.
- added some older retail.ini, added new switch to allow selecting specific bl configs (if making images with patches, the switch is appended to patch names as well)
- add 16197
- blacklist sysupdate.xex* as flashfs files, these are autogenerated files representing data that overflows the patch slot
- add console ID, motherboard serial number, serial number and mfg date to final output (when available)
- add in corona support files for 15574 and 14719, thanks again to Team Xecutor's RGH crew for
providing the exploitable BLs!
- updated patches to remove CON sig checks, still allowing the patched check to report if the CON was signed by this machine
- updated glitch patches to remove CF LDV check (keep in mind updating a fat to 14717+ requires rewiring CPLD for less stable glitching)
- modified [flashfs] category
- can now take longer paths as well as absolute drive paths, spaces not allowed (ie: ..\common\filename or H:\somepath\filename)
- items without a crc will not be sought outside the given path or filename (relative paths are based in the firmware folder, xexp filename mutations will NOT be applied)
- items with a crc will be sought in given path, system update, nandump.bin then common folder
- fix 16M corona smc extraction from nanddump.bin
- correct nandmu option so it properly defaults to false
- add 'jasperbb' console target (same as jasper256 and jasper512)
- correct bug in hv patches in 14717/14719
- added smcnoeject and smcnoblink options (only patches jtag/glitch smcs)
- changed glitch image CD patches to not require dynamic patches (should be more stable)
- add 'demon' option, currently only sets the same speed as cygnos uart speed
- add 15574
- improved feedback when mangled or incorrect option values are found in options.ini or command line
- fix bad LBA due to using a small block controller flash image on a big block machine
- added patch to all versions to skip yet another minimum version check (mostly affected default.xex on root of USB)
- add optional nohdmiwait patch to 14717/14719 (console won't pause bootup waiting for HDCP handshake when TV doesn't respond)
known side effect: occasionally when the TV does finally sync dash will restart (forced to metro even if using dash launch)
- now retains Statistics.settings from a nanddump.bin and can load the data from perbuild dir along with other mobile data
this data is found in the block preceding smc_config
- can now obtain CF/CG and flash files from su20076000_00000000 (system updater container) when placed in firmware folder
- bls besides CF/CG must still be provided externally
- .xex/.xtt files that only have update/.xexp in the container still need to be provided externally
- new option 'nosusecurity' added to command line and ini to skip using security files from system update container,
external files provided in perbuild directory take precedence over any other security files found (order: file, su, dump)
- now attempts to retreive files not found in firmware folder or update container from nanddump (if provided)
- common folder added to scan path for alternate bootloader location
- now respects setting bool options on command line to false instead of enable only, and overrides/ignores enable options set elsewhere
- fixed regression around remapping blocks when wear area has bad blocks
- jtag uses second CB to enumerate fuse values, displays virtual fuse set at end of bl encoding stage in verbose logs
- revoke nanddump.bin that has had zeropair data overwritten and big block images that had bootloader data overwritten with incorrect nandpro args
- fixes for big block retail images (patch slot offset and reserve blocks value)
- BIG thanks to Team Xecuter's RGH crew for snagging fat dual CBs
- add glitch2 build type, uses console type as base for patch file names (ie: patches_g2falcon.bin)
- add 'notrinmu' optional patch for 14717/14719 to disable trinity internal 4G memory unit access
- add 'nohdd' optional patch for 14717/14719 to disable internal hard drive access
- fixed a bug relating to relative paths
1.01 update pack 1
- fixes a bug with ini creator, wasn't outputting non CB/CD bl data
- add 14719
- minor bugs fixed (extended.bin, kiosk button not displaying)
- invalid secdata.bin and extended.bin will be cleanly recreated instead of failing build
- can now accept decrypted kv.bin without messing it up
- fixed a bug with long version strings in firmware .ini files
- fixed fatal exception when patch file is not found
- added -i flag to specify additional addon component for ini/patch file name
- corrected nandmu warning to only say xebuild will attempt to keep this data when the option is set
- added additional jasper build mode jasperbigffs, results in a non-standard and much larger system file area (approx 32MiB larger)
- patch slot address for glitch/retail images is now dynamically assigned (first block after xell/first block after CE)
- devkit image building added
- if pairing value can't be found in dump CF/CG it will attempt to be extracted from CB
- smc size and address made dynamic (mainly for corona+)
- corrected typo/problem with FAT bitmap creation
- cache decrypted keyvault, refine messages regarding FCRT and output dvdkey at the end
- logs/outputs expected/possible fuse values for console sequence bytes in CB
- add dvdkey to ini and -o, to set dvd key in keyvault before writing it to the new image
- fixed a possibly critical bug when parsing nanddump.bin FS entry
- correct EU/AUS smc game region output
- nanddump flash controller detect recoded, now only requires block 0 be not remapped
- fixed unhandled exception when -o option that requires = did not have =
- updated bl patches for all jtag machines and trinity (rgh fat doesn't need) to remove smc size = 0x3000 limit
- fixed bug that was causing 2nd patch slot on retail builds to contain unneeded data
- added fuse mask output while processing CB
- added 14717
- added patch to trinity 9188 CB_B to bypass fuseline 2 revocation check
- hotfix - jtag images were being created with incorrect patch file number (xexp1 instead of xexp2)
- gets security files from nanddump.bin and verifies them (odd.bin is currently not processed)
- option added to disable extracting security files from nanddump.bin
- decrypts perbuild security files for verification (crl/dae only currently, updater files work too)
- zero nonce data in bls before checking crc (inlcuded file lists updated with new crc and explanation)
- fixed a bug with mobile extraction
- fixed a bug with fsroot processing
- (glitch) dynamic SMC patcher, no longer limited to hard coded hash/offsets
- added more SMC hashes to verify known clean SMCs
- will attempt to decrypt external encrypted smc.bin if needed
- whitelist more chars in the file list parser
- altered so that pairing value will be retreived from nanddump.bin even if ldv is set in ini
- dual CB is dictated by ini, "none" filename indicates single CB (jtag does not use dual CB)
- increased logged info when adding files to flashfs
- odd.bin in encrypted (only!) form is now handled (from file or nanddump.bin)
- ini options are now available as -o options on command line
- added -t command line flag for glitch/retail/jtag selection
- JTAG image creation merged
- separate retail/glitch/jtag into individual per-firmware ini lists
- added -noenter command line option to suppres application asking to press enter on completion
- added proper errorlevel exiting, 1=usage/commandline error, 2=file write err, 3=image build error
- add 'cygnos' and 'xellbutton' options for glitch images with appropriate bl patches (either may affect fat glitch boot rate!)
- non-critical spare data fix to the way smc config is added to image
- update freeboot core and glitch base patches to accept a secondary xell poweron reason
- rewrote extended.bin handler, given an invalid/undecryptable file it will create a empty extended.bin
- rewrote keyvault handler, can decrypt and verify kv.bin when it's provided encrypted
- added patch append -a command, and converted nomu and nofcrt to optional patches
- added simple explanation of patch file formats in about_patches.S
- changed nonandmu option to nandmu so it can default to false
- added corona and winchester console types, currently not supported but there if needed
- add 14699
- corrected bug with ini parsing and dvd region (and others) left blank
- add 13604
- slim/fat glitch image building (based on fbbuild 0.32)
- builds retail images with -retail command line option
- added autopatch smc option in per box ini file
- extracts pairing value and highest LDV from nanddump.bin
(ini cfldv setting overrides nanddump ldv)
Dash Launch 3.07
Known Issues:
- *** WARNING ***
One of the testers observed a console reaching out to live despite liveblock only
when fakelive or autofake was enabled. If you intend a keyvault to not get banned,
do not use it on a glitch/jtag machine!
- Autologin popup blob does not display properly... live with it.
Currently the project is missing the following supported translations:
Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese traditional
Currently supplied translations:
English, French, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, German, Italian, Polish
The skin pack includes the sources used to skin dash launch as well as the
string files if anyone wishes to create a translation to one of the above
languages (inlcuding English, as I know my explanations are not always easy to
understand.) Also included is a c# based editor for the string files to assist
in translation.
External fonts, background image and skins may be used by this,
simply place skin.xzp and/or font.ttf and/or background.png (1020x720) beside
default.xex. If neither location has a font file supplied the system font
on flash will be used.
Welcome to The Next Level :)
at time of this writing, this is ONLY compatible with RETAIL kernel versions:
jtag : 9199, 12611, 12625, 13146, 13599, 13604, 14699, 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202
glitch : 13599, 13604, 14699, 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202
glitch2: 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202
Overview - what it does
- It will launch a XeX or CON file from the path you specified in launch.ini
as long as it's valid
- Depending on the button you hold when the xbox is trying to load the NXE, it
will divert to the xex/con tied to that button or return to default as
defined in launch.ini
- At boot time it is possible to subvert default item and/or NXE loading, but
you must wait until the controller syncs to do so
- Depending which button is held when closing miniblade in NXE (use Y button to
close, release then hold a QL button) it will quick launch a CON or XEX
from your ini file
- allows one to patch kernel/xam at bootup with a freeBOOT patch style bin file
from usb or hdd (in that order) must be in root of the device and be named
"kxam.patch" and be no larger than 0x4000 bytes. Again, kxam.patch binary
format is the same as a compiled freeboot patch bin, but uses real virtual
addresses rather than offsets - as of 2.22 the first 32bit value must instead
be the version of the kernel the patches apply to
- with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
to function together
- have the required hacked kernel version installed on the console
- get the installer to a place where you can run it, and do so. Follow onscreen
instructions if any. The installer will prompt you if it needs to update the
kernel/hv patches and will give you an opportunity to configure stuff.
- edit the options, and dont forget to save them somewhere if you want them to
be applied next boot. Don't forget to set configapp to the installer, so
you can go to it any time via miniblades' system settings (hold RB to go to
real system settings)
- the back button is your friend if you are wondering what button to push
Updaters and Avatars
- this version of dash launch contains an update blocker that is enabled by
default. There are two ways around this if you wish to install the bits and
pieces used by the dash for kinect and avatars
1 - place the updater that matches this version on removable media, and
rename the folder from $SystemUpdate to $$ystemUpdate
2 - place an ini where dash launch can find it and set the noupdater option
to false - noupdater = false
Updates seem to work best if memory stick is inserted while in official dash
NOTE that some games WILL prompt you to update the console if avatars are
not installed, this doesn't mean they have an update to actually put in, it
just means it needs avatar/kinect bins/resources to run
- if you are like me, and keep your consoles off the net then this option is
for you. It's capable of blocking the resolution of the LIVE specific
servers and does so by default, with an additional option in the ini file
it will attempt to block access to all MS servers. The default option is
set up to block only LIVE servers, which still allows programs like FSD to
access covers and such. The blocks lists are:
somedomain.com$ = ends with somedomain.com
^somesub.somedomain = starts with somesub.somedomain
^somesub.somedomain.com$ = is exactly somesub.somedomain.com
Important - going to NXE
- if you need to go back to NXE and have default item set in ini, HOLD RB while
exiting game via miniblade or exit using one of the miniblade options like
family settings
INI notes
-it's possible to have multiple ini files, priority is as they appear in the list
(** it is NOT recommended to launch USB con/xex from hdd ini **)
the first one found on the devices in that order will be the one used at boot.
-see http://code.jellycan.com/simpleini/ for more info on the ini parser
autoswap option functionality
GOD ie1:
disk1 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\01234567890123456789;
will have 01234567890123456789.data folder beside it
disk2 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\98765432109876543210;
will have 98765432109876543210.data folder beside it
disk1 = Hdd:\games\somegame\disk1\default.xex;
disk2 = Hdd:\games\somegame\disk2\default.xex;
- GOD/NXE disk rips on the same media in the same folder will automatically
be found with no special naming convention
- EXTRACTED games with the naming above for each disk with the disk# folders all in
the same folder on the same media will be found without an ini file
- swapping between disks contained on different media is not supported
The work herein is presented as-is, any risk is solely the end users
responsibility. While all of us are sorry when unforseen things happen, not
every situation or mistake can be accounted for before they have been
spotted. Please use responsibly.
Support (report bugs/request features)
english: http://www.realmodscene.com/index.php?/forum/14-dashlaunch/
french/english: http://homebrew-connection.org/forum/index.php?board=7.0
-Big thanks to those who opened the way and those who made it even more usable.
-Thanks to Tux, Arbiter, stk, the2000, Corrupted, tk_saturn and Toddler for all
the bugs you caught trying to sneak by
-Thanks AmyGrrl for passing along the glitch and new ideas
-Thanks to Tux, Ironman, JPizzle and Dionis Fernandez for helping procure a
Jasper big block console to extend testing and fix NAND MU corruption bug
Dionis - you went above and beyond
-Thanks to vgcrepairs for providing the cygnos, dash launch likely wouldn't
exist without one
-Thanks to the FSD team, without your cheering this rewrite would have never been completed
-Thanks to Nate and Anthony for constantly reminding me that no, I'm not alone
-Thanks to FBDev and mojobojo for the data used for the patch options
-Thanks to sm32
-Thanks to unknown, you know why
-Extra Special thanks to SpkLeader, Boflc, and LordXBig
-Big thanks to Swizzy, the least bit for debugging readmes
-Thanks to XeBuild, keeping us on our toes and up to date
-Greetz to XeDev and RgLoader
-Thanks to Team Xecuter for thinking towards the future
-Thanks to vladstudio.com for "night launch"
-Thanks to Razkar for always spotting the hard to spot bugs
-shouts out to E Nellie and D33per, thanks to you this is still a sourceless release
~brought to you by cOz~
To Do
- everything else
Known Bugs
- some well used NAND images with earlier versions of DL already installed seem
incapable of being updated with larger sized files, it is recommended for
the time being to make a clean NAND image with the most recent/up to date
image builder if you run into this issue
- nxe disk rips when launched from 16197+ metro still work, if you get an err
dismiss it and launch again (it's a resource busy issue in official dash)
- I'm sure you'll find some bugs, please see the links earlier in this doc
for a place to post them where they will be seen
- added 16203
- hopefully all cpu/dvd keys will display fully in installer now
- fix description spelling error (F/C)
- fix power/guide boot time paths when fakeanim is not used (thanks mass3n!)
- fix hddalive task being scheduled as a title task and not surviving title changes (thanks moulder!)
- add 16202
- update spanish translation (thanks gromber!)
- fix remotenxe and windows button on remote not booting to dash (thanks spkleader!)
- kinect health message block fixed for 16197
- updated polish translation (thanks Pelcu!)
- fix CIV hook issue, may break some titles that use CIV (a gamy Call of Decay: Body Odor 2 now works)
- lump updater version limit patch into noupdater option so it can be disabled
- improved installers ability to prevent install on unsupported kernels (including devkit and unsupported retail versions)
- installer will now only offer to update, if the embedded version is newer than currently running one
- some commented code made contpatch non-functional on untouched demo containers
- added polish translation
- add nohealth option, disables kinect health pseudo video at game launch
- add autofake option, when enabled fakelive functionality is enabled during dash and indie games only (thanks BioHazard!)
- added some failsafe code to lhelper and launch to ensure auto profile signins occur
- moved boot time quick launch button check to lhelper, it now occurs at the point where bootanim freezes (approx)
- removed bootdelay option, it should no longer be required
- add corona 4G memory unit path
- add fakeanim path
- fix bugs related to Guide/Power paths
- add PIRS type content to installer launch item parsing
- add nooobe option, disables setup screens when settings already exist
- dash launch now patches xam to prevent flash updates from appearing when updaters newer than current are on devices
- wired controller poweron causes should now be recognized from all ports for Guide path
- added new option 'fahrenheit'
- add 16197
- removed button debouncing, A and Y are more useful exiting from miniblades but will be touchy on older dashes
- add corona bl detection to xelllaunch
- added a few more domains to liveblock
- add italian translation - thanks Gnappo!
- correct mobo/edram order in shuttemps and installer
- update Spanish translation
- correct version number
- add RThumb and LThumb for paths (analog controller button when you press them down)
- add autoswap option for multidisk games (see notes above)
- remove beta tag
- add 15574
- correct bug in hv patches in 14717/14719
- add poweron reason to tembcast data, document struct sent in the supplied .py script
- fixed problem with loading on older (<13xxx) firmwares, thanks KneelB4ZD for the donor image!
- add Russian translation
- add Spanish translation - thanks Gromber!
- add German translation - thanks Tuxuser!
- altered DNS blocker to fail dns requests on block instead of succeed to loopback address (speed improvement)
- fakelive now forces DNS blocker to be on (thanks uzi for the heads up! IG 4tw!)
- installer: launch button now can launch indie games, they MUST be in their proper content path to detect/work
autosets fakelive (and dns blocker) on when launching indie games via installer
- going to system settings from installer now goes to official system settings (if nosysexit is not true)
- added new option "shuttemps" which displays temperature data on the shutdown scene (hold guide down)
thanks to Dwack for the idea, sorry it took so long
- added basic ftp (based on ftpdll)
- reduced default bootdelay to 0x1E
- new option 'devprof' allows devkit profiles to work on retail firmware
note any changes such as saving games or getting achievements will resign the profile with the current/retail keyvault
this seems not to affect glitch/jtag dev crossflash, but could affect true devkits
- new option 'devlink' to allow system link with devkits, ping limit is still separate (thanks Anthony for devlink!)
- updated patches to remove CON sig checks, remove restrictions on xekeys (thanks Redline!) and add hvpeek api to keyed syscall
- add glitch2 to xelllaunch, force file sizes to be 4 byte aligned (thanks Juvenal!)
- nxe disk installs can now be started like GOD containers
- blacklist devkit firmware during installation checks
- changed dlaunchGetOptInfo to give a more useful category instead of the internal bitmask
- changed filters to be inline and use the new categories
- add external options to the ini file (ftpserv, ftpport)
- can launch elf via embedded xell stage1 (thanks libxenon devs!)
- added info button in misc page
- show CPU key, DVD key, console ID, console serial number, MAC address and decrypted XVal (0 is no violations)
- allows adjusting fan settings and smc_config target temps and optionally saves them to flash
- added external option calaunch for config app, so it will start in the launch option instead of normal options
- load external skin/background/font to memory so the files are no longer held open
- prevent dash launch from taking over signin, create profile (was waiting infintely) and skip in metro startup/login screen
- change trap hook method so nate's awesome xbdm does not break across load/unload of dash launch
- as with V1->V2 this is a nearly complete restructure and rewrite, expect bugs
- rewrote all hooks and tasks to be unhookable/stopable
- installer can now unload any existing v3 xex and/or start dash launch without rebooting console
- installing over v2 or installing patch updates still requires reboot
- setup exports for managing all options from external programs
- stop exception recovery from firing a new launch/bubble message more than once in a ~4s window
- add 'configapp' path, if it exists going to miniblades -> system settings will start this program
- rewrote installer a little to be marginally better
- ini category [quicklaunchbuttons] is now simply [paths]
- add 'nonetstore' option (hides network storage in disk dialogs)
- hook XexpVerifyXexHeaders and XexpLoadImage to detect retail encrypted xex with bad signature
and fix the image key (thanks Anthony!)
- safereboot is no longer tied to fatalfreeze, reboot requests when this is set to false will be
redirected to jtag friendly (but hard on hardware) methods
- added in glitch2 patches, restructured embedded patch sets to be a munged file instead of individual
- fixed fakelive to get past app gold check (still does not work, can't connect to server) and no longer
try to reply to profile info requests with a hardcoded online xuid
- added french translation - thanks to Razkar!
- added portugese translation - thanks to SpkLeader!
- added translation c# GUI - thanks to Swizzy!
- fixed glitch jasper big block patch installer
- reworked contpatch yet again, should perform equal to xm360 now (thanks node21!)
- new patch only operates on containers of type 000D0000 (XBLA) and 00000002 (ADDONS) of LIVE or PIRS types
- revert contpatch to older form
- signnotice now defaults to FALSE/disabled
- signnotice option should no longer wind up in network troubleshooter on 14717+
- add 14719
- fixed uart debug output 0xD 0xA instead of 0xA 0xD
- STOP code 0x2B can now output stack info
- xex header revoke check (requires live to download revoke list) flag now ignored (hv and xam patch)
- add 14717
- expanded temp broadcaster to include PE Name and path of current title
- added titleid and mediaid output to temp logger
- fixed a bug in unhandled-exception handler (could cause freeze/multiple consecutive exceptions)
- add title module PE name and path to exception log
- contpatch completely rewritten, now takes over checking license bits entirely for xam when enabled
(may break... things, or allow some to work that shouldn't/crash)
- added rad.msn.com to weak blocklist
- added *bing.net, *msn.com to strong blocklist
- added glitch machine detection for xellLaunch to launch on flash xell-1f
- added xhttp auth patch for 14699 (thanks Anthony!)
- added signin notice dismiss (optionally disabled, only affects 'ok' type dialogs)
- added intMu: to installer ini updater
- added autoselect shutdown and auto off option for the "hold guide to shutdown"
NOTE: that both these options can affect other things that use this type of dialog!
- added optional temp broadcaster
- added quick python script to cap temp broadcasts to a .csv file
- removed FCRT patch (was not compatible with 1175 drives)
- installer: revise patch checks to only check base patches
- installer: conform to xebuild's base+patch extension method, copies addon patches to
base as needed
- add 14699
- correct jtag/glitch wording in installer patch updater
- fix compare with glitch machine, now accurate when it checks patches for update
- add fcrt removal patch (and correction)
- rebuild to hopefully improve stability (less optimization)
- changed contpatch to only patch ID bytes to 0xFF
- fix sonic, more thoroughly hooked disk verification (thanks again Nate!)
- add current launch.xex version display to installer, add versioning
- add note about encryption on modified retail xex
- added '$' to permitted chars in launch.xex ini parser
- added Trinity arcade memory unit to dash launch as IntMu:
- can update ggBuild type patch sets
- add 13604
- patches updated to remove E66 (dvd code exec) errors in kernel
- hddalive was defaulted to true instead of false, fixed
- xell launch now shuts off usb device (fixes issues with xell reloaded)
- xell launch simplified to allow for variable sized xell bins
- added jtag debug support to patches and export var (thanks Nate!)
- reworked devkit signed xex loading. Faster, dll dev xex working again (thanks Anthony!)
- fix forza 4 (and maybe others - thanks Nate!)
- added hddalive (2.23b fixes this)
- added 13599
- relocate external files so old files will no longer be used accidentally
new path is \default.xex dir\VERSION\files
ie: GAME:\13599\patches_jasper.bin
- resolving 'localhost' when the router forwards it to the internet or there is
no network at all... bad idea game devs... fixed (Yars', maybe others)
- button handler now more reliably removes Y and A mishandling when held on
miniblade exits
- added new note to readme regarding update prompts and avatar data missing
- hopefully extracted new games are now working fine, instead of GOD only
- potential bug corrected in 12611/12625 patch sets
- add 13146 compatibility
- all patch sets updated to fully remove xex bound checks (ie: default.xex
on root of USB causing E71)
- "remotenxe" option added to ini(thx adihash!)
- windows button on remote always boots to NXE/media center now(thx adihash!)
- added "guide" and "power" path options to set boot time default override
- changed kxam.patch, first .long must be the kernel version the patches match
- added a check to kxam.patch data to abort on invalid address
- added "nohud" option
- added installer check to verify at least the 1BL segment of patches before
installing, will re-ask and warn of possible corruption/brick
- fixed noupdater option, readme is accurate with regards to updates now (sorry)
- fixed dvdexitdash option, no longer conflicts with using miniblade to exit NXE
should only affect DVD launched from NXE (note this affects DVD games too)
- fixed a glitch with unhandled exception logging when occurs in kernel
- revert to original fileExist() method
- export option info along with the rest of dash launch info struct export
- add multi version compatibility to installer and plugin
- add 12625 patch set and offsets
- new LIVE content hook patching, does auto yaris swap as well as extracted XBLA
should work more consistently (hopefully)
- added unhandled exception handler, dumps except info to UART/file and exits
to dash/default item when apps don't have their own exception handler
(instead of crash), disable by setting 'exchandler = false' in ini file.
- added ini path setting (dumpfile) for capturing crash logs to a file,
capture device must be connected at console boot time
- added 'safereboot' option for those who have JTAG that have applied
blackaddr's smc reboot fix, instead of 'hard' reboot
- added option to enable debug strings to print to UART
- adjusted patches to remove default UART hooking (less chance of string
collision/overlap using DbgPrint via debug out option)
- corrected a bug in the flasher ini update settings in regard to noupdater,
it was setting nosysexit instead of noupdater value
- added live "blocker", reroutes requests to resolve DNS names to loopback
- added "livestrong" option to use an alternate list of DNS to block
- added ini option to set how long buttons are watched for at boot time
- embedding current versions external files into installer, no more messy
directory; original paths still work and take priority over embedded files
- fixed xbox1 launches (thanks folks at x-s and fsd for reporting)
- reworked hooking to be a bit more dynamic and simpler to update
- ini parser fixed, glitch when comment line last line with no blank line after
(thanks Toddler!)
- disables updaters (DA2 and other disks; safety)
- minor tweaks to boot time delays, further improves on previous autologin issue
v2.09 (beta)
- moved strictly to C, much smaller DLL
- correct bug with busy CON/sometimes ignoring ini for boot time default item
- made boot time quick launch buttons more reliable
- added 1s delay to resolve autologin at boot issue and slower USB hdd issues
- patches updated to remove min version check (DA2)
- correcting for a glitch where launchdata should be cleared between titles but
isn't; fixes launching some games twice in a row (thanks stk and FSD!)
- fixed media center extender (thanks jester and antman)
~hopefully this is the last whitelist option needed
- added option "nosysexit" (thanks rhai)
- update to fbbuild 0.11 patches
- fixed bug with fatal freeze options
- changed installer to use zeropair CB version to determine patch set
- added new options dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash (thanks AmyGrrl)
- added regionspoof, dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash to ini updater
- added instructions to this readme regarding boot time buttons and diagnosing
non-ASCII ini files
- added AP25 xex priveledge filter (fix AC:B GOD/xex, maybe others)
- fixed a glitch with launching kinect games when a default item is set
- updated for 12611
- added version info to data struct exported at ordinal 1
- made number of times button holds are scanned variable, longer window
at boot time to sync controller and hold a button
- added region spoofing for XGetGameRegion
- DVD video play from NXE now plays DVD regardless of default setting
(thanks krizalid!)
- corrected flash mu mount point (thanks Antho02 at l-s)
- added kernel version check to installer as some xbr using folks seem incapable
of reading the first line of this file
- plugins now use logical paths just like quick launch buttons
- added common (9199) content and ping limit patches as options
- mostly runs in system threads, startup completes while bootanim runs
- completely subverted dash.xex, no more CD issues or NXE split seconds
- removed insistance on 0/1/2 paths and reliance on CaPs to detect
- return to NXE via miniblade for system settings and others works w/o using RB
- added big block NAND mu as possible device
- optionally subvert Y to exit miniblade while in NXE to load button/default
- added xell loader to patch set and included a xex to load xell
- removed reboot on fatal error from patches
- included reboot/shutdown on fatal error as settings
- installer onscreen output cleaned up, now shuts down console at end of install
- added ini file updater to installer
- added patch updater to installer
- added other devices for launch targets
- added flash for location to load launch.ini
- added flash installer supports flashing launch.xex and launch.ini
- with help of freeboot patches, fixes issues with xbox1 emulator on memory
unlocked patchset
- overhaul ini parser with simpleIni, support for most buttons and a default
- added dll/plugin loading support
- added hooking/return to launch app instead of NXE (hold RB to bypass)
- added kernel/xam boot time/one time patch engine
- added export to allow the loading of other system modules
- added a small delay to allow XBR users to launch CON
- implemented a simple ini file parser and fileExist
- auto detects LIVE and XEX2 to use the appropriate launch method
- fails to dash reliably now
-initial release
Mac1512 escribió:blaKCat escribió:Gracias Mac1512
No hay nada que agradecer blaKCat,
He decidido subir unas capturas realizadas hace un rato donde se ve como el AutoGG 0.8.7 lee correctamente la nand, usando nand-x, versión de nandpro seleccionada: Nandpro 3.0a.
Usuario-X escribió:Mac1512 escribió:blaKCat escribió:Gracias Mac1512
No hay nada que agradecer blaKCat,
He decidido subir unas capturas realizadas hace un rato donde se ve como el AutoGG 0.8.7 lee correctamente la nand, usando nand-x, versión de nandpro seleccionada: Nandpro 3.0a.
Yo tengo un OLIMEX actualizado a la version 3 y las corona v1 y v3 no las lee con el nandpro2b pero solo en este ordenador, tengo que hacer le proceso con j-runner que alli si lo lee bien. No se si se deba a que aqui tengo el AutoGG desde versiones muy antiguas y hay algo diferente en los drivers.
Este problema ya m elo ha dicho otro colega que tenia maximus nand flasher y yo no le creia hasta que me paso a mi. Saben como solucionarlo?
Mac1512 escribió:blaKCat escribió:Burger escribió:blakCat, tengo una duda y no se si se haya tratado ya, porque el hilo es literalmente un "Monstruo"!!!
Desde que actualice el AutoGG a la version 0.8.7 ya no me va el Nand-X! El cacharro funciona perfecto con J-Runner, tanto para leer la nand, como para programar los chips. En AutoGG puedo programar los chips, pero nada de nada para leer las nands! He seleccionado la version 3 del Nandpro antes de empezar a trabajar, he reiniciado el programa, he conectado y desconectado el Nand-X en varias ocasiones a ver si me lo reconoce y nada! Siempre me sale el mismo mensaje de:
"Modelo no detectado..."
Y aunque seleccione el modelo de la placa, todo lo que hace es abrir la ventana del Nandpro y se cierra inmediatamente!
Alguna solucion para ese problema? Es que la verdad no me gusta hacer nada con J-Runner!
Ya sois varios los que decis esto, y la verdad no tiene ningun sentido porque no cambie nada al respecto. Ayer estuve con el user Mac1512 que tiene 2 nand-x uno antiguo Armv2 y otro nuevo Armv3 probando en su Trinity y un Autogg 0.8.7 recien descargado de la portada y le iba perfecto. Eso si con sus compatibilidades conocidas:
Nandx-Armv2: Funcionan todos los Nandpro
Nandx-Armv3: Solo funciona Nandpro3
Recuerden que corona solo es compatible con Nandpro2b por lo tanto con los nuevos Nandx en corona solo pueden usar el querido JR. No es culpa de AutoGG sino de el Tx que le interesa bloquear sus productos.
Hace unos días blaKCat pregunto en el foro quien disponía de un nand-x
Yo me ofrecí voluntario a lo que necesitase, ya que dispongo de dos nand-x, uno más viejo con la versión de codigo Arm v2, y el otro con la versión de codigo Arm v3 (versión más actualizada del nand-x).
para un usuario normal la única novedad en el codigo (Arm v3), es la posibilidad de programar los chips.
Bien, me puse en contacto con blaKCat, y el me comento que había unos cuantos usuarios que le habían reportado que usando la última versión de su programa AutoGG 0.8.7 no eran capaces de leer la nand de su consola utilizando nand-x.
Ayer estubimos toda la tarde probando el AutoGG 0.8.7 en mi consola Xbox Slim (trinity) con mis dos nand-x. Hoy he vuelto a repetir todas las pruebas por mi cuenta. El resultado fue el siguiente:
NAND-X, Arm Code v2:
Funciona correctamente con: Nandpro 2.0b y Nandpro 2.0e
No funciona con: Nandpro 3.0a
NAND-X, Arm Code v3 (última versión de nand-x):
Solo funcina con Nandpro 3.0a
En las pruebas realizadas se han seleccionado tanto lecturas de 1 Mb como lecturas de 16 Mb, repitiendo el proceso seleccionando varias repeticiones de lectura.
El programa AutoGG ha verificado la correcta lectura de las nand, así como se han comparado por otros medios siendo siempre iguales en todas las lecturas/pruebas realizadas.
Ya hace mucho tiempo que es sabido, o debería ser sabido por todos y el AutoGG muestra un aviso al respecto. que las Xbox Slim Corona (16 Mb de nand) sólo son compatibles con Nandpro 2.0b y los usuarios que usamos Nand-x, deberemos tener la versión de código Arm v2.
Es decir no tener el nand-x actualizado o de haberlo comprado actualizado bajarlo a dicha versión de codigo.
Mac1512 escribió:En conclusión, debes de flasear el Olimex con Arm v2, o pillate un squitter, que por el precio que tiene, seguro te sale más economico (además de servirte para todo), que si no tienes los medios para bajarlo, te metes tranquilamente en lo que te cuesta el squitter.
O seguir usando JR, que como comento blaKCat, han debido de capar el dispositivo para que sólo funcione con lo de ellos.
Usuario-X escribió:
debe ser alguna otra cosa que los de JR han sabido superar.