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Maverick_35 escribió:Bueno esta mañana estoy probando en partida rápida, tramos de entre 8km y 12km y de momento en Croacia nada, Japón una vez me ha salido el teaming, Oceania y cerdeña tampoco nada, no se, parece que solo aparece mucho teaming en algunos rallys, puffff se disfruta mucho con este juego.
rbr002 escribió:A mi no me salió ningún aviso de partida dañada y pensé que me había librado, el piloto estaba el que había creado y el coche el que había elegido, espero que por la menos pueda continuar el modo carrera
Traceur escribió:Maverick_35 escribió:Bueno esta mañana estoy probando en partida rápida, tramos de entre 8km y 12km y de momento en Croacia nada, Japón una vez me ha salido el teaming, Oceania y cerdeña tampoco nada, no se, parece que solo aparece mucho teaming en algunos rallys, puffff se disfruta mucho con este juego.
Iba a poner lo mismo, em el nuevo rally me lo hizo una sola vez en una casa, y de hecho con lo rapido que es le note como mas fluidez al juego. Note la velocidad como si tuviera mas frames, nose igual es fliping.
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GottaEvil escribió:Yo me he pasado al RBR. Paso ya de este juego...hasta que lo dejen pulido del todo.
Los foros oficiales están que arden. Que despropósito. 1 mes han tenido entre parche y parche...y lo único que han hecho es arreglar una cosa...y joder lo demás. Vergüenza.
Arizmendi escribió:El juego tiene problemas de rendimiento y gráficamente es discreto pero para mi es totalmente jugable, tampoco seamos exagerados. Y eso que yo lo juego en Series S que debería ser la versión mas floja.
Maverick_35 escribió:@Arizmendi yo lo que he jugado esta mañana, casi no me dado fallos, en las repes si se nota, yo estoy jugando normal, lo único que no juego el modo carrera porque dicen que esta roto.
GottaEvil escribió:Yo me he pasado al RBR. Paso ya de este juego...hasta que lo dejen pulido del todo.
Los foros oficiales están que arden. Que despropósito. 1 mes han tenido entre parche y parche...y lo único que han hecho es arreglar una cosa...y joder lo demás. Vergüenza.
Feeder18 escribió:GottaEvil escribió:Yo me he pasado al RBR. Paso ya de este juego...hasta que lo dejen pulido del todo.
Los foros oficiales están que arden. Que despropósito. 1 mes han tenido entre parche y parche...y lo único que han hecho es arreglar una cosa...y joder lo demás. Vergüenza.
Yo insisto… y a muchos parece que les jode. Está EA detrás. No hay más. Codemasters siempre han sido sello de calidad… con más o menos acierto, pero siempre han dado la seguridad de que si les comprabas un juego de conducción, más o menos esperabas lo que se anunciaba o lo que te brindaban en las impresiones. Ahora con EA de por medio, las cosas no van a salir igual. Pero parece que hay gente a la que le dices esto y ya salen a morder a la yugular.
En fin, yo estoy contento con el juego, pero es cierto que de Codemasters se esperaba lo habitual, no creo que nadie haya pedido cosas imposibles…
Feeder18 escribió:@Donnced
Sí, lo que dices también es verdad. El motor seguro que ha tenido que ver, pero en mi opinión, yo sigo pensando que EA quiere cambiar cosas y quieren marcar ritmos propios y que sigan X directrices… que es lo normal cuando estás bajo el mando de una empresa, pero ni por eso tiene que ser positivo en todos los casos. En fin, que sigamos disfrutando del juego y y que vayan añadiendo contenido. A mí por cierto, el último Rally añadido me ha gustado bastante.
Esperemos que sigan así.
GottaEvil escribió:Acabo de correr el tramo largo de Cerdeña de 32km....y casi echo la pota.
Es el tramo que han puesto en el Club que tenemos en EOL...y yo no recuerdo que fuera mal previo al parche 1.4.
He corrido el Shakedown primero y todo correcto. No he visto nada raro.
Pero ha sido ponerme con el tramo...y ya desde la salida noté algo de Tearing. Pero no iba del todo mal...hasta que he llegado al ecuador de tramo o así...y es cuando ha empezado a desplomarse el rendimiento y donde el Tearing ya era constante...hasta el final. De verdad, que casi echo la pota. Es como pasar por el pueblo del Rally del Mediterráneo...pero de forma continuada.
En fin, que el juego a nivel de Rendimiento y Tearing... está peor que la versión de lanzamiento. Patético y bochornoso lo de EA/Codemasters. Que manera de cargarse un juegazo.
Maximum_Attack83 escribió:A mi el tearing creo que me aparece en todos los rallyes yaen algún momento u otro del tramo aparece algo raro y da la casualidad que casi siempre suele ser en la parte final del recorrido.Incluso a veces me aparece en el menú principal cuando seleccionas el modo de juego o seleccionas el coche.Y ya no hablo de las repeticiones que aún es más lamentable.
En fin que es un puto juegazo con una optimización de mierda que va empeorando a cada actualización
GottaEvil escribió:Maximum_Attack83 escribió:A mi el tearing creo que me aparece en todos los rallyes yaen algún momento u otro del tramo aparece algo raro y da la casualidad que casi siempre suele ser en la parte final del recorrido.Incluso a veces me aparece en el menú principal cuando seleccionas el modo de juego o seleccionas el coche.Y ya no hablo de las repeticiones que aún es más lamentable.
En fin que es un puto juegazo con una optimización de mierda que va empeorando a cada actualización
Yo te diría que con la 1.1 y 1.2 apenas se notó una mejora...pero la 1.3 sí que fue una buena actualziación, mejorando bastante el rendimiento y minimizando el tearing. En cambio, con la que supuestamente iba a ser la actu gorda, la que esperaba que acabase de pulir el juego...ha sido sin duda la peor de todas. Es como si hubieramos vuelto a la casilla de salida (o peor). Patetico.
AndoNET escribió:Joder, por menos han quitado otros juegos de la Store. Porque este juego es un poco más de nicho, sino la que se monta es épica.
Luego también manda narices que llamen "hotfix" a un parche que va a salir dentro de un mes. Si tan complejo es de corregir, no es un hotfix.
Y luego otro tema, no sería más sencillo echar atrás el parche 1.4? Si todo el mundo estaba más contento con la versión anterior, creo que la mayoría de la gente prefería perder el tema del editor de diseños antes que el modo carrera.
What happened:
The v1.4.0 update was released.
This update added Central European Rally to the game.
Central European Rally was also added to Career Mode, both as part of the WRC class, and across several other Championships and Events in Career.
The addition of Central European Rally caused a mismatch in the game code with a specific set of Benefactor objectives.
Affected players will experience a 100% crash rate if their Career Mode save features these specific objectives.
How are players affected:
Career Mode contains hundreds of combinations of Benefactor objectives, specifying which Events and Championships the player must compete in as progression targets.
These Benefactor objectives are randomly assigned to players at the start of each Career Mode Season.
Players who have specific combinations of these Benefactor objectives will experience a game crash if they attempt to continue their Career.
Players who have not started Career, or start a new Career are not affected in Career Mode Season 1.
Some players may be able to load a Career Mode save without any issue, though this cannot be predicted in advance.
Players who are currently in Career Mode Season 2 and beyond in WRC2 and Junior WRC are at risk of a crash if they attempt to continue their career.
Players who are currently in Career Mode Season 2 and beyond in WRC are also at risk, and players in Season 3 and beyond are at a higher risk.
If a player has experienced this crash, there is a chance that their Career Mode progress has been lost with no ability to recover.
How players can mitigate the issue:
If a player has an active Career Mode save, we are advising all players to avoid playing in Career until an update is released.
With the hotfix we are aiming to restore existing Career Mode Saves for those that do not start a new Career.
If a player wishes to start a new Career, they can do so without being affected by this issue, however their previous save will be permanently lost.
How we are fixing the issue:
This issue is the #1 priority for our team as regards fixes and updates.
However, as this is a complicated and delicate issue that affects save games, we do not wish to rush a quick fix, and inadvertently cause further issues down the line.
With this hotfix we are also aiming to recover lost Career Mode saves for those that do not start a new Career.
The aim is to have a hotfix ready as soon as possible.
What else will be in the hotfix:
The primary goal of the hotfix will be to resolve the issues causing Career Mode to crash for players.
In addition, we believe we have found a fix for the commonly-reported “inconsistent AI performance when resuming an Event” issue.
We plan to implement this AI change into the hotfix as well, thank you for your recent reports which have helped us to potentially diagnose the root cause.
Finally, we plan to implement a fix to the track limits issue reported on Rally Chile stages, which arose after the v1.4.0 update was released.
When will a hotfix be released:
Due to the complexity of the Career Mode issue, the action required to resolve it, and the time required for testing and certification, we aim to be in a position to issue a hotfix on all platforms in mid January.
AndoNET escribió:Información más detallada:What happened:
The v1.4.0 update was released.
This update added Central European Rally to the game.
Central European Rally was also added to Career Mode, both as part of the WRC class, and across several other Championships and Events in Career.
The addition of Central European Rally caused a mismatch in the game code with a specific set of Benefactor objectives.
Affected players will experience a 100% crash rate if their Career Mode save features these specific objectives.
How are players affected:
Career Mode contains hundreds of combinations of Benefactor objectives, specifying which Events and Championships the player must compete in as progression targets.
These Benefactor objectives are randomly assigned to players at the start of each Career Mode Season.
Players who have specific combinations of these Benefactor objectives will experience a game crash if they attempt to continue their Career.
Players who have not started Career, or start a new Career are not affected in Career Mode Season 1.
Some players may be able to load a Career Mode save without any issue, though this cannot be predicted in advance.
Players who are currently in Career Mode Season 2 and beyond in WRC2 and Junior WRC are at risk of a crash if they attempt to continue their career.
Players who are currently in Career Mode Season 2 and beyond in WRC are also at risk, and players in Season 3 and beyond are at a higher risk.
If a player has experienced this crash, there is a chance that their Career Mode progress has been lost with no ability to recover.
How players can mitigate the issue:
If a player has an active Career Mode save, we are advising all players to avoid playing in Career until an update is released.
With the hotfix we are aiming to restore existing Career Mode Saves for those that do not start a new Career.
If a player wishes to start a new Career, they can do so without being affected by this issue, however their previous save will be permanently lost.
How we are fixing the issue:
This issue is the #1 priority for our team as regards fixes and updates.
However, as this is a complicated and delicate issue that affects save games, we do not wish to rush a quick fix, and inadvertently cause further issues down the line.
With this hotfix we are also aiming to recover lost Career Mode saves for those that do not start a new Career.
The aim is to have a hotfix ready as soon as possible.
What else will be in the hotfix:
The primary goal of the hotfix will be to resolve the issues causing Career Mode to crash for players.
In addition, we believe we have found a fix for the commonly-reported “inconsistent AI performance when resuming an Event” issue.
We plan to implement this AI change into the hotfix as well, thank you for your recent reports which have helped us to potentially diagnose the root cause.
Finally, we plan to implement a fix to the track limits issue reported on Rally Chile stages, which arose after the v1.4.0 update was released.
When will a hotfix be released:
Due to the complexity of the Career Mode issue, the action required to resolve it, and the time required for testing and certification, we aim to be in a position to issue a hotfix on all platforms in mid January.
Edit: deduzco que no van a echar atrás el parche porque el causante es el CER y la basura de código que tienen en el tema de objetos de benefactor.
GottaEvil escribió:AndoNET escribió:Información más detallada:What happened:
The v1.4.0 update was released.
This update added Central European Rally to the game.
Central European Rally was also added to Career Mode, both as part of the WRC class, and across several other Championships and Events in Career.
The addition of Central European Rally caused a mismatch in the game code with a specific set of Benefactor objectives.
Affected players will experience a 100% crash rate if their Career Mode save features these specific objectives.
How are players affected:
Career Mode contains hundreds of combinations of Benefactor objectives, specifying which Events and Championships the player must compete in as progression targets.
These Benefactor objectives are randomly assigned to players at the start of each Career Mode Season.
Players who have specific combinations of these Benefactor objectives will experience a game crash if they attempt to continue their Career.
Players who have not started Career, or start a new Career are not affected in Career Mode Season 1.
Some players may be able to load a Career Mode save without any issue, though this cannot be predicted in advance.
Players who are currently in Career Mode Season 2 and beyond in WRC2 and Junior WRC are at risk of a crash if they attempt to continue their career.
Players who are currently in Career Mode Season 2 and beyond in WRC are also at risk, and players in Season 3 and beyond are at a higher risk.
If a player has experienced this crash, there is a chance that their Career Mode progress has been lost with no ability to recover.
How players can mitigate the issue:
If a player has an active Career Mode save, we are advising all players to avoid playing in Career until an update is released.
With the hotfix we are aiming to restore existing Career Mode Saves for those that do not start a new Career.
If a player wishes to start a new Career, they can do so without being affected by this issue, however their previous save will be permanently lost.
How we are fixing the issue:
This issue is the #1 priority for our team as regards fixes and updates.
However, as this is a complicated and delicate issue that affects save games, we do not wish to rush a quick fix, and inadvertently cause further issues down the line.
With this hotfix we are also aiming to recover lost Career Mode saves for those that do not start a new Career.
The aim is to have a hotfix ready as soon as possible.
What else will be in the hotfix:
The primary goal of the hotfix will be to resolve the issues causing Career Mode to crash for players.
In addition, we believe we have found a fix for the commonly-reported “inconsistent AI performance when resuming an Event” issue.
We plan to implement this AI change into the hotfix as well, thank you for your recent reports which have helped us to potentially diagnose the root cause.
Finally, we plan to implement a fix to the track limits issue reported on Rally Chile stages, which arose after the v1.4.0 update was released.
When will a hotfix be released:
Due to the complexity of the Career Mode issue, the action required to resolve it, and the time required for testing and certification, we aim to be in a position to issue a hotfix on all platforms in mid January.
Edit: deduzco que no van a echar atrás el parche porque el causante es el CER y la basura de código que tienen en el tema de objetos de benefactor.
Suerte tienen que no es un juego mediático.
Si se llamara Cyberpunk...o qué coño, Gran Turismo 7, Forza...ya estarían todas las webs empapeladas con este asunto.
Vergonzoso. Para pedir que nos devuelvan el dinero.