TeamVVV ha subido un vídeo resumen de los juegos de carreras que estarán presentes en el E3, en vídeo salen 2 gameplays del juego jugando con 3 pantallas. En Le Mans en el minuto 9:27 y en Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (Mosport) en el minuto 40:34
Literalmente lo veo como de la generación pasada, más bien un DLC de Forza Motorsport 4 y las keys no están nada baratas, el juego del Dakar fue una trolleada bastante interesante, esto parece lo contrario
We have pushed a small hotfix for Career credits and Steering Wheel issues, read on for more details.
Hotfix Notes
Weekly challenges now correctly displays your online record. Career credits are now correctly awarded when finishing first. Previous weekly challenge leader board will not be displayed if the current board is empty. Voice over playback now triggers more consistently. An issue where wheel users would experience a lack of control upon exiting the pit stop has been resolved. Simplified Chinese and Korean have been added to all platforms.
Updated font Updated localisation Updated gearbox setup The amount of water in the tank was reduced, it make the game more difficult and the water management more demanding Fixed seasonal reputation Fixed splitscreen Rebalanced AI: The efficiency with which the AI is using the gearbox is increased. It has now a better acceleration.