[HO] Loadiine Assistant • Copia tus backups a la SD

Loadiine Assistant, un asistente que te ayuda a copiar los backups a la tarjeta SD:
Hello all,
Here is a little application I wrote that will copy your extracted WiiU games to SD card in proper loadiine fashion.

Usage is simple - fill in all the details and click Go. Nothing fancy (yet) but does its job as far as I can tell.

Here is the usage:

SD Card Path - This is your SD card path, you can click the button and select it OR enter it manually.

Content Path - This is the "content" file in your extract Wii U game, for example - HDD:\DuckTales.Remastered.USA.WiiU-FAKE\WUP-P-WDKE\data\content

RPX Path - The location of the RPX file, for examply - HDD:\DuckTales.Remastered.USA.WiiU-FAKE\WUP-P-WDKE\data\code\DuckTales.rpx

RPL Path - Copies the RPL file to the SD card, this is not tested yet as I don't have any RPL titles, but works similar to RPX path - select your RPL file

RPX Name - MUST BE 4 CHARACTERS!! Can be ANY 4 characters, but has to be four, for example - duck

Game Dir Name - Can be anything you want, I like scene names so for example - DuckTales.Remastered.USA.WiiU-FAKE

Click Go and it should begin the process. Some key notes:

*Creates _RPX folder
*Creates _SAV and /c and /u folders
*Copies all files from content, including sub folders

To Do list:

*add progress bar - DONE
*clear boxes upon finish - DONE
*prob fix some bugs, I'm sure there are some - 4/??? squashed

v1.1 uploaded - bug fix
v1.2 uploaded - added check to ensure proper copy was done, cleared text when done
v1.21 uploaded - added sanity checks, allows user to cancel before copying
v1.3 uploaded - added basic progress bar


No lo he probado, pero creo que puede ser útil para los que no se aclaren al copiar los backups a la SD. [oki]


A ver porque tengo varios en modo clásico y los quiero pasar al modo DIMOK.

Un saludo y gracias.
egarrote escribió:Loadiine Assistant, un asistente que te ayuda a copiar los backups a la tarjeta SD:
Hello all,
Here is a little application I wrote that will copy your extracted WiiU games to SD card in proper loadiine fashion.

Usage is simple - fill in all the details and click Go. Nothing fancy (yet) but does its job as far as I can tell.

Here is the usage:

SD Card Path - This is your SD card path, you can click the button and select it OR enter it manually.

Content Path - This is the "content" file in your extract Wii U game, for example - HDD:\DuckTales.Remastered.USA.WiiU-FAKE\WUP-P-WDKE\data\content

RPX Path - The location of the RPX file, for examply - HDD:\DuckTales.Remastered.USA.WiiU-FAKE\WUP-P-WDKE\data\code\DuckTales.rpx

RPL Path - Copies the RPL file to the SD card, this is not tested yet as I don't have any RPL titles, but works similar to RPX path - select your RPL file

RPX Name - MUST BE 4 CHARACTERS!! Can be ANY 4 characters, but has to be four, for example - duck

Game Dir Name - Can be anything you want, I like scene names so for example - DuckTales.Remastered.USA.WiiU-FAKE

Click Go and it should begin the process. Some key notes:

*Creates _RPX folder
*Creates _SAV and /c and /u folders
*Copies all files from content, including sub folders

To Do list:

*add progress bar - DONE
*clear boxes upon finish - DONE
*prob fix some bugs, I'm sure there are some - 4/??? squashed

v1.1 uploaded - bug fix
v1.2 uploaded - added check to ensure proper copy was done, cleared text when done
v1.21 uploaded - added sanity checks, allows user to cancel before copying
v1.3 uploaded - added basic progress bar


No lo he probado, pero creo que puede ser útil para los que no se aclaren al copiar los backups a la SD. [oki]


Genial!!!!!! Muchas gracias maestro, que esto no pare!!!! [beer]

A ver que van diciendo los compis!
esto esta mejorando aun mas
Mientras mas aportes mejor!!

Me recuerda al Dos, que nose podian poner nombres largos, en este caso 4 letras, en el dos creo que era hasta 7 u 8. LoL
Cómo se ejecuta?,como si de un juego se tratara?atravesar del navegador?
Loadiine SD Card Installer, otro asistente para copiar backups a la SD:

Hey everyone,

I made an application that can conveniently copy extracted Wii U games to the SD Card. Yes, I'm late and yes, something similar has been made already but I wasn't happy with it. @VashTS's application makes you select too many unnecessary paths and it crashes when the SD Card disconnects from the PC. The progress bar is not working properly either. You might think that the SD Card never disconnects by itself but it does for me so I created an application with fail-safe and intelligent file copying. With intelligent I mean that existing files are not copied unless they have been modified. No corrupted files can occur at all and when it finished, it really finished and everything is copied successfully. This is especially useful when copying multiple GB's of data :D


- Reliable file copying/mirroring
- Sanity checks for supplied paths to prevent user errors
- Platform-independent
- Easy to use
- File paths are remembered after closing the application
- Progress bar

You can see it in action here.
Download it here.

This is a Java application so you need to have JRE installed in order to run it.


Una duda. ¿Porque no se puede cargar backups ni guardarlos en un USB?

PD: Nunca he visto una Wii U en persona y tampoco se si tiene para conectarle un Usb x)

Pero en caso que tenga puertos Usb, ¿con el iosus xploit se podría cargar desde usb?
jochemali escribió:Una duda. ¿Porque no se puede cargar backups ni guardarlos en un USB?

PD: Nunca he visto una Wii U en persona y tampoco se si tiene para conectarle un Usb x)

Pero en caso que tenga puertos Usb, ¿con el iosus xploit se podría cargar desde usb?

Lo que yo tengo entendido ... es porque no tenemos privilegios para acceder al usb ... por ahora dependemos de los privilegios del programa que corre en el wiiu ... en este caso se usa el mimaker o el SSmashbros porque tienen privilegios a la sd y al menos podemos cargar cosas de las SD... que es lo que hace el loadline ...

teoricamente el nuevo exploit el IOSU exploit si que tendriamos privilegios para acceder a todo el "hadrware" de la wii u ... y por tanto al usb ...


8 respuestas