Good morning guys im here to present the new PCSX-R 360 v.3
This new version includes the folowing new features:
-> The option to boot game into new and old CDRImage plugin without having to select the game 2 times
-> New Game Profile Settings
-> New Gui with Game covers
-> Option to create, and set memory cards into slot 1 & 2
-> Ingame Guide for walkthroughts
-> Two gameview modes in game seletion both with covers(horizontal mode and vertical mode)
-> Ingame option to change memory cards on the fly
-> Option to boot into PSX bios to manage memory cards data
-> Ability to boot game in GPU HW mode (Work in progress, games might look odd due missing textures and stuff, no gui atm in this mode)
-> Autoboot option to use freestyle dash cover system instead of the emulator one
-> Games will be recognized with the extension .bin, .iso, .img, .mdf so all the other extensions will be ignored (no more duplicated roms because of the .cue files, etc)
I'll add some new screenshots later but for now you can check this ones here:

Main menu with zoom in, and zoom out item selection effect

Ingame OSD memory cards selection is missing in this image, but i'll updated it later

Game select Horizontal cover mode

Game select Vertical cover mode

Game Profile Setup
No release date yet.. but soon in this month