Tienes que renombrar el pcars.exe por AFR-FriendlyD3D.exe y ejecutarlo como administrador. Aunque no si te funcionará. Dice uno que tiene un par de GTX460 que le funciona:
Así quedaría la linea si quieres funcionarlo en DX11:
C:\Program Files (x86)\WMD\pCARS\AFR-FriendlyD3D.exe" -dx11
Gracias Digiprost y gracias Adrian por los videos que vais poniendo. Digiprost enorme el chiringuito que te has montado. Ver el Z4 a triple pantalla es como ir al cine.
Más cosas de hoy:
* Modificada la cámara que se ve el coche desde atrás. Ahora tiene un movimiento más dinámico
* Añadidas gotas de agua al chasis del coche (clima lluvioso, por supuesto)
Y aquí viene lo descomunal. Se muestra el progreso en Nordschleife. Así pongo post integro con la información e imagen de lo que llevan y lo que hay por terminar, tanto tramos como objetos o zonas. Son dos los que se encargan del circuito pero uno de ellos estaba de vacaciones hasta ahora. Ahora van a dar los toques finales al circuito. Espero ver el castillo pronto:
More of a general update on progress on this track for the community so it is clear where we are with the work...
Most, if not all, of the issues that have been reported for Eifelwald in the current members build have now been fixed (and in most cases were fixed on Friday as soon as they were found). Andrea has been on Vacation which is why we only had Michals updates over the last 2 weeks...but Andrea is back and is busy finishing his assigned sections of the circuit. Doug has also kindly checked in a preliminary AIW fix to sort out the cut track warnings, but a full & new AIW pass will be getting completed this week to go with all of the recent track work over the last few months.
The Map below shows the progress for the main track; this is basically for all the fixes we have been doing to the track widths, camber, elevations and undulations etc. Andrea has been working on the sections for upper part of the map while Michal has been working on the sections of the lower half of the map. Overall Michal is pretty much finished on the main track work at about 90% done...with only a few small sections needing some accuracy fixes to the track camber (as reported by the community). Andrea is now finished the track changes that are marked as W.I.P for the circuit between Kallenhard & Bergwerk.
Next Andrea is going to update all the kerbs and inner terrain so that everything matches up and is accurate. The final section will then be between Bergwerk and Klostertal. Overall Andrea is 75% done and is on track to get all the main track work completed this week along with new AIW. The list below is in priority order so that we can get the main track updates prepared early for Doug's AIW rework.
• Finish loft rework (including Camber, elevation and smoothing turns) Kallenhard - Bergwerk - DONE
• Update the kerbs and inner terrain after the loft changes between Kallenhard - Bergwerk - 1 day
• Finish loft rework (including Camber, elevation and smoothing turns) Bergwerk - Klostertal - 0.75 days
• Update the kerbs and inner terrain after the loft changes between Bergwerk - Klostertal - 1 day
• Outer terrain, fencing rework, Armco updates and CSM fixes for all sections: Kallenhard - Klostertal - 1.5 days
Esto es lo que le queda trabajar a Michal esta semana:
Michal B
Camber updates at Pflanzgarten
Loft updates near the Pit exit and the S/F line
Camber updates in te last part of Hatzenbach (reducing jump also)
Camber updates at Aremberg
Concrete at the small Karussel
Missing kerbs between Pflanzgarten - Schwalbenschwanz (x11)
Missing Armco at Galgenkoff
Missing Sand/Gravel Trap at Brunnchan
Missing Sand/Gravel Trap at Pflanzgarten
Missing Sand/Gravel Trap at Schwalbenschwanz
Dirt edge update at Aremberg and any other sections