Pequadt escribió:ertt escribió:cagate lorito.
buen resumen y buena partida si señor.
yo estoy cn 3 cupulas pequeñas y en el sol 55 creo. he creado dos colonias separadas pero unidas para compartir recursos y es un poco locura pero me apaño. asi tengo mas "curro" cuando juego jejejee.
Aun te quedan muchos dolores de muelas que solucionar jajaja. Por cierto, como compartes los recursos? O no estan muy separadas?
Mis 3 cupulas estan apiñadas, incluso la mediana y la grande comparten un poco de area (no se si es buena o mala idea, pero ahi tengo puesto granjas externas de comida, en su momento me salvo que los trabajadores de ambas cupulas pudieran trabajar ahi)
Metalhead escribió:Chicos como compararíais este frente al Cities Skylines ? El Cities me encantaba pero me desesperaba con la gestión del tráfico, nunca le llegue a pillar el truco.
ertt escribió:@Pequadt
al principio hice eso, poner estaciones de drones en linea y almacenes pero los muy vagos no hacían su currelo. es como si estuvieran enfadados los unos con los otros jajajaajaja asike lo voy moviendo yo. ais tengo mas cosas que hacer
moroter escribió:@Pequadt Que misterio te tocó en tu partida? En la mía me toco uno bastante chungo y no pude pasar del sol 160 o así...
En mi partida hay unos cubos negros que parecen alienigenas y hasta hace poco estaba investigando que no me rompieran los edificios cuando "aparecen" por todos lados, ahora ya se portan bien
Pequadt escribió:moroter escribió:@Pequadt Que misterio te tocó en tu partida? En la mía me toco uno bastante chungo y no pude pasar del sol 160 o así...
No estoy muy seguro de que es un misterio, lo pongo en spoiler por si acasoEn mi partida hay unos cubos negros que parecen alienigenas y hasta hace poco estaba investigando que no me rompieran los edificios cuando "aparecen" por todos lados, ahora ya se portan bien
Pues eso es un misterio, sí. En mi caso eran unos vehículos de otra empresa de la tierra que pasado un tiempo de negociaciones y líos políticos decidieron atacarme con misiles y no dejaron nada en pie.
moroter escribió:Pues eso es un misterio, sí. En mi caso eran unos vehículos de otra empresa de la tierra que pasado un tiempo de negociaciones y líos políticos decidieron atacarme con misiles y no dejaron nada en pie.
Ostias! Te rompieron las cupulas y no puedes seguir la partida bien? O puedes seguir pero es mucho mas dificil?
moroter escribió:@PequadtMe rompieron TODO, murieron los colonos y se acabó.
que putadon... y a empezar de nuevo todo??
Deschamps escribió:@Pequadt Se agradece la narración de tu partida. Has llegado bastante lejos, al menos mucho más de donde yo me hallo. Lo que comentas de las maravillas (o de la que has desarrollado ya, almenos) tiene toda la pinta de que no lo han calibrado con mucho éxito los desarrolladores. Y es muy probable que lo acaben equilibrando (o balanceando, como se dice ahora) en próximos parches porque ciertamente rompe bastante.
La verdad es que una vez empiezas a construir 1 maravilla, se vuelve muy facil. Si has conseguido reunir todos los mats para la maravilla es que tu colonia ya funciona mas o menos bien, y a partir de aqui el desafio es casi nulo.
Ahora mismo tengo un mini-sol que me da 1000 de energia y energia pasiva a las placas solares cercanas por la noche (opino que deberia dar 200 como mucho, o 100 y mas rango de energia pasiva), otra maravilla que me da +20% de bonus para investigar (aunque tengo tanta pasta que he comprado ayuda de investigacion de la Tierra).
La de 1000 de energia rompe el juego. Despues el edifico que da 20 de metales valiosos y 50 de metal al dia tambien lo rompe. Hay otro que te permite exportar sin cohetes, y comprar a mitad de precio cosas de la tierra.
Nado en combustible, en agua, en concrete (otra maravilla diferente que produce 50 al dia). Mis colonos apenas mueren de viejos, solo duermen 1 hora al dia, procrean como hamsters ninfomanos... esto es un no parar jajaja.
Voy por el Sol 270 y quiero empezar otra partida, ahora mismo me da pereza crear mas viviendas, asi que tengo en segundo plano el juego para llegar al sol 300 a ver si mi misterio avanza, y si acaba empezar otra partida en un mapa mas dificil (el que tengo solo tiene meteoritos de dificultad, y caen cada 50 soles, solo 1 ha roto 2 drones mios).
La maravilla de colonia terraformada es de la peor decision que he tomado, es simplemente una colonia grande con el centro bloqueado con piedras, por tanto menos espacio para construir, y los bonus que da de confort no tienen sentido en el end game, puedes conseguir igual o mas con otros edificios. Las piedras ni siquiera son bonitas jajaja
Pequadt escribió:(...) el juego es notable y lo recomiendo a los que os gusten los juegos de gestion y simulacion. Y de aqui va a ir mejorando poco a poco, es cuestion de tiempo que no haya errores o bajones del end-game!
Biskuit escribió:Lo de comunicar las cupulas se arregla con un dlc de coches y carreteras xD. Estari bien
Biskuit escribió:Lo de comunicar las cupulas se arregla con un dlc de coches y carreteras xD. Estari bien
Celonius escribió:Tengo varias dudas a ver si alguien me ayuda:
1- Como se hace para que en los cohetes vayan las especializaciones que quieres? Pongo favorable a las que me interesan y dejo en neutro el resto y viene de todo.
2- Los stats negativos de la gente supongo que tendrás que votarlos en negativo si no quieres que vengan no?
3- Por qué las cosechas siempre me salen mal? Qué hay que hacer?
4- Como se hace para romper o destruir construcciones como cables, tuberías y demás que te pueden estorbar?
Gracias y saludos. El juego mola
- Fixed an issue where sometimes after Dust Storms, rockets won't be able to launch from Mars
- Fixed an issue with some buildings not getting any workers
Major Changes
- Science Institute renamed to Hawking Institute in tribute to Stephen Hawking
- Added Birth Control Policy in domes. You can now set births to allowed or forbidden (Ctrl + LMB sets birth control policy in all domes)
- Increased max zoom out distance
- Optimized the way colonists pick workplaces. Colonists should now pick the best workplace for their specialization correctly and much faster
- Added "Reassign All" button to drones which reassigns all drones from this commander or orphaned drones in the area
- Colonists will no longer try to walk kilometers on foot to resettle resulting in them dying from lack of oxygen
- Rover Command AI tech now removes the batteries of all rovers
- Added a keybinding (default: i) that hides/shows resource & anomaly icons on the map
- Rovers are more likely to effectively use tunnels
- Rovers pathfinding improved
- Added free camera option in Photo Mode
- Press Ctrl + F1 and you will open an in-game bug reporter
- Published most of the game code for reference purposes
- Added cheats menu to mod editor
- Mod editor now loads a map with a prebuilt colony
- Enabled a Lua console on the mod editing map
- Localization tables from mods can now localize the main menu
- Mod documentation fixes
- Allowed renaming of mods
- Added support for PNG files in mod cover images
- Easier way of adding technologies, research points and applicants from mission sponsor and commander profile mods
- UI modding: templates
- Infopanel modding: all templates in groups InfopanelHeader and InfopanelContent
- Added list of technologies to documentation
- Added autoattaches and night lighting objects to modding documentation
- Extended the range rovers need to be in to recharge from cables. The RC Transport looks for cables in the start and ending point of transport routes automatically
- Lowered the chance for idiot flaw to appear in the colony and applicant pool
- Space Rehabilitation tech removes flaws before newly arrived colonists decide in which dome to settle
- Fixed an issue where shuttles could fail to pick up a colonist for resettlement
- Fixed an issue where some buildings connected to a very large power network failed to get power
- Reserved residence slots are released if the colonist can't reach the dome during resettlement
- Salvaging a rocket without its cargo unloaded should no longer leads to stuck drones
- Colonists that fail to reach a dome won't constantly try to reach it again and again
- Dome Streamlining tech now affects the Geoscape Dome
- Construction Nanites no longer construct sites that are turned off
- Renegades and rogue drones no longer target construction sites
- Superconducting Computing now provides less research points
- General Training tech now has flavor text
- Fuel Refinery now has the Factory AI upgrade
- Colonists are now immune to Earthsick when playing with IMM sponsor
- Colonists no longer reserve residential slots in faraway domes if shuttle hubs are not operational (e.g. during a dust storm)
- Triboelectric Scrubber no longer scrubs buildings inside domes
- Colonists can now be manually assigned to training (School, University, Sanatorium)
- It is no longer possible to select the same trait multiple times in Schools
- Construction of building upgrades is now serviced by more drones
- Fixed a bug with calculations of modifiers and small amounts of research points
- Fixed an exploit that allowed the construction of buildings via keybindings without the necessary tech
- Fixes for the mystery log of the Spheres mystery
- Fixed an issue which caused colonists to eat less food. Boosted production of farms slightly to compensate for the increased consumption.
- “Research complete” notification now shows the tech description in question on rollover
- Added option to rename buildings
- Shuttle Hub now shows information about shuttle load across the colony
- Botanists & Geologists have new icons
- Changed dome quarantine button to Immigration Policy control
- Merged the "Assign Workplace", "Assign Residence" buttons for colonists into a single button "Assign to Building"
- Added an indicator which traits are selected in schools and sanatoriums when selecting traits
- Keybindings for rover commands now work correctly
- Fungal Farm Automation upgrade now uses correct icon
- Allowed rebinding of camera zoom in/out and camera tilt keybindings
- Seniors are no longer considered "outside the workforce" after researching Forever Young
- Drone workload information added to RC Rover
- Fixed a bug where rocket fuel was not displayed in certain cases
- Rocket pins no longer blink ready during dust storms
- Selecting a building while the build menu is open no longer causes the building's AOE visuals to break
- Hints for game speed, camera controls and orbital probes now display bound keys correctly
- Added an error message when trying to overwrite a save during upload to cloud
- Added confirmation prompt when closing the Filter UI
- Exports notification now shows accumulated funding if multiple rockets arrive on Earth consecutively
- Added salvage button to the info panel of pipes, valves and switches
- Excess fuel caused by Advanced Martian Engines is now unloaded from rockets before take off
- "Daily Production" changed to "Production per Sol"; "hourly production" changed to "production"
- Renamed a control hint to "Queue on top" in the research UI
- Added new icons for Construct Drone and Dismantle Drone button
- Vacant residential slots text in domes no longer includes slots from nurseries
- Officers are no longer called "security" in filter UI
- Cargo rocket UI now shows the number of resources in the colony on rollover of a given resource
- Depots resource icon is no longer mirrored
- Colonists can no longer be manually assigned while they are in the process of resettling
- Autonomous Drone Hubs and Sensor Towers no longer display an empty power consumption section in their info panel
- Implemented tutorial hint for building upgrades
- Updated credits
- Domes no longer get constantly dusted. Only domes that are turned off or not working are dusted.
- Children now play around in the school (visualization only)
- Fixed some issues in the trajectory of shuttles
- Glass decals are removed when the dome is destroyed
- Domes no longer leave grass behind when destroyed
- Recharge stations no longer turn their light off when a drone visits them
- More precise slider for time of day in Photo Mode
- All adult colonists now have the same walking speed
- Cargo shuttles return to the hub when it's being destroyed
- Increased number of lights at night
- Photo Mode night lights of building match in-game lights
- Photo Mode particle effects fixed
- Various performance optimizations
- Various stability improvements
- Various sound FX tweaks
- CO2 geysers only erupt sporadically, as intended
- OSX: Missing huge pieces of the interface on mac OS
- OSX: Orange blocky terrain on Windows + pre-GCN Radeons (5700, 5800, etc.)
- OSX: Corrupted terrain issues
- OSX: Tourists stay on Mars at least 10 sols
- OSX,Linux: Added OpenGL mods' shaders support
- Linux: Fixed an issue where text elements would flicker and display incorrectly
- Linux: Fixed occasional crash when loading save games
- Window: Fixed white borders on some UI elements
- UI: Research dialog now scrollable with mouse wheel and camera controls, saves last position on close
- UI: Colonists with special traits are pinned to the menu bar, only when there are less than 100 colonists in the colony
- UI: Voice notification for Pipe leaks/Cable faults disabled for colonies with over 100 colonists
- UI: Tourist trait shown in "Review Applicants" UI
- UI: Fix for cancelation of change of display settings
- UI: Fix for senior colonists workplace display after the research of "Forever Young" tech
- UI: Fix for Automation Upgrade Icon (displayed inconsistently in Fungal Farms)
- UI: Fix for Custom anomaly icon disappearing from time to time
- UI: Martian University infopanel now does not show colonists which are not part of the workforce (senior, child, tourist, stressed, etc.)
- UI: Rockets have correct (default) skin on game start
- Gameplay: Fixed an issue where the Explorer Rover had the incorrect price, this is now lowered
- Gameplay: Removed exploit for endless export from the Space Elevator
- Gameplay: Refugees are now immune to Earthsick condition
- Gameplay: "Vocation-Oriented Society" tech performance bonus now works as intended
- Gameplay: Fix for drones not to be abandoned by RC Rover
- Gameplay: Fix for maximum drones allowed to work on trade rocket
- Gameplay: Resource stockpiles now properly marked as 1-hex large object - should fix drone behavior to move stockpiles adjacent to construction sites rather than underneath them
- Gameplay: RP cost of repeatable techs now increase after each research
- Gameplay: "Alien Imprints" tech effect reduced
- Gameplay: Fix for Fuel Extractor upgrade effect in the Concrete Extractor building (now 30% increase instead of 50%)
- Gameplay: Fix for stuck drones when picking up resources from destroyed farm
- Gameplay: Fix for resource count when interrupting drone after picking up resource cube from RC Transport
- Gameplay: Fix for RC Transport when changing skin while loading resources
- Gameplay: Fix to properly treat RC Transport as resource depot when adding new drone controller (Rover/Hub/Rocket) or changing active radius of drone controller
- Gameplay: Fix for Rocket take-off in some cases
- Gameplay: Fix for RP calculation to allow modifiers to have effect in cases of little RP production
- Gameplay: Workers properly select workplace based on their specialty
- Gameplay: Fix for workplace and training buildings requiring maintenance when turned off
- Gameplay: Easy start now always starts with a Mystery
- Gameplay: Scanning que increased
- Gameplay: Shielded combination of incompatible traits (e.g. Genius/Idiot combo)
- Gameplay: Biorobot gurus no longer create biorobots
- Visuals: Dome glass has correct self-illumination
- Visuals: Meteorite craters no longer appear over and next to objects
- Visuals: NVIDIA 1050s family now loads "High" setting preset
- Visuals: Fix for proper positioning of newborn child colonist at spawn
Lord_Link escribió:Buaaaah esta muy chulo, despues de un par de partidas para ver como iba la cosa, ya tengo una en la que he montado un par de cupulas y estot extrayendo minerales raros a saco para venderlos... pero no se si hay mejores maneras de obtener $$$ porque asi voy muy lento...
Y respecto a los tuneles, sin muchos spoilers. Como funcionan??tengo que crearlo de base a base?
Invoco a @noserastu por si no conoce este juegazoooo
noserastu escribió:Lord_Link escribió:Buaaaah esta muy chulo, despues de un par de partidas para ver como iba la cosa, ya tengo una en la que he montado un par de cupulas y estot extrayendo minerales raros a saco para venderlos... pero no se si hay mejores maneras de obtener $$$ porque asi voy muy lento...
Y respecto a los tuneles, sin muchos spoilers. Como funcionan??tengo que crearlo de base a base?
Invoco a @noserastu por si no conoce este juegazoooo
primera noticia que tengo del juego. Cuánto te ha costado?
sdsoldi escribió: ... s.1088848/
New Features and Buildings:
- You are now able to connect your domes together by constructing Passages. These transportation tunnels allows colonists to move freely into adjacent domes and utilizing the workplaces and services available there.
- If one Dome has no power, oxygen or water for over a Sol, all passages leading to it are disabled until the problem is resolved. This will cause workers being fired from their workplaces as if the passage has been destroyed.
- These passages are fragile, and your Colonists may die if hit by a meteor while in the Passage
New Buildings & Related Changes
- New high-end automated storage building which can take over 4,000 units of separate resource is available for your Colony.
- Added 3 new workshop buildings. Workshops allow colonists to work their vocation providing more employment for the late game.
- A new Landing pad makes sure the Rocket lands at the designated spot and eliminates the dusting effect of the
surrounding structures
- A new Large Water Tank, storing up to 1,000 units of Water is available to suit the needs of your developing colony
- Added new Milestone related to workshop buildings to reflect achieving post-scarcity vocation-oriented society
- Added new Technologies, which allow construction of Workshops, Automated Storage and Large Water Tank
Game Rules
You can now choose brand new options during game setup to activate additional rule-sets for the mission that will impact the difficulty, making the mission easier or harder.
Available Game Rules:
- Prefab Colony: Begin with free prefabs for all buildings necessary for a small colony.
- No Disasters: Disables all disasters (excluding those coming from mysteries).
- Hunger: Can't import food from Earth.
- Inflation: Import prices increase over time.
- Long Ride: Rocket travel time to and from Mars is three times longer.
- The Last Ark: Can call a Passenger Rocket only once.
- Amateurs: No specialist applicants.
- Rebel Yell: Colonists periodically become renegades. Crime is more severe.
- Chaos Theory: Tech fields are fully randomized.
- Winter is coming: Cold Wave rating set to a new Max level for all locations on Mars. Cold waves increase power consumption even more.
- Armageddon: Meteor rating set to a new Max level for all locations on Mars.
- Dust in the Wind: Dust Storm rating set to a new Max level for all locations on Mars.
- Twister: Dust Devil rating set to a new Max level for all locations on Mars.
- Added upgrades to the Mohole Mine and the Excavator to increase production
- 3 new notifications: for busy drone hubs, busy shuttle hubs, out of fuel shuttle hubs
- Better alignment for traits in school
- Added on-screen notification for split Power/Life support networks (by player actions or meteorites)
- Colonists with special traits, coming from a rocket, will no longer be pinned for colonies with over 100 colonists
- Fixed overlapping of deposits (from random map generation and anomalies)
- Storages and Depots are divided in subcategories of the Build Menu
- " Milestone failed" message alignment fix
General Fixes:
- Fixed air producers (wrong) production in some cases
- Fixed calculation of challenge bonus in milestones
- Fixed Triboelectric Scrubber not rotating after first clean
- Fixed TOS to no longer reappear when changing language
- Fixed a bug where more than the maximum number of colonists in a Dome can have homes and/or work
- Fixed an issue with unemployed statistics in Dome not updated when moving a Colonist
- Fixed a bug where turned off/malfunctioned supply storages (incl. Batteries) would reconnect to grid after modifying any of their storage props
- Fixed upside-down positioning of shuttles
- Fixed an issue where colonists became starving from eating uncooked meals
- Androids now have no initial specialization
- Marsgate Mystery: Fixed Rover Command AI tech to not affects hostile rovers
- Marsgate Mystery: Fixes for hostile rovers to prevent them from salvage after battery drain
- Fix for Autonomous sensors to not show "outside drone control" icon after Autonomous Sensors tech is researched if sensors are build prior research completion
- Beyond Earth Mystery: Fix for saves swarmed by trade rockets, causing infinite loop from pinned rockets
- Fixes on Polymer Factory production (now depends on its workers)
- Fix for some edge cases of automated routes for Transport Rover
- Fix for chance for crime prevention (capped at 50% when Security Officers outnumber renegades 3 to 1)
- Fix for Waste Rock production to now properly depend on the grade of Concrete, Metals and Rare Metals deposit used
- Fix for colonists and drones to stop going through Spires
- Improved estimation of the load of the drone controllers (Hub, Rover, Rocket)
- Buildings are now considered to be in dome range if one of their hexes is inside dome range
- Updated University description
- Clarified immigration policy texts
- Various performance optimizations
- Various stability improvements
- Various sound FX tweaks
- Documentation for Effects - building blocks for Mission Sponsor, Commander Profile and Game Rule mod items
- Added ''GlobalEffects'' mod item
- Default mod preview image format is set to PNG
- Kept backward compatibility with mods that use the old tags system
New Features:
- Five-part Tutorial - Comprehensive tutorial separated into five thematic sections, introducing the core gameplay concepts in the different stages of Surviving Mars.
- New Domes - Curiosity introduces five new Dome types. These are entirely new models with new shapes, functionality and costs. With one exception, they do not require new techs to be researched. The smallest domes do not allow Spire construction
- Infobar – Provides general overview of all the resources of the colony, including research progress
- Command Center - The Command Center is a handy new UI toolset that provides historical data for the colony and the ability to inspect and manage multiple buildings, colonists or vehicles without selecting them individually. It has been developed as part of our effort to reduce the micromanagement and to provide a more informative overview interface for certain gameplay aspects. The Command Center currently offers five different tools: Graphs, Buildings, Domes, Colonists, and Transportation.
Important changes and fixes:
- New Game Rule: "Endless Supply" - the first Universal Depot you place will automatically fill with resources each Sol.
- Removed "Request maintenance" button and related functionality
- Vehicle pin icons now indicate battery level
- Added "Home dome" to colonists infopanel
- Updated Mouse pointer/cursor texts for Rovers, drones, and colonists
- Added rollover about colonists to Resource Overview
- Added stored food in service buildings to Resource Overview
- Added ticks to completed mysteries in pre-game menu
- Clicking on the HUD pause button toggles between pause and last used game speed
- More detailed cursor messages when trying (and failing) to place passages and ramps
- Fix for "Reassign all" button to no longer reassign uncontrollable drones (dead, disabled, embarked, rogue)
- Added new photo mode filter, "Orton" - dreamy and saturated
- Added frame rate cap in options
- Fix for reborn colonists (Project Phoenix) to keep their traits, including their specialization
- Fix for biorobots specialization to allow college education
- Ctrl-click on drone prefab buttons converts five drones at a time
- Fix for colonists to properly select new home when current residence is turned off
- Fix for Psychologist commander profile to properly provide 5 Sanity boost
- Added Simplified Chinese language
Other changes and fixes:
- GDPR-related changes to Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, and in case you have been living on another planet the past two weeks, it is related to the mandatory EU regulation of the same name.
- Fix for Research UI to shield scrolling instead of pressing Outsource or Close buttons
- Controller: Workslot rollover now properly updates after firing a colonist
- Controller: Fix to go back in the Encyclopedia hints section with the "back" button
- Controller: In-game menu now handles safe area margins better
- Photo mode: Hide UI fix
- Fix for Rover infopanel to hide battery when "Rover Command AI" tech is researched
- Added check to avoid spawning an anomaly inside dome
- Black Cubes: Fix for some remaining single Black Cubes, now properly collected
- Spheres: Fix for wrong positioning of sound sources when Spheres make cold areas
Passages and related issues:
- Fix for Passages and Ramps to return resources when demolished
- Tweaks to job selection logic in the presence of Passages
- Updated dome warning/error messages to work better in the presence of passages
- Fix for Passages to light up only if at least one of the connected domes has power
- Fix for a bug where colonists became suspended in the air and walk in place
- Added Building Entrance Path to entities
- Documentation fixes and additional details
- Removed obsolete texture channels from Blender exporter
General fixes:
- Fix for proper calculation of Sponsor effects in launch UI
- Fixed certain cases of stuck drones, coming from reporting unreachable destinations
- Colonists can no longer eat from Rockets
- Colonists now wear space suits when exiting Rockets in all cases
- Pathfinding: fixed a bug where passage entrance/exit may be inaccessible
- Fix for missing palette when changing skins during dome placement
- Fix to prevent rovers from going into another rover that is uncontrollable (e.g. broken)
- Fix for Automated mode rockets to wait their inbound cargo to be fully unloaded before taking off
- Fix for Rockets takeoff, happening without refuel
- Fix for proper demolishing of Automated Depots
- Self-maintenance buildings are excluded from maintenance resource overview calculation (caused negative values)
- Drone controller load notification now displayed only for working Drone controllers
- Fix for in-dome sounds to be more prominent when in-dome or when a dome is selected
- Fix for resources not displayed on the construction depot when placing a building on a pile of resources
- Fix for Triboelectric Scrubber to stop resetting its cleaning cycle every time it is selected
- Fix for a pathfinder bug leading to drones stuck near dome entrances
- Fix for better handling of unreachable buildings by drones
- Drone reassignment and packing/unpacking streamlined; added to RC Rovers and their infopanels
- Malfunctioned and dead rovers block other units' movement
- Fix for anomalies and surface deposits which blocked constructions around them in a too wide radius
- Fix for assigning of workplace/residence with right-click
- Fix for colonists to stop going outside domes when food depots are empty
- Fix for drones getting stuck in Rockets in some rare circumstances (yet again)
- Fix for flickering elements of construction hex grid
- Fix for meteor cycle button notification
- Fix for the negative resource amounts in depots
- Fix for a water production bug happening when upgrading a Water Extractor with Fueled Extractors
- Fix for proper effect of Storage Compression tech for water tanks
- Numerous fixes for to RC Transport right-click actions
- Fix for negative water consumption of farms in certain cases
- Fix for Dome working state leading to "x" icon on Dome pin
- Fix for yellow grid appearing under domes
- Fix for Rocket alignment when landing
- Fixed a Rocket launch condition which led to take off in automated mode during dust storms
- Fix for misaligned cranes when rotating mechanized storage depots
- Fix for a non-refreshing infopanel re. electricity
- Clicking the Hints button now opens the Encyclopedia on the last dismissed hint
- Fix for colonists to look for workplace considering specialist filtering
- Gamepad: "Invert look" option now properly applies to zooming in and out
- Fixed scaling of Space Elevator rope
- Fixed missing launcher icon on some Linux installations
- Fix for mod radio stations to work properly on some Linux installations
- Fixed double click on Linux
- General performance improvements
- Sound fixes and improvements
La mina Mohole!! XD
Seguí tus pasos y empecé con la mina Mohole. ¡Hala! Minerales por la cara para los restos. Luego el Elevador espacial. Y eso que había configurado en las reglas lo de los viajes largos que introdujeron en los últimos parches para darle "vidilla". No había previsto las consecuencias... Ahora tienes servicio a domicilio con lo que necesites, sin esperas y a mitad de precio, además de vender el mineral raro automáticamente y sin consumir combustibles. Ni un cohete lanzado desde entonces (más allá de alguno esporádico para traer gente). Y ahora que completé el sol artificial.. pufff, me sobra energía por todos lados. Ahora el único aliciente es ver si consigo llegar a montar un hormiguero de gente en cúpulas grandes y completar el resto de maravillas... pero se queda el juego roto por completo, ahora resulta demasiado fácil.
Deschamps escribió:Seguí tus pasos y empecé con la mina Mohole. ¡Hala! Minerales por la cara para los restos. Luego el Elevador espacial. Y eso que había configurado en las reglas lo de los viajes largos que introdujeron en los últimos parches para darle "vidilla". No había previsto las consecuencias... Ahora tienes servicio a domicilio con lo que necesites, sin esperas y a mitad de precio, además de vender el mineral raro automáticamente y sin consumir combustibles. Ni un cohete lanzado desde entonces (más allá de alguno esporádico para traer gente). Y ahora que completé el sol artificial.. pufff, me sobra energía por todos lados. Ahora el único aliciente es ver si consigo llegar a montar un hormiguero de gente en cúpulas grandes y completar el resto de maravillas... pero se queda el juego roto por completo, ahora resulta demasiado fácil.
jajaja, pues mira, el sol ese lo contrui de lo ultimo porque no epnse que fuera tan bueno, y ahora no estoy seguro de que es mejor, el mohole ese o el mini sol
¿Y esto qué es lo que es?
Cawen!! ¿Empiezo a darme por jodido? XD
It is a totally free DLC that basically resupplies your mysteries!
Below is some information about the new mysteries contained in the pack:
- St. Elmo's Fire - Colonists find it hard to get a good night’s sleep, especially when mysterious lights begin appearing where they have no reason to be. What is causing these unexpected apparitions and is it connected to the confusing changes in the water supply?
- The Philosopher's Stone - Encounter beings that are a far cry from the fleshy bags we call carbon-based life when the colony stumbles upon entirely crystalline entities. Are they here to be of assistance or only out to protect the family jewels?
- Metatron - Colonists look to the sky agape as a great floating monolith has parked itself directly above the fledgling colony. Does it come in peace or is it even sentient? Either way, it is certainly blocking the views from the dome!
Jatto escribió:No se si a alguien le ha pasado ya que u a corporación de la tierra lo ataque. En mi partida fue demoledor, coloque torre tas para defenderme pero fue inútil, me destrozaron, perdí más de 300 almas en minutos. Me pareció bastante grotezco comparado con el resto de la dificultad del juego.
moroter escribió:Jatto escribió:No se si a alguien le ha pasado ya que u a corporación de la tierra lo ataque. En mi partida fue demoledor, coloque torre tas para defenderme pero fue inútil, me destrozaron, perdí más de 300 almas en minutos. Me pareció bastante grotezco comparado con el resto de la dificultad del juego.
Me pasó a mi también, a la mierda la partida en un par de minutos, MUY bestia xD
Jatto escribió:moroter escribió:Jatto escribió:No se si a alguien le ha pasado ya que u a corporación de la tierra lo ataque. En mi partida fue demoledor, coloque torre tas para defenderme pero fue inútil, me destrozaron, perdí más de 300 almas en minutos. Me pareció bastante grotezco comparado con el resto de la dificultad del juego.
Me pasó a mi también, a la mierda la partida en un par de minutos, MUY bestia xD
Es que vienes tipo Bambie y de repente de joder!!! Cargando nuevamente vi que si exploras la habilidad torreta en seguida que te lo permiten y empiezas ha fabricarlas de a pares después puedes hacerles frente con más facilidad, pero perdí como 6 mil de dinero para prepararme pidiendo recursos a cara de perro. De todos modos por un bug uno de sus carro de combate quedó cubierto por el desnivel del terreno y me bombardeo tanto una cúpula que la gente se suicidaba por estrés. Una locura.