Game update folder
Currently, loadiine doesn't use the update installed on the console (either from a normal update installed from disc or from WUP Installer).
If you want to update your game for loadiine, you need to install the update on your SD card.
Download the update with JNUSTool and copy the file into your game's folder on your SD card.
Merge and replace the three code, content, meta folders.
Loadiine version 0.3 allows you to keep your game's folder clean and install updates or mods in different folders.
It will also allow you to keep multiple updates or game mods and select the one you want to launch.
Create a folder named "updates" in your game's folder.
Create a new folder for each update version, for example:
mario kart 8 [AMKP01]/updates/v16/
mario kart 8 [AMKP01]/updates/v64/
and copy the corresponding code/content/meta folders inside.
The folder will look like this:
A new file named "filelist.txt" will be generated on first use of an update folder to list all the files to be replaced in real time while playing.
If you are modding your game and updating the files to be replaced, delete the "filelist.txt" file to force loadiine to re-generate it.
If you want to use a different savegame for your mod, or for each game updates (in case they are incompatible with each other), you can enable "extra save" setting in the individual game setting.
See the savegame section below.
Note: JNUSTool has been updated to download updates in their respective folders to match this required layout and to generate the "filelist.txt" file.
Just copy or move the downloaded folder into your "wiiu/games/game title [GameID]/updates/" folder on your SD card.