[HO] WRC Generations - ¡Ya a la venta! - Parche disponible

Bienvenidos al hilo oficial de WRC Generations.
Pensaba que Nacon dejaba ya los WRC y cogían el testigo los de Codemasters.
fonso86 escribió:Pensaba que Nacon dejaba ya los WRC y cogían el testigo los de Codemasters.

Eso es a partir de marzo del 2023.
Entrevista al director creativo del juego Alain Jarniou
https://www.trueachievements.com/n49805 ... -game-pass

Explica como han representado el sístema híbrido de los Rally1 y los mapas de uso, detalla el nuevo modo Liga, dice que las localizaciones que han creado en sus 7 juegos estarán en el juego.
El vídeo de 1 hora de TeamVVV que se ha estado emitiendo en Steam
Gameplay de Oliver Solberg en el Rally de Suecia

Gameplay de Takamoto Katsuta en el Rally de Japón
Para uno que no ha tocado ningun WRC de Nacon hasta ahora y teniendo ya Dirt Rally 2.0, ¿recomandais darle un intento? Por el tema de que es el último que hacen y demás.
Trailer de lanzamiento
No han dicho nada de meterlo VR al juego, no ?
En la pagina de Steam no pone que traiga las voces en Español...¿es así? Me parece raro :-? .
seriousharry escribió:En la pagina de Steam no pone que traiga las voces en Español...¿es así? Me parece raro :-? .

No te preocupes, está doblado al castellano.
A mí me da error todo el rato y no inicia el juego. Si lo sé ni lo compro, ya me empieza a cansar tener que estar siempre batallando con problemas de los juegos que te hacen perder un montón de tiempo buscando soluciones. El PC en ese sentido es demasiado engorroso. Tienes un rato para jugar y al final lo tienes que perder buscando soluciones y si la encuentras, en fin.
Le dado un ratillo… y sensaciones raras… con volante tspc

Al acelerar el pedal va raro.. si dejas de acelerar se frena mucho.. el volante en la imagen solo se ve moverse 95 grados… y luego independientemente de esas sensaciones extrañas… graficamente meeeh
¿Se puede empezar una temporada directamente desde. WRC o tienes que pasar por las las otras ccategorias obligado?
Eddie11 escribió:¿Se puede empezar una temporada directamente desde. WRC o tienes que pasar por las las otras ccategorias obligado?

No es posible, tienes que empezar o en WRC Junior o en WRC2.
er185 escribió:
Eddie11 escribió:¿Se puede empezar una temporada directamente desde. WRC o tienes que pasar por las las otras ccategorias obligado?

No es posible, tienes que empezar o en WRC Junior o en WRC2.

Buffff, pues ya lo pillaré cuándo esté más barato, no le veo el sentido a que en el juego oficial no puedas empezar una temporada con los WRC..

Es cómo si en los F1 tuvieras que empezar en F2...
Parche disponible
Patch Notes

Nvidia DLSS3 integrated
Fixed several issues with Nvidia DLSS2

Fixed wrong car displayed in vitrine-showroom if the user doesn't have the DLC

Career Mode
Fixed sponsors objectives won't trigger anymore in shakedowns
Crash fixed in PaceNoteManager when trying to go to next pacenote

Solo league hub ranking display fixed
Compute number of players/teams going down in leagues

Fixed league history period number

Fix female audio pacenotes during onboarding tuto

Game credit update
Fixed rendering mode not applying when the you changed it
Mute all meaningless sounds during the loading
Fixed an issue with slider options related to pad vibration
Fixed a penalty issue on starting race too early after countdown
Fixed an issue related to waiting for terrain loading when we start a custom race
Fixed an incorrect texture on drivercards

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 5624829323
Parche disponible
Fixed with December 2nd update
Fixed an issue where the timing was set to 00'00" when the player was DNF.
In Amateur Leagues, players that didn't participate are not displayed anymore.
Point attribution system as been changed for daily and weekly challenges.
Allowed users to display the rankings for previous weeks.
Optimized tooltips.
Fixed the display of some groups being wrong.
For Weekly Challenges, Car Setup and Tyre Choice are now taken into account for the whole rally instead of the first special only.
Added tooltips in Car Setup.

Added saving the car deformation depending on collisions.
Fixed saving the car deformation after a DNF.
The car deformation save is now online.
Fixed an issue occuring when using a custom livery in a realistic rally. The fix implies that it is no longer possible to use custom liveries in this mode.
For rallies, Car Setup and Tyre Choice are now taken into account for the whole rally instead of the first special only.
Added tooltips in Car Setup.

Cars & Physics
Fixed a throttle issue where it was only effective when pressed at near maximum.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to accelerate even with the clutch engaged when using a peripheral.
Fixed an issue where the car was going backwards after pressing the throttle briefly.
Fixed several issues linked to the Car Setup and restrictions depending on the type of car.
Fixed some car setup modifications being incompatible with semi-auto, virtually changing to manual.
Fixed an animation problem when using a steering wheel peripheral.
Optimized using rain tyres on wet roads, they should now give more of an advantage compared to dry tyres.
Fixed the display of a Licensing Rallye sticker on custom liveries of the Yaris WRC.

Fixed the presence of an invisible obstacle in Turkey SSS Marmaris.
Fixed several collision & respawn problems on multiple stages.

Fixed an issue when navigating in the camera choice interface.
Optimised the display of DLC liveries and stickers, by adding DLC icon on content tiles in: Livery Catalog, vitrine-showroom, stickers editing list, stickers catalog.

Fixed an issue when choosing the female co-pilot voice in Career and other modes, now the global setting in the Game Settings menu will be used instead.
Fixed a sound issue on Audi Quattro and Skode Fabia.
Other minor interface and environment sound fixes.

PC Only
Fixed an FFB issue when disconnecting and reconnecting the Fanatec GT DD Pro.
Added information linked to RT and LT buttons for Logitech Pro wheel.
Fixed some Nvidia DLSS option interdependencies.
Fixed crash when changing Thrustmaster API setting.

PS4|5 only
Fixed users with system language set to Japanese not being able to create a new team or save a new livery.
Game Credits updated
Fixed the wrong car displayed in Catalog vitrine-showroom if the user doesn't have the DLC
Fixed an issue related to waiting for terrain loading when we start a custom race
Fix rendering mode not applying when we change it (requiring a game restart)
Solo league hub ranking display fixed
Fixed a penalty issue on starting race too early after countdown
Fixed possible default textures on drivercards
Fixed an issue with slider options related to pad vibration
Compute number of players/teams going down in leagues
Fixed Teams league history period number
Fix sponsors objectives won't trigger anymore in shakedowns
Prevent crash in PaceNoteManager when trying to go to next pacenote
Fixed female audio pacenotes during onboarding tuto
Mute all meaningless sounds during the loading

https://www.reddit.com/r/WRCTheGame/com ... on_update/
Parche disponible
Fixed an issue with the hybrid launch control gauge.
Fixed an issue with TCS, where some power was lost at low speed if it was activated.
Fixed a display issue on brake disks under specific conditions.

Fixed a display issue in Clubs leaderboards where it only showed the 10 best scores.

Fixed an issue with PS5 Dualsense Controller linked to "Rescale / Accelerate" setting. It should now be set to "ON" by default.

Nvidia DLSS
Nvidia DLAA is now available for compatible graphical cards, along with DLSS.

Changed the lowest League name from "Beginner" to "Amateur".
Fixed an issue when playing more than a single promotion/relegation animation in one instance of the game.

Livery Editor
Fixed an issue when exceeding 255 stickers in editor.

https://store.steampowered.com/news/app ... 2583819346
Nuevo parche disponible
As mentioned shortly before the holidays we are now releasing on PlayStation & Xbox consoles the update that was deployed on PC. You learn about its content on the patch notes below.

We are also releasing a small fix on PC (also included in this update for console players) to resolve a saving issue with the Leagues Mode.

Consoles Only Fixes
Fixed an issue when exceeding 255 stickers in editor.

Changed the lowest League name from "Beginner" to "Amateur".

Fixed a display issue in Clubs leaderboards where it only showed the 10 best scores.

Fixed an issue when playing more than a single promotion/relegation animation in one instance of the game.

Fixed an issue with the hybrid launch control gauge.

Fixed an issue with TCS, where some power was lost at low speed if it was activated.

Fixed a display issue on brake disks under specific conditions.

All Platforms
Fixed a progression save issue in Leagues.

Thank you once more for your feedback and continous support!

The WRC team

https://www.reddit.com/r/WRCTheGame/com ... ion_15260/
adriano_99 está baneado hasta el 30/3/2025 18:49 por "troleo continuado a moderación"
metalgear escribió:Desarchivado @adriano_99

Gracias, ahora de verdad xD

A lo que iba, tengo un problema con el que empiezo a estar desesperado.
Hace muchos años jugaba mucho con amigos y familiares a los WRC de la ps2, sobretodo nos echabamos mundiales entre nosotros.
He querido durante unos años repetir eso pero no encuentro ningún juego en que pueda hacer lo que hacíamos aquel entonces.
Mundial dividido en países, cada país con varias etapas, al terminar un país se suman los tiempos de las etapas y se otorgan los puntos para el mundial.
Los jugadores corren de uno en uno, no a la vez.
Preferiblemente que se pueda en local pero si tiene que ser online a estas alturas me conformo.
Puedo con este juego hacer algo así?
22 respuestas