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Sergirt82 escribió:¡¡¡¡No jodas!!!!
Y yo perdiéndome la conferencia. Hombre de poca fe que soy
mimeh escribió:Sergirt82 escribió:¡¡¡¡No jodas!!!!
Y yo perdiéndome la conferencia. Hombre de poca fe que soy
Tampoco te pierdes mucho, un "ah y los Yakuza estos vienen a occidente" <insertar trailer de 5 segundos de Kazuma dando ostias> y ya
Zack_VII escribió:Un momento...me estais diciendo que tanto kawami como el 6, salen al final si o si en occidente?
Kiniela escribió:Que grande, anunciado y todo. Ya que estamos en racha que venga en español
ryo hazuki escribió:A mi no me extrañaria ni un pelo que sega relanzara Yakuza 5 en fisico en ps4
cloud_cato escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:A mi no me extrañaria ni un pelo que sega relanzara Yakuza 5 en fisico en ps4
Dios te oiga![]()
Yakuza 0, kiwami y 6 en mi PS4 gaijin...![]()
Ya q estamos en racha, vamos a pedir también el Ishin
mani1985 escribió:Grandisimas noticias!!¡ lo que faltaria las 2 entregas de la psp
Lucas Kane escribió:Hay hilo Yakuza en el foro de PS4? Deberíamos trasladar este hilo allí? Creo que le daríamos un poco más de visibilidad, y con todos estos anuncios de PS4 tendría mucho sentido a estas alturas.
Lucas Kane escribió:mani1985 escribió:Grandisimas noticias!!¡ lo que faltaria las 2 entregas de la psp
Voy a ser egoísta y pedir antes el Kenzan e Ishin
Yakuza Kiwami – a remake of the original PS2 classic – is coming to PS4
Revisit the roots of SEGA’s much-loved open-world crime sim
It’s time to go back to where Kazuma Kiryu – the Dragon of Dojima’s story all began, as Yakuza Kiwami is coming to PlayStation 4 in 2017! And by “where it all began”, I mean the actual first entry in the series and not the prequel Yakuza 0. (Which is coming to PlayStation 4 in January, and you’re all getting, right? Right.)
Yakuza Kiwami is a ground-up remake of the original Yakuza game, which first released on the PlayStation 2 back in 2005. “Oh, not another remake,” you’re probably thinking – the buzzword leaving a wonky, badly-textured taste in your mouth. Well – let me stop you right there, dear reader and reveal to you that “Kiwami” literally translates to “EXTREME!!1ONE!” and here’s how Yakuza Kiwami turns remakes on their heads:
* ALL the in-game graphics were redone for the PlayStation 4. And I’m not talking about doing some shady up-rezzes of existing art, oh no. Graphics were completely redone for the 1080p/60fps PlayStation 4 environment, and boy does it show: < >
* The audio lines were re-recorded by the original cast (in Japanese). Astute fans may recall the US version of Yakuza being the only Yakuza game with a well-intentioned English dub, but given the complexity and uniqueness of the yakuza dialect, Kiwami exclusively has the original Japanese voices, re-recorded with the experience of the many Yakuza games since 2005!
* You like combat? Boom! The combat in Yakuza Kiwami has been upgraded to the fast and (for legal purposes I can’t include the word I want to here, but it starts with an f and rhymes with “curious”) combat style of Yakuza 0, where Kiryu can change stances on the fly to chain together combos and pull off the outrageously devastatingly satisfying (or satisfyingly devastating?) Heat Actions the game is known for!
* Substories! Finding substories (side missions) has become commonplace in the generations since Yakuza’s release, but were a bit obscure or difficult to find back in 2005. That’s been fully revamped now, with a clear delineation between the critical path missions and some of the quirky off-shoots of the main story.
* Majima Everywhere. This is literally the best thing ever. Majima, the one-eyed, mad-as-a-hatter psychopath of the Yakuza series takes on the role of the protagonist’s sworn nemesis. And to punctuate that in Kiwami, there’s a new system where he pops out of the most random of places for impromptu encounters. I’m talking “pops out of a manhole” levels of ridiculous, which is what makes it so great.
If that wasn’t enough (and if you’re not familiar with the overwhelming amount of content in a Yakuza game, well, you’re in for a treat), we’ve added in some new diversions to spice up the streets of Kamurocho, including: Pocket Circuit car racing, MesuKing: Battle Bug Beauties, new hostesses, and more.
So, to recap where we are – Yakuza Kiwami includes new graphics, new voice, new combat, better mission/quality of life improvements, and a roaming nemesis. Sounds good, right? Well, we’re barely scratching the surface:
“But John,” you say. “I’m a Yakuza fan since the original and I know this game backwards, forwards and inside out!” Don’t fret! Because in addition to all the other things we’ve added, there’s also ~30 minutes of new cutscenes to add in some interesting character depth for the game’s critical path (main story), and best of all – the story adds in some threads that help tie in Yakuza 0!
And, for those of you who may have missed the announcement during the PlayStation Experience keynote, SEGA is keeping the Yakuza train rolling with the announcement that in addition to Yakuza Kiwami, SEGA is also localizing and publishing Yakuza 6! We can’t tell you much since the game hasn’t even released in Japan yet, but we’ll tell you this much – the beautiful, sleepy port town of Onomichi in Hiroshima prefecture will never be the same…
Fuente: Blog PlayStation Europe
legionpsm escribió:@cloud_cato, y el de wii, no nos olvidemos del de wii, eso lo hace mas multiplataforma![]()
Un saludo.
Daniken79 escribió:Supongo que el próximo en salir en Japón será Kiwami 2, ¿no?
O algún spin-off de esos que jamás nos llegará...
Sergirt82 escribió:Daniken79 escribió:Supongo que el próximo en salir en Japón será Kiwami 2, ¿no?
O algún spin-off de esos que jamás nos llegará...
Sí, yo creo que harán como hicieron con el Kiwami/6, aunque sin anunciar los dos juntos. Un equipo estará con el Kiwami 2 para que salga a finales 2017/primeros 2018, y otro equipo estará con el "nuevo" RGG, sin Kiryu ni Haruka ya en el juego, para finales del 2018.
Lo que me gustará ver es qué motor utilizarán para el Kiwami 2, porque si utilizan el nuevo cantará un "poco" respecto al 1.
Nuku nuku escribió:Sergirt82 escribió:Daniken79 escribió:Supongo que el próximo en salir en Japón será Kiwami 2, ¿no?
O algún spin-off de esos que jamás nos llegará...
Sí, yo creo que harán como hicieron con el Kiwami/6, aunque sin anunciar los dos juntos. Un equipo estará con el Kiwami 2 para que salga a finales 2017/primeros 2018, y otro equipo estará con el "nuevo" RGG, sin Kiryu ni Haruka ya en el juego, para finales del 2018.
Lo que me gustará ver es qué motor utilizarán para el Kiwami 2, porque si utilizan el nuevo cantará un "poco" respecto al 1.
¿se ha confirmado que haruka y su ojisan no estaran en el 7? estoy super desconectado del 6.
Kiniela escribió:@Sergirt82 Hombre no creo que vayan a usar uno mas antiguo xD
Nuku nuku escribió:¿se ha confirmado que haruka y su ojisan no estaran en el 7? estoy super desconectado del 6.
cercata escribió:El kiwami no uiliza el mismo motor que el 6 ? Las imagenes que he visto yo, tenia pinta de juego de generación actual ...![]()
Yo es que me contento con poco !!!!!!
Rendel escribió:Wow!!! Que sorpresa!!! Y yo que tenia el cinco ahi quietecito sin jugarlo para poder empalmar dos en un año y de repente se vìene el kiwami y el 6. Si nos dicen esto hace seis meses nos pensamos que viene de algun loco.
Pues nada, a darle caña al 5 desde ya que se van acumulando ... algo impensable!!!!
cloud_cato escribió:@Trujan , si solo tienes PS4, solo podrás jugar a Y0, Kiwami y Y6, en ese orden.
Puede parecer suficiente, pero perderse Y2 es un delito... aunque seguramente acaben haciendo Kiwami 2 para Ps4
Los Kiwami son remakes de los originales.
carmelero escribió:Esto tiene pinta de llevarse tijeretazo
Zack_VII escribió:Una duda gente, conoceis alguna web, canal de youtube, blog etc, que resuma las historias de cada uno d elos 5 personajes de yakuza 5? royo resumen del capitulo explicando que ha pasado y demas? esque aparque´un tiempo el juego esperando estar mas cerca del lanzamiento del zero, y lo retomé ayer, estando al final con shinada, y aunque me acuerdo de la mayoria de cosas, al final sale mucha cosa, nombre etc que no recuerdo dle todo, y un resumen, me da igual si está en español o ingles, me vendria de perlas antes de seguir por tokio ahora.
The game picks up following the end of Yakuza 4, with Yakuza: Dead Souls being considered a non-canon spinoff. Since then, Kazuma Kiryu, who has changed his name to Suzuki Taichi, has become a taxi driver in Fukuoka. Taiga Saejima is serving a 2-year jail sentence in Hokkaido following the events of the previous game, while Shun Akiyama is in Osaka on a business trip. Haruka Sawamura has also left the orphanage in Okinawa and is currently in Osaka pursuing a career of becoming an Idol. She currently lives independently in Osaka and practices singing and dancing, though her talent agency is not all that it seems. The new character in the series, Tatsuo Shinada, is a former baseball player who was given a life ban for gambling, but may have been framed.[4]
Previously, in 2010 a ceasefire between the two yakuza clans of the Tojo Clan and the Ueno Seiwa Clan ended with the revelation of a conspiracy by the police force following the events of Yakuza 4. The Tojo Clan then underwent a major re-organization under the leadership of 6th chairman, Daigo Dojima, and a truce with the Omi Alliance was formed. However, two years later in December 2012, the 7th chairman of the Omi Alliance is on his deathbed. With the death of the 7th chairman it would mean that the truce between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance would be broken leading to a war between the clans. In order to prepare, the Tojo Clan is forced to strengthen their organization by aligning themselves with older clans based in other major cities across Japan, in order to create a new organization rivaling that of the Omi Alliance. This new alliance would breach the old traditional barriers of Clan territories and so Daigo Dojima heads for Fukuoka.[8]
The story begins in Fukuoka with Daigo Dojima having met with Tadashi Madarame, the patriarch of the local clan. Daigo then leaves to meet discreetly with Kazuma Kiryu who now lives under the alias of Taichi Suzuki as a cab driver. He goes home for the night and has a chat with Mayumi, a hostess that he’s befriended. After work the next day he is met by Yuu Morinaga and Masato Aizawa, members of the Tojo Clan who were running security for Daigo during his visit to Fukuoka. They inform Kiryuu that Daigo has gone missing and that the last person he had contact with was Kiryu. Aizawa and Morinaga show up at Kiryu’s house the following day, having gotten into a brawl with Yamagasa men. They learn Aoyama has taken up being the interim chairman which alarms them.
While going to retrieve his boss Nakajima from a diner Kiryu is met by Kazuhiko Serizawa, an Osakan detective with the Organized Crimes Unit. He warns Kiryu that he needs to meet with Omi Alliance Lieutenant Watase unless Aizawa and Morinaga act first and cause a war. Kiryu meets with Watase who reveals he has no interest in Daigo and thus doesn’t know where he is, but he does reveal a lot of information was leaked by Aoyama. Kazuma rushes to the hotel where Madarame and Aoyama are only to find Madarame stabbed after trying to shoot Aoyama. Aoyama was planning to take over the Tojo Clan and thus frames Kiryu for attacking Madarame and shooting Morinaga. Kiryu fights his way out, but Aoyama sets off the explosives in the hotel and eliminates any evidence.
The following morning Kiryu finds Mayumi at his apartment who it turns out is Madarame’s daughter and was tasked with watching Kiryu as a favor to Daigo to keep Kiryu’s life peaceful. He reveals Daigo also was never abducted but has instead gone into hiding as he believed that Aoyama was making an attempt on his life. With Daigo sorting out affairs incognito, Madarame gives Kiryu a letter for Yahata. Kiryu meets with Yahata and shows him the letter ordering the dissolution of the Yamagasa Family. Yahata agrees but he’s still intent on fighting the Tojo. Kiryu tears up the letter, saying that the Yamagasa need to remain intact to keep the peace in Fukuoka. As such, he has Yahata call up Aoyama demanding to meet at the docks for a war.
Instead of having the Yamagasa and Tojo fight, Kazuma proposes he take on Aoyama’s forces by himself as that won’t be a war. He battles his way through Aoyama’s men and savagely beats Aoyama as a warning. Aoyama confesses his ploy wasn’t to take over the Tojo but to lure Kiryu out of hiding. Before Aoyama can reveal his master’s identity he’s shot in the head by Morinaga who was in on the plan from the start. He admits to murdering Aizawa and declares that Kiryu go to Kamurocho for answers.
Two days later Kiryu meets with Serizawa who informs him they found Aizawa’s brutalized body and wonders if Kiryu is going to Tokyo. Kiryu says he’ll follow his own path, but the detective tells him to listen to the news. On the car radio Kiryu hears that a murder victim has been found in Sapporo with it being none other than Goro Majima. His decision made, Kiryu dons his grey suit and heads to Tokyo, bidding farewell to the photograph of the children at his orphanage.
In Sapporo, Hokkaido Saejima is serving out his sentence. He is attempting to keep on his best behavior in order to get an early parole, but is repeatedly beaten by the gang of Kugihara. Kosaka, the Deputy Warden, offers the chance for Saejima to serve out the rest of his sentence in solitary confinement but Saejima declines as he fears Kugihara will turn his attention to his cell mates whom he has befriended.
The following day Shigeki Baba, one of Saejima’s cell mates, is accused of stabbing one of Kugihara’s gang members. Saejima believes there is foul play due to Baba’s parole hearing being that day. They discover that Kugihara framed Baba to which Saejima confronts him. Kugihara reveals he’d be trying to get Saejima to fight him to delay his parole. Saejima is brought before Kosaka who gives Saejima a letter detailing that he’s been excommunicated from the Tojo Clan. Saejima also finds out that Goro Majima has been murdered.
Later that night Kosaka meets with Saejima and Baba. He details that Saejima’s parole was denied by the Ministry of Justice and the Warden was murdered outside of Sapporo Airport. He also says that there are one-hundred inmates scheduled for transfer into the prison and they are likely assassins. He gives Saejima to a snowmobile outside the southwest exit and urges him and Baba to escape to figure out why Saejima is being targeted. Saejima and Baba escape after a protracted brawl with Kugihara and the new prisoners but wreck their snowmobile and Saejima is attacked by a monstrous bear called Yama-Oroshi. He and Baba are saved by Okudera, a hunter in the nearby village who has a grudge against the bear.
Saejima and Baba head to Sapporo to meet with Kitakata who is supposedly Majima’s killer. They manage to kidnap him during the Snow Festival via the sewer system and he talks with Saejima. Majima was brought to Kitakata to negotiate an equal alliance in spite of the Tojo Clan being the larger entity, however after Kitakata agreed to it Majima then advised him to decline the offer as he suspected it was being made for foul purposes. Before Kitakata can say who the mastermind is he is shot by Baba. Baba hesitates in killing Saejima, having grown to respect him and they fight.
Saejima is then detained by the Serizawa who tells him about the turmoil in the Tojo Clan. With Daigo missing, Majima murdered in Sapporo, and Tojo Lieutenant Azumi murdered in Nagoya the clan is in an uproar. He hypothesizes that someone is manipulating the whole ordeal and that Saejima is the key. He offers Saejima the opportunity to go to Kamurocho to figure out what’s going on if he provides information to the police.
Haruka is now living in the Sotenbori district of Osaka training for the Princess League competition in order to make her big debut, having been scouted by Mirei Park of Dyna Chair under the condition that Kiryu leave the orphanage lest his past put Haruka's success in jeopardy. Despite the lessons being grueling she remains optimistic. In the first round of the finals her opponents, T-Set, try to embarrass her prior to the show, but she manages to win. However, Ogita, her dance instructor, is angry with Park as he believes she’s being unreasonable due to switching her demands to make Haruka a star from one year to six months and leaves with Park voiding any compensation he would have received. Lacking an instructor, Park tells Haruka and Horie of a famous dance teacher named Christian who has recently come to Osaka. Haruka manages to find him due to a friend also being interested in being his student. He chooses Haruka as he finds her style to be more honest and less rehearsed. He is pleased with his new assignment at Dyna Chair and promises to make sure Haruka wins.
Haruka goes to buy Park a present after an event and is met by T-Set who berate and embarrass her. They’re stopped by Park who reminds them that doing such a thing in public can spread quickly on social media and the two relent. Haruka and Park bond over a shopping trip and Park talks about her past. As a child she was abused by her birth parents and taken in by a strict foster family and faced various issues due to her Korean heritage. She later started her career as a promising idol but became pregnant at eighteen which forced her to reveal that she’d been secretly married. She had an abortion due to putting her career first, but her husband left her as he believed he was holding her back in her dreams, her agency dropped her due to the fear of a potential scandal, and complications due to her abortion rendered her infertile. She founded Dyna Chair and wants Haruka to be able to succeed as she was unable to.
Park confesses she recently received a letter from her ex-husband who she is going to meet in Tokyo. Before that she leaves a fountain pen with Haruka which was a gift from her husband. She asks Haruka meet him and so Park can look her best for him. The next day she is found dead outside the office, apparently having thrown herself from the top floor of the building.
Shun Akiyama, looking to expand his Sky Finance money-lending business to Osaka, is called by his secretary Hana about Park’s death. He reunites with Haruka and details how Park borrowed 300 million yen from him to invest in Haruka. Due to that he doesn’t believe she would commit suicide and investigates with Haruka. He comes to the conclusion that foul play is involved.
Horie is then thrown from the building the following day with Akiyama catching Ogita and confronting a yakuza named Kanai. They manage to get away. Akiyama then examines the suicide note and comes to the conclusion it’s forged as Park had to use her left hand due to an injury from Ogita during an argument. He tracks down a forger in Sotenbori who was the one who made the note and tells Akiyama that his employer was the Yakuza he fought who he’s seen in the company of Naoki Katsuya, the president of Osaka Talents.
Akiyama investigates Osaka Enterprises and finds a heavily injured Ogita who confesses to killing Park accidentally when interrogating her and having to fake her death. She was targeted due to the letter her ex-husband sent her. During this Haruka wins the final round of the Princess League but is kidnapped by Kanai’s men shortly thereafter only for Katsuya to return her and reveal that Park’s ex-husband is none other than Goro Majima and that the letter reveals his whereabouts. He strikes a deal with Haruka over the phone telling her to go to Shin-Osaka Station. She agrees, but is met by Kanai who is beaten by Akiyama. Haruka and Akiyama head off to Tokyo with the letter in hand with Katsuya shortly behind.
In Nagoya Shinada is a former pro baseball player turned adult entertainment writer. He is approached by a strange, masked man who offers him twenty million yen (the amount he would have made in his rookie year) for finding out why he was blamed for stealing pitching signs from the Tokyo Gigants which led to a huge investigation over game fixing. Shinada mulls it over despite pressure from Takasugi to whom he owes a substantial amount of debt. After a talk with Milky, an erotic masseuse he frequents, he decides to go through with it and get to the bottom of the scandal. They track down Uno, the Wyvern’s former acupuncturist, who admits he was fired from the team shortly after Shinada. He remembers that it was probably because he found the misplaced phone of Manabe, another Wyverns player.
Shinada meets with Manabe at his yakiniku restaurant who reveals there had been game fixing going on with the plays being messaged via phone to the players with Shinada being the only player who didn’t know. Manabe urges Shinada to not pry further as there was a former player who was found dead after attempting to go through with the truth. Shinada returns to Uno’s clinic to think about who could have benefited from the scandal as even the Omi Alliance and Tojo Clan had their gambling operations shut down in the area. Shinada comes to the conclusion that the Nagoya Family benefited from it all as they established themselves in Kineicho shortly after the scandal. Shinada asks Takasugi to take him to the leader of the Nagoya Family, but Takasugi admits he doesn’t know anything about the organization and just claims connections in order to intimidate others. The three smell a gas leak and Shinada chases the saboteur to a construction site where he is crushed by falling bars. Shinada recognizes the man on the roof as his former teammate Sakai whom he confronts and is forced to fight. Sakai admits Shinada was sacrificed for the good of Nagoya but is crushed by a falling generator before he can reveal anything more.
Shinada then examines pitching data from the Wyverns and muses on how the team has taken a dive in quality, making him wonder if he wasn’t the only sacrifice for Nagoya. He and Takasugi head over to Ushijima and ask him about the Nagoya Family. Ushijima says he doesn’t know about the family’s inner workings, but claims that they’re far better for the town as before the scandal hit, Kineicho was ridden with crime. Just as they leave Shinada is contacted by Milky who claims her brother is being held hostage while Uno also calls to warn Shinada. Shinada heads to the docks for Milky who is tied up in a warehouse. It turns out it was a ruse and that she, Ushijima, and other members of the community are in fact the Nagoya Family. They hesitate on killing Shinada before Kobuta comes in intent on doing it, but Takasugi arrives in a fork lift to free Shinada. They battle through the docks chasing after Kobuta who Shinada beats. Manabe arrives and fights Shinada, though Shinada is quick to notice that Manabe let him win. He asks him who the mastermind of the Nagoya Family is to which Manabe gives him his cell phone and Shinada hears the voice of Fujita, his former manager.
The following morning the members of the Nagoya Family have turned themselves in and Shinada is met by his benefactor who is in fact Daigo Dojima, Shinada’s high school classmate. He gives Shinada his payment and tells him to stay out of anything in Tokyo, even saying he could get Shinada back into professional baseball. Shinada refuses, angrily hitting Daigo and saying he is sick of being manipulated. They fight to a draw and Daigo relents. On the train to Tokyo the evening edition of the newspaper reveals that the star pitcher of the Tokyo Gigants, Sawada, is being traded and Shinada races off to the Wyverns' stadium. Sawada admits he was meant to take Fujita’s place as the head of the Nagoya Family which was the purpose of the trade. The Nagoya Family was in fact just a puppet organization to the Kuroha family, a group within the Omi Alliance due to the organization in the midst of a power struggle. Sawada is meant to kill Shinada, but instead fights alongside him against the Omi Alliance soldiers. After the fight Shinada and Sawada have one last at-bat, Shinada hitting a home run off of Sawada’s curve ball. Content, Shinada says he can finally retire from baseball without regrets and heads to Tokyo.