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Sergirt82 escribió:Habrá demo del Hokuto en febrero:Hokuto ga Gotoku demo launches February in Japan
Sega will release a demo for Hokuto ga Gotoku, its Yakuza-style Fist of the North Star game from Yakuza Studio, for PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store in February in Japan.
Here are some other new details:
* Sega will run online video advertisements for Hokuto ga Gotoku from late December to mid-January, as well as both online video advertisements and website advertisements in February.
* Gameplay video(s) will come out in mid-January.
* Hands-on events are planned for the second half of December into January in cities such as Tokyo and Osaka.
* TV commercials will run from mid-February into early March.
* They’re targeting 400,000 sales.
Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 22 in Japan in standard and “Century’s End Premium” editions.
Fuente: Gematsu
Y a quien le interese los trofeos del Kiwami 2 que acaba de salir en Japón:Ryu ga Gotoku Kiwami 2 (platinum)
– obtained all trophies
Majima’s way of life
– cleared the story of Majima’s section
Story 1
– cleared Chapter 1 of the main story
Story 2
– cleared Chapter 2 of the main story
Story 3
– cleared Chapter 3 of the main story
Story 4
– cleared Chapter 4 of the main story
Story 5
– cleared Chapter 5 of the main story
Story 6
– cleared Chapter 6 of the main story
Story 7
– cleared Chapter 7 of the main story
Story 8
– cleared Chapter 8 of the main story
Story 9
– cleared Chapter 9 of the main story
Story 10
– cleared Chapter 10 of the main story
Story 11
– cleared Chapter 11 of the main story
Story 12
– cleared Chapter 12 of the main story
Story 13
– cleared Chapter 13 of the main story
Story 14
– cleared Chapter 14 of the main story
Story 15
– cleared Chapter 15 of the main story
Thanks from the staff (silver)
– cleared all chapters of the main story
Legendary man (gold)
– cleared the game on Legend difficulty
10 Substories
– cleared 10 substories
30 Substories
– cleared 30 substories
Substories complete domination! (silver)
– cleared all substories
Completion list 10
– cleared 10 items on the completion list
Completion list 30
– cleared 30 items on the completion list
Completion list 50
– cleared 50 items on the completion list
Completion list complete domination! (silver)
– cleared all items on the completion list
Skills master – battle
– acquired all battle skills
Skills master – heat actions
– acquired all heat actions
Skills master – other skills
– acquired all other skills
Long-legged Ojisan
– donated a total of 1,000,000 yen to Sunflower
Total skill master (silver)
– acquired all skills
Undisputed strength
– passed 180 strength rating without equipment
Undisputed attack power
– passed 180 attack rating without equipment
Undisputed defence
– passed 180 defence rating without equipment
Undisputed spirit
– passed 180 heat gauge rating without equipment
A man beyond limits
– achieved limit break on any basic skill
Abilities master (silver)
– achieved the highest level in all basic skills
Settle the score with Amon (silver)
– cleared the substory “The Ultimate Assassin”
Weapon master (silver)
– defeated 100 enemies using weapons
Playspot guide
– played at all playspots
Conqueror of the arena
– became champion of all tournaments in the coliseum
The strongest bodyguard
– cleared all bodyguard missions
Welcome to Four Shine!
– started working for Four Shine
A natural scout
– recruited 30 cabaret girls
Celebrate the Grand Prix!
– became Cabaret Club Grand Prix champion
Legend in black
– cleared the cabaret club management story
Kiryu’s advice shop
– listened to the troubles of all the platinum cast
Video enthusiast
– watched all videos
Get a job at Majima Construction
– started working for Majima Construction
Majima Construction expansion
– had over 50 people working for Majima Construction
Legendary construction company
– cleared the Clan Creator story
Strongest foreman
– achieved a Clan Creator mission score higher than 200,000
Coin locker complete domination!
– opened all coin lockers
Gourmet reporter
– ate or drank at all restaurants and bars in the main part of the game
City cameraman
– took 10 photos with the phone camera
Drink complete domination!
– drank all types of vending machine drinks
You’re barred
– wrecked three shops in the main part of the game
There’s money!
– had more than 10,000,000 yen
City guardian
– defeated all encounter bosses in the main part of the game
https://dojimasdragongirl.wordpress.com ... ophy-list/TIGA escribió:Que probabilidades hay de que SEGA haga un Yakuza Kiwami 3,4 y 5? Lo digo porque justo acabo de terminar el Zero y me ha encantado, pero claro, de cara al 6, no he jugado a ninguno de los otros y me perdería demasiado... Seguiré con Kiwami y Kiwami 2 (cuando salga en Europa) pero sería demasiado saltar directo al 6 :/
Así a corto/medio plazo lo dudo mucho.
El 2018 será el año del "renacer" de la saga, con el nuevo protagonista (además del Hokuto a primeros de año). Así que Nagoshi y cia estarán más por sacar adelante el nuevo retoño que en reeditar juegos antiguos.
En 2019 ya es otra historia, ya que últimamente alternan un año remake/otro año juego nuevo. Así que quizás en 2020 vemos algo por aquí.
TIGA escribió:Y el Hokuto seguirá la historia de los otros 6? O argumentalmente la línea será nueva?
Sega Games
Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Yakuza: Kiwami 2 Director
Known for: Yakuza: Ishin!, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, Yakuza: Kiwami 2
“We are moving forward on preparations for the New Yakuza project. The announcement time is still not set, but please look forward to it.”
Toshihiro Nagoshi, Company Director and CPO
Known for: Yakuza series
“There are still things that we have yet to announce. There are still surprises to come, so please look forward to them!!”
Fuente: Gematsu
ryo hazuki escribió:Pues yo sigo teniendo fe de que salga yakuza 5 en ps4 en físico![]()
ryo hazuki escribió:Pues yo sigo teniendo fe de que salga yakuza 5 en ps4 en físico![]()
A todo esto, mi novia me regalo el kiwami para reyes, a ver si le saco algo de tiempo para que sacar mi primer puto platino de la saga (que no hay manera...)
Ekir escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:Pues yo sigo teniendo fe de que salga yakuza 5 en ps4 en físico![]()
A todo esto, mi novia me regalo el kiwami para reyes, a ver si le saco algo de tiempo para que sacar mi primer puto platino de la saga (que no hay manera...)
Y en español?![]()
El kiwami dicen que es bastante facil, lo tengo pero tengo mucho pendiente y aun no le he visto guia de trofeos
Estuviste cerca con el 4 no? Pena de hanafuda, es correoso
Sergirt82 escribió:Una hora de gameplay de Hokuto ga Gotoku:
Va del minuto 21:34 al 01:24:31.
Watch Tons of Yakuza 6 Gameplay in English; The Adult “Live Chat” Minigame Won’t Be Cut
Sega shows a ton of English gameplay of Yakuza 6, also talking about localization and confirming that the adult-oriented "live chat" minigame is still in.
Sega released an extensive video featuring a lot of gameplay of the upcoming adventure game Yakuza 6: The Song of Life.
Following about an hour of Yakuza Kiwami, Localization Producer Sam Mullen and Scott Strichart go on to introduce just south of another hour of Yakuza 6.
The first thing they mention is a confirmation that the sexy live-chat minigame was not cut from the game. Many apparently suspected the potentially controversial feature could have been removed because it did not appear in the latest minigame-focused trailer, but it simply wasn’t considered suitable for the trailer itself. Luckily it’s “100% in the game.”
If you’re wondering what it’s all about, you can see it in action in one of my videos (starring popular Japanese porn-star and model Anri Okita) of the Japanese version of the game, and in a second clip featuring Yua Mikami. Just keep in mind that while no actual nudity is shown, they’re quite unsafe for work.
There is one thing that was actually changed in the western version of the game, but this one is entirely understandable: Sega did not manage to get the license for the branding of a character’s shoes for the west, so they had to make a slight visual change to the shoes themselves. Apparently, a stripe was removed. That’s the only element that was altered.
After that we get to see the in-game port of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, that is fully playable in Kamurocho’s arcades. It’s probably the best bonus I ever found in a game. The second minigame showcased is Puyo Puyo, which is also completely playable. Both games come with couch co-op.
We also get to see some more classic Yakuza gameplay, with Kazuma Kiryu having some fun in Kamurocho.
Interestingly we also hear that the team at Sega actually added a little feature to the western version of the game. We’ll get text within the loading screens that explains vocabulary and background, including things that may be obvious to Japanese gamers but unknown to western players. There are about sixty of these tooltips in the whole localization, even if they appear just during loading screens, so they’re unobtrusive.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do a localization right.
Speaking of localization, Mullen and Strichart explain quite a few of the choices they make, and it’s rather interesting. While I’ve been vocal in my reviews of Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami about the fact that I do not agree with all the decision they make (which is quite normal, I’d say), It’s difficult to think about many better localization teams in today’s industry, where so many appear to think themselves more co-authors that can somehow “improve” the original instead of making an effort to relay what the actual authors wished to convey.
We also hear about PS4 Pro support, that includes stabler frame rate, better puddles, and reflections. If you want to see what it looks like, you can check out our handy screenshot comparison.
You can enjoy the full video below. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life will release in the west on March 20th, 2018, exclusively for PS4.
Fuente: DualShockers
ryo hazuki escribió:A todo esto, mi novia me regalo el kiwami para reyes, a ver si le saco algo de tiempo para que sacar mi primer puto platino de la saga (que no hay manera...)
Sergirt82 escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:A todo esto, mi novia me regalo el kiwami para reyes, a ver si le saco algo de tiempo para que sacar mi primer puto platino de la saga (que no hay manera...)
Del 0 y del Kiwami olvídate del platino si ya en el 4 te atragantase con el mahhong donde solo tenías que hacer una cosa.
Ekir escribió:@Sergirt82 te sacaste el platino del kiwami pero no he visto ninguna guia por ahí, ¿tan directos son los objetivos que piden?
aaalexxx escribió:¿Se sabe ya si el Kiwami 2 saldrá por aquí? Alguna fecha o rumor...
Tommy_Vercetti escribió:@Sergirt82
Tio siempre he tenido curiosidad por la imagen de tu firma, se ve a Kyriu pasando de largo, pero los niños quienes son?
ryo hazuki escribió:En mi caso mala fecha, sale a la vez que el god of war y no puedo permitirme dos juegos de salida el mismo mes. Tendrá que esperar
Dene escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:En mi caso mala fecha, sale a la vez que el god of war y no puedo permitirme dos juegos de salida el mismo mes. Tendrá que esperar
Que espere God of War.
AkrosRockBell escribió:Dene escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:En mi caso mala fecha, sale a la vez que el god of war y no puedo permitirme dos juegos de salida el mismo mes. Tendrá que esperar
Que espere God of War.
Espero que se refiera a ese
Fatman_1987 escribió:Pues aprovecho que he encontrado el hilo este para preguntar. Me llama la atención la saga, aunque nunca he jugado a ningún título y ahora que tengo una PS4 me gustaría iniciarme. He visto que hay 3 títulos, el Kiwami, el 0 y el 6 (que creo que aun no ha salido de Japón). ¿Con cual debería empezar?
Nuku nuku escribió:Eso si ¿alguien tiene un resumen de lo que pasa en el 5?, lo he ido jugando por temporadas, y entre el ingles, la distancia entre vicios, y que es tan enrevesado al final ya me he pedido por completo.
Okay, i'll try to write what i understood. So buckle up mothefucker its a wild fucking ride
So it all starts with the recent sickness of the chairman of the Omi Alliance. The Omi Alliance has been in a shaky alliance with the Tojo Clan since the end of Yakuza 2, but with the possible future death of the chairman 3 people are the most likely successors for the leadership of the Omi Alliance and all three more or less hate the Tojo Clan, so Daigo goes to other prefectures to try and make alliances with other clans for the future war between the two biggest clans. That's basically what this seems to be happening at first glance. But whats truly going on are the machinations of Kurosawa, the dying Omi Alliance Chairleader.
See, Kurosawa rose from the the absolute bottom of the barrel to leader of the second most powerful clan of Japan doing stuff that nobody would do. At some point he even mentions literally eating shit to excuse himself after a botched job. So this path of life gave him two main "ideals": he saw everyone else just as pawns and he hated these charismatic and idealistic Yakuza, like Kiryu, Saejima, Watase, Majima, Daigo and basically everyone of the cast, that managed to inspire and bring what he seems to think are the most deadbeat of them all. This all comes to a crashing point when he discovers he has terminal cancer and will die. There is no one that he deems worthy in what are basically the entire line of viable successors, so he goes and remembers he has some son working as a soldier in the Tojo Clan:Aizawa. So he, i think, concots a plan to destroy the Tojo Clan and any possible rival for Aizawa in the succession, with the help of Omi Alliance Members, Tojo Clan Members and even outside people like Baba, who seems to be a hired Assassin.
So i'm going to try explaining what happens in the cities, but heres his main plan: He wants to bring every CHARISMATIC Yakuza to tokyo and murders them all for the world to see. He will kill both members of the Omi Alliance and the Tojo Clan to weaken it so that Aizawa can basically rise unnopposed
Fukuoka:He has two plans here basically: kill Daigo, which he failed because Daigo knew something was up and disappeared from the map, and to bring Kiryu from hiding to Tokyo so he can murder him there. So here is where the traitors inside the Tojo Clan work for him. Aoyama, Morinaga and Aizawa who are the main Tojo Traitors try to have Daigo killed in the reunion with the leader of the Yakuza in Fukuoka, and set a coup to goad Kiryu into action. Now i'm not sure if the coup was something done in the moment by Aoyama or if this was planned but it was successful in bringing Kiryu in action. Kurosawa himself appears as a Osaka detective and begins to direct Kiryu on a collision course with Watase, one of the top lieutenants of the Omi Alliance that he wants gone, and finally manage to convince Kiryu of going to Kamurocho by faking Majima's death. So this leads to Sapporo
Sapporo: Here once again has two objectives here: Kill or capture Majima who was the one doing the negotiations with the yakuza clan of Sapporo and goad Saejima into going to Kamurocho. Here his main forces come from the seemingly Yakuza-less group made by Kugihara, Baba and some more inmates. Their main objective was to get Saejima out of the prison as soon as possible, though probably of the group only Baba knew about this part. So Kugihara beats the shit out of Saejima, they manipulate the prison system, everything so that Saejima gets tired of the prison and tries to breakout. Meanwhile during the negotiations Majima gets shot by Kurosawa's men and flees. Kurosawa fakes his death, Saejima gets word out of it and breaks out the prison alongside Baba, and later becomes his KYODAI. Later Kurosawa also posing as an Osakan Detective goads Saejima into going to Tokyo to find Morinaga who supposedly was the one who made the hit on Majima
Osaka: So Majima survived the hit, and made contact with his buddies in Osaka:Ms. Park, his ex-wife(the greatest of plot-twists) and a aidoru producer, and Naoki Katsuya, his buddie an ex-actor also turned producer and one of the top lieutenant of the Omi Alliance who Kurosawa also wants dead. So Majima sends some letter to Park that might expose his current location. But this was all part of his keikaku, and this was just a plan made by the trio, to expose who was the traitor inside the Omi Alliance. Said traitor was Kanai, member of Katsuya's family, who was tasked by Kurosawa to find said letter. Kanai and his troops kill Park, who gives the letter to Haruka, who was the aidoru being managed by her. So Haruka and Akiyama protect this letter while trying to find who killed Park(Kanai) and trying to protect her YUME:Make Haruka do a show in the Tokyo Dome. So they go to Tokyo
Nagoya:Meanwhile in Nagoya, Daigo begins to do his investigation. So Nagoya has a funny yakuza group in the sense that nobody knows who are these yakuza and where to find them, and remember Daigo wanted alliances. So to find the truth about the Nagoya family he enlists the help of someone who might have been involved in the events that allowed the creation of said family: Tatsuo Shinada, an ex-baseball player who was involved into a corruption scheme and banned for life from the professional sport and the scandal allowed the police to run scare the Tojo and the Omi away. Also Shinada was an old friend of his from junior high days, so he is also doing this for his buddy, because DREAMS. So Shinada snoops around and finds out that the Nagoya family, its just a bunch of normal people playing yakuza so that the other big time yakuza family are unable to get territory. What these normal people don't know, that while they are indeed able seemingly scare away the two big families, they're actually being controlled by a Yakuza family that gets to do whatever they want with them. The family in question is Kurosawa's old family(could be wrong tho, i'm starting to forget the game, i wrote the first half right before i finished the game and i'm completing this a week later so lots of detail are probably missing). Daigo only learns the first part, but i think its fair to say that he probably clued the pieces and finally had the suspect in his mind: Kurosawa. Shinada and Daigo goes to Tokyo
Tokyo: I'll resume tokyo. Kiryu and Saejima are looking for Morinaga, who by now was dead and buried by Aizawa because he said that Kiryu is 2gud4him so its better to not even try which angers Aizawa. Saejima runs into Aizawa in purgatory and beats the shit of him, because muh kyodai. I don't get it, why Aizawa is still playing around but he is, i don't get why Kage doesn't know about Aizawa but he doesn't, so lets just roll with it. Shinada at some point learns that the MASTERMIND(Kurosawa) wants to fuck with Haruka concert and becomes buddies with Akiyama. Kiryu, Saejima, Watase and Katsuya execute the dumbest plan in history to reveal Kurosawa. He is revealed but counters it with the dastardly tactic of shooting people from far away instead of ripping your shit off. Daigo appears and goes "AHAHA GOT YOU FUCKER" but Daigo is useless and Kanai shoots him. So Katsuya and Daigo are in the hospital, the crew finally gets together and try to stop Kurosawa from fucking with Haruka's concert of YUMEs. So this sets the final battle:
FINAL Battle: So the plan was to go to the concert to save all the dreams, but Kurosawa at some point raids the Tojo clan office in the Millenium Tower and probably captures Majima there, and threathens Majima to kill Haruka with his already in place sniper Baba. So Saejima is lured and Majima and Saejima have to fight, partially because of said sniper but really they're just doing MUH KYODAI stuff. Meanwhile Kiryu and Akiyama sticks around to beat Kurosawa's goons while Shinada goes to the concert to save Haruka because "Entertainers gotta stick together and DREAMS and shit". So Baba at this point has already pretty much give up of killing Haruka and is just leaving but Shinada bursts in the scene and beats Baba because he needs a final battle. Also because he can't run away from your mistakes you gotta own it up, and don't forget you have your KYODAIS. After the fight, Baba has his prison KYODAIS and Shinada gets to have bareback sex so its a happy ending. Meanwhile Saejima and Majima are like "ahaha u fucked up kyodai" and Kurosawa is like "shit" and tries to kill them with guns but Daigo uses his ability to shoot well near death that he showed in Yakuza 3 and kills his goons and Kurosawa coughs blood, so you know its over, but then Kurosawa explains that he did this for his successor. So while this whole deal was going on Aizawa goes and murders all the big Tojo officers in the HQ. So Kiryu goes there and Akiyama gets to fight Kanai and get revenge for Park and DREAMS. Kiryu fights Aizawa who is now not playing around anymore. So heres quickly Aizawa motivation: He hates Yakuza that get everything handed to him(Daigo), and he wants to prove to everyone that hard work pays off and you don't need no machinations by beating Kiryu. So they fight while DREAMY AIDORU music plays, but a half dead Kiryu beats the shit of Aizawa and says "ANY TIME, ANY PLACE BITCH". Haruka fucks her Aidoru career and declares that she loves Kiryu to everyone and runs back to meet him. Kiryu asks if this is a dream, but no this is real life.
mimeh escribió:Nuku nuku escribió:Eso si ¿alguien tiene un resumen de lo que pasa en el 5?, lo he ido jugando por temporadas, y entre el ingles, la distancia entre vicios, y que es tan enrevesado al final ya me he pedido por completo.
Hombre, si te vale en inglés aquí la tienes:https://www.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/comments/3yk9ug/can_anyone_explain_the_full_plot_of_5_to_me/
Okay, i'll try to write what i understood. So buckle up mothefucker its a wild fucking ride
So it all starts with the recent sickness of the chairman of the Omi Alliance. The Omi Alliance has been in a shaky alliance with the Tojo Clan since the end of Yakuza 2, but with the possible future death of the chairman 3 people are the most likely successors for the leadership of the Omi Alliance and all three more or less hate the Tojo Clan, so Daigo goes to other prefectures to try and make alliances with other clans for the future war between the two biggest clans. That's basically what this seems to be happening at first glance. But whats truly going on are the machinations of Kurosawa, the dying Omi Alliance Chairleader.
See, Kurosawa rose from the the absolute bottom of the barrel to leader of the second most powerful clan of Japan doing stuff that nobody would do. At some point he even mentions literally eating shit to excuse himself after a botched job. So this path of life gave him two main "ideals": he saw everyone else just as pawns and he hated these charismatic and idealistic Yakuza, like Kiryu, Saejima, Watase, Majima, Daigo and basically everyone of the cast, that managed to inspire and bring what he seems to think are the most deadbeat of them all. This all comes to a crashing point when he discovers he has terminal cancer and will die. There is no one that he deems worthy in what are basically the entire line of viable successors, so he goes and remembers he has some son working as a soldier in the Tojo Clan:Aizawa. So he, i think, concots a plan to destroy the Tojo Clan and any possible rival for Aizawa in the succession, with the help of Omi Alliance Members, Tojo Clan Members and even outside people like Baba, who seems to be a hired Assassin.
So i'm going to try explaining what happens in the cities, but heres his main plan: He wants to bring every CHARISMATIC Yakuza to tokyo and murders them all for the world to see. He will kill both members of the Omi Alliance and the Tojo Clan to weaken it so that Aizawa can basically rise unnopposed
Fukuoka:He has two plans here basically: kill Daigo, which he failed because Daigo knew something was up and disappeared from the map, and to bring Kiryu from hiding to Tokyo so he can murder him there. So here is where the traitors inside the Tojo Clan work for him. Aoyama, Morinaga and Aizawa who are the main Tojo Traitors try to have Daigo killed in the reunion with the leader of the Yakuza in Fukuoka, and set a coup to goad Kiryu into action. Now i'm not sure if the coup was something done in the moment by Aoyama or if this was planned but it was successful in bringing Kiryu in action. Kurosawa himself appears as a Osaka detective and begins to direct Kiryu on a collision course with Watase, one of the top lieutenants of the Omi Alliance that he wants gone, and finally manage to convince Kiryu of going to Kamurocho by faking Majima's death. So this leads to Sapporo
Sapporo: Here once again has two objectives here: Kill or capture Majima who was the one doing the negotiations with the yakuza clan of Sapporo and goad Saejima into going to Kamurocho. Here his main forces come from the seemingly Yakuza-less group made by Kugihara, Baba and some more inmates. Their main objective was to get Saejima out of the prison as soon as possible, though probably of the group only Baba knew about this part. So Kugihara beats the shit out of Saejima, they manipulate the prison system, everything so that Saejima gets tired of the prison and tries to breakout. Meanwhile during the negotiations Majima gets shot by Kurosawa's men and flees. Kurosawa fakes his death, Saejima gets word out of it and breaks out the prison alongside Baba, and later becomes his KYODAI. Later Kurosawa also posing as an Osakan Detective goads Saejima into going to Tokyo to find Morinaga who supposedly was the one who made the hit on Majima
Osaka: So Majima survived the hit, and made contact with his buddies in Osaka:Ms. Park, his ex-wife(the greatest of plot-twists) and a aidoru producer, and Naoki Katsuya, his buddie an ex-actor also turned producer and one of the top lieutenant of the Omi Alliance who Kurosawa also wants dead. So Majima sends some letter to Park that might expose his current location. But this was all part of his keikaku, and this was just a plan made by the trio, to expose who was the traitor inside the Omi Alliance. Said traitor was Kanai, member of Katsuya's family, who was tasked by Kurosawa to find said letter. Kanai and his troops kill Park, who gives the letter to Haruka, who was the aidoru being managed by her. So Haruka and Akiyama protect this letter while trying to find who killed Park(Kanai) and trying to protect her YUME:Make Haruka do a show in the Tokyo Dome. So they go to Tokyo
Nagoya:Meanwhile in Nagoya, Daigo begins to do his investigation. So Nagoya has a funny yakuza group in the sense that nobody knows who are these yakuza and where to find them, and remember Daigo wanted alliances. So to find the truth about the Nagoya family he enlists the help of someone who might have been involved in the events that allowed the creation of said family: Tatsuo Shinada, an ex-baseball player who was involved into a corruption scheme and banned for life from the professional sport and the scandal allowed the police to run scare the Tojo and the Omi away. Also Shinada was an old friend of his from junior high days, so he is also doing this for his buddy, because DREAMS. So Shinada snoops around and finds out that the Nagoya family, its just a bunch of normal people playing yakuza so that the other big time yakuza family are unable to get territory. What these normal people don't know, that while they are indeed able seemingly scare away the two big families, they're actually being controlled by a Yakuza family that gets to do whatever they want with them. The family in question is Kurosawa's old family(could be wrong tho, i'm starting to forget the game, i wrote the first half right before i finished the game and i'm completing this a week later so lots of detail are probably missing). Daigo only learns the first part, but i think its fair to say that he probably clued the pieces and finally had the suspect in his mind: Kurosawa. Shinada and Daigo goes to Tokyo
Tokyo: I'll resume tokyo. Kiryu and Saejima are looking for Morinaga, who by now was dead and buried by Aizawa because he said that Kiryu is 2gud4him so its better to not even try which angers Aizawa. Saejima runs into Aizawa in purgatory and beats the shit of him, because muh kyodai. I don't get it, why Aizawa is still playing around but he is, i don't get why Kage doesn't know about Aizawa but he doesn't, so lets just roll with it. Shinada at some point learns that the MASTERMIND(Kurosawa) wants to fuck with Haruka concert and becomes buddies with Akiyama. Kiryu, Saejima, Watase and Katsuya execute the dumbest plan in history to reveal Kurosawa. He is revealed but counters it with the dastardly tactic of shooting people from far away instead of ripping your shit off. Daigo appears and goes "AHAHA GOT YOU FUCKER" but Daigo is useless and Kanai shoots him. So Katsuya and Daigo are in the hospital, the crew finally gets together and try to stop Kurosawa from fucking with Haruka's concert of YUMEs. So this sets the final battle:
FINAL Battle: So the plan was to go to the concert to save all the dreams, but Kurosawa at some point raids the Tojo clan office in the Millenium Tower and probably captures Majima there, and threathens Majima to kill Haruka with his already in place sniper Baba. So Saejima is lured and Majima and Saejima have to fight, partially because of said sniper but really they're just doing MUH KYODAI stuff. Meanwhile Kiryu and Akiyama sticks around to beat Kurosawa's goons while Shinada goes to the concert to save Haruka because "Entertainers gotta stick together and DREAMS and shit". So Baba at this point has already pretty much give up of killing Haruka and is just leaving but Shinada bursts in the scene and beats Baba because he needs a final battle. Also because he can't run away from your mistakes you gotta own it up, and don't forget you have your KYODAIS. After the fight, Baba has his prison KYODAIS and Shinada gets to have bareback sex so its a happy ending. Meanwhile Saejima and Majima are like "ahaha u fucked up kyodai" and Kurosawa is like "shit" and tries to kill them with guns but Daigo uses his ability to shoot well near death that he showed in Yakuza 3 and kills his goons and Kurosawa coughs blood, so you know its over, but then Kurosawa explains that he did this for his successor. So while this whole deal was going on Aizawa goes and murders all the big Tojo officers in the HQ. So Kiryu goes there and Akiyama gets to fight Kanai and get revenge for Park and DREAMS. Kiryu fights Aizawa who is now not playing around anymore. So heres quickly Aizawa motivation: He hates Yakuza that get everything handed to him(Daigo), and he wants to prove to everyone that hard work pays off and you don't need no machinations by beating Kiryu. So they fight while DREAMY AIDORU music plays, but a half dead Kiryu beats the shit of Aizawa and says "ANY TIME, ANY PLACE BITCH". Haruka fucks her Aidoru career and declares that she loves Kiryu to everyone and runs back to meet him. Kiryu asks if this is a dream, but no this is real life.
Que pasa con la alianza Omi, que pasa con el Tojo clan ahora que todos los altos cargos menos Saejima Kiryu y Majima han muerto, y sobre todo que pasa con la carrera de Haruka. Y ya pensando mal si ese "le quiero" es en plan "le quiero como a un padre" o "le quiero como en Usagi Drop"
Sylens escribió:Me gustaría que los que hayan jugado a todos los yakuza dijeran cuál es su favorito y por qué
Sylens escribió:Me gustaría que los que hayan jugado a todos los yakuza dijeran cuál es su favorito y por qué
Sylens escribió:El problema es que con Zero y Kiwami tengo la sensación de que solo estoy rascando la superficie de toda la historia.