¿alguien ha conseguido hacerlos?
he seguido esta guia al pie de la letra pero no lo he conseguido, aqui la dejo esta en ingles
Now save your text document in the same folder as your movie file. Make sure you save it as an .AVS file and not a .TXT file. This is done by changing "Save as type" to "All Files" and adding the extension the the filename you are going to save it as, eg, NARUTO.AVS.
Now locate the folder you extracted virtualdubmod to. open VirtualDubMod.exe
Go to File>Open File. Find your .AVS file. Open that. you should now see your video file in the window.
Now go to Streams>Stream List.
Click Save WAV. After it is saved click disable. Now go to OK.
Now go to File>Save As. name your avi file and click save.
Almost there now. :) Last step!
Find your WAV file you saved. Open it with sound recorder. Go to File>Save As.
Where it says Format at the bottom of the save window, click on Change.
Format should be: PCM
Atrributes: 44.100 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo 172kb/sec.
Click ok. Now save your WAV as a new name.
Sony UMD Tools
1: Open up the UMD Stream composer.exe
2: Go to new
3: Name it what you want. Click next
4: Tick the PSP Movie format (for game) bit.
5: Change the max clip size to 2mb or less
6: Hit finish
7: Go to video source
8: Find your video file made earlier with Virtual Dub Mod
9: Go to audio source
10: Find the WAV you made earlier.
11: Now go to run at the top
12: Choose encode + multiplex
13: Hit start
14: Well done the .mps has been made
Step 4, .mps to .pmf Converter
1: Go to My Documents (well yours)
2: Go to the UMD Stream composer folder
3: The .mps file is in here somewhere (I forget where exactly!)
4: Put it in the same directory as the Icon1 or Gameboot converter
5: Run the converter (Click Gameboot Converter or Icon Converter)
6: And your gameboot pmf's or icon1 pmf's should be created.
Thats it!
it seems tedious work but it becomes very easy once you get the hang of it. Good Luck!