IGN Review: Enclave [7.2]

It has gorgeous menus, but the options are quite limited. The menus are also a bit choppy. 7.0
It would have been higher but the animiations are just so bland. The details are simply amazing. 8.0
The music is so-so at best, but the sound bits are where the money is. 7.0
Hack and slash, move back, hack and slash, move back. This is what the entire game is all about. 7.0
Lasting Appeal
The unpleasant A.I. will cause many frustrating hours, or at least until you return it to Blockbuster. 6.0

OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 7.2
Hasta aquí lo que dice una de las revistas más importantes sobre "Enclave", un título que ha pasado de ser exclusivo a multiplataforma. TyPH dice que está muy guapo (versión pirata, porque aquí todavía no ha llegado) aunque sin traducir. A ver que pasa al final.
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