Imágenes Citzen Zero

Después de la cancelación del TFLO, es bueno saber que este proyecto sigue adelante. Además tiene una pinta [flipa]
¿Sabe alguien cuando sale para la x??
Los marines son algo como "tochoformes" no?? son un poco desproporcionados.

Ahora una cosa hay que decir, las imagenes de la jungla que se ven por detras son acojonantes.
tiene buena pinta, me recuerda bastante al Chrome, de PC
Los marines son algo como "tochoformes" no?? son un poco desproporcionados.

Joer, si, tienen la cabeza un poco pequeña, no? Además, me recuerdan al jefe maestro de halo, verdad? ;-)

De todas formas, me han gustado los escenarios, a ver pa cuando podemos pegarnos un vicio...

Un mmog (por cierto, de ke estilo?) con estos graficos? pues yo no me quejo, se ve genial.
la primera vez q oigo hablar de el... Oooh
oskuro está baneado por "Utilizar clones para soltar spoilers salvajes en el hilo del horizon: Zero Dawn"
Pues pinta muy bien, a ver si averiguo algo más de él [looco]
Por cierto, se llama Citizen Zero [oki] Oooh

Os pongo de qué va, me ha parecido impresionante el argumento:

The entire game takes place on Typhron, a futuristic off-world penal colony that has lost contact with Earth and has imposed a permanent lock-down. Each prisoner has an inhibitor chip that keeps them limited to certain areas, but you play one of the few who has managed to disable their chip. Dubbed a "Zero," you have free reign to walk the entire planet (however large that may actually be in-game). Citizen Zero promises a variety of locales and won't limit players to being stuck in some prison yard where the only sight for miles is dirty gray walls. Outside of the prison enclave there's wilderness to explore and even Machina ruins of an ancient civilization.

Assembling a clan or playing alone is up to you, but obviously clan-play will be predominant on the massively multiplayer prison colony which is expected to support roughly 40 players on Xbox and possibly more on PC. Join the Marines or the street-savvy Syndicate or any of the other three NPC factions. You'll even have a place to crash as clans (smaller groups of people within a faction) can have their own upgradable headquarters.

Don't expect to have just a couple of attacks to last you across dozens of hours of play as Zeroes have hundreds of special class abilities, combo attacks, and intense takedowns to keep things interesting and varied. Of course, not all of those moves are available immediately. You need to level-up to unlock special powers, items (over a thousand exist in the game) and new missions.

As this is an MMO, don't expect any sort of linear progression, but a fully interactive world with dynamic mission objectives and even linked missions that make for long-term quests. In other words, whenever you log on, your persistent world will have something exciting going on.


Let's get a few preliminaries out of the way, though. CZ is a persistent online shooter, but it doesn't really have much in common with PlanetSide. For one thing, CZ is Player versus Environment (PvE) oriented, and it uses "instances" for its missions. You won't be competing against other groups to kill a specific bad guy or get a specific item, as instancing transports you into a closed environment populated only by non-player characters and your teammates.

And it's also partially class-based. You can learn new skills using points earned in combat, but there are also three distinct types. There's the Commander, who is lightly armed but can resurrect players, organize the team, and paint targets. The Nuker is one who takes out these targets with powerful ranged combat, and he also has a limited stealth evasion for emergencies. Last is the Vanguard, basically the tank, soaking up damage by drawing fire and using slow and stun attacks for crowd control and aggro management.

As this is an action game, death isn't a punishment like in most MMOs. You'll lose a bit of experience points (and this element is still being hammered out), but there are almost always nearby spawn points that you capture as you make your progress to the objective. However, each mission has a cap on how many deaths can occur, for the group as a whole. Go over this cap, and you fail the mission. It's usually pretty generous, though, so you have to be pretty far in over your head before calling it a day.

With the instancing system reducing griefing and friendly fire currently disabled except for grenades, the game is pretty low on the frustration meter. It plays like Halo, with two weapons, two grenades, and progressive shields, but the class system definitely differentiates Citizen Zero.

It's scheduled for open beta next summer, so we won't see it on store shelves for a while yet. We'll have more info on this game in the coming months.


MMporg AL CANTO SEÑORES, se va el true y viene este, y por lo visto no esta nada mal, el coñazo es que aqui el menda lerenda no tiene live, asi que poquito voy a poder catar este juego, pero vamos, que me huele muy bien a mi
oskuro está baneado por "Utilizar clones para soltar spoilers salvajes en el hilo del horizon: Zero Dawn"
Me encargo de si van apareciendo cosas, irlas poniendo. Club de fans al canto [oki]
Estoy flipadísimo con éste juego [babas] [babas]
9 respuestas