Recuerdan las fotos de la persona que recibio su 360 en Canada de un concurso de Pepsi (si, ya hay gente jugando)?
Bueno, este es su "blog" y ya se habian posteado antes:
Pero ha actualizado la informacion, aqui algunos detalles:
When you power off the console, the controller also powers off to save battery life. Both the console and controller will turn on if you power the console on from the controller. If you power it on manually, then you also have to remember to turn the controller on (Xbox guide button)
Al parecer, cuando apagamos la consola, el mando tambien se "apaga", ahorrando energia de las pilas/baterias. Si enciendes la consola desde el mando, ambos se encienden, si enciendes la consola manualmente, hay que "encender" el mando tambien.
There doesn't appear to be any downloadable content yet. Also there are no downloads for backwards compatibility yet.
Aun no hay descargas (demos y demas), ni tampoco actualizaciones del emulador.
DVD Playback
The DVD playback is progressive scan and limited to 480p It won't output in 720p or 1080i. It's better than the Xbox DVD player's quality and is a perfectly fine solution for the average person. I still prefer my HTPC and scaling to 720p though.
El DVD solo soporta 480p, la calidad es mejor que la de Xbox al reproducir pelis, para la mayoria de la gente esta bien.
Como conectarla a la PC.
Primero se instala el Windows Media Connect (
Despues hay que tener conectada la Xbox 360 y la PC a la misma red (por medio de ruteador, HUB o switcher, y al endender la consola esto pasa:

Luego hay que habilitar las carpetas a compartir con la 360:

Luego la 360 reconoce los archivos almacenados que hemos compartido, hasta los ordenas y saca las ID3 de los MP3:

Mas info:
I tried burning video files to disc (both AVI and WMV) and while the 360 recognized it as a "Mixed Media" disc, it wouldn't let me play the video off of it. But you can play music or view photos off a CD-R/W or DVD-R/W. I am going to see if I can get Windows Media Center for one of my PCs to see what formats of video I can stream.
WMA Surround sound worked.
El tio tosto un CD con videos (en formatos AVI y WMV) y aunque la consola reconocio el CD como "Mixed media", no pudo reproducir los videos. Pero se puede quemar MP3 o fotos en un CD/RW y los reproduce la consola.
El sonido sorround de los WMA funciona.
Upon playing again at a louder volume, there was some sound issues but someone pointed out a post to me on from a Bungie audio guy who says the audio emulation wasn't finished in this patch. The new one is supposed to correct it.
Also note that Halo 2 pop-up is still present, but it is minimized. The pop-up finishes quicker probably due to the faster DVD drive.
Al parecer la version del emulador que viene con la consola (ese que solo reproduce Halo y Halo 2) esta algo verde pues hay ocaciones que el sonido tiene errores, pero parece que es por el emulador y que solventara en el upgrade que habra el dia de salida de la consola.
Tambien advierte que el popup que hay en Halo 2 (aparicion de las texturas de golpe) aun esta ahi, pero se ha "minimizado", vamos, que no es tan notorio.
De Kameo:
More Kameo Impressons
I got a little further in the game and experienced some amazing stuff. It's funny, as I am typing this I see a commerical for "Ratchet: Deadlocked" on TV and just seeing that after spending time with Kameo really, really makes me think we have entered the next generation.
I had my first boss battle and it was fun as hell. Reminded me of the classic boss battles of old but with new twists. In this particular fight I used Pummel Weed to uppercut and stun him, then used Chilla to throw Ice Spears in his neck til he was dead.
I saw my first bit of Kameo water. Photo-realism anyone? Well very, very close to it anyway. Both the look and the physics behind it are revolutionary.
I got to play a level on Horseback

The one where you run down the thousands of trolls. It controlled beautifully and during one part you run through tall grass and it reacts to your horse galloping through and it was truly a sight to behold. Besides the water it was my biggest "jaw drop" moment of the game.
There are lots of secrets in the game, so explorers will be rewarded. The rewards include Elemental Fruit to upgrade your warriors attacks and more!
Que despues de ver un comercial de "Ratched" (un juego de PS2 de plataformas) el dice que se da cuenta que Kameo si es Next Gen (vamos, que por fin una persona pone los pies sobre la tierra con la actual generacion).
Que el aguita le ha encantado, "realismo"? casi casi...
Algunas imagenes:
Luego cuelga algunas de Halo y Halo 2 en el 360, pero advierte que el FSAA no esta activado en la version del emulador que viene con la consola (amos, que al final no habra esos jaggies):