Impresiones Zelda, Sonic y Mario por IGN


It looks like Twilight Princess was worth the wait. Though still unfinished, the integration of the Wii controller functions gives the game a fresh feel, while still delivering the classic Zelda action and puzzles fans have been waiting for. The only downsides I saw are that there are some small problems with the controls (tossing crates, for example) that still need to be ironed out and the difficulty in the demo was ridiculously low. I assume the latter is just so beginners can enjoy the demo, but just in case: Nintendo, please add multiple difficulty settings. It'll take a programmer a few hours and will ensure that expert players will have a better time with the title. Losing a quarter of a heart when getting burned by a giant fireball just feels wrong. Let us cocky bastards pick "Expert" and make us suffer. Outside of these two issues, Twilight Princess looks like a clear winner and has secured itself a permanent spot at the top of my most-wanted list until its release later this year.


Having played through it all and multiple times, I have no doubt that Super Mario Galaxy is going to be an amazing platformer when it finally hits. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Nintendo's famous plumber will ship with Wii later this year. You. Want. This. Game


We can say with confidence, however, that it is by far one of the most complete and well-rounded demos in Nintendo's booth, and everyone within an eyeshot of the screens were staring at them while in line for their own demo. The action is fast and beautiful, and the gameplay is back to how it should be. More specific tweaking will need to be done to the control, but only on a very minimal level. In fact, the gameplay was solid enough that we actually forgot we were using a new controller. It feels natural and controls are astonishingly tight compared to some of the other demos around. Compared to other 3D Sonic titles in the past, this one is really no contest. Sonic Wild Fire has resurrected the franchise, and we can only hope the full version will be as fun as it was today on the showroom floor. Nicely done, Sega.

Sencillamente...[amor] [amor] [amor]

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Flipante lo de Sonic. Me había echado para atrás viendo la otra versión PS3/XBOX360, pero me han vuelto a hacer cambiar de opinión solo con eso.
En lo referente al zelda, el propio tio que llevaba la charla dijo en la conferencia que "we have tuned down the difficulty for the demo, so anyone can enjoy it but expect more challenge in the retail version". Que no lo dijo con estas palabras, pero lo dijo.
Yo creo que se puede pedir un gran aplauso por Nintendo, ha demostrado que es la compañía me mejor domina este arte. Antepongo siempre diversión ante gráficos y sonido, por eso sigo jugando a muchos juegos que no son de última generación, más bien de hace varias generaciones. Y creo que Wii (ya el nombre me da igual, me está empezando hasta a gustar) está muy cerca de lo que espero de una consola.

Hacía tiempo que no esperaba tanto un nuevo sistema como ahora con Wii [beer]


PD: El vídeo del Sonic de Wii, flipante :-)
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