Informacion sobre el Kit de Revolution !!!

Esto es de un Hilo creado en gamespo... por un tal Chicotec que ha recibido esta info de Ace916

imaginando que no es fake QUE OPINAIS?

Just wanted to know if anybody else got it. Its from someone called Ace916.

Rev. Alpha dev. kit here Hello all,

I work in the video game industry and wanted to contact you about the Rev and what it would be. I am not some stupid bulls%&^$ I am 100$ legit and am too old to make false claims please use this info discreetly. I have received an updated version of the Rev. dev. Kit at my workstation two days ago and I am proud to announce that everyone even Microsoft and Sony fan boys may very well be switching sides when everything is confirmed. I do not necessarily agree with Nintendo strategy in the next-gen war because I believe that competition is what keeps everyone honest and fresh and willing to push the boundaries. Nintendo’s next-gen plan according to what I have seen from the new dev. Kit is that they are aiming to create a single dominant console from a consumer and developer standpoint. First I will go into the questions about cube-mapping: is it really that great, hasn’t it already been done before, is and how will the Rev. use it? Well, cube-maps have been around for quite some time but they are not very similar at all to the technology Nintendo patented called “cube-mapping” it is a new revelation and step forward for all game development to come. The patent Nintendo filed calls for the games graphic designers to pre-render the entire game environment of the whole game along with the NPC’s pretty much everything except the main interactive character/characters and basically converts it to real-time gameplay with no graphical fidelity loss whatsoever and allows a completely dynamic camera. The word “cube-mapping” stands for basically converting pre-rendered to real-time in an instant. This technique is actually dedicated to the hardware along with many other techniques that aid in this being accomplished. The dev. process on the Rev. is a revolution in and of itself in my opinion simply because of the cube-mapping and AI chips that help extensively with working out bugs to creating a world based of concept photos without a huge team and high production costs. In example a premiere game on the Rev. might cost $5 million on the Rev. and cost $80-100 million on 360 or ps3 at the exact same graphical fidelity. By the way my team at factor 5 is NOT committed only to ps3 but all consoles. Of course certain games will be exclusive to certain systems but the Rogue Squadron game that I’m working with will be multi-platform. Next generation also will represent the end of the straight port, every system next-gen will be special at something and that version will allow something completely different than the others. I believe this will become rule of thumb next-gen.
The dev. Tool that will be available to the consumer will not be an actual dev. Kit that will require programming to realize a game. It will draw on the virtual console as a basis for game-editing and creating from scratch brand new experiences based on old-game mechanics, graphical art styles and environment. It allows one to stripe away a previous game world to the basics and start new while implementing anything you want. It is hard to describe until you see it in action but rest assured it IS real and will be an astonishing feature that will make Rev. one of a kind. With the spec alone without the addition of dedicated cube-mapping just pushing polys the Rev. will be about a quarter more powerful than the 360 at its highest graphical limit. And w/ cube-mapping implemented it WILL exceed PS3’s fidelity through lower spec although it is a cheat it is effective nonetheless. Oh, and a couple new SSB characters will be from what I’ve heard, Link with the Fierce deity mask will be an unlockable and pikmin with olimar,
Now for the controller the way the two pads will be connected will be through a magnetic lock where you put one piece into another with magnets inside and the magnets lock them together. Then to release the two pads you will hold down a small button and twist them and they will come back apart. Everything about the controller I mentioned is 100% true they will feature depth mapping, haptic force feedback, weighted gyroscopes, a built-in mic and heat/cool sensors. All combine to create a very impressive experience, by the way if “Wintry_Flutist” is really Reggie Fils-Aime ask him he knows. Another feature that has been dedicated to the Rev. hardware is a technique called “texture-synthesis” whereas it allows developers to create VERY true to life, up close and personal textures and lighting. Where developers used to have to tile the same texture over a huge area of the environment and then wrap that repetitive texture to the gray map and then light it. It now allows the texture to be a part of the gray map with little effort thanks to the dedication of the technique and coupled with the cube-mapping. By the way, the ON video was created in partnership with Nintendo no matter what anyone says, but the technology being that vid is VERY real and will be included as a peripheral for Rev. I got the miserably cool experience to get one of my Japanese friends to let me get another look at the game Ichi the Killer and the playable part that I played really shows in a horrible way what the controllers will do. In the sequence some guy name Kakeehara I think I spelled it right was torturing a man while holding his hand in a bath-tub filled with hot-oil. The trick was to keep him from having a heart-attack by “talking to him kindly” with the mic on the controller. You would place either his arms or legs or sit him down in the oil and you could feel the force feedback from his body twitching as he apparently was minutes from going into shock from the pain. You would move one of the pads in a slapping motion to wake him back up and talk to him “gently” to try and get his heartbeat down so you could interrogate him more. The object of that sequence was to keep him alive and in pain for as long as possible and to get needed info out of him. It was THE MOST disgusting thing I have ever seen but truly magnificent in the way it was executed through the controller features.
Mr. Iwata has already begun to lead into revealing that through the dev. Tool the Rev. will allow the entire back library of old games to be redone independently by the consumer to offer an infinite replay value through the dev. Tool and controller features. He has already stated that Rev. will “enhance” old games just wait and see if I’m not right about how much it really will enhance the games. Just keep your ears and eyes open. As a developer I am excited about Rev. but also see that if Nintendo does in the next-gen take back market dominance like it is trying to do that will be the end of competitive game development in a way. So I kind of hope that at least one of the other companies stays in the business to keep us all honest and competitive and always innovating in some way. Because without competition the only people who lose in the end are the consumers. Right now I am hard at work on the 360 version of RS4 and even though I as a consumer would prefer a Rev. version I am proud of the work I am doing on the version that I am working on. I grew up as a kid on Nintendo’s products and I think in the end Nintendo will probably be the last in the business and will survive anything. It is nice to see that all you people on the forum appreciate all the work they have done through the years and video games’ rise in general. Stay well and we’ll be in touch.
Aún no me lo he leido, pero hasta que Nintendo no diga nada oficial no pienso creerme palabra de lo que se rumoree por ahí (por muy acertado que sea al final).

By the way, the ON video was created in partnership with Nintendo no matter what anyone says, but the technology being that vid is VERY real and will be included as a peripheral for Rev.

Ya no me hace falta leer más, la ha cagado.
lo mismo digo.

saludos cordiales.
Hay que joerse... Creo que voy a dejar de entrar en los hilos de "como será Revolution" durante un tiempo, para lo que se oye... Ya me interesaré cuando queden 3 meses para que salga
Si hace un par de horas lei una entrevista de otro que decia que trabaja en la revo!

Aqui todo es mas falso que un politico en elecciones!
Los que se dedican a inventarse todas estas jilipolleces deberian ir al infierno ratataaaa
legn escribió:the game Ichi the Killer

Me gustaría que eso fuera cierto. Iban a tener que crear una calificación de edades nueva para publicarlo si fuese fiel a la película (totalmente recomendable, Takashi Miike ownz) :Ð

Por lo demás, otro bonito cuento de hadas.
Juaner escribió:
Me gustaría que eso fuera cierto. Iban a tener que crear una calificación de edades nueva para publicarlo si fuese fiel a la película (totalmente recomendable, Takashi Miike ownz) :Ð

Por lo demás, otro bonito cuento de hadas.

y ya de paso uno basado en battle royale

ICHI: no quiero matar no, no ,no buaaaaa buaaaa [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa]

(escena censurada)

[mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa]

(escena censurada)

jajajajaja q peli mas wena

la verda es q de revo cada dia me espero peores noticias, la verda nintendo podia soltar algo bueno(ya no el mando)es q asi no ay quien duerma jejejeje
I work in the video game industry and wanted to contact you about the Rev and what it would be. I am not some stupid bulls%&^$ I am 100$ legit

Ya con la manera de escribir te daz cuenta q es una soberana jilipollez[agggtt]

Y eso de cube-rendering, se lo ha copiao de la X360 en arstechnica[poraki]
I am not some stupid bulls%&^$ I am 100$ legit and am too old to make false claims
Ay amigo! Si no lo fueras no andarias haciendo el idiota mandando e-mails clamando ser un privilegiado con informacion confidencial. :-|

Estos fan-boys cada vez dan mas pena.
pero si estan super entretenidos, yo me lo paso bomba con la de paridas que dicen.
Algun erudito sabe de de que va el cube mapping? he oido hablar de esa tecnologia por años, empiezo a creer que es una leyenda urbana.

EDIT: Pues la verdad suena creible y esta bien escrito, fijo que mentira pero al menos es agradable de leer.
¿Lo leo?

¿No lo leo?

¿Por qué he de perder el tiempo leyendo patrañas sobre Revolution a diario? ¬_¬

Venga, lo leeré después de cenar (siempre voy de mejor humor con la tripa llena) ya que para criticar hay que escuchar... ppfff encima es una biblia [agggtt]
coleco escribió:Algun erudito sabe de de que va el cube mapping? he oido hablar de esa tecnologia por años, empiezo a creer que es una leyenda urbana.

no es cube rendering, es cube environmental mapping :-P y es un sistema para calcular los reflejos en una superficie por varios lados del mismo (como si fuera un cubo).

se utiliza (o al menos se deberia utilizar) para los reflejos en juegos de coches, por ejemplo.

saludos cordiales.
GXY escribió:se utiliza (o al menos se deberia utilizar) para los reflejos en juegos de coches, por ejemplo.

Pos el gringo-en-crack se referia a eso utilizando la descripcion del real-time modeling de la X360 :-|
Sdk? Nintendo no ha repartido SDK's ni en Europa ni en los USA...en Japón no se.
Como mucho una declaración de intenciones, y alguna versión pre-alpha basadas en las librerias de GC. Pero algo que podamos llamar el SDK de la Rev., no hay a dia de hoy.
Fechas? Ni la mas remota idea, ya que si atendemos a los planes de Nintendo ya los deberiamos tener.

Un saludo
Yo creo que Nintendo no va a soltar una palabra (o mas bien poca información), hasta que X360 y PS3 estén en el mercado (al menos que la X360 haya sido lanzada es necesario)

¿por que? Porque la idea de Nintendo es sacar una máquina menos potente y lo que menos le interesa es meterse en comparaciones y guerras de números. Precisamente el tiempo de las comparaciones es ahora, cuando M$ y SONY tienen que promocionar sus maquinas de forma que una venda y la otra consiga paralizar las ventas de la primera hasta que salga la suya.

Asi que la estrategia de Nintendo, es no definir su maquina, ya estamos viendo la actitud negativa de muchos (incluido yo) ante el anuncio de que tendrá 'poca' potencia, sin soporte HDTV... y solo han dicho dos palabras, si lo supieramos todo, a lo mejor la mayor parte de sus potenciales usuarios, la mandaban a la mierda.

Pero... lo que cuentan son los juegos: si, quiza en revo se vean menos polígonos, trabaje a menor resolución, pero ¿y si consiguen que un juego de el pego? ¿que parezca graficamente equivalente a muchos de X360-PS3, con el carisma Nintendo, en una TV normal? (casi todo el mundo tiene una TV normal...)

Para resolucion HDTV , se necesita una potencia tremenda, pero para 640x480 o 720x480 (480P) no tanta y el juego puede quedar espectacular aunque se aprecie diente de sierra...

Y si encima lo del mando les queda curioso, pues...

Por eso a Nintendo le interesa estar callada: soltar poco o nada, para mantener la espectación y lanzar su maquina en el momento apropiado.
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