aqui pongo la noticia real
FUENTE 360 Dashboard Has New Console Banning Tool
Posted in Kinect, Media, Xbox Live, Games, Xbox 360 by Jason Andrews on July 13th, 2010 at 13:28
The new Xbox 360 dashboard to incorporate functions for the upcoming Kinect device will launch this November, but a hacking team who have gained access to the new dashboard beta has run some tests and made a very welcoming discovery.
Within the new update it has been revealed that firmware information for the consoles disc drive and its connection to Xbox Live can be monitored. This would send information to Microsoft and allow for greater monitoring of modded drives that play pirated games, alterations of drive firmware would then result in an instant console ban.
Further details will be revealed closer to the new dashboard launch.
Segun dice que con el nuevo update para el kinect se revelara informacion sobre el firmware del lector y cuando la consola se conecte a xbox live podra ser monitoreada e inviara informacion a microsoft sobre los lectores modificados y como resultado sera un ban instantaneo, lo que quiere decir que ya no sera en una fecha en especifico...
Alguien sabe algo de esto???