Instalar PKG's en OFW por FTP (NO FUNCIONA)

No funciona el metodo.

Dejo aqui un comentario sobre porque no funciona -->
This method does NOT work, and i'll tell you why.

The only reason geo's CFW allows us to install "signed" packages is because the nas_plugin.sprx is patched to bypass the ECDSA sign check.

It's as simple as this.

If you try to FTP anything over using this method, or the BETTER method from waninkoko (look up demo manager v1) when you install you are prompted with a 800295* error. usually 80029567 or 80029564.

this means the package didnt meet 3.55's signing standards and does not have an ECDSA signature.

Please everyone dont waste your time. if you want custom firmware just avoid PSN. a rise in PSN use only = another network update, and with geo being sued i wouldnt expect a 356-JB

If you are installing a properly signed demo or any other official playstation package this will work fine. homebrew. NOPE.

anyone saying otherwise is flat out lying.
si esto ya lo sabia yo, del demo manager de waninkoko.
Tiene ventaja alguna esto? Me refiero que a que ventaja aporta instalarlo desde OFW?
Esto no funciona, llevo desde primera hora de la mañana pegandome con ello y consigo hacer todo, pero a la hora de instalar el PKG me dice que nanai y me da un codigo de error.
(mensaje borrado)
Tal vez sea porque los pkg están firmados para usarlo con cfw de geo con las keys suyas??
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