Nintendo iQue getting closer and worldwide: new pictures, confirmed release titles and screenshots
Wed Nov 12 2003 20:47:52 Hong Kong Time - GameCube
Nintendo's iQue release is getting closer. The iQue is Nintendo's new console they have announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2003. Lik Sang covered the announcement here. Initially planned to be released by mid-october, the controller-style console plugs directly into the TV and comes with a 64 Mega Bytes Flash Memory Card to store the games.
Nintendo 64 Nano-Technology inside
It is now confirmed that the iQue player is a Nintendo 64 console that makes use of similar Nano-Technolgy that is used in Sony's PSX: the technology used will allow the unit to have a single chip solution containing CPU, Graphic Engine, GPU etc. Positive side-effects are a doubled operating speed, reduced electronic noises and very low power consumption. Regarding Nintendo/iQue spokespersons in China, the iQue will be the first gaming device on the market that makes use of that technology, followed by Sony's PSX which is due to release in December. This statement at least gives us hope that the unit might still be released before Christmas
Mario goes to, ehrm, Shanghai...
A new official release date has not been made public yet, but it's now also confirmed that the unit will release in the Shanghai market first, not in GoangZhou (near Hong Kong) as initially announced. There is no reason to worry, though, pre-orders through are not affected. One of the first Nintendo retail partners where the unit can be purchased is a famous French retail and supermarket chain operating in China.
What's in the box, including games
The unit released first contains a 64MBytes Flash Card, the AV cable, a power supply (220V), the power cord and 5 games pre-recorded on the card. Included are 5 games, while only Doctor Mario is a full version. Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time (10 hours), Mario 64 (7 hours), Wave Race (1 hour) and Star Fox (1 hour) are time limited demo versions. It's a "very new" distribution system, indeed.
No other titles have been officially confirmed to us as of yet, but the N64 has got lots of great titles. Full versions of games cost 48 Yuan, that's approx US$ 6. In-game text and manuals are in simplified Chinese language, in-game voices are in mandarin.
The box also contains a serial number and password that allow you to download new titles to your system at Nintendo partners throughout Shanghai, and possible also through the Internet. The card maintains a download log, so users can regain the previous game titles again free of charge if they want to play them again.
Updateable Operating System
Another important detail revealed by sources in China is that the OS of the iQue can be updated. We presume that this happens through a download when you "refill" your flash cartridge. The system is said to work similar like the one that Microsoft plans to build into the Xbox2 console, and is simply called UOS.
Possible release outside of China
Nintendo spent quite a bit of time and money to come up with the iQue and rumors say that the iQue has been designed by Scott Summit, who also designed for Apple and the Zodiac Handheld device. The iQue is a NTSC output device (while China is official PAL). This all really smells like the iQue is eventually getting released outside of China too. Chinese media already picked up the rumors and for them it's a given fact that they are just the first country to play with Nintendo's new toy.
Another detail has also been brought to our attention. The iQue seems to be more expensive then initially planned, selling for Yuan 598 instead of Yuan 498. All customers placing pre-orders will get contacted again as soon as we have more details on the release and available titles.
We are still accepting pre-orders for the following two sets, prices remain unchanged:
iQue Player with 64M Flash Card and 2 games of your choice - US$ 99.90
iQue Player with 64M Flash Card and 5 games of your choice - US$ 129.90
Here are some new images of the unit, and some screens:
It is now confirmed that the iQue player is a Nintendo 64 console that makes use of similar Nano-Technolgy that is used in Sony's PSX: the technology used will allow the unit to have a single chip solution containing CPU, Graphic Engine, GPU etc. Positive side-effects are a doubled operating speed, reduced electronic noises and very low power consumption. Regarding Nintendo/iQue spokespersons in China, the iQue will be the first gaming device on the market that makes use of that technology, followed by Sony's PSX which is due to release in December. This statement at least gives us hope that the unit might still be released before Christmas
pre-orders through are not affected. One of the first Nintendo retail partners where the unit can be purchased is a famous French retail and supermarket chain operating in China.
The unit released first contains a 64MBytes Flash Card, the AV cable, a power supply (220V), the power cord and 5 games pre-recorded on the card. Included are 5 games, while only Doctor Mario is a full version. Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time (10 hours), Mario 64 (7 hours), Wave Race (1 hour) and Star Fox (1 hour) are time limited demo versions. It's a "very new" distribution system, indeed.
No other titles have been officially confirmed to us as of yet, but the N64 has got lots of great titles. Full versions of games cost 48 Yuan, that's approx US$ 6. In-game text and manuals are in simplified Chinese language, in-game voices are in mandarin.
The box also contains a serial number and password that allow you to download new titles to your system at Nintendo partners throughout Shanghai, and possible also through the Internet. The card maintains a download log, so users can regain the previous game titles again free of charge if they want to play them again.
Another important detail revealed by sources in China is that the OS of the iQue can be updated. We presume that this happens through a download when you "refill" your flash cartridge. The system is said to work similar like the one that Microsoft plans to build into the Xbox2 console, and is simply called UOS.
Nintendo spent quite a bit of time and money to come up with the iQue and rumors say that the iQue has been designed by Scott Summit, who also designed for Apple and the Zodiac Handheld device. The iQue is a NTSC output device (while China is official PAL). This all really smells like the iQue is eventually getting released outside of China too. Chinese media already picked up the rumors and for them it's a given fact that they are just the first country to play with Nintendo's new toy.
Another detail has also been brought to our attention. The iQue seems to be more expensive then initially planned, selling for Yuan 598 instead of Yuan 498. All customers placing pre-orders will get contacted again as soon as we have more details on the release and available titles.
We are still accepting pre-orders for the following two sets, prices remain unchanged:
iQue Player with 64M Flash Card and 2 games of your choice - US$ 99.90
iQue Player with 64M Flash Card and 5 games of your choice - US$ 129.90
Positive side-effects are a doubled operating speed, reduced electronic noises and very low power consumption
Escrito originalmente por ourumov
1. Pista que nos da Nintendo de cara a futuros sistemas de bolsillo...
2. Me hace ilusión pensar en una N64 dopada capaz de hacer 60 fps y modelos poligonales equiparables a los de PSX sin pasar penas.
1- Dudando profundamente de tus dotes de futurologo. Te adelanto que si la PSP vale 300€ y la proxima portatil de Nintendo vale 100-120, la que se va a estrellar va a ser la PSP, aunque haga el pino puento y palmas con las orejas.1. nintendo sacara una iQue con pantalla para competir con PSP, y como ofrezca 4gaming only se estrellara.
2. tambien las conversiones SNES -> GBA se mejoran...
Tres años de que????q crees firmemente que una N64 portatil se cargara a PSP cuando la N64 de sobremesa no se cargo a una playstation de mas de 3 años de edad.
Escrito originalmente por GXY
pues yo dudo de las tuyas, q crees firmemente que una N64 portatil se cargara a PSP cuando la N64 de sobremesa no se cargo a una playstation de mas de 3 años de edad.
vamos a ver, si quiere nintendo puede sacar un GameCube portatil, pero el problema es, a que precio???Escrito originalmente por Hokutoy
La pregunta de siempre: ¿Porque Nintendo, pudiendo sacar una N64 portatil desde vete tú a saber cuando, nos sigue vendiendo la GBA una y otra vez?![]()
Y mira que la GC es una maravilla pero con las portatiles Nintendo se pasa de lista...![]()
No es impresion tuya! estoi de acuerdo xDes impresion mia, o liksang se va a sacar una tajaaa DE ESPANTO a costa de los frikis occidentales?
Escrito originalmente por Baek
Lo tuyo no son las fechas eh
Escrito originalmente por Baek
Por lo que de 3 años nada, año y medio y gracias, poco menos que lo visto en esta generación entre PS2 y GC/XBox.
Pues va a ser ilegal, porque con lo que ganan, como no la roben, me parece que para una PS2 o una GameCube de importacion no les va a llegar.Como si no tuvieran los chinos formas legales o no legales de conseguir cualquier consola que les salga del pairo
Escrito originalmente por maesebit
Yo creo que al precio que se vende el software y el hardware esta bastante bien.