Menuda put@da,acabo de intentar entrar yo y me ponia lo mismo:k ha sido cerrada en una operacion por el FBI ¿?¿?¿
Lo ultimo k he podido leer esta noche ha sido la release de STATIC :GRAN TURISMO 3 AUTO BOOT(cosa k me da k pensar,ya k es dificil k sea AUTO BOOT y ademas el juego aun no ha salido ni en japon,y ponia k era la version americana)
Algo gordo se esta cociendo esta noche...
AKI TENEIS EL TEXTO K PONE AL ENTRAR EN LA PAGINA(lo pongo por k lo estan borrando,pero los webmaster lo vuelven a poner cada cierto rato):
iSONEWS has been shutdown by a joint operation of the FBI, secret service, MPAA and former Business Software Alliance. Detailed indictments on multiple counts will be posted ASAP. Its been one hell of a run (2.5 years). Thanks for all your continued support.
I've made numerous attempts to contact our lawyer, but she has been unavailable on her cell phone or at her office. I will be contacting her FIRST thing tomorrow morning. Visit us on efnet, #isonews to show your support.
[Editado por KROKIS el 01-04-2001 a las 23:49]