Itagaki sigue vivo... en Valhalla Game Studios

Entrevista a Itagaki (la primera en 2 años) de Famitsu:

Detalles importantes:

- Su nueva compañía se llama Valhalla Game Studios (
- Actualmente cuenta con 50 empleados.
- Todavía no puede decir nada sobre el anuncio se su nuevo juego, pero sera un juego de acción
- No tiene intencion de hacer un nuevo juego de lucha
- Este juego contara con su propio motor


Aqui la entrevista al comleto:

It's been a nearly two years since Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden guru Tomonobu Itagaki left Tecmo and sued his former employer. "It's already been two years? I haven't been playing around or anything," he said in an interview printed in this week's edition of Famitsu magazine. "I've been working on new game concepts, taking photographs, building model-train layouts, all sorts of things. I just figured it was about time I got back to games, my main line of work."

The interview, the first he's given to the Japanese game press in two years, gave Itagaki the chance to talk a bit more in detail on his game plans. For the first time, we've got a name for his new outfit -- Valhalla Game Studios, where he's running the development department and handling game design. The studio is being run by Satoshi Kanematsu, Itagaki's ex-comrade at Tecmo and the guy behind franchises like Monster Hunter and Rygar.

"Valhalla is about 50 people right now," Itagaki told Famitsu. "That may expand a bit, but it's not going to be a 100-person company. 50 people working for two years can produce something better than 100 people working for one year. 100 times 1 and 50 times 2 may produce the same number, but not in creative businesses like this one. I know nobody means any harm by it, but publicly-traded companies have to prove their worth to the stock market on a year-by-year basis, and that means they can't focus all-out on quality. We're creators here; we like making things more than doing math."

For Itagaki, leaving Tecmo and joining Kanematsu at Valhalla all comes down to creative freedom. "I think success in games comes when you satisfy all three pieces of the game business," he said, "the players, the developers, and the links between them -- the retail and media people. I've been making games for nearly 20 years and I've done that maybe two or three times. It's definitely hard, but it's not impossible -- all three groups are there for the games, after all. The thing is that I think the Japanese industry has made achieving that all but impossible these days. There's an equation you can use to satisfy all three groups, but once money enters the picture, you start neglecting the things that're most important and the equation winds up unsolvable. My friends and I went independent because we were wasting our time wrangling with issues like that."

Valhalla isn't in a position to discuss its new game project yet, nor to say when it'll be revealed or what platform it'll be on (Itagaki is taking a "flexible approach" to that). One thing's for sure, though: It's not going to be another fighting game. "I already made Dead or Alive, the best fighting game in the world, in my last company," the ever-modest Itagaki commented. "Trying to compete against my own daughter wouldn't be worth the fight. Fighting games are kind of at another dead end right now, but you could say the genre would've died ages ago if DOA wasn't around. We saw ourselves as a counterbalance to the fighting-game norm back then, and without that sort of presence in the genre, it's just going to keep shrinking in size. Someone needs to step up and change things."

Valhalla's website isn't up yet, but should be available at within the next few days. Does Itagaki have any sales in target in mind for their inaugural game? "Dead or Alive 3 was the best game I made saleswise -- it did two million copies," he said. "For this game, I'd like to at least double that and get four million people to play it. You have games selling 10 million these days, after all, so I don't think throwing out the four-million figure's that outrageous."

Y aqui los scans de Famitsu:

Imagen Imagen

Valhalla... ¿Que es?

otro hilo sobre el tema: itagaki vuelve...

* como ya he hecho con VanQuish, este hilo sera convertido en hilo oficial en cuanto se den a conocer los primeros datos oficiales.
Estoy deseando ver lo que nos ha preparado el tio Itagaki. Conociendole será un juego brutal...
Yo también tengo ganas de ver algo nuevo,de Itagaki, me tiene en ascuas.
Otro juego tipo Ninja gaiden en cuanto a crueldad estaria muy bien XD
Tonces vuelve a tecmo o se va por su cuenta?
Ya no está en Tecmo, ha fundado su propia compañía.
Gracias a dios, que da señales de vida, el otro día puse de nuevo el DOA4 y sigue siendo igual de increíble que la primera vez lo que vi, (el pelo es lo que tendría que mejorar xD)
Yuu Matsura escribió:Estoy deseando ver lo que nos ha preparado el tio Itagaki. Conociendole será un juego brutal...

No, lo que es seguro es que habrá tías con tetas grandes [qmparto]
Phellan_Wolf escribió:
Yuu Matsura escribió:Estoy deseando ver lo que nos ha preparado el tio Itagaki. Conociendole será un juego brutal...

No, lo que es seguro es que habrá tías con tetas grandes [qmparto]

Pues eso, una combinación IM-PRESIONANTE!!! XD
IridiumArkangel escribió:
Phellan_Wolf escribió:
Yuu Matsura escribió:Estoy deseando ver lo que nos ha preparado el tio Itagaki. Conociendole será un juego brutal...

No, lo que es seguro es que habrá tías con tetas grandes [qmparto]

Pues eso, una combinación IM-PRESIONANTE!!! XD


es el unico dato confirmado y oficial del juego... [carcajad]
Lo último que dijo era que quería hacer un juego sobre la 2ª Guerra Mundial? Me suena algo de eso...
Drian-kun escribió:Lo último que dijo era que quería hacer un juego sobre la 2ª Guerra Mundial? Me suena algo de eso...

no estas del todo equivocado...

yo hace algunos meses lei esta entrevista en kotaku, me acuero que pedi el desarchivar el hilo del enlace para poder postearla en dicho hilo... pero bueno, la pongo aqui.

22 de Septiembre de 2009:

The Tokyo Game Show is days away and just before it kicked off, we had a chance to catch up with former Team Ninja lead ninja Tomonobu Itagaki — designer of Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive.

Itagaki has kept a relatively low profile since leaving Tecmo, working with his new company Tokyo Vikings and agreeing to only to interviews here and there.

Itagaki is upbeat and opinionated as ever, talking about a range of topics and showing us pictures of missiles. And who doesn't love pictures of missiles?

While Itagaki was tight lipped about what he and his team were working on, he did express an interest in military weaponry (missiles!). Back in May 2008, he told Kotaku that he was interested in doing something "totally new, completely unrelated to anything I've done before. Not any part of any existing franchises."

As we previously reported, Itagaki said what he'd like to do is work on another action title or perhaps a war-themed game, perhaps something set in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

"I think the Pacific theater of World War II is a interesting topic," he said in 2008. "I think it would be cool to work with an American developer and do a game based on the Pacific Theater." When Kotaku asked during that interview how long he had been thinking about doing such a title, Itagaki said it was something he came up with during our short interview. "I'm interested in that period of time, for my generation, that was an event that influenced us more than anything else," he said at the time. "I think that would be an interesting topic to explore."

That was 2008, this is now, a year later. Our 2009 Tokyo Game Show interview with Itagaki below:

Kotaku: It's good to see you again, Itagaki-san.
Itagaki: You too. How have you been?
Kotaku: Pretty good, thanks. So first let me ask you what you thought of our recent news story.
Itagaki: Which story?
Kotaku: That Tecmo had been falsely editing the Team Ninja entry on Wikipedia, and it became pretty big news.
Itagaki: Editing, you say?
Kotaku: Yeah, they apparently deleted sections about you and your former team members.
Itagaki: I don't really know what the point is in doing something like that, but hey, I'm still here. Does editing Wikipedia change the world or something?
Kotaku: That's a good question.
Itagaki: We live in a convenient day and age, but trust me, nothing's that convenient. They should find better things to do with their time.
Kotaku: Curious to know what your opinion is on the current state of the Japanese game industry?
Itagaki: I think that, in time, it will end up much like the Japanese film industry, you know?
Kotaku: What do you mean that it's like the Japanese film industry?
Itagaki: I mean it will become similar in terms of its competitiveness in mass markets, its ability to raise funds, and its technological prowess. I mean, Kojima-san at Konami has been talking about the technological side of the issue for quite some time now, hasn't he?
Kotaku: So, are you saying that the Japanese game industry is heading towards a decline?
Itagaki: Whether it goes into a major decline or not will depend on the publishers and game creators here in Japan. There's no point in traveling the same path that Japan did 400 years ago, after all.
Kotaku: What do you mean by 400 years ago?
Itagaki: I'm talking about sakoku, the policy in which Japan closed its borders to the outside world. What the industry is doing right now is just a modern form of sakoku. What I'm trying to get at is that you've got to be an Earthling first, and a Japanese second.
Kotaku: Are there any Japanese films in particular that you like?
Itagaki: Yesterday I saw Departures on TV. I thought that the head of the funeral home was the main character's father, but after watching it I found out I was wrong (laughs). It was pretty interesting but I felt that the ending was lacking somewhat. But, what's a Japanese movie I like? I'm particularly fond of Brother by Takeshi Kitano — that's a great film.
Kotaku: What about games, what games have you played recently that you thought were fun or not so fun?
Itagaki: Sandy from the new Dragon Quest made me want to take the DS and snap the damn thing in half (laughs). Looks like the game is pretty popular amongst my friends, though.
Kotaku: What have you been doing since you quit Tecmo?
Itagaki: I've been taking photographs, designing games — you know, the usual. The other day I went to Mt. Fuji and took some pictures of the Japanese Army. It was a 24-hour forced march so I'm pretty tired though! (laughs)
This was taken at the moment a Type-90 battle tank fired its main cannon.
Here's the launching of rocket artillery.
Kotaku: Wow, these are pretty impressive.
Itagaki: Yeah, there is nothing like the real thing. This is no video game.
Kotaku: Do these have anything to do with your next games?
Itagaki: I don't spend even a second on anything that I don't have an interest in.
Kotaku: What do you think about the feature in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 that allows players to control characters' chest movements with the SIXAXIS?
Itagaki: What the hell...?
Kotaku: When you shake the controller forcefully, the female characters' chests bounce. What do you think of that?
Itagaki: Well, it certainly is unique... (laughs)
Kotaku: What do you mean by "unique"?
Itagaki: Are those guys doing okay at home? I mean, I know Sigma 2's producer, Hayashi, just got married recently...
Kotaku: Well, we tend to think of breast bouncing mechanics as being a registered trademark of your games, Itagaki-san, so tell us, are you doing okay at home?
Itagaki: Don't worry, my wife is no pushover — trust me! (laughs)
Kotaku: How many team members do you have at Tokyo Vikings? Are there any ex-Tecmo staff?
Itagaki: What sort of stupid general would give his enemy information on his troop strength? You'd better go back and read up on Rommel, AKA "the Desert Fox."
Kotaku: Would you like to make another fighting game at some point?
Itagaki: I believe I created one possible example of a perfected fighting game 4 years ago. If someone else wants to make one, I say they go right ahead.
Kotaku: What genre of game would you like to make then?
Itagaki: If I were to tell you that it would ruin the surprise! Be patient just a little while longer.
Kotaku: Are you considering doing something for the Wii or DS?
Itagaki: I've made one for the DS, as you know. It wasn't a typical DS game, though, that's for sure. When you get right down to it, I'm not sure that I'm suited for portable games, you know?
Kotaku: Will you be at the Tokyo Game Show? I think your fans are waiting for you to announce your next project.
Itagaki: I'm really sorry to keep them waiting, but it's just not time to announce anything quite yet. My partners and I are working on quite a few bombshells at the moment.
Kotaku: So you'll drop those bombs somewhere? Where's your target?
Itagaki: You'll know once you see the explosions.

bueno pues esta es la ultima entevista que le han echo a Itagaki... como simpre en su linea...
que que grande el cabron, es el puto amo y no hay mas que decir...

por cierto aqui dejo la fuente.
y se que tengo un enlace por aqui donde se dan a conocer los miembros del Team Ninja que se fuenon con el cuando el tema de Tecmo, en cuanto lo encuentre lo subo...
No se por qué, pero me ha venido a la mente un "Ninja Metal Gaiden" xDDD lo he tomado más como que le llama la atención el armamento militar...
yo acabo de ver la peli "Ninja assassin" y me a entrado un mono de ninja gaiden que no veas XD, lastima que ya no este itagi detras del proximo ninja gaiden y que seguramente no haga un juego similar..........espero que sea verdad esto que he leido en meristation:

"Os agradezco desde el fondo de mi corazón vuestro apoyo y palabras de ánimo que habéis hecho llegar hasta ahora. Estoy impaciente por anunciaros a todos mi próximo proyecto, y ahora os prometo que os ofreceré un juego divertido con profundidad que supere a todos los juegos que he hecho, y merezca formar parte de los mejores. Por favor continuad apoyándome."
onyvla escribió:...

y se que tengo un enlace por aqui donde se dan a conocer los miembros del Team Ninja que se fuenon con el cuando el tema de Tecmo, en cuanto lo encuentre lo subo...

pues estos son:

Con casi 50 personas, Tokyo Vikings trabajará en una nueva IP que probablemente sea exclusiva de la consola de Microsoft, gracias a la amistad que mantienen ambas partes.

En una entrevista realizada por 1UP, se confirmó que el staff lo comandan Hiroaki Matsui, ex-Dir de Arte responsable de Dead Or Alive y Ninja Gaiden; Katsunori Ehara, responsable del Diseño de Juegos y mano derecha de Itakagi; Yoshifuru Okamoto, productor de Ninja Gaiden 2 así como el mismo Itagaki. El resto de empleados lo integran ex-Team Ninjas como Motoda (animador en jefe), Inamori (ing de sonido) y los diseñadores de niveles. Hay nuevas caras, como el responsable de diseño de personajes en Virtua Fighter 5 así como un modelador de ese equipo.

edito: 03 Mar 2010 14:25

From Team Ninja to "Valhalla Game Studios." That's the name for the new studio from former Team Ninja head Tomonobu Itagaki, as revealed in this week's Famitsu.

The new studio isn't actually Itagaki's own studio. He's the "CTO." The studio was formed by former fellow Tecmo employee Satoru Kanematsu. Itagaki oversees the game development division.

Famitsu scored a two page interview with Itagaki, but only managed to get a few hints about the new project that he recently alluded to in his statement announcing a settlement to his nasty legal battle with Tecmo.

Asked if it's okay to think that the new game will see formal announcement soon, Itagaki said "At this stage, I cannot say. However, I believe the game I'm making now will be a little bit like nothing anyone has ever seen."

Famitsu pressed him for more information. But rather than detail the game, he went into an explanation of how his games don't target any particular group of people. Said Itagaki, "If you ask who I've been developing for, it's for Earthlings."

Itagaki wouldn't even confirm the game's platform, saying that he's flexible. "There could new hardware released in the future. Also, not just consoles -- I am interested in PCs."

Despite Itagaki's reluctance to share specifics on the new game, Famitsu decided to ask how many copies he hopes to sell. "The highest selling of the games I've made is Dead or Alive 3," explained Itagaki. "It was 2 million. So, this time, I'd like to make a game that can be played by, at the very least, 4 million people. I mean, there are people who make games that sell 10 million units, so 4 million isn't that reckless a number."

Also in the interview, Itagaki issued some words that could cause rage in some fighting game circles. Asked if he plans on making a fighting game in the future, Itagaki said: "At my previous company, I made the best fighting game in the world, Dead or Alive. Fighting games have once again reached a dead end, although to be honest, if there was no Dead or Alive, fighting games would have ended a long time ago."

esta es la informacion desbelada hoy por la revista Famitsu.

aqui los scans:

Imagen Imagen

bueno simplemente comentar que este hilo sera convertido en hilo oficial de dicho juego... cundo sea presentado.
Engreído como él solo, pero un cachondo [+risas] Me da que pensar que ya tenga miras puestas en nuevos hardwares... quizá le interese la nueva portatil de Nintendo.
bueno pues la web oficial de esta gente se a actualizado... y parece ser que su juego sera multiplataforma...
Ojalá mantenga el gore, los desmembramientos y los combos épicamente épicos. ... [risita]

bueno pues parece ser que el juego en el que esta trabajando esta gense se presentara en la conferencia de microsoft en el E3...
Yo tuve la oportunidad de conocerle en persona (tengo una fotillo con él y todo) y un rato excéntrico si que es, digamos que es un pelín chuleras. Para que os hagáis una idea habla inglés pero prefiere llevar un traductor de japonés-inglés.
Realmente espero que hagan un buen juego pero por dios que no sea basado en la 2ª GM, ya es cansino lo sobreexplotada que está en los videojuegos.
Phellan_Wolf escribió:Yo tuve la oportunidad de conocerle en persona (tengo una fotillo con él y todo) y un rato excéntrico si que es, digamos que es un pelín chuleras. Para que os hagáis una idea habla inglés pero prefiere llevar un traductor de japonés-inglés.
Realmente espero que hagan un buen juego pero por dios que no sea basado en la 2ª GM, ya es cansino lo sobreexplotada que está en los videojuegos.

¡Es el japonés de la última temporada de "Perdidos"!
ultimas "declaraciones" de este crack:

..."of a scale on which I have never worked on before."


"During this period I've consumed at least 1,000 shochu sake bottles. I've also shot a million photos with my D-SLRs," he confirms. "I've put over 2,000 train cars on my railway model layouts."



que grande Itagaki...

aqui la entrevista al completo:
A few weeks ago, ex-Team Ninja head Tomonobu Itagaki formally unveiled his new development team via an official site: Valhalla Game Studios. Previously known as Tokyo Vikings, the team consists of many former Tecmo employees who worked together on games like Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden. Thus far, they haven't said much of anything about what they're developing.

To dig up a few hints, I emailed Itagaki to see what he's able to say at this point. That includes a few straightforward answers, a few new details about the company, and bit of his trademark playing-to-the-crowd.

1UP: Do you see Valhalla making one game at a time, or will you be a multiple team studio?

Tomonobu Itagaki: We're currently focusing our resources on making one game. Valhalla will compete in the field of mainstream, packaged games so it wouldn't be effective to thin our ranks by dividing our 50-man staff into different projects. I do plan on hiring even more skilled people, and although we've had job applications from many countries, we're still thinking about the composition of the team. However, we'll probably start a new game near the end of the current project. In the long term, it doesn't make sense for a company to only make one game, and so we're also looking at preparations for the next few years.

1UP: Should we read anything into your company's name/logo if we're looking for clues about the new game, along the lines of how Team Ninja made games starring a ninja?

TI: I would say you shouldn't read into the logo that way. The logo reflects our philosophy, but has little to no influence on our current game. It's more a pillar of thinking supporting our philosophies.

1UP: How will your approach with the new team differ from your approach with Team Ninja?

TI: All I can say is that Valhalla's current project is one of a scale on which I have never worked on before.

1UP: Have you considered making another touch screen game along the lines of Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword? Maybe for iPhone?

TI: I have a lot of pity for that game. Like I've said before, the idea came to mind as soon as the DS was announced, but the release was delayed due to many things. I heard all my daughter's classmates played it enthusiastically and everyone but my daughter cleared it.

1UP: How long has the new game been in development?

TI: I don't mind giving you a hint. During this period I've consumed at least 1,000 shochu sake bottles. I've also shot a million photos with my D-SLRs (Digital Single-Lens Reflex cameras). I've put over 2,000 train cars on my railway model layouts. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

1UP: When can we expect to hear something more concrete about the game?

TI: We'll be announcing that soon.

1UP: Your website seems to be getting regular updates. Will you guys be putting a lot of effort in there, setting up community features, etc?

TI: Rather than a general Valhalla community site, I think a Valhalla "Current Project" community site will become necessary in the future.

1UP: How important are current design trends to you in designing your games, i.e. downloadable content, online multiplayer, social networking, etc?

TI: There will probably be a new wave in two years. But whatever happens, gamers, creators, and those who distribute must come away happy.

1UP: Do you think the days of the traditional fighting game are over?

TI: It seems a bit unfair for me to talk about the subject because I'm not making fighting games now. You'd better ask [Tekken series director Katsuhiro] Harada-san. I don't like Tekken very much, but I respect him. There are many fighting game franchises, but for the same person to have directed the virgin product all the way to its current incarnation, Harada-san is the only person who comes to mind. His passion and talent, and more than anything, his strong will has led him thus far. As their former competitor, I would like to give him the largest amount of praise.

1UP: Some Japanese publishers don't believe female main characters can sell games. Having produced a series of games that involved many female main characters, do you think that's true, or do you think a game with a female main character -- example: substitute Ryu Hayabusa with a female lead -- can be successful?

TI: Half of mankind is female.

1UP: Which is more important to your daily well being? Cigarettes, coffee, drinking, or gambling?

TI: It's already clear. I can't make a game without all of them.

entrevista mensual a Tomonobu Itagaki en la Famitsu Xbox 360... la primera en mayo...

“This year, at the E3 show, we have decided to go public with the latest game we are working on right now at Valhalla Game Studios,” Itagaki said in the post.

asi que la semana que viene convertire este hilo en hilo oficial...
La gran mancha en el currículum de este hombre es, sin duda alguna, los DOA Xtreme, por lo demás, que prosiga en su línea por muchos años...
Selphie_Epojé escribió:La gran mancha en el currículum de este hombre es, sin duda alguna, los DOA Xtreme, por lo demás, que prosiga en su línea por muchos años...

Lo que llega a hacer el Sake en este hombre [+risas]
Drian-kun escribió:
Selphie_Epojé escribió:La gran mancha en el currículum de este hombre es, sin duda alguna, los DOA Xtreme, por lo demás, que prosiga en su línea por muchos años...

Lo que llega a hacer el Sake en este hombre [+risas]

Cualquier "salary man" en Japón sólo piensa en una cosa: "tetas"
Joder, pues yo necesito un juego de DOA de lo que sea, pero YA. [buuuaaaa]
mañana en el GTTV especial pre E3 se presentara el nuevo juego de Itagaki.
y tambien segun parece eurogamer y kotaku japon tendran algo mas de informacion.

aqui el anuncio en la web de Valhalla:


PD: que ganas...
estos japoooooossss....necesitan unas guarrillas de melones gordos pa fantasear mientras se hacen pajillassss,,,,,aaaay pajarracos¡¡¡la verdad que los doax son petardetes
sale en ps3?????menudo owned que me acabo de llevar XD

No pinta mal, pero las armas de fuego no me llega a gustar del todo

Graficamente no parece nada del otro mundo, espero que la jugabilidad este a la altura, esa mezcla de tiros y se yo no se yo
Lars_ur escribió:sale en ps3?????menudo owned que me acabo de llevar XD

No pinta mal, pero las armas de fuego no me llega a gustar del todo

Graficamente no parece nada del otro mundo, espero que la jugabilidad este a la altura, esa mezcla de tiros y se yo no se yo

Lo he dicho en el hilo del juego, esto huele a Venetica por los 4 costados, espero que lo mejoren muuuuucho, porque visto lo visto no probaré ni la demo, por mucho Itagaki que lo haga.
Elm1ster escribió:
Lars_ur escribió:sale en ps3?????menudo owned que me acabo de llevar XD

No pinta mal, pero las armas de fuego no me llega a gustar del todo

Graficamente no parece nada del otro mundo, espero que la jugabilidad este a la altura, esa mezcla de tiros y se yo no se yo

Lo he dicho en el hilo del juego, esto huele a Venetica por los 4 costados, espero que lo mejoren muuuuucho, porque visto lo visto no probaré ni la demo, por mucho Itagaki que lo haga.

solo es un video, el juego segun dijo onyvla esta al 10%, siendo de itakagi la jugabilidad creo que sera buena, vamos, yo no le veo el parecido con venetica, si acaso con wet y ni eso, viendo el video sin censura me a convencido aun mas, no entiendo a que viene tu comentario tan negativo, pero oye, cada uno es como es, donde yo veo que segun el video parece un juego bastante rapido y fluido lo mismo tu ves un juego horrible, peor vamos, que viendo el vido jamas diria que no probaria ni una demo
34 respuestas