No estará disponible hasta el primer semestre del 2007.
"In an unusual turn of events, Apple has pre-announced a wireless video streaming set-top box to be released in Q1 2007 with the tag line "you can take content to your computer or iPod, but now... TV." Going by the codeword of iTV, the box looks like a flattened Mac mini -- apparently it's around half the height -- and features a built-in power supply, USB 2.0, Ethernet, 802.11 "wireless component video", optical audio and HDMI ports, plus regular ol' RCA stereo audio ports. Controllable by the standard Apple remote, the iTV will come with an updated version of the Front Row interface that shares Front Row's smooth 3D graphics, but differs in that it has a menu on the right side of the screen. Apparently it'll work with both iTunes on both PCs and Macs, and will sell for $299."
De la mitad del tamaño de un Mac mini, la idea es que sea una caja que conectas a tu televisión, y te permite acceder al contenido multimedia almacenado en tu PC o en Internet. Con Ethernet, 802.11 "wireless component video" (?), salida de audio optica digital, salida de video HDMI de alta definición, USB y cables RCA tradicionales de audio/video. Funciona con el Apple Remote, e incluye lo que describen como un "Front Row de próxima generación", con menús en 3D, acceso instantaneo a videos (incluso en calidad Full HDTV). Funcionará con Mac y PC y costará US$299.