iXtreme 1,2,3 Tutorial por AR_156 (para MS25 y MS28)

iXtreme 1,2,3 Tutorial by AR_156:
iXtreme is for UNBANNED consoles, even if you played backups before.
Once banned your serial is in the M$'s network's database, can't be UNBANNED.

1.Use xTreme BootMaker to create your DOS Samsung Flashing files
2.Do "samread.bat" to extract the Fw, will get Orig.bin
3.Go to Windows and copy Orig.bin into iXtreme's folder then "Make iXtreme firmware.cmd" to get ix10.bin
3a.If you have a MS25 it will ask you for upgrade to MS28. Just type Y for Yes
4.Flash the new bin into the 360 typing "mtkflash w /m ix10.bin
5.Kick into Live again!
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