Extraigo del comunicado oficial de SONY.
"Other first party content available on the PLAYSTATION®Network such as game items and premium video content will be priced on an easy to understand sliding scale of charges starting as low as €0.99 and increasing depending on the scope of the product. This could range from a new SingStar track to a premium pack for MotorStorm, which would include a new track, additional vehicles, liveries and
multiplayer modes."
Vemos que los niveles/personajes o lo que sea (ítems) y los videos que cataloguen como "Premium" costarán a partir de los 99 céntimos, si bien todo esto va precedido por "Other first party" es decir, los de la propia $ony. Así que, EA, Konami, Sega, y demás third parites podrán hacer lo que les salga de los cojones con sus descargas.
Por supuesto, no estoy de acuerdo en que cobren, pero por otraparte, PS3 no tiene un Live Gold para sacarnos la pasta a los que ya nos dejamos los dineros en el ADSL...
Antes de tanta risita, lee
[edito] Hay más, señor qué divertida es la PSNetwork.
Otras citas del comunicado de Sony:
"In addition to the disc based games SCEE also announced that exclusive and innovative experiences developed especially for download from the PLAYSTATION®Network such as BlastFactor, flOw and Super Rub a Dub, together with iconic gaming brands such as Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection will be made available for an introductory period at prices which range from €2.99 to €9.99 depending on the specific title."
Esto es, que los juegos cutres (si bien no tanto como los del live arcade, que manda webos pagar a estas alturas pa jugar al pac-man...) costarán 3€ y los buenos (como el Tekken Dark Resurrection) 10€.
Y sigue:
"In announcing these prices, David Reeves, President and CEO of SCEE said, “Not only will it be completely free to register on the PLAYSTATION®Network with no subscription fees and access to
many free demos, but with these competitive prices for additional content we are able to offer the consumer both top quality games on Blu-ray discs and a whole range of downloadable content from the PLAYSTATION®Network. With over 30 first and third party disc and network games available at launch, we are confident that this will be one of the most successful launches of all time.”
Demos gratis. Además, el Gran Turismo HD será gratis, también.
En fin, que ni defiendo a uno, ni a otro, le doy, a cada uno lo suyo.