miki19 escribió:bueno un desarrollador llamado Scognito ha creado un juego llamado scogger el juego se trata de una rana que puede ir delante, izquierda y derecha y ir por las hojas para completar el nivel y hay 10 niveles al azar de 100, este juego el ya lo ha portado en distintas consolas como la nintendo ds
segun el me ha dicho necesita gente para que lo testee y asi a medida que lo prueben y les gusten el lo mejorara aun mas ahora os pongo en enlace de el juego homebrew + imagen
enlace de imagen :http://img5.imageshack.us/i/scoggerps3.jpg/
enlace del homebrew:
http://www.fileserve.com/file/XgE6AVHmas prueba de que he chateado con el y me lo ha pasado:<Scognito> hi�
<miki19> hi
<Scognito> please don't send to anyone ok?
<miki19> oki
<Scognito> you should only tell me if the image fits screen or it goes outside. the game fits 1080 but don't know if the code is ok for 720p tv
<Scognito> please tell me your mail, I've problem with dcc
<miki19> okis
<miki19> psp-hack@live.com
<miki19> msn
<Scognito> can you run self or only .pkg ?
<miki19> pkg
<Scognito> mmm ok
<Scognito> i've just sent the self
<Scognito> let me package it
*** Scognito attempted to DCC to you but CGI:IRC does not support it (SEND scogger-hd.pkg.zip 3232235522 39369 3230014)
<miki19> oki
<Scognito> are you from spain?
<miki19> hand it to me by msn the pkg
<miki19> yes
<miki19> spain
<Scognito> can't run msn for now
<Scognito> just mail
<Scognito> i'm from italy
<Scognito> check your mail
<miki19> for that send it via msn mail
<Scognito> ?
<miki19> yes
<miki19> already
<Scognito> I can only send mails
<miki19> I have it now I test it on the ps3
<Scognito> thank you very much
<miki19> ok

<Scognito> if it works I'll tell you how to play
<miki19> oki
<miki19> work on my tv
<Scognito> oh very nice!
<Scognito> thank you a lot, I can release then

<Scognito> it is a puzzle game btw
<Scognito> you can move the frog forward, left and right (no back)
<Scognito> you must jump all over the leaves to clean the level
<miki19> ahh heh
<Scognito> there are 10 random levels out of 100

<miki19> oki

<miki19> want to hang it on a web so that other people try?
<Scognito> yeah I'll release soon
<miki19> okis
<Scognito> I made this game (with ugly graphics before this) for other consoles:
http://scognito.drunkencoders.com<miki19> if you do not mind a picture of the game would need to be more faithful so to encourage people
<Scognito> didn't understand