Digital Extremes Toronto is working on a super secret Xbox game. I unfortunately don't have any information on this except for that
it is a futuristic FPS that is going to use the Unreal Engine . Hey if I can't get anything out of Virdog or the other guys you KNOW its top secret.

However if I remember right Meridith says they may release some information about the game at the upcoming E3 Expo. I am hoping to hear back with her about if DE is still planning on doing this. So stayed tuned and don't speculate too much yet!
También se habla de la posibilidad de Unreal Warfare para PC y XBOX, comentado por un insider de Epic.
Mark_Rein[Epic]: I have free-time to answer questions. I made this for questions to be answered, it is not official. Unreal WarFare does carry on from the Unreal tradition and was/is develped by us. We are looking for feedback. It is looking to be a big blast on the Xbox! PC too, but it will be a big hit on Xbox.
No es ningún anuncio oficail como se puesde ver.
El E3 se pone emocionante.