Todos los Zelda, Final Fantasy y Mario.
-Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo -Tooie
-F-Zero GX
-Metal Gear Solid (MGS TTS)/Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
-Gran Turismo 4
- Nights into Dreams
-Shenmue/Shenmue 2
-Devil May Cry
-Resident Evil Zero/Resident Evil 4
- Turok Dinosaur Hunter/Turok 2 Seeds of Evil
-Baldur's Gate /Baldur's Gate 2
-Paper Mario
-Metroid Prime/Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
-Super Smash Bros /Super Smash Bros Melee
-Mario Kart y todas sus entregas
-Perfect Dark
-Abe's Oddisey /Abe's Exoddus
-WipeOut/WipeOut 2097
-Ninja Gaiden
-Monkey Island
-Jade Empire
- Sin & Punishment: Succesor of the Earth
-Radiant Silvergun
-Castlevania Symphony of the Night /Circle of the Moon/Harmony of Dissonance/Aria of Sorrow/ Dawn of Sorrow
-Devil May Cry
Si sigo no acabo xDD